Read Sweet Revenge Page 19

  “Don’t.” Heat filtered down Matt’s gullet. “Don’t look for them right now. We’d make them aware we have her, and we don’t want him to realize we’re getting close.”

  “I understand.” Shane nodded. “I also finished a perfunctory search into Dr. Tasha Friedan’s background and found a file containing medical records where she’d been harmed.”


  “I think so. She had a different name… and I can go deeper.”

  “No need.” Matt eyed the quiet bedroom. Laney’s heartbeat hadn’t slowed enough for her to be sleeping. “I know enough there. Concentrate on finding Nate, and on finding out what happened to Jory.”

  “What about you?” Shane asked quietly. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. This is business—always has been.” He kept his face stoic as he tried to convince himself.

  “Okay.” Shane frowned. “If you say so. I’m also sending you the files I stole from the FBI. The case is legitimate… There’s a serial killer targeting women in sweet-sounding towns. A total freak.”

  “You’re kidding. I mean, you’re kidding.” Matt shoved an impatient hand through his thick hair. “I swear to God, if we get a break, it’s usually a compound fucking fracture.”

  Shane grinned. “Yeah, I know. Maybe that’s what happens when man instead of God creates you.”

  Matt rolled his eyes. “Shut up. God created us, too.” He’d tried to give his brothers that sense of comfort from the beginning, but sometimes, when nobody else was watching, he wondered. Did they have souls?

  Had the things they’d done stained their souls, if they had them? Without doubt, letting Jory die alone had destroyed Matt, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted a soul any longer. Emotions were weak, and he was now broken. A soul would only get in the way of finishing out what he needed to do.

  Shane nodded. “Okay. Call me if you need me. I’d be there in hours.”

  “Thanks.” He forced a smile and said the words that would help Shane deal with the upcoming fight, even though each syllable was now a knife to Matt’s gut. “Never alone, right?”

  “Never alone.” Shane repeated the mantra that had helped them to survive their childhood. “Night, Mattie.” He clicked off.

  “Night.” Matt closed the laptop and dialed Nate’s cell phone.

  He reached a recorded message. “Nate? It’s Matt. Fucking check in, or I’m coming to find you.” Disengaging the phone call, he eyed the bedroom. Why wasn’t she asleep?

  Movement sounded, and the air shimmered before she appeared in the doorway. She’d donned a white tank top and pink pajama bottoms, her hair was up in a ponytail, and she’d removed all her makeup.

  She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  His dick stretched awake while his heart thumped. “Why are you up at two in the morning?”

  She shoved an errant curl off her face and steeled her shoulders but kept huddling by the bedroom door. “I’ve been thinking.”

  He tilted his head to the other end of the couch and shoved down irritation. “Stop cringing over there like I’m going to hurt you. You know I’m not.”

  Her head snapped up, and a light pink rose began to cover her face. “I’m not afraid of you.” That dainty nose in the air, she flounced over to sit.

  No, but something was making her cautious. “Thinking about what?” He closed his laptop and pushed it onto the coffee table.

  “The truth,” she said softly.

  He stilled. “Which is?”

  “You’re going to need me when you find the right computer and code to deactivate the chips in your spines.”

  “No.” The response came naturally. The mission would be a suicide one, and he couldn’t guarantee her safety. Even though she’d lied to him, he’d allowed her in, and he’d allowed himself to care about her. There was no turning that off, and there was no being somebody other than whom he’d become so many years ago. He protected the people he cared about, and although it tore him in two, he couldn’t sacrifice her to save his brothers. They wouldn’t want him to, either. But he’d figure out a way to save them… maybe with her help so long as she remained safe.

  “You don’t have a choice.” She met his gaze head-on, which couldn’t be easy. “The medical computer system is calculated to accept voice command from very few people, and I’m one of those accepted.” She shrugged. “There’s also a fingerprint scanner and an iris reader involved.”

  “I know, but we’re trying to duplicate the system, so all we need is the code for the chips.”

  She shook her head. “They wrote an entire program for the chips. You trying to deactivate them, even with the code, would be like trying to open a Word document in PowerPoint. It wouldn’t work.”

  The woman was damn smart. “Yes, but we’re trying to duplicate the actual program.”

  “Duplication is impossible. You’ll need the exact program. In fact, there’s a chance I’m not cleared for use with the chips, since I never implanted any. But I’m the best you’ve got.”

  The reminder that she’d held a position of trust at the facility contrasted with her honest eyes and fragile body in a way that confused the shit out of him. He wanted to hate her, and yet every instinct he had was pushing him to draw her near and offer shelter. Protection from the world. “The best I’ve got?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Maybe I can find some redemption. I definitely worked for the people who hurt you, and I knew the risks of what we were doing. At that time, the good outweighed the risks. Now I’m not sure. But I did refuse to implant chips.”

  For the first time, he could hear the analytical education in her tone. Her statement came out as more of a challenge, and the primal being at his core reared up to accept it as such. So he tamped down on all emotion. “What’s your point?”

  “My point?” Haughty was the only way to describe the tilt of her chin. “You want my help? Then I want yours first.”

  Is she fucking kidding? “I already told you I’d protect you from whoever has been sending you notes. If we figure out how to deactivate the chips, I’ll go after the guy immediately.”

  “I know, but that’s not what I want.”

  He kept still to refrain from grabbing her. “Do tell.”

  She shifted her weight, her gaze finally dropping. “You’re probably the best-trained soldier I’ve ever met.”

  “True.” Did she want him to take somebody else out? The thought settled hard in his gut that she’d send him into a fight. Who was this woman?

  “I want to survive this, Matt.” She leaned toward him and clutched his knee. “So I’ll help you deal with the security when we find the right computer, if you’ll train me to survive.”

  His temper smoldered. “You’ll help me deal with the security regardless, baby.”

  “Will I?” That quickly, she went arctic cold, her expression hard as slate. But those eyes. Dark, green, and teeming with emotion. Oh, she wanted to be tough. She wanted to bluff to get her way.

  He appreciated her effort, and even more, the fact that she couldn’t quite pull off mean and frosty warmed him in places he needed to protect. Her very failure in trying to be uncaring unfurled something wound tight inside him.

  Intrigue and desire began to warm his blood, slowly this time. Taking the moment and gaining depth. “Blackmailing me won’t get you what you want, Laney. I could gain your cooperation easily, and you know it.” She wants to play, does she? Fine. He let his gaze wander down her thin shirt, appeased when her nipples hardened. “You have better ways to gain my help.”

  She sniffed, fire flashing in her eyes. “I think I’ll stick to blackmail, thanks.”

  The woman had thrown him, and he didn’t like it. Not one bit. So he studied her, trying to get inside her head. She stared back, her face pale, darkening circles under her eyes.

  “What’s your game, little one?” he asked, finally giving in to curiosity and giving up pretext.

  “No game. You’re train
ed, I’m not, and I want to learn some self-defense for next time I run.” She rubbed her eyes. “I have something you want, and you have something I want… so we make a deal.”

  Relief finished calming him when he realized she just wanted help. Even so, fairness dictated he provide warning to the sexy little bartender. “I’m an asshole when I train somebody.”

  She appraised him, biting her lip from the obvious opening he’d just given her.

  Yeah, he could be an asshole anytime. He admired her restraint in not stating the obvious. But she should learn some self-defense. Realization finally dawned on him. If the idea of making a deal helped her to feel more in control with the crazy situation they’d found themselves in, how could he refuse? He chose not to question why he wanted her to feel better. “All right.”

  Her shoulders relaxed. “Good. Let’s get started.”

  He shook his head and fought a grin at her eagerness. His hands clenched with the thought of tossing her down in a move and covering her, but the circles under her eyes worried him. “You need sleep. We’ll begin tomorrow.”

  “I’m not tired.” Her lids were half-dropped, and her words had begun to slur.

  “Go to bed, Laney.”

  “No,” she said, looking so small and vulnerable his gut hurt.

  He frowned. “Are you afraid of another nightmare?”

  “No.” Her pupils dilated as she lied.

  He could handle her stubborn or righteous, but fragile and feminine? He didn’t stand a chance. So he stood and lifted her.

  She gasped. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m tired, and the couch isn’t big enough for me. We’re sharing the bed.” He strode through the apartment and into the darkened bedroom. The scent of vanilla and woman hit him right between the eyes, and the feel of her in his arms quieted the rioting thoughts in his head. Finally.

  “No,” she said, her cheek resting against his chest, her palm sliding over his shoulder.

  He settled her under the bedcovers, scooching her over until he could get in behind her. “I won’t touch you, but we’re going to get some good sleep. There’s too much danger around us right now to be at half strength.”

  She slid her cold feet along his calf.

  “Jesus. Your feet are freezing,” he grumbled, smashing the pillow behind his neck into a better configuration.

  She chuckled. Her entire body moved when she sighed. Then she turned around, snuggled close, her hand on his abs, her knee pressing his thigh. “I was scared to go to sleep. Thank you.”

  Unguarded and sweet, she ripped out his heart. God, he needed to touch her. But they really did require sleep. He contented himself with placing his hand over hers.

  Seconds later, she was breathing deep against his skin. His woman sure could fall asleep quickly.

  The thought jerked his eyes open. His woman? No. What the hell was wrong with him? She muttered something in her sleep and flipped around, wiggling her butt against him.

  He swallowed and tried to control his raging hormones. Turning, he wrapped around her, his arm at her waist, his nose buried in her hair.

  She sighed and relaxed right into him.

  A fierce wave of protectiveness surged through him. He tucked her even closer and decided to worry about it later. For now, his eyes closed, and he found peace.

  Chapter 19

  Laney awoke to the smell of fresh coffee. She stretched. No bad dreams. She’d finally gotten some good sleep. Turning over, she buried her face in Matt’s pillow. His scent surrounded her, and a warming hummed in her belly. The man had slept with her last night, knowing she was afraid of the nightmares. He was one of the good guys, whether he knew it or not.

  She slipped from the bed and sought socks from the dresser before heading into the attached bath to brush her teeth. She tamed her hair into a ponytail and headed out for coffee, stopping short at the sight of her living room.

  All of the furniture had been pushed to the far walls, leaving a large clearing. Oh.

  Matt loped out of the kitchen in sweats and nothing else. Smooth skin on his chest covered unrelenting muscle, his body moving with tightly controlled power. Sharp angles defined the tendons and muscles in his arms, and hard ridges made up his abs. His feet were bare and lent an intimacy to the moment.

  Oh. Her mouth may have dropped open. Sure, she’d touched him. But she hadn’t had a moment to study him… and the guy should be admired. Her fingers tingled with the need to trace each line of those ripped muscles. To feel him over her, thrusting inside her again. Taking her over, stealing her control, making her forget the danger and the past.

  The various old wounds and scars enhanced his wildness. What she wouldn’t give to jump into that storm again.

  He held out a coffee cup, one eyebrow raised. “You okay?”

  She wrapped her hands around the mug and nodded, not trusting her voice. Not at all.

  “Good. Nice socks.” Amusement lightened his eyes to an intriguing hue.

  She glanced down at the purple and blue stripes through her thick socks and swallowed a drink of the potent brew. “They’re warm.”

  “Good.” He glanced around the room. “I figured we’d start training this morning before opening the bar.”

  “Why?” she asked, taking another sip.

  “I’ve been thinking. If you’re right, and I need to take you into the facility to use the computer, you need some training. Just in case.” The determination in his hard jawline didn’t bode well for her.

  She scratched her elbow. “So this is about the mission. You training me.”

  “Yes, and I need to know you won’t freeze if there’s bloodshed, because there will be blood.”

  She coughed. “I won’t freeze.”

  “Right. Tell me about the nightmares.” He took her mug and placed both cups on top of the entertainment center.

  “No.” The idea of all of that blood made her want to vomit, and the last thing she wanted was to puke in front of him.

  He stretched his torso one way and then the other. “You’re going to have to talk about whatever happened. I’m assuming it happened in the facility before you escaped.”

  She jerked her gaze away from the ripple of muscle. “Yes, and considering this is strictly business, I’m not opening up to you.”

  “Yes, you are.” He drew in a breath. “The only way to deal with it is to talk about it, and we don’t have a lot of time. Get your head wrapped around that truth, because next time I ask you, you’re going into share mode.”

  The man had been right. He was an asshole when it came to training. Her chest already hurt. The previous night, when he’d slept in her bed, she’d thought maybe they had a chance… that he’d let go of his anger over her past. But that would mean his taking a chance, risking more than his body, and he wouldn’t do that, now would he? To cover up her hurt, she donned anger. “Don’t be so bossy. I just want to know how to punch somebody.”

  “Bossy?” He lifted an eyebrow. “Baby, we’re past bossy. I’m training you, and that means you’ll obey every damn order I give.”

  “Then I change my mind. No training.” She pivoted to head back into the bedroom.

  And didn’t make it.

  He caught her by the elbow and swung her around to face him. She gasped. His grip didn’t hurt, but the restrained fury in the hold stole her breath. “Your choice in this matter ended the second you confirmed I’d need you on this mission. You will train.”

  Instinct ruled her, and she nodded.

  Appeased, he released her. “What training with firearms have you had?”

  “Um, none.” Her feet arched with the need to retreat.

  He shook his head like a dog with a faceful of water. “Yet you own a gun? Where did you buy the gun?”

  She bit her lip. “Um, at a garage sale,” she whispered.

  He blinked as if she was speaking a foreign language. “Have you even fired the weapon?”

  “No.” She figured she wouldn’t fire
it unless she wanted to shoot somebody, and so far, she hadn’t wanted to shoot anybody. Until now. “I thought I’d shoot it when I needed to.”

  He studied her like she’d grown three heads. “You’re kidding.”

  “No.” Now she felt like a total dumb-ass, though it was interesting to see the unflappable Matt nearly speechless. His training with guns had probably began in the crib.

  He blew out air and reclaimed her coffee cup to place on the table. “You’re supposed to be the smart one,” he muttered.

  Wait a minute. “I haven’t had time to shoot.” Although she should have.

  “Okay.” He loomed over her, looking more befuddled than dangerous. “Lesson one with guns… know that the one in your hand actually works.”

  She sighed heavily. “I know that.” Great. Now he was going to treat her like some helpless female from the fifties.

  He rubbed his chin. “You know where the bullets go, right?”

  She snorted and laughed, quickly sobering. He wasn’t messing with her. “Yes.”

  Relief crossed his hard face, and he nodded. “Good.”

  She shook her head, wondering how to redeem herself. “If you’re finished with questioning me, maybe we should get to the hand-to-hand training.” What she wouldn’t give to knock him on his butt just once.

  His gaze narrowed at her tough tone. “All right, Dr. Roberts. Or do you prefer Dr. Peters?”

  “Actually, I like it when you call me baby,” she said with a smile that even felt flirty.

  “Okay, baby. Stop me.” He lunged at her, a powerful man with grace.

  She yelped and tried to jump away, tripping over her feet and plunging to the floor. He caught her, one hand behind her head, the other wrapping around her waist. He turned, and she landed on top of his chest, her breath rushing out. The carpet probably would’ve provided a softer landing place than his hard body. She sucked in air, trying to fill her lungs.

  He lifted his head, more surprise lightening his eyes. “Your self-defense move is to yelp and fall.”