Read Sweet Rome Page 24

  Molly giggled as I moved back to share her pillow. Her eyes closed for a moment and she ran her fingertips up and down my bare bicep.

  “What you thinking, baby?”

  Snapping her attention to me, she sighed happily. “I just can’t wait to see our tiny bundle in your arms.”

  My heart felt like it jumped to my throat in excitement and, without saying a single word in response, I crushed my girl into my chest.

  I couldn’t wait for that either.


  “One more, Rome, one more!”

  My arms shook with the strain as I bench-pressed the three-hundred-pound weight, sweat dripping into my eyes, and with one final push, I let out a grunt as I locked my elbows straight and Austin took the barbell from my hands, placing it back on the rack.

  “Rome!” he shouted in reaction to my new PB, shaking my shoulders.

  I stood up. Austin threw me my towel and said, “You pumped or what? I thought you were gonna give yourself a friggin’ coronary!”

  Reaching down for my water, I glanced over to Chris Porter, who’d been staring at me on and off all session with a shit-eating grin on his damn ugly face.

  Jimmy-Don walked over from Porter’s little posse, shaking his head, prompting me to ask, “What the fuck’s up with him?”

  “He’s with Shelly Blair and won’t shut the hell up over it.”

  That stilled me. “He’s with Shel?”

  “Apparently,” Jimmy-Don said in disbelief.

  “Then why the fuck is he glaring at me all the time? I was starting to think he was into me.”

  “Just let it go, Rome,” Austin said, slapping my back. “He’s a douche, no more explanation needed.”

  “Let what go?” I asked, suspicion creeping into my veins.

  I watched Austin glance at Jimmy-Don and shake his head—way to be inconspicuous.

  Turning to them both, I snapped, “You tell me or I’ll go over there myself and find out.”

  Jimmy-Don paled and went to say something, when Coach entered the room. “Prince, office, now,” he shouted.

  Frowning, I turned around, watching him head into the back rooms out of sight.

  “What the fuck you done now?” Austin asked, concerned.

  “Fuck knows.” I began walking away, but not before catching Porter laughing again with his friends. Turning back to Austin and Jimmy-Don, I said, “You’re going to tell me what the hell is going on when I get back.”

  As I approached Coach’s door, I felt a wave of unease. I had no idea why the hell he needed to speak to me so urgently, but whatever it was, it didn’t feel good.

  “Come in, Rome!” he yelled when I rapped on the closed door, and I entered the office and he gestured for me to sit down.

  He looked stressed, out of sorts, and my stomach fell. “What is it?”

  Running his hand over his forehead, he said, “We’ve been given the details on the venue for the SEC Championship homecoming dinner.”

  “Okay…” I couldn’t figure out why the hell it would matter to me.

  “Rome, your momma and daddy are hosting it. Prince Oil is funding the whole party and the dinner is at your folks’ place… the Prince Plantation.”

  I just stared. I have no idea for how long, but it was long enough to encourage Coach to ask, “Son, you okay?”

  “She’s pregnant,” I whispered.

  Coach leaned forward, asking, “What?”

  “Mol, my girl… she’s pregnant.”

  My eyes fixed on Coach as he sat back and blew out a long breath. “Hell, son! You sure know how to do things the hard way. Ain’t you a bit young to be a daddy?”

  “It wasn’t planned.” I ran my hands through my hair. “But we’re keeping it. It’s our child. We’re going to make it work.”

  Coach seemed to accept that. “I take it your folks don’t know?”

  “I haven’t spoken to them in months. The last time I saw them, they attacked me and Mol. It was a fuckin’ nightmare.” Panic swelled in my stomach, that sinking, empty feeling that almost makes you puke. My hands began to shake and I blurted, “We need to change it, Coach, the venue. We need to have it somewhere else where they can’t run the show.”

  “I tried, Rome, I really did, but the director of sport already approved it. The damn governor’s going to be there for goodness sake. Apparently your momma and daddy were real insistent, and hell, but folks don’t argue with them ’round here. You know this.”

  Unable to sit still any longer, I jumped to my feet and began to pace. “It’s a setup! You and I both know they’ve never given a shit about football. They’ve never even seen me play for the Tide once. Hell, they even tried to bribe you into revoking my scholarship four years ago!”

  “I know, but I don’t know what else to do.”

  “Fine.” I met Coach’s worried face and announced, “I just won’t go.”

  “Rome!” Coach said tiredly and moved to stand before me. “You have to be there. We have the sponsors coming, the TV stations, journalists—they expect you to be there. I expect you to be there! You’re the QB for the Tide. You are football in Bama!”

  “I won’t go and risk my girl getting hurt!”

  “Then maybe leave her at home, son. Think of a plan B. Turn up, wear a smile, do your duty, and leave.”

  Do your duty. Where had I heard that before?

  “Change it,” I said through clenched teeth. “Change it… I’m begging you.”

  Coach reached out to lay a hand on my shoulder, but I jumped at the action and his face fell as he held up his palms. “Rome, I’m so sorry. I don’t know the history with you and your parents, but I know it’s bad. I hate to ask this of you, but you need to be there, and the venue choice is way out of my hands.”

  Coach checked his watch and cussed. “The coaching staff have a meeting now with the director about the travel plans to Georgia, and I can’t get out of it. I’ve got to go.” Stepping forward, he said, “Finish up your weights. Hell, go pass some balls, get out your anger, then go home and try to relax. Speak to Miss Shakespeare. And if needs be, we’ll work out a way to protect you both.” Laying a hand on my shoulder, he assured, “You’re our priority, son. We’re a team. We look out for each other.”

  I couldn’t speak so I stood there silently as he left the room without another word.

  I tried to keep calm, but I was too far gone, too enraged.

  When I reentered the gym, Austin and Jimmy-Don signaled for me to go over to them, but I was rooted to the spot, lost, not knowing what to do. I couldn’t let my folks get to me this way, but I needed football to leave their clutches once and for all. I was in total catch twenty-two. I needed a plan, but Christ, I couldn’t think straight.

  “Rome!” Austin shouted and, frowning at my weird mood, waved me over.

  Breathing deep, I headed in his direction, when I heard Porter say, “Yeah, apparently she’s a real slut. Shelly said she lets him do anything to her, and I mean anything. I see the attraction now. I could get past all that ugly if she’d let me fuck her up the ass too.”

  I could feel the wave of the blood rushing to my face and my teeth were clenched together so hard I was sure I felt them crack. I saw Austin glaring at Porter in disgust and tried my damnedest to gain my composure, but when the fucker added, “I mean, just hearing that English accent scream my name would almost have me shooting my load… and from what I hear, she swallows that down like a good little whore!”

  I completely lost it.

  Using the years and years of sprint training to my advantage, I flew at Porter, tackled his ass to the floor, and instantly began to wale on him. He didn’t even get a chance to react properly, only getting in a few shit jabs before a right hook to his jaw knocked him the fuck out. His body went limp below me, but I couldn’t stop. I needed to get out all the anger. It was tearing me the hell up—and the fucker deserved to pay for the shit he was spitting about Mol.

  Two arms grabbed me from behind, yanking me of
f Porter, and scrambling to my feet, I saw Austin and Jimmy-Don were before me. On instinct, I swung out my fist, Austin ducking, showing he too wasn’t unused to violence.

  “Get him the hell out of here and cleaned up… All y’all move… Now!” Jimmy-Don screamed over my shoulder, and swerving, I watched what was left of the team, dragging a now semi-conscious Porter from the gym.

  “What the fuck’s up with you?” Austin barked out, clearly trying to keep hold of his own temper.

  “Y’all need to leave me the hell alone,” I said roughly.

  “Rome, buddy—”

  “I said leave!” I snapped at Jimmy-Don, who, disappointed, pulled on Austin’s shirt to get him out of the gym, leaving me to deal with all this crap by myself.

  I was so out of my depth with all this shit. I was twenty-one and was through with all the pressure. Through with having to fight every damn day to just to have a normal life, for me and my girl to just be together, away from anyone’s business, and have our child in friggin’ peace.

  Temporarily losing my damn mind, I began tearing apart the gym as every fucked-up scenario of what my folks could be up to played through my mind. Throwing mats, overturning equipment, I panted harder and harder until I was completely breathless. My shirt was soaked with sweat and blood, so I ripped it off, throwing it across the room, and slumped down to the bench, fighting back the tears.

  I’d never felt so damn helpless in my life.

  After several minutes of just staring at the ceiling, I heard the gym door creak open, and I stilled. When I dropped my head, I saw Molly stepping through, mouth gaping open at the state of the gym and then turning her attention on me, her face paling and her eyes huge.

  She walked forward and I hissed, “Guess who’s hosting the fucking SEC Division Championship dinner two days after we get back from the game in Georgia?”

  “Oh no, baby—” she whispered and her hands immediately went to protect her stomach. I don’t think she even realized what she’d done, but that action alone had me dying inside—she feared what my folks were going to do to our child.

  “It’s a fuckin’ joke! They’ve never given a shit about football my whole life and now they suddenly volunteer to host the biggest dinner of the year… at the plantation? It’s a fuckin’ trap to get us there, Mol!”

  She tried to comfort me, to get closer, but I couldn’t let her. I was so damn livid. Couldn’t have her trying to soothe me.

  “Romeo, you need to calm down! Half the college is out front. You’ve beat a teammate to a pulp—”

  At the mention of that fucker, my skin pricked. “He fuckin’ deserved it. He started spouting shit about you… to me! He had a fuckin’ death wish the minute he opened his stupid mouth!”

  “I don’t care what the hell he said about me. Look at the state of you! You’re acting insane!”

  Was she kidding? Didn’t she realize why things were so bad, why I was so riled up? “My parents have staged this whole thing. Remember last time, the way they attacked us? This is just a more elaborate trap. They knew I’d never go back voluntarily. Coach has agreed to it. They’ve already invited the governor, mayor, and a million other boosters who’ve all eagerly accepted. They made sure the college couldn’t refuse! Fuck!”

  Molly moved to the bench out of the way of my warpath, and facing her, I stated, “We’re not going. There’s no fuckin’ way you’re going to them in your condition.”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off my girl as a hand rubbed across her tired head. She went on and tried to convince me to go, even going so far as to offer to stay at home. But there wasn’t a chance. Didn’t she know how much I needed her?

  Moving before her, I said, “No! No fuckin’ way! Why shouldn’t you be there with me? The college needs to change the venue. Fuck my parents. I know them, Mol. Something is going on, I just know it, and I won’t have them destroying my family—I’m over their mind games.”

  Loving sympathy flooded her features and I breathed deep, using Mol’s presence to calm me—she always calmed me—and I could tell I was upsetting her being so charged up. I walked slowly to where she sat and, dropping to my knees, laid my head on her lap, pressing kisses to her stomach. “If they find out about our little angel in there, fuck knows what they’ll do. I can’t lose you both.”

  Soft hands ran through my hair and I used the touch to lose the rest of my rage.

  “Romeo, I understand why you’re like this, but it’s one party, with hundreds of people around. They won’t do anything so publicly. They wouldn’t want the embarrassment. I’ll stay by your side the whole night. They won’t have a chance to get to me. You’ll protect me. I know you will.”

  I would, with my life if needs be.

  Molly set to cleaning me up, caring for me like she always did. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if they hurt you or our little angel, baby,” I said.

  She took my face in her hands and insisted, “Nothing will happen.”

  I felt like I was six again, trapped under my parents’ hold. For the last few months I’d been happy, and in one fell swoop, they managed to drop me back to being the abused kid they’d ripped on for years.

  I could feel the tears, but I couldn’t stop. “Why do they always have to interfere? We’re doing so good. You’re healthy, our baby’s going strong, and the Tide’s the clear winner of the SEC Western Division and heading to the National Championship. Then they come in with their plotting and scheming, ruining my life again. I’m telling you, it’s all rigged. They’re planning something. Something big.”

  I knew it, could just feel it within me.

  “They’re powerful people, Romeo. The party won’t be moved. We need to go and put on a united front. You need to be a leader for your team.”

  I held her tightly. Then, inching back, she said softly, “You really lost it.”

  I knew I’d fucked up again, so I told her about the conversation I had with Coach, what he’d tried to do for me.

  As she continued to clean me up, she shook her head and said curtly, “I don’t like it when you lose control. You need to be better than this, Romeo. I don’t want to have to worry about your temper, especially when the little one arrives.”

  I fucking loved this girl. Here we were, in a wrecked gym, my body covered in blood, and she was still trying to make me a better man, still admonishing me for my bad behavior.

  I couldn’t help but smile wryly.

  “What?” she asked, confusion contorting her beautiful face.

  “I love you,” I announced, placing a kiss on her throat, and I could see the need for me building in her eyes. Pregnancy had us fucking like rabbits… something I wasn’t complaining about.

  Pushing on my chest, Molly chastised, “That won’t get you out of my bad books! Look at the state of this place, of you!” But when her nostrils flared and her hand ran down my sweaty stomach, I knew she was two seconds away from letting me sink into her warmth.

  My cock throbbed in my shorts, and pressing right up against my girl, I said, “I want to fuck you right now, so bad.”

  “Not here. And not until you promise me that you’ll never act like this again.”

  Was she fucking kidding me? I could see she was on the edge too and the damn door was shut; we were good. “I’m all riled up and need a release, the kind that only you can give me.”

  Pushing on my chest again, she said, with conviction this time, “I mean it. Don’t ignore me. My child won’t grow up with a daddy who can’t control himself when things go wrong.”

  That sentence was like a hammer to my heart. I would never hurt our angel.

  “You get that, don’t you?” she asked, using my own words against me.

  “I get it. It stops now. I won’t be anything like my daddy with our angel. I promise you that.”

  Needing to get away from this place, and really needing to fuck her, I said, “We’re going to the cabin. I’m going to strip you down and you’re going to do everything I say, until nei
ther of us can stand. You get me?”

  “Ugh! Fine! I get you!”

  Tilting my head, I assured, “I’m going to make sure you’re protected at the party, baby.”

  “I know you will.”

  Moving to the bench, I pulled her onto my lap, feeling a million times better. “It’s déjà vu,” she said, “you, cut up and bleeding and me, cleaning you up. But let’s not make this our ‘thing,’ okay?”

  “Last time, I promise. I’m going to change. No more cleaning up my messes. Scout’s honour.” I held up my hands, joining the appropriate fingers together.

  “You were never a scout, Romeo,” Molly chuckled.

  “I joined…” I informed.

  Fixing her eyes on mine, she asked, “Really, you did?”

  “Mm-hmm… but I was kicked out for fighting.” Sad but true… The fucker probably deserved it back then too.

  “Why am I not surprised?” she said, curling farther into my chest, her breath warm on my skin.

  Our friends let themselves in a short while later, where I explained about my folks and the party, much to their dismay, and then I told Austin and Jimmy-Don about the baby. They were, unsurprisingly, shocked, but meeting eyes with Austin, I knew he was going to help me protect Molly and our angel.


  The Prince Plantation

  SEC Championship Homecoming Dinner

  “My husband and I couldn’t be more proud of our son, Rome. He was always so talented growing up, and y’all love and respect him too—that only increases our admiration.”

  A soothing vanilla scent drifted on the breeze as Molly leaned in, rubbing my arm, and took my tightly gripped fist off the edge of the table, placing it on her slightly rounded stomach. Squeezing my eyes, I calmed some but tensed once more when my momma continued talking from the top table, addressing the heavy crowd.

  “My husband and I couldn’t make it to the game in Georgia, unfortunately, as we had prior engagements with our company here in Alabama, but we watched the SEC Division Championship on TV, seeing y’all win over the Gators and lift that trophy for everyone here back home.”