Read Sweet Seduction Page 9

Page 9


  Gray sighed. "Hes got a point. Its only when men try to do romantic bullshit that they get into trouble. I should have just taken Faith to buy the damn house and let her do all the decorating instead of busting my ass for the last several weeks to get it ready. Now Ive got a woman who apparently thinks I dont want her. "

  "Well, you know where she is," Micah said with a grin. "Im sure we can handle your projects for the day. I never do like to see an unhappy woman. Id just as soon see Faith back to her old self by tomorrow. "

  Nathan felt yet another damn blush work its way up his cheeks when every single one of them turned and stared expectantly at him.


  "Seems to me youve got a woman who needs to hear precisely where she stands too," Pop said. "Go on. Take the day. Get out of my hair. But Id prefer it if you boys got your heads on straight tomorrow so we can get some work done around here. "

  "Im just glad Im still single," Connor said. "Too much drama for my tastes. "

  "Youll get yours," Pop said as he dug around on Faiths desk for the paperwork shed left. "The smug ones always fall that much harder. "

  Chapter 9

  “I’ve sorta called off my wedding. "

  "Say wha?" Julie sputtered, her hands stilling on Faiths back.

  Of all the things she thought Faith might say, that wasnt one of them. Something was definitely up with her. When shed called to schedule a massage at the last minute this morning, Julie had canceled two hair appointments and another massage, knowing the real reason Faith was coming in was to talk.

  But canceling her wedding? The mind boggled.

  Faith remained quiet for a long time, and then Julie realized she was crying. Oh hell.

  "Dont cry, honey," Julie said as she handed her a tissue. "I hate it when someone cries. Its horribly catching, you know? Ill be blubbering like an idiot right along with you and I wont even know why. "

  Faith picked up her head and laughed softly but her face looked positively mournful.

  "Want me to continue with the massage or do you just want a shoulder to cry on?"

  Faith sat up and wrapped a robe around her. "Im being an idiot. I know I am. I should be talking to him, but Im just so afraid of what he might say. "

  Julie leaned against the opposite table and stared over at Faith, who looked for the world like shed lost her best friend. Hell, maybe she had. "Youve lost me here. First, why dont you tell me why you called off the wedding and then we can get to why you arent talking to him. "

  Faith sniffed, a delicate, feminine sound that annoyed Julie. When Julie cried, she let out big honking noises that sounded like a sick goose. Faith got to be all pretty and dainty. But then Faith was miserable, and Julie had just had the best night of sex in her life, so she supposed looking dainty and feminine wasnt all it was cracked up to be.

  "I think he might be cheating, or thats what Im afraid of. " Her shoulders slumped and she looked like a deflated balloon. "That came out wrong. I dont think hes cheating, but I think hes no longer interested in me. "

  "Okay, but you said you think he might be cheating," Julie said gently.

  "Its a fear, but honestly, I dont see him as the type. Hes just too blunt. I dont think hed stay with me if he was seeing another woman. "

  "But you think hed stay if he wasnt interested in you?"

  Faith flushed. "Yeah, it sounds pretty stupid, I know. "

  "Why on earth would you think any of it? Faith, have you ever seen the way he looks at you? Im not defending him, okay? I just wonder why youve arrived at these conclusions. Is it your own insecurities, or has he given you a solid reason for believing them?"

  "Why do you have to be so damn levelheaded?" Faith grumbled.

  Julie reached out and impulsively hugged her. "Im sorry. Youre right, you know. My job is to say what a bastard he is and to offer you my unconditional support. Were supposed to go get loaded on ice cream followed by copious amounts of alcohol. "

  Faith offered a tremulous smile. "No, your job is to keep me real and make sure I dont screw up the best thing in my life with my ridiculous anxieties. "

  Julie squeezed her hand. "Now for the obnoxious questions. What makes you think hes lost interest in you, and why arent you talking to him about this? How did he take you calling off the wedding?"

  "Im a total coward. Im afraid I used up my allotment of courage when I decided to own my sexuality and go after what I wanted," she said with a sigh. "I didnt exactly tell him I was calling things off. He found out this morning and stomped into my office. In front of all the others. "

  Julie cringed in sympathy. "Ouch. "

  Faiths brow wrinkled in confusion. "He seemed so . . . hurt. "

  "Why dont you lie back down and let me give you your massage. You can tell me all about it and youll feel the magic of my fingers. "

  She held up her hands and waggled her fingers enticingly. Faith looked down at the table.

  "Id rather not. My boobs arent taking it well. Maybe Im just PMSing or something. "

  Julie frowned. "What do you mean, are they sore or what?"

  "Im just off," Faith said tiredly. "Im not myself, and I shouldnt be making major life decisions when Im missing a few brain cells, you know?"

  Julie slid onto the table beside Faith and let her legs dangle as she glanced sideways at her friend. She took Faiths hand in hers and squeezed. "This is more than getting your period, Faith. Ive seen you PMSing, and please. Its like Miss Sunshine stubs a toe or something. Youre disgustingly cheerful even then. So tell me whats going on. "

  "Im just tired and yucky feeling. My boobs hurt, and I cant stand my office in the mornings. The smell of coffee makes me want to puke. "

  "Oh shit. "

  Faith turned sharply. "What?"

  "Uhm, Faith, honey, you know I love you but even you cant be this dense. "

  "Stop insulting me and tell me what the hell youre talking about. "

  "When was your last period?"

  Faiths brows scrunched up in concentration. "Well, crap, I dont know. "

  "I think you ought to be at the drugstore buying an EPT instead of canceling your marriage plans. "

  "But Im on birth control. I mean, Ive been on it for a long time. "

  The panic in her voice made Julie wrap an arm around her and squeeze. "Is it the end of the world if you are?"

  Tears welled in Faiths eyes. "It is if Grays already tired of me. "

  "Is the only reason you think this because hes been late getting home from work?"

  Faith shook her head. "Its been every night. And Julie, the other guys live in the same apartment complex. Theyre all getting home on time, and I talk to Pop several times a week. Hes not working late. And when Gray gets home . . . hes just so tired. He hasnt been interested . . . "

  "In sex?" Julie prompted.

  "Yeah," Faith said in a quiet voice. "Me, sex. He comes home, he eats, he takes a shower, we go to bed. All of this before were even married. I hate to think how it will be once weve tied the knot and become an old married couple. "

  "Hmm, yeah, I understand your point. I dont blame you for being worried, but youve got a lot to consider here. One, you might be pregnant and its been my experience—not personal, mind you—that pregnancy hormones turn normal women into raving bitches. Two, these hormones might be making you a tad oversensitive. Three, there might be a perfectly reasonable explanation for Grays behavior. You wont know until you talk to him. Preferably after youve taken that EPT test. "

  Faith gave her a watery smile then threw her arms around her, hugging her tight. "Youre right, you know. You always are, Julie. I swear I dont know what Id do without you to keep me grounded. "

  "You mean Im a total bitch and you appreciate me for it," Julie said dryly.

  Faith pressed her lips to Julies cheek and smacked noisily. "Youre the best bitch I know. "

  "But you cant go in there!"

  Both women jerked their heads toward the door just as it thru
st open and Nathan strode in, Julies new massage therapist running behind him, her hair flapping like a flag.

  Nathan skidded to a halt as he spied Faith, and his mouth snapped shut. A dull flush reddened his cheeks, and he hastily backed up a step.

  Ah hell. I didnt know you were here. I mean, I thought you were home. "

  Julie raised a brow and followed the direction of his gaze to where Faiths robe had gaped open at her breasts. She reached over and pulled it shut, which caused Nathan to look upward at the ceiling and Faith to grab both lapels with clenched fists.

  "You wanted something?" Julie drawled.

  Nathan redirected his gaze to Julie, his green eyes glittering with determination. "Hell, yeah, I want something. I want you to stop avoiding me. "

  He turned back to Faith, who was now decent. His eyes softened when he saw the evidence of her upset. Faith did have that kicked-puppy look going on. A guy would have to be made of stone not to go all gooey around her. But what surprised Julie was that his gaze kept going back to her, and when it did, he positively sizzled.

  Very interesting, indeed.

  "Faith, are you okay, honey?"

  Faith smiled and kept a tight grip on her robe.

  "I didnt mean to barge in. Okay, I did, but I had no idea you were here. I thought youd gone home. Hell, thats where Gray went. . . "

  Both women arched an eyebrow at that.

  "Gives you time to get to the drugstore," Julie murmured. "You can come back here and pee on your stick in my bathroom. "

  "Yeah, uhm, I think Ill do that," Faith said as she hopped down from the table. "Give you two time to do whatever it is youre going to do. "

  As she moved past Nathan, he reached out to cup her elbow. "Faith, are you okay?"

  She smiled and reached up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. "I will be. Dont blow it this time, okay?"

  He grimaced and looked beyond her to Julie as Faith left the room. With determination etched into every one of his features, he advanced toward her.

  Julie swallowed, suddenly feeling like a very big fish in a very small bowl.

  "Now that were finally alone, youre going to listen to what I have to say," he said softly.

  Chapter 10

  Nathan leaned forward, placing his hands on either side of Julies hips, trapping her where she sat on the massage table. Damn but the man smelled good. She actually found herself leaning more into him, her nose precariously close to the part of his shirt that was unbuttoned at the neck.

  "So, uhm, what was it you wanted to say?" she asked casually.

  "Date. "

  She raised an eyebrow in question.

  "You. Me. Date. Go to dinner. Have a normal conversation. Preferably one where youll sit through the entire meal, and I dont have to chase you down. "

  Her lips twitched as she battled a smile.

  "A date, huh. "

  He nodded. "As of now, youve never given me a massage. Whatever happened in the past stays there and that includes any misunderstandings that went on in your head. "

  "Does that caveman approach work on all the girls?" she asked.

  He blinked in confusion then stood back, running a hand over his head. "Damn it, Julie, what do you want from me? For some reason known only to you, youve decided to drive me around the bend. "

  "And you havent driven me nuts over the past few months?" she asked incredulously. "I mean, come on, Nathan. Whats a woman have to do?"

  He closed his eyes and blew out his breath. She could swear his lips were moving in an effort to count to ten. She almost laughed out loud. Maybe she wasnt the only frustrated one here.

  He moved back in, crowding her, stepping between her legs so that his heat and delicious scent enveloped her. He cupped her face in his hands and stared down at her, sincerity burning in his eyes.

  "Look, can we just start over? Please? My name is Nathan Tucker and Id love to take you out sometime. Preferably tonight. If youre available, that is. "

  Her eyes widened in surprise and then she smiled. "Okay, Nathan Tucker. Id love to go out. Tonight is fine. "

  He looked suspiciously at her. "Really? Just like that?"

  She nodded, pressing her lips together to keep from laughing. "Amazing what happens when you just ask, isnt it?"

  "I could say the same for you," he said darkly.

  Before she could respond, he leaned down and took her mouth. There was no other term for it. It wasnt a gentle kiss from someone who was unsure of his reception. It was a kiss from a man starved.

  "Mmmm. "

  It was all she could muster as he devoured her lips. Warm and soft, his tongue delved into her mouth, sliding over her tongue, over and under and over again. He tasted every bit as good as he smelled.

  He crowded in closer until she was at an angle, her face turned up to his. She put her hands down on the table to brace herself as he towered over her. Damn but the man could kiss.

  When he pulled away, his breathing was ragged, and his eyes were glazed with passion. He looked totally and utterly flustered, and he didnt try to hide it behind a Mr. Cool veneer.