Read Sweet Sofie Page 18

  He was also done torturing himself. He’d spent every evening that week so far after classes and his internship with his dad and the girls. They caught a show one of the nights and tonight he and Jennifer were on their way to a concert. His dad had gotten tickets for them. Some Spanish rock band Eric had never heard of. His dad said they were supposed to be good, but Eric didn’t care. He just wanted the distraction. Having gone days for the first time ever, without any contact with Sofia was killing him. If this was a taste of what his life would be like withoue like wt her, he was going to be one miserable bastard.

  Eric held Jennifer’s hand through the crowd as they made their way into the concert. They stopped to buy drinks at the concession stand.

  “You want a mixed drink?” Eric remembered the kind of drinks Jennifer preferred New Year’s Eve.

  “I’ll take a beer,” Jennifer said, blushing.

  Eric laughed. “You don’t have to.”

  “Trust me, I learned my lesson.”

  They took their beers and walked around the huge lobby of the arena. They were early. It was fun to people watch. Before long, they were on their fourth beers. Eric’s dad had given him one of his credit cards. The prices for everything in the concessions were ridiculous, but his dad insisted he not worry about the money and just enjoy himself.

  Since this was Jennifer’s last night here, they planned on going out to a club after. They slowed down on the beers once the concert started. After having to make a restroom run a couple times, they decided missing so much of the concert wasn’t worth it. The band was actually good.

  Once at the club, however, they decided Jennifer deserved to have a good time and let her hair hang down without it turning into a disaster like New Year’s. They stuck to beer, but had plenty of it. The clubs in Spain were so different than the ones in the states. In the U.S. closing time was usually around one or two in the morning. It was just after midnight and things were just getting started. The bartender told them closing time was at six!

  Eric had class in the morning. He wasn’t planning on pulling an all-nighter, but he still had a few hours in him. They danced and continued to drink, though Jennifer ordered water a few times in between beers.

  Seeing the way guys eyeballed Jennifer reminded him of his trip to Cancun with Sofia. He’d been so relieved when she asked him to go with her. Not because he didn’t trust her, but at the time he’d been worried for her safety. Thinking back now, the way the guys had gawked at her at the bars even with him at her side, he couldn’t help but wonder if she might’ve given into her curiosity way back then, had he not been there. Her girlfriends sure as hell got crazy. Anger flooded him. He downed the rest of his beer and ordered another one.

  They’d just handed it to him when Jennifer walked out of the restroom and headed toward him. A guy stepped in front of her, saying something that made her smile. It could’ve been the alcohol or maybe even the sudden hot rush of adrenaline he was feeling over thoughts of Sofia. Whatever it was, he started toward Jennifer with only one purpose. The second he reached her, he slid his arm around her waist pulling her closely to him and kissed her forehead. She smelled damned good.

  “Everything okay?” He turned to the guy, who smirked, but shook his head.

  “Everything’s cool. You’re girlfriend is stunning.” The guy lifted his beer toward Eric in a good natured gesture of peace.

  Eric clinked his bottle against the guy’s and forced a smile. With that, the guy walked away. Jennifer turned to Eric but didn’t pull away from his embrace. “What was that about?”

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “Just making sure everything was okay.”

  “I didn’t look okay?”

  She’d obviously had a mint in the ladies room, because her breath smelled of mint. Did her mouth taste like it, too? Curiosity.

  They stood there without saying anything for what seemed like too long. With the music blaring around them and people still dancing on the tables and chairs, no one noticed them just standing there. He gulped when she licked her pink lips and stared at his. He was so close he could feel her warm breath against his lips. “Eric?”

  “Hmm?” He closed his eyes, fighting with himself.

  He should let go of her. Walk away. Another part disagreed. An eye for an eye. Sofie would have to understand.

  “Are you gonna kiss me?” She whispered so close to his mouth he could almost taste her.

  “You want me to?”

  “Yes.” She said this into his mouth.

  Eric licked her bottom lip, tasting the mint. She trembled in his arms. It immediately felt wrong. He hugged her, pulling his face away from hers. Instead, he kissed the side of her head.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered in her ear breathlessly. “Please, this time let me apologize. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  She didn’t say anything, just took a deep breath. When she finally pulled away, she looked him in his eyes. “We should go.”

  The cab ride back to her hotel room was a quiet one. Eric was so mad at himself. He’d been totally unfair to Jennifer, using her to get back at Sofia. How immature was he? Like that would’ve made things any better. She made him stop apologizing before they even got into the cab. When they reached her hotel, she turned to him and kissed him on the cheek. “It’s really nice to know there are still good guys out there. Don’t feel bad, Eric. You’ve given me hope.”

  Eric smiled and kissed her hand. “You don’t need hope, Jenny. Any man would be lucky to have you. It was a pleasure spending time with you this week. I hope I do get to see you again some day. Have a safe trip.”

  The second she was out of the cab and turned toward the hotel, he let his head fall back. He put his hand over his eyes. Could he be a bigger ass?

  Before they even reached his dorm, thoughts of Jenny had already taken a distant second in his mind. He missed Sofia more than ever. Any chance of sleep tonight would be in vain. He plopped into bed, licking his lips. He could be making love to Jenny this very minute, but all he could think about was Sofia. Son of a bitch.



  Sofia trudged into the drugstore. Few things were getting her out of the house these last couple of weeks. She needed conditioner for her hair, otherwise she might’ve stayed in bed, moping like she had for the past few weeks. She and Eric had never gone this long without any communication. Nothing could be clearer. He hated her.

  The conditioner she normally used wasn’t on special. It hardly ever was. She stood there staring at the all the other choices.

  “Hey, Sof.”

  Sofia flinched, gasping when she saw him. “Brandon!” She glanced around. “Did you follow me again?”

  “No, I was on my way out when I saw you pull in.”

  “I can’t be around you. You have to understand—”

  “I know, Sof.” The dreariness she remembered from when they were in high school was back. He wasn’t the strong Brandon she’d been so impressed with last summer. The faint bruising around his eye didn’t help, either. “I just hoped I could speak with you one last time before I leave. Do you have a few minutes so we can go somewhere more private?”

  “No,” was her immediate reaction—her brothers would flip—Eric would never forgive her.

  He glanced around. “Can you give me a second then... here?”

  She stood strong. What could he do here in a public store? “Make it fast.”

  His eyebrows pinched and for a moment there, he looked ready to cry. “My old man is dying,” Taking a deep breath, he looked away as if to pull himself together. Sofia’s heart dropped. “I’m not just here for the holidays. I took an emergency leave to come back and get things settled. He’s known, but the cancer’s really spread now. I’m taking them both back with me to Georgia. The house is already for sale. My dad wants me to take the money and buy a house out there. The property is way cheaper than in California.” His eyes met hers, but only for a second before he looked away again. ??
?I just wanted to say goodbye and apologize for any problems I’ve caused.”

  The past few weeks had been horrendous for Sofia. Not hearing from Eric had been the worst suffering ever. Now she could only think about what Brandon must’ve been going through. “I’m so sorry, Brandon. I had no idea.”

  “I just came in here to pick up his meds.” He lifted his hand with the bag from the pharmacy. “But I’m glad I saw you. There’s something I really want to tell you.”

  Sofia’s eyes went from the bag in his hand to his face again. His expression was so pained, she was tempted to touch him. “What’s that?”

  “Are you sure we can’t go somewhere else to talk?”

  “No way, Brandon.” She’d learned her lesson.

  He stared at her for a second before speaking again. “I’m in love with you, Sof.” His voice became a whisper. “I thought I was in high school. Last summer only confirmed it. I almost didn’t re-enlist because of that kiss.”

  Sofia shook her head, feeling her eyes well up. This was the last thing she needed to hear.

  “Don’t worry. I know it’s impossible. I just needed to tell you before I left. I won’t be back anymore.” He almost swatted the tear that escaped the corner of his eye. “I needed to say it to you, if only one time. I’m glad I got the chance.”

  She had no words. He reached out and squeezed her shoulder. “Goodbye, Sof.” He turned and took off down the aisle in a rush.

  Sofia stood there, still stunned. How could he be in love with her? He hardly knew her.

  “Was it just a kiss?”

  Sofia spun around, almost jumping out of her skin. Eric’s dad stood there waiting for a response. Mortification sunk in. He knew. Of course he knew. Eric would tell him something like this. They’d always been that close.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  His chuckle surprised her. “Well, thank you for not agreeing to go somewhere private to talk to him. My son wouldn’t have been happy to hear it if you had.”

  She pressed her lips together, at a complete loss of how to respond to that.

  “Was all that drama this past summer over a kiss? Really?”

  “Yes,” She nodded, chewing her bottom lip. “And I’ll regret it forever, Mr. Diego.”

  To her surprise, he leaned over and hugged her. “Eric is something else.” He shook his head and patted her back gently. “You’re a good girl, Sofia.” He pulled away and spoke face to face to her. “I know you probably think I don’t care for you. I’ve never had anything against you.” He pursed his lips. “Well, that is until this past summer. But Eric made such a fuss I thought you’d slept with Brandon.”

  “God, no! I would never!”

  “The way he acted I was certain—”

  “Did he say I did?” An uncontrollable panic swept through her. “He doesn’t think I did, does he?”

  “All he ever said was that you cheated on him and that he’d never do to you, what you did to him.”

  Words she’d never get over. She cried for days after that call.

  “Sofia, I know Eric is still hurt. Butill hurt he loves you very much. I want you know I’m hoping it works out for you two. You belong together.”

  There was no way to hold in what she’d been feeling all week. Her trembling lip betrayed her and he leaned in and hugged her again. After crying for a few more minutes, while Eric’s dad consoled her, promising things would work out, she left.

  Sofia drove home in a daze. Once there, she sat in her driveway and continued to cry. At first softly, then she was overwhelmed and she buried her face in her hands. The garage door opened. She worked fast to clean up her face, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop crying. Alex walked toward the car, hurrying when he saw the tears.

  “What’s wrong?” He flung the door open and squatted down. “What happened?”

  She shook her head, afraid to even say Brandon’s name. “Nothing.”

  Alex searched her face as the tears continued to pour out. “What is it, Sof?” He rubbed her knee. “Tell me.”

  Sofia reached across her dash into the glove compartment for some tissue. She wiped her face. Alex still calm, continued to rub her knee, but she knew how quickly his temper could flare. “It isn’t just one thing. It’s everything.” She blew her nose. “I miss Eric. He’s still mad at me and…” She glanced at his compassionate eyes. “I ran into Brandon at the drug store.”

  The hand on her knee stopped, the compassion now replaced with a murderous glower. “What did he do?”

  “Nothing, Alex.” She placed her hand on his. “He just wanted to say goodbye.” She could almost see the wheels in his head spinning. “His dad’s dying.”

  Alex’s expression lightened up. But very little.

  “They sold the house, and he’s taking both his parents back to Georgia with him. He re-enlisted,” she shrugged, “he’s not coming back.”

  Alex stared at her. “Is that why you’re crying?”

  “No!” How could he even think that? “I was already in a down mood. Hearing about his dad just made me feel sad for him, and I haven’t talked to Eric for weeks. I don’t think he’s ever going to forgive me. It all just piled up on me.”

  Alex stood up and held out his hand. “C’mon.”

  When she was out of the car, he pulled her to him, hugging her tight. “You’re too damn sweet is what it is.” She felt tiny in his arms. “Brandon’s gonna be all right. And Eric will get over it. Trust me, he ain’t going anywhere.”

  If only that were true. She took a deep breath, wishing things were like when she was a little girl and her brothers could protect her from any kind of pain. Though he’d probably die trying if she asked him to, there was nothing Alex could do to make this pain go away.


  Eric lay there in his bed staring at the ceiling like he’d been doing so often in the past few days. This was exactly what his dad hadn’t wanted him to do. With the routine he’d kept, he may as well have been a robot—school, his internshihis intep and back to his dorm room. He was barely making B’s in most of his classes when he was more than capable of A’s.

  His phone rang, startling him out of his haze. He sat up, glancing around and saw it on the nightstand. Reaching over, but still on the bed, he grabbed it and lay back down. He knew who it was without even looking. The only person who had called instead of texting the entire time he’d been in Spain.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  “Eric, you busy?”

  “Nope.” He only had a few very important papers that were due that week, but he wouldn’t tell his dad that. “What’s up?”

  “I ran into Sofia today.”

  Eric froze, but didn’t say anything. Just hearing her name was cause enough to make him wince. He missed her so much.

  “She was with Brandon.”

  Eric sat up. “You saw them together? Where?”

  “Now, relax. She was doing some shopping at the drug store alone when he approached her.”

  Eric’s heart rate had already doubled over. He listened intently, trying to remain calm. His dad filled him on what he’d over heard then his dad asked, “Eric, I thought she slept with him. It was just a kiss?”

  Eric squeezed his eyes shut. He was sick of thinking about it. “She let him, Dad. She let that idiot who was only trying to use her to get to me and her brothers.”

  “Son.” His dad took a deep breath. “I’m not sure how to tell you this, but that boy’s in love with Sofia.”

  The words were clear enough but they didn’t quite sink in. “What?”

  “I overheard him tell her, and I believe him.”

  A myriad of questions came to mind, but the main one was, “What did she say?”

  “Nothing, I think she was stunned. He didn’t say much else after that, only that he was glad he got the chance to tell her before he left for good and then he took off.”

  Eric didn’t speak. He took in everything his dad said. Why would Brandon want her to know he was in love wit
h her? Was he still playing head games or had she given him any indication that it was something she wanted to hear? Damn, he hated the insecurity.

  “Eric.” His dad spoke up after Eric didn’t say anything. “The point is, I know how much this girl means to you. Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone as heartbroken as I saw you the day you found out about her and Brandon. Right then and there I knew how profound your love for her really was. I’ll admit it scared me, especially because at the time I was under the impression that my son was hopelessly in love with a girl who’d betrayed him in the worse way. Then when you got back with her so quickly, it scared me even more. Now that I find out it was just a kiss… Eric, that’s nothing.”

  “But dad—”

  “Just ask yourself this. Are you really willing to give up everything you and Sofia have because of something so trivial that she obviously is extremely remorseful about? I saw it in her face, son. There is no doubt in my mind she loves you and is still beating herself up about a kiss that really should be ancient history by now. Shit happens, Eric. Let it go. Age and immaturity have a lot to do with it, but if you ask me, I’d say she’s learned a hard, but valuable lesson.”

  Eric stood up unable to sit still anymore. “I don’t know.”

  “It’s up to you, obviously. You know, normally I’d be all for you moving on and shopping around a lot more, before getting stuck on one girl. But I got to thinking today after speaking with Sofia. I’d hate for you to make a mistake you’ll be regretting for the rest of your life. I’ve seen it happen too many times.” He was quiet for a moment before adding, “Just ask your mom.”