Read Sweet Sofie Page 6

  Angel only spoke to Dana for a moment before going after Sarah, but he had his hands full. Sarah insisted he take her straight home. Of course, Angel wasn’t having it. He asked Eric if he could just hang out with Sofia for an hour or so, then meet up with them later at the beach. Eric wished Angel good luck, and was off and running.

  As usual, Sofia en [ualof her joyed tormenting Eric. There was a small hidden cove they’d discovered just weeks ago at the beach. The massive boulders and lush bushes that surrounded it rendered them virtually invisible to the rest of the world.

  With a blanket and a few beers in hand, they entered their secret cove. Eric’s heart beat more erratically than it normally did when he knew he’d have Sofia in his arms soon. Each time with her had become harder to resist doing what they both yearned for, but knew they shouldn’t—couldn’t.

  No sooner was the blanket down than they were on it, kissing frantically. He loved the way Sofia was always just as crazed as he felt when they were together. She drove him insane, yet she did nothing to hide her need for him.

  Her hands were at his zipper. “Sof, baby, no, not here.”

  “Why? No one can see us.”

  “What if your brother shows up?”

  Sofia frowned. “Are you kidding? Sarah is so pissed, and I don’t blame her. That bitch, Dana, nearly started a riot. Angel should’ve told her to go to hell. They’ll be here, but it’s going to be a while before he convinces Sarah.”

  Eric gulped as Sofia continued to unzip him. With that crazed teasing look in her eye, she smirked and began to straddle him. Eric sat up with one hand on the blanket to support himself, and the other on her leg. “Babe, we can’t.”

  “Just once,” she whispered, “don’t you wanna feel it, just one time?”

  Was she crazy? He wanted to feel it over and over with her, but this was insanity. “I don’t have any protection.”

  “We’ll stop before anything happens.”

  Eric laughed nervously. “That’s something I’m supposed to be saying, not you.”

  Biting her beautiful lip, she gave him her signature smoldering stare. The stare she knew he couldn’t resist. He was a goner, and he let his head fall back, every ounce of rationality smothered by something much more powerful.

  Her dress covered him from seeing what was going on underneath, but he gasped when he felt her warm and soft on him. She went very slowly, her awestruck eyes on him the whole time. She closed her eyes, pinching her brows, in obvious discomfort. “You okay?”

  She nodded, but didn’t answer and kept going. This wasn’t how he wanted their first time to be, but no amount of resistance could stop this from happening now. He was so far gone, his heart nearly punched out of his chest.

  “You sure?” He managed to get the words out, but even breathing became a struggle.

  She nodded, her eyes blinking very slowly. And then—her eyes widened and she smiled. “We did it,” she whispered.

  Eric’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he breathed in deeply. He should tell her to get off—that was it—he was ready to explode already. But the ecstasy of it all dazed him. Then she did the worst thing she could at that second—move. Desperately trying to hold back, he begged, “Sofie, get off.”

  She did in a hurry and though she’d been just in time, he knew they’d slipped. It wasn’t a complete miss. The blanket covered him as his entire body still pulsated. Sofia leaned into him. “That was close.”

  He wouldn’t even mention just how close. From then on, they’d have to carry protection, always. No matter how much he wanted to believe what Sofia had said, just one time. There was no turning back now. As aware of how hazardous to his life this was, there would be no way in the world he could ever say no to that feeling again. Not with Sofie.


  Sarah’s laughter carried all the way to Sofia’s room. The sound of it usually made Sofia smile, but now all she could think of was one thing. She stared at her phone. The calendar was open and she counted again. It was exactly twenty-eight days since her last period. She’d been late once or twice since she started her period, but not in over a year. It came every twenty-eight days like clockwork. Sofia could almost time it. It should’ve been that morning. She’d even worn a pad to bed like she always did the night before she knew she was starting to avoid any messes.

  Here it was, three in the afternoon and nothing. She and Eric had done it a few more times since prom night. Eric made sure they had protection every time, but the fact remained, prom night they hadn’t. She wouldn’t panic Eric yet. In the past, she’d been one or even two days late, but that only happened twice in the past three years. What were the odds that it would happen again the month after she’d had unprotected sex?

  As much as she’d pushed it to the back of her head ever since, not a day had gone by that she didn’t think about that moment of passion, when she’d completely ignored her better judgment.

  She wasn’t even a day late yet, and her anxiety had already reached the frantic stages. The only person she’d confided with all this time about the things her and Eric had done was Sarah, but she hadn’t told her they’d become sexually active.

  After reading a few more articles online about the early signs of pregnancy, she couldn’t sit still anymore. It was wishful thinking, more than anything on her part, that made her check one last time before going downstairs—nothing—not even a trace. Her body didn’t even feel the same as it usually did. She was usually achy and bloated. Now she was neither.

  Sofia walked in on Angel and Sarah kissing in the kitchen. Angel didn’t even flinch, but Sarah pulled her lips from him. This wasn’t the first time she’d walked in on them. Her brother was incapable of keeping his hands off Sarah. He had Sarah pinned against the sink, but she squirmed her way out of his embrace in a blush.

  Sofia forced a smile. “Sorry to interrupt.”

  Sarah walked around the center island and sat down where they were supposed to be studying. “I’m just glad it was you and not one of your parents.” She shot Angel a look.

  Angel smirked as usual, shamelessly unfazed by the interruption. He walked around the center island and took the seat next to Sarah, again his hand immediately on her leg. Sofia had never asked, but [er th all there was no doubt these two were active.

  Alex and Romero walked in the kitchen from the back door and nodded when he saw Angel. “Good, you’re not busy. Give us a hand.” Alex kissed Sofia’s forehead as he walked by her.

  “What do you mean, I’m not busy?” Angel attempted to sound annoyed. “I’m studying.”

  Alex rolled his eyes. “You can get back to that when we’re done.”

  “Done with what?” Angel stood up, but not before kissing Sarah.

  “I bought a new bench and some more weights.” Alex pulled a couple of bottles of water out of the fridge. “Romero’s scrawny ass ain’t gonna be much help.”

  “Dude, I’m right here. I can hear you,” Romero said as he grabbed a bag of pretzels from the counter.

  Alex ignored him, instead turned to Sofia. “Aren’t you supposed to be at the restaurant today?” He started to the door.

  “Yeah, I’m closing. I go in at four.”

  He nodded. Angel put his hands up and Alex tossed him a water. “You taking her?”

  “Nah, Eric said he could, right?” Angel turned to Sofia.

  Sofia nodded, but before she could say anything else, Alex stopped mid-stride. He glanced at Sofia then back at Angel. “Why Eric?”

  Angel shrugged. “I asked him to, so I could study.”

  Alex’s face soured.

  “All right,” Angel said, before Alex could start up. “I’ll take her.”

  Alex didn’t even look back at Sofia before starting out the door again. “If you can’t, I will.”

  Normally, Sofia would’ve argued, but today she wasn’t up for it. Alex would never look at Eric the same way again. Not after what he’d seen on New Year’s. Sure, he’d agreed to let Eric take
her to prom, but that was only because Angel would be there. Angel hadn’t mentioned leaving her alone with Eric that night. Alex would have had a conniption.

  Her brothers were in denial, not stupid. None of them, but especially Alex, were comfortable about her being alone with Eric so much anymore. She was only glad Angel hadn’t actually witnessed the New Year’s kiss himself, or he definitely wouldn’t be as okay about her being alone with Eric. Sal was much more laid back than Alex and Angel, but she knew the fact that he was gone so much had a lot to do with it.

  Once they were all out, Sofia turned to Sarah and frowned. Sarah gave her a sideways sympathetic smile. “Only a few more months.”

  Sofia had told Sarah about what her father had said years ago. She turned to make sure her brothers were out of hearing range, then back to Sarah. She leaned on the center island across from Sarah. “Do you ever worry about getting pregnant?”

  Her question wiped the smile right off Sarah’s face. Her eyes widened. “Iinit [ed.pregnm on the pill.” Sofia stared at her without saying anything. “You’re not thinking of…”

  Warm tears filled Sofia’s eyes. Sarah stood. “You have?”

  Sofia nodded, wiping her eyes. The last thing she needed was her brothers walking in asking questions. It took a moment for it to sink in, but Sofia saw the moment it did in Sarah’s head.

  “Oh my God, you think you are?” She looked as panicked as Sofia felt.

  “I don’t know.”

  Sarah didn’t say anything else, just stood there staring at her.

  “I haven’t actually missed my period yet. I’m supposed to get it today.” She explained about never being late and always getting it in the morning. Saying it out loud had the opposite effect she thought it would. Sofia expected to feel better sharing with someone else. Instead, it made the reality of it jump at her. “I don’t know what I’ll do.”

  Sarah stopped staring to glance out the window. “Alex,” she whispered.

  Sofia turned so see him walking toward the door. She turned her back quickly and opened the refrigerator. The tears had begun to fill her eyes again. Alex would definitely have questions.

  The door opened, and he came in. She pretended to dig through the cold-cut drawer when the freezer door was opened. “Can I get in here, Sof?’

  She moved over to give him room. The doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get it.” Sarah’s voice was a near yelp.

  Sofia had moved over to the sink by the time Sarah walked back in the kitchen with Eric in tow. Alex was still busy filling a baggie with ice.

  Still feeling very emotional, the sight of Eric nearly choked her.

  “You ready?”

  Alex turned to Eric. “Angel can take her, but you can stay and help me get my weights in the garage.”

  Eric glanced at Sofia. “You sure? I can take her, come back, and help you. Angel said he had to study.”

  Alex finished with the ice and walked over to add some water to the baggy. “Nah.” He didn’t look up from the faucet. “Angel’s got it. Come out here and help me. He walked toward the back door. “Romero’s more trouble than he is help. I told him it was too heavy, but you know him,” he chuckled, “dropped it right on his toe.”

  Eric laughed, then turned to Sofia, a bit thwarted. For once, Alex’s unbending character had come in handy. Sofia knew she’d be tempted to mention her worry to Eric. There was no way she’d be getting any sleep tonight if she didn’t get her period today. No sense in both of them losing sleep… yet.

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  Nothing. Absolutely nothing, could prepare Eric for the horror those four little words could spawn. I missed my period.

  Her big, anxious eyes stared at him, her lip already quivering. Eric had never felt faint in his life, but he was sure this was what it felt like. He had to remind himself to breathe. For a moment there, he thought his own lip would start to quiver. “How late are you?”

  “A day, but I’m never late.”

  Eric brought his fist to his mouth. Damn! He couldn’t let her see what he was feeling. He’d always thought if he ever got someone pregnant, the worst thing would be to have to tell his dad. Telling his dad didn’t even compare to the terror of having to tell her brothers. Alex would kill him, and that was no exaggeration. All three of her brothers would take turns on him, but that wasn’t even the worst of it. Angel had trusted him completely, gave him the benefit of the doubt even after the New Year’s incident, and this is how Eric repaid him?

  “I should’ve got it yesterday.” Sofia began to cry. “I wanted to wait longer to tell you, but I’m so sick with worry. I couldn’t stand it.”

  Eric leaned over and hugged her. They sat in his car just outside the restaurant. Now he knew why she didn’t want to tell him there. He’d noticed something was wrong the moment she walked out of the restaurant, and he insisted she tell him right then and there. He pulled back and started up the car. If anyone walked out now and saw her sitting in his car crying, it might get back to her brothers.

  He drove a few blocks before pulling into a residential street and parking.

  “Sarah says it’s too early to take a pregnancy test.”

  “You told Sarah?” The words came out much louder than he’d intended.

  “Yes, don’t be mad please. I had to tell someone. I was going crazy. She won’t say anything. I promise.”

  The thought of Angels’ girlfriend knowing about them scared the living crap out of him, but he doubted Sarah would be willing to be the one to break the news to Angel even if they asked her to. “What did she say about the test?”

  “If I take it too soon, it might be a false negative so I should wait.”

  “How long?”

  “Few more days.”

  Eric wiped the tear that slid down her cheek. He’d always hated seeing her cry. He slipped his hand in hers and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly. “Let’s not worry yet. You might not be.”

  After drop ^ght/di soping her off at home, he drove to his house. He’d barely taken a few steps inside when he rushed to the restroom and puked violently. His head had been in such a fog when he drove up to his driveway that either he hadn’t noticed his dads’ car parked there, or he’d just walked in, but he startled Eric. “You’ve been drinking, Eric?”

  Eric glanced up at his dad, standing at the bathroom door. His insides still turned. “No.”

  “Then what’s the matter?”

  My sixteen-year-old girlfriend is pregnant. I betrayed my best friend in the worst way imaginable. He’ll probably end up in jail for murdering me. Nothing really.

  “I dunno. I just felt sick all of a sudden.”

  Less suspicious and more concerned, his dad asked, “You need me to take you to the emergency room?”

  Eric shook his head. After being questioned some more, he convinced his dad it must’ve been something he ate. He went to his room and lay there for hours, staring at the ceiling. Though he wasn’t the most religious person on the planet, and God was probably not thinking too favorably of what he and Sofia had done, he began to pray.


  Several torturous days passed since Sofia should have got her period and still nothing. She couldn’t wait any longer. Convinced she was pregnant, she’d begun to think about her options. There was no other choice. She’d have to go to her mom, but she wanted to be sure first. Eric was on his way over with a pregnancy test.

  The front door rang and she took a deep breath. She heard Alex and Eric’s voices downstairs. Eric wanted to wait until Alex wasn’t home. He didn’t even want to chance the possibility of Alex sensing anything was wrong, but Sofia couldn’t wait anymore.

  She told him to lose the box and just bring the test in his pocket. The voices downstairs seemed to fade, and Sofia knew they were in the kitchen. She made her way down and walked into the kitchen where Eric sat at the center island. Alex had made himself a protein drink and was p
ouring into a glass. She exchanged glances with Eric, who looked as nervous as she felt.

  Even though the last thing she could think of was eating, she cut up an orange and made small talk. Finally, Alex got a phone call he said he would take outside. As soon as he was out the door, Sofia hurried over to Eric’s side. He pulled out the small stick from his pocket and handed it to her under the island table. She grabbed it, stuck it in her own pocket and practically ran out the kitchen, nearly colliding with Angel as he walked to the kitchen. He looked at her funny, but didn’t say anything. She hurried upstairs to the restroom that separated her room from and Angel’s.

  Eric had already texted her the instructions on the box earlier and all she needed to know: One line = no, two lines = yes.

  Waiting for the results was the longest five minutes of her life. She stood in front of the sink, eyes closed, taking deep breaths, checking her phone several times for the time. Thoughts of what would happen if she had to tell her family plagued her mind. She wasn’t afraid of telling her mom. She dreaded disappointing her, but she’d always been able to go to her mom about anything. But even her mother wouldn’t be able to hold back her brothers k heshe, especially Alex. Sofia shook her head. This couldn’t be happening.

  Finally, she confirmed it had been five minutes. Sofia was almost too scared to look down. She glanced down, read the results and immediately, became overwhelmed with emotion.
