Read Switchy Page 23

  The rope riggers especially fascinated Em.

  “Is that something you guys might be interested in doing?” Em asked them.

  Jarred gave her a sly smile. “Janis wasn’t into rope. She didn’t have time to learn it. But if Ma’am wants to learn it, we’d certainly be interested in being your rope bunnies.”

  “We have riggers out our ears,” Tilly said. “The club has a great A-frame that gets a lot of use.”

  “I think the boys are going to have to take me to the club,” she said, staring at the men.

  They both smiled. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  They headed home a little before midnight, Em’s motor revving despite the fact that she knew Jarred needed to get to sleep for work in the morning.

  She honestly hadn’t been sure if she’d be able to handle the impact play or not, but in retrospect as she thought about it, and other scenes they’d watched, she realized she was more than a little horny.

  So were the guys.

  Since the guys had decided they were fine going down on her despite test results not being back yet, she decided to get a little creative. She ordered Jarred onto his back, ass at the edge of the bed. Then she straddled his face and rode his sexy mouth while Garrison stood, Jarred’s legs over his shoulders, and fucked his ass.

  Em played with Jarred’s cock, which stiffly bobbed, as his tongue and mouth brought her over twice. She squeezed his cock and leaned in to kiss Garrison. “Don’t you dare come yet,” she told Garrison, enjoying the glazed look in his eyes as he practically whined.

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Pre-cum leaked from the end of Jarred’s cock. Every time she made Jarred moan, it vibrated through her clit and pussy and took her closer to the edge again. She played with him, teasing him as she slowly stroked him with her fingers, loving how open these two guys were with her.

  She’d never felt as close to anyone as she did these two men.

  Even after four years of marriage to Ronnie she hadn’t felt this close to him.

  This intimate.

  After Jarred had given her one more orgasm, she finally took pity on him and started stroking him harder, faster, until she felt his body tense under her and his juices squirted out of his cock, coating her hand.

  She smiled at Garrison and held her hand up. His mouth fell open, immediately licking and sucking Jarred’s cum off her fingers.

  It was so sexy, what he was doing to her with his mouth, that she wiggled around on Jarred’s face. “One more. Then I’ll let Garrison come.”

  Both men eagerly set to work, Em feeding Garrison every drop she scooped off Jarred’s abs as Jarred eagerly licked and sucked her into one more orgasm.

  “Okay, she said, two fingers still inside Garrison’s mouth. “Fuck him hard, baby.”

  He did, slamming his cock into Jarred’s ass and making the man moan under her, sending her unexpectedly spinning through one more small orgasm before, finally, Garrison let out one last grunt, his eyes falling shut.

  She leaned in and kissed him before getting off of Jarred and leaning in to kiss him, too. “I think we need a shower,” she said with a giggle.

  Jarred’s eyes held hers as he reached out with his tongue and completely ran it all the way around his mouth, as far as he could reach before smacking his lips. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Something about that was so adorably funny she started giggling, then laughing.

  When the hell had she laughed to hard and so much?

  Not before she’d met these two, that was for sure.

  After a quick clean-up, they cuddled together in bed, this time with her draped over Jarred and Garrison spooned along her back.

  “Thank you, guys,” she softly said. “Again.”

  “Why?” Garrison asked.

  “For tonight. For everything. And for not slamming the door in my face after my mom tried to get you arrested.”

  In a way, she could thank her mom. Had it not been for Em’s mortification over her mom’s actions, she might not have exchanged phone numbers with the guys, or gotten as close to them as she had.

  Jarred nuzzled noses with her. “We should be thanking you. Most women hear a man say he’s submissive and run the other way.”

  “Had you not educated me, I might have, too. Thanks for the warning about FetLife, by the way,” she added. “I would have totally freaked.”

  “Hence why we warned you,” Garrison said.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The next week sped by…well, fast. In a blur.

  Almost as if it hadn’t even happened, that kind of fast.

  Scary fast.

  Falling head-over-ass in love with the two men kind of fast.

  One day it was Sunday, the day after the party, and they’d gone to the munch. Then the week had flown by—including a delicious weekend spent snuggled together late Saturday and Sunday morning with Garrison after Jarred had to leave for work—and then whammo, it was Monday again.

  Other than Amy’s brief and ill-advised visit with their mom, none of them had seen her. Her dad only had limited, supervised contact with her to try to minimize her bad reactions and to try to get her to interact in healthy ways. They had an appointment late tomorrow afternoon to meet with her and her doctor as a family.

  Em wasn’t sure what expectations to have and was trying to keep it out of her mind. She had too much going on personally, and with the big estate sale coming up soon, to spend energy on worry.

  Her dad, and all her parents’ stuff, had been gone from her house for a week as of Monday. Last Wednesday night, the three of them had gone over to her parents’ new condo and brought pizza and had a nice visit with Em’s dad.


  He’d already unpacked the kitchen, and it was weird sitting on furniture she hadn’t seen in over three years.

  The good kind of weird.

  It was also weird going back to her place and seeing the empty bedroom and none of their stuff in the guest bath. Weird in a way she still wasn’t sure how to process. Weirder than she’d thought it would be. All she’d wanted for the past three years was to get her parents out of her house.

  Now, she was spending every spare minute she could with two different people. Being alone felt…weird now that the guys were in her life.

  Weird. Good, bad, unprocessable, all mixed in together.

  Another reason she spent a lot of time with the guys, only now she was driving herself there since Jarred was back to work on his usual schedule. She’d leave for work from their place every morning, even though she helped Jarred and Garrison next door every evening at the new place with things like painting and getting the new floor laid down.

  She also didn’t miss that the guys were talking about the future with her, as if it was already a certain thing. Planning the kinds of dinners and entertaining the three of them would do once the house was finished.

  It thrilled her more than it frightened her now.

  Also something she wasn’t sure how to process, but wasn’t going to argue with. Every day was one day easier for her to picture her furnishings mixed with theirs, where she would put something in the kitchen, in the living room.

  How soon she could start moving in.

  Which was crazy, she knew, and wild, and maybe a little irresponsible, but dammit.

  Life was short. She wasn’t getting any younger, and they weren’t a couple of serial killers.

  Having her every need anticipated and catered to was quickly growing on her. Now it was a given in the evenings that she’d leave her stuff on the couch for one of the men to fetch and carry for her.

  They both had keys to her place, the keys her dad had voluntarily returned to her, without her asking for them, his key and the one off her mom’s keyring.

  Em wasn’t sure what to expect as the guys drove her to the appointment at the doctor’s office late Tuesday afternoon. She was meeting her brother and sister there, and the three of them would go in at the same time. Jarred had gotten off work early
to go with her, and Garrison didn’t have a late class, so he was free.

  Her dad had already warned Em and her siblings that her mom was still highly emotional and liable to say things she might or might not mean. That this was just the start of her recovery process, even though she’d been in the hospital for a little over two weeks now. They were starting to get her to see she needed to be there, especially after their dad videotaped some of her behavior on his cell phone and then played it back to her once her medication had kicked in.

  Jarred and Garrison would sit out in the waiting room and wait for Em there. She didn’t want to do this alone. Just having them there, nearby, would help her get through this.

  Hell, she’d spent every night with them at their place, because of their larger bed, since their first night together, also just over two weeks ago. They hadn’t had sex every night, but the cuddling had been amazing even on the rare nights they were too tired to do anything else. Plus, now that she’d had an initial tutoring session from Tilly, she’d had a couple of light scenes with the men at their place, mixed in with their sexy time.

  Flogging, and some impact play.

  Seeing how much the men enjoyed it, it turned her on, too.

  That they trusted her so much, and were willing to give themselves to her, it humbled her.

  But turning her on was at the top of the list.

  Everyone’s blood tests had come back fine. She’d gotten back on the pill, so they’d added good old vigorous, condom-wrapped fucking, as well as her giving them unwrapped blow jobs, to their sexual menu. Once she’d been on the pill long enough, she’d finally be able to fuck them bareback.

  For now, she wasn’t going to take any chances. Unlike her siblings, she’d never been interested in having kids, and her guys weren’t really keen on that idea, either, fortunately for her.

  Em and her guys arrived at the appointment first, Amy and Don riding together and arriving a few minutes later. She’d wondered how Don would handle the introductions of Jarred and Garrison as her boyfriends, but he surprised her.

  It was Amy who sent Em a pinched frown. “Boyfriends?”

  “Don’t go there with me, Amy. That’s what I said.”

  Amy started to say something but Don put a hand on her shoulder. “We’ve had enough division in this family,” he said. “Don’t add more. Dad already told me about them. He’s fine with it. So am I.”

  Amy wheeled on him. “What? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “For this very reason. It’s not our business.”

  “Well…we damn sure can’t tell Mom. You’ll just have to lie about who they are.”

  Em arched an eyebrow at her little sister. “Uh, nooo, I’m not going to do that.”

  Don’s hand didn’t leave Amy’s shoulder. “Drop it, Amy. Dad said we’re done keeping secrets in this family.”

  “I don’t have any secrets!”

  “No? Really?” He let go of her and folded his arms over his chest. “You mean like the fact that I caught your husband cheating on you and the two of you haven’t slept in the same bedroom in six months?”

  Em’s eyes widened. This was the first she’d heard of it. “What? What the hell?”

  “That’s different!”

  “You were going to file for divorce when all this hit,” Don said. “That needs to get put out there, too.”

  “Shut up! You had no right to tell her that!”

  Em’s hands tightened around Garrison and Jarred’s, and they squeezed back.

  “Well, now that the cat’s out of the bag,” Em drawled, “care to tell me the rest?”


  Don ignored Amy’s protest. “I saw Jack at lunch one day with a woman. He didn’t see me. It was obvious what they were doing. And since I handle IT for the company, I took a quick trip through his work e-mails. Totally part of my job.”

  He glared at Amy. “And I found out where they’d been sleeping together for over a year, best I could tell.” Don had gotten Jack the job at the company they both worked for.

  “We were going to try to work things out,” Amy insisted.

  “Yeah, no,” Don said. “Not according to what the e-mails showed.” He focused on Em again. “I didn’t tell Amy about the e-mails at first. Just said what I’d seen at lunch, she said I was being ridiculous. Then she looked at his cell phone record with my help, and we found the woman’s number. Texts and calls. Jack confessed to Amy, begged her forgiveness—”

  “Shut up, Don!” Amy said.

  “No, I’m done keeping secrets in this family.” He turned to Em again. “I found out the woman’s married and was cheating on her husband. Found out who he was and where he worked based on what I saw in the e-mails, so I sent him an anonymous message that maybe he should check his wife’s cell records. The side piece decided once that hit the fan that she was going to divorce her husband. She kicked him out a couple of weeks ago. Jack’s going to be moving in with her. She doesn’t have any kids.”

  Amy looked like she was about to explode.

  Don, however, wasn’t finished. He pointed at Em even though he directed his comment at Amy. “So I’d rather my older sister be honest about her non-traditional relationship, than my younger sister lie through her teeth about her divorce to our mom. Besides, what are you going to do, tell your kids to lie to Mom? Great example to set for them, huh? It’s that kind of bullshit that got us here in the first place.”

  Em realized she was squeezing both men’s hands super-tight and relaxed her grip a little.

  Her dad arrived. “Oh, good. You boys are here, too. I talked to the doctor about your situation.”

  That surprised not only Em, but her men. “Huh?” she asked.

  “If you’re in a serious long-term relationship with them, then we need to get that out on the table. Better we deal with it with your mom now, with help, than later, and it sets back her progress when she tries to use it as an excuse.”

  Don shot Amy a so there celebratory smirk.

  “You sure?” Em asked.


  “Um, then there’s something else you should know,” Em said.

  Amy glared at her. “Don’t you freaking dare.”

  “Uh, I dare.”

  Her father looked confused. “What’s going on?”

  “Tell him, Amy,” Em said. “Or I will.”

  “Or I will,” Don said.

  Her face growing increasingly red, Amy muttered the basics.

  Then her dad did something Em hadn’t expected.

  He laughed.

  Em exchanged a worried glance with Don and released her men’s hands so she could walk over to her dad, who was now laughing so hard that he’d had to sit down.

  “Uh, Dad?”

  He waved her away as he tried to get himself under control. “Hoo, boy.” He looked at his three children, then at Jarred and Garrison. “Scared off yet?”

  “No, sir,” the men said together.

  “Good. Glad to hear it.” He pointed at Em. “I’ve seen her smiling more the last few times I’ve seen her than I have in the last three dang years.” He pulled himself back to his feet. “Keep up the good work.”

  “You cannot tell me you’re okay with this!” Amy protested.

  “I am telling you that,” he said. “And if you love your sister, you’ll stay the heck out of her business and let her live her life without judgment. At least she’s not trying to hide the truth from me. Unlike some people.”

  Amy went red in the face—redder—and shut up.

  The doctor opened his office door and invited them in. When her father quickly explained who Garrison and Jarred were, the doctor agreed if it was a long-term, permanent relationship that it would be best to handle breaking that news in a controlled setting.

  Her mom wore yoga pants and an oversized T-shirt when a nurse escorted her in after the doctor had finished giving them an overview of the treatment plan and what had happened so far.

  Em noticed their mo
m looked tired, withdrawn. Em felt sorry for her until she remembered it was her mom’s own fault for being there in the first place.


  She knew her mom couldn’t help the fact that she had a medical condition, but her behavior over the years certainly had been within her control.

  Em had hoped the news of Amy’s divorce would be the headline, but no such luck.

  When Em chickened out admitting it, her father took over.

  “Francis, Em is dating the men who own the house next door to her. You will not give her a hassle about it, either.”

  Her mom sat there, shredding a tissue, one of several she’d destroyed during their talk.

  “Why do you have to do that?” her mom finally asked. “It’s ridiculous. When can I go home?”

  “We’ve already discussed this, Francis,” the doctor said. “When you are finally discharged, you and your husband have a home of your own now.”

  “I didn’t ask for that!” She glared at Em. “I had a home.”

  Em fought the urge to get up and leave. She knew she was supposed to be patient, but this felt like the same shit, different day, and she wasn’t going to sit there and listen to it.

  “Francis,” her dad said, “you knew we couldn’t stay there.”

  “I most certainly do not know that. She kicked us out.”

  Amy finally found her backbone. “Mom, she didn’t kick you out. You keep saying that and you know it’s not true.”

  Don chimed in. “You and Dad need your own place.”

  Her mom glared at everyone. “Fine. You’re all against me, I see.”

  The doctor glanced at the time. “Okay, I can see that we’re going to need to do a lot more work on this in future sessions. Does anyone have anything they want to say before we end this?”

  “I do,” Em said. “Mom, I love you, and I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. But now that you know you have a problem, do what they tell you, take the medication, and quit being stubborn. Your fear of turning into your friend is gone. You can choose to do what they tell you to do to get better and stay healthy.”

  Her mom glared at her but didn’t respond.