Read Sword of Honor Page 74

  “I don’t think you would have liked this party.”

  “No, no, of course not. But I used to get asked. Well, so did you. There was a lot of rot talked but it did get one through the evening. Everything’s very quiet here now.”

  This judgment was immediately rebutted by the descent of the Commando dinner party who stumbled noisily down the staircase and into the billiard-room.

  Guy paused to greet his brother-in-law.

  “I didn’t ask you to our dance,” said Box-Bender. “It is very small, for young people. I didn’t suppose you’d want to come. Didn’t know you ever came to London as a matter of fact.”

  “I don’t, Arthur. I’m just up to see lawyers. We’ve sold the Castello, you know.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Who on earth can afford to buy property in Italy now? Americans, I suppose.”

  “Not at all. One of our own countrymen who can’t afford to live in England—Ludovic.”


  “The author of The Death Wish. You must have heard of it.”

  “I think Angela read it. She said it was tosh.”

  “It sold nearly a million copies in America and they’ve just filmed it. He’s a fellow I came across during the war.”

  “One of your party in there?”

  “No. We aren’t quite Ludovic’s sort of party.”

  “Well, the Castello should be just the place for a literary man. Clever of you to find a buyer.”

  “That was done for me by another fellow I met in the war. You may remember him. An American called Padfield. He used to belong here. He’s become Ludovic’s factotum now.”

  “Padfield? No. Can’t say I remember him. How’s everything at Broome?”

  “Very well, thank you.”

  “Domenica all right, and the boy?”


  “Farm paying?”

  “At the moment.”

  “Wish mine was. Well, give her my regards.” A voice called, “Guy, come and play slosh.”

  “Coming, Bertie.”

  When he had gone, Elderberry said: “That’s your brother-in-law, isn’t it? He’s putting on weight. Didn’t I hear something rather sad about him during the war?”

  “His wife was killed by a bomb.”

  “Yes, that was it. I remember now. But he’s married again?”

  “Yes. First sensible thing he’s ever done. Domenica Plessington, Eloise’s girl. Eloise looked after the baby when Guy was abroad. Domenica got very fond of it. A marriage was the obvious thing. I think Eloise deserves some credit in arranging it. Domenica manages the home farm at Broome. They’ve settled in the agent’s house. Pity they haven’t any children of their own. They aren’t at all badly off. Angela’s Uncle Peregrine left his little bit to the child. Wasn’t such a little bit either.”

  Elderberry remembered that Box-Bender had had trouble with his own son. What had it been? Divorce? Debt? No, something odder than that. He’d gone into a monastery. With unusual delicacy Elderberry did not raise the question. He merely said: “So Guy’s happily settled?”

  “Yes,” said Box-Bender, not without a small, clear note of resentment, “things have turned out very conveniently for Guy.”

  About the Author

  Evelyn Waugh (1903–1966) was born in Hampstead, England, into a family of publishers and writers. He was educated at Lancing and Hertford College, Oxford, where he majored in journalism and modern history.

  Waugh’s first book, Rossetti: His Life and Works, was published in 1928. Soon afterward his first novel, Decline and Fall, appeared and his career was sensationally launched. “In fifteen novels of cunning construction and lapidary eloquence,” Time summarized later, “Evelyn Waugh developed a wickedly hilarious yet fundamentally religious assault on a century that, in his opinion, had ripped up the nourishing taproot of tradition and let wither all the dear things of the world.” Apart from his novels, Waugh also wrote several acclaimed travel books, two additional biographies, and an autobiography, A Little Learning. His short fiction is collected in The Complete Stories of Evelyn Waugh.



  Decline and Fall

  Vile Bodies

  Black Mischief

  A Handful of Dust


  Put Out More Flags

  Work Suspended

  Brideshead Revisited

  Scott-King’s Modern Europe

  The Loved One


  Men at Arms

  Love among the Ruins

  Officers and Gentlemen

  The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold

  Unconditional Surrender (also published as The End of the Battle)

  Sword of Honor (omnibus)


  Mr. Loveday’s Little Outing, and Other Sad Stories

  Tactical Exercise

  Basil Seal Rides Again

  Charles Ryder’s Schooldays

  The Complete Stories of Evelyn Waugh



  Edmund Campion

  Msgr. Ronald Knox


  A Little Learning

  The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh

  The Letters of Evelyn Waugh


  A Bachelor Abroad

  They Were Still Dancing

  Ninety-Two Days

  Waugh in Abyssinia

  Mexico: An Object Lesson

  When the Going Was Good

  A Tourist in Africa

  A Little Order

  The Essays, Articles and Reviews of Evelyn Waugh

  List of Abbreviations

  A/Ty Acting Temporary

  AA anti-aircraft

  ACIG[S] Assistant Chief of Imperial General Staff

  ADC aide-de-camp

  AG Adjutant General

  ALC assault landing craft

  AMGOT Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories

  AO Air Officer

  ARP air-raid precautions

  AT a member of the Auxiliary Territorial Service (later the Women’s Royal Army Corps), which recruited British women to work in the army

  ATM Army Training Memorandum

  BGS Brigadier General Staff

  BM Brigade Major

  CIGS Chief of the Imperial General Staff

  CO Commanding Officer

  CSM Company Sergeant Major

  DAQMG Deputy Assistant (or Acting) Quartermaster General

  DLF Director of Land Forces

  DPS Defense Planning Staff

  DSD Director of Signals Division

  DSO Distinguished Service Order

  Ensa Entertainments National Service Association

  ESO Embarkation Staff Officer

  FANNY First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (of women)

  GHQ General Headquarters

  GHQME General Headquarters, Middle East

  GOC Creforce General Officer Commanding Creforce

  GSO General Staff Officer

  HLI Highland Light Infantry

  HOO Hazardous Offensive Operations

  IO Intelligence Officer

  JD judging distance

  L of C lines of communications

  MC Military Cross

  ME Middle East

  MEF Middle Eastern Forces

  MLC military landing craft

  MM Military Medal

  MO Medical Officer

  MT motorized transport

  NAAFI Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes

  NBG no bloody good

  NCOs non-commissioned officers

  OC Officer Commanding

  OCTU Officer Cadets Training Unit

  ORs other ranks

  PAD passive air defense

  PX stores Post Exchange stores, on US Army bases, supplying such goods as cigarettes and nylons

  QM Quartermaster

  QMG Quartermaster General

  RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps
  RAP regimental aid post

  RASC Royal Army Service Corps

  RCH Royal Corps of Halberdiers

  RDF Radio Direction Finding (radar)

  RNVR Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve

  RSM Regimental Sergeant-Major

  RT radio telephony/telegraphy

  RTO Railway Transport Officer

  SMO Senior Medical Officer

  SNO Senior Naval Officer

  T/A Temporary Acting

  T/y Temporary

  TEWTS Tactical Exercises Without Troops

  UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration

  VADs Voluntary Aid Detachments

  W/T wireless telephony

  WAAFs Women’s Auxiliary Air Force members

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  Chapter One: Sword of Honor

  Chapter Two: Apthorpe Gloriosus

  Chapter Three: Apthorpe Furibundus

  Chapter Four: Apthorpe Immolatus

  Chapter Five: Apthorpe Placatus

  Chapter Six: Happy Warriors

  Chapter Seven: Officers and Gentlemen

  Chapter Eight: State Sword

  Chapter Nine: Fin de Ligne

  Chapter Ten: The Last Battle

  Chapter Eleven: Unconditional Surrender

  About the Author

  Books by Evelyn Waugh

  List of Abbreviations




  The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Copyright © 1965 by Evelyn Waugh

  Foreword copyright © 2012 by TK

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  Little, Brown and Company

  Hachette Book Group

  237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017

  First e-book edition: December 2012

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  ISBN 978-0-316-21668-5



  Evelyn Waugh, Sword of Honor

  (Series: Sword of Honor 1-3 # 1)




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