Read Sybil, Or, The Two Nations Page 4

  "My dear Charles," said Lady Marney to Egremont the morning after theDerby, as breakfasting with her in her boudoir he detailed some of thecircumstances of the race, "we must forget your naughty horse. Isent you a little note this morning, because I wished to see you mostparticularly before you went out. Affairs," continued Lady Marney, firstlooking round the chamber to see whether there were any fairy listeningto her state secrets, "affairs are critical."

  "No doubt of that," thought Egremont, the horrid phantom of settling-dayseeming to obtrude itself between his mother and himself; but notknowing precisely at what she was driving, he merely sipped his tea, andinnocently replied, "Why?"

  "There will be a dissolution," said Lady Marney.

  "What are we coming in?"

  Lady Marney shook her head.

  "The present men will not better their majority," said Egremont.

  "I hope not," said Lady Marney.

  "Why you always said, that with another general election we must comein, whoever dissolved."

  "But that was with the court in our favour," rejoined Lady Marneymournfully.

  "What, has the king changed?" said Egremont. "I thought it was allright."

  "All was right," said Lady Marney. "These men would have been turned outagain, had he only lived three months more."

  "Lived!" exclaimed Egremont.

  "Yes," said Lady Marney; "the king is dying."

  Slowly delivering himself of an ejaculation, Egremont leant back in hischair.

  "He may live a month," said Lady Marnev; "he cannot live two. It is thegreatest of secrets; known at this moment only to four individuals, andI communicate it to you, my dear Charles, in that absolute confidencewhich I hope will always subsist between us, because it is an event thatmay greatly affect your career."

  "How so, my dear mother?"

  "Marbury! I have settled with Mr Tadpole that you shall stand for theold borough. With the government in our hands, as I had anticipatedat the general election, success I think was certain: under thecircumstances which we must encounter, the struggle will be more severe,but I think we shall do it: and it will be a happy day for me to haveour own again, and to see you in Parliament, my dear child."

  "Well, my dear mother, I should like very much to be in Parliament, andparticularly to sit for the old borough; but I fear the contest will bevery expensive," said Egremont inquiringly.

  "Oh! I have no doubt," said Lady Marney, "that we shall havesome monster of the middle class, some tinker or tailor, orcandlestick-maker, with his long purse, preaching reform and practisingcorruption: exactly as the liberals did under Walpole: bribery wasunknown in the time of the Stuarts; but we have a capital registration,Mr Tadpole tells me. And a young candidate with the old name will tell,"said Lady Marney, with a smile: "and I shall go down and canvass, and wemust do what we can."

  "I have great faith in your canvassing," said Egremont; "but still, atthe same time, the powder and shot--"

  "Are essential," said Lady Marney, "I know it, in these corrupt days:but Marney will of course supply those. It is the least he can do:regaining the family influence, and letting us hold up our heads again.I shall write to him the moment I am justified," said Lady Marney,"perhaps you will do so yourself, Charles."

  "Why, considering I have not seen my brother for two years, and we didnot part on the best possible terms--"

  "But that is all forgotten."

  "By your good offices, dear mother, who are always doing good: and yet,"continued Egremont, after a moment's pause, "I am not disposed to writeto Marney, especially to ask a favour."

  "Well, I will write," said Lady Marney; "though I cannot admit it isany favour. Perhaps it would be better that you should see him first. Icannot understand why he keeps so at the Abbey. I am sure I found ita melancholy place enough in my time. I wish you had gone down there,Charles, if it had been only for a few days."

  "Well I did not, my dear mother, and I cannot go now. I shall trust toyou. But are you quite sure that the king is going to die?"

  "I repeat to you, it is certain," replied Lady Marney, in a loweredvoice, but a decided tone; "certain, certain, certain. My authoritycannot be mistaken: but no consideration in the world must throw you offyour guard at this moment; breathe not the shadow of what you know."

  At this moment a servant entered and delivered a note to Lady Marney,who read it with an ironical smile. It was from Lady St Julians, and ranthus:--

  "Most confidential. "My dearest Lady Marney,

  "It is a false report: he is ill, but not dangerously; thehay fever; he always has it; nothing more: I will tell my authority when we meet; I dare not write it. It willsatisfy you. I am going on with my quadrille.

  "Most affectionately yours, "A. St J."

  "Poor woman! she is always wrong," said Lady Marney throwing the note toEgremont. "Her quadrille will never take place, which is a pity, as itis to consist only of beauties and eldest sons. I suppose I must sendher a line," and she wrote:

  "My dearest Lady St Julians,

  "How good of you to write to me, and send me such cheering news! I have no doubt you are right: you always are: Iknow he had the hay fever last year. How fortunate for your quadrille, and how charming it will be! Let me know ifyou hear anything further from your unmentionable quarter.

  "Ever your affectionate "C.M."

  Book 1 Chapter 5