Read Synthesis: Book One Page 4

  Chapter 4

  Kelly got off the plane at the Juan Santamaria International Airport in San Jose. As she waited for her baggage, she craned her head to take in the sweeping, modern airport and its amazing architecture. She still felt like an ignorant tourist, especially since she had done so little research on the country and its capital. She was initially under the impression that Costa Rica was some kind of touristy jungle country that was a great place for college kids to get drunk at on Spring Break. She didn't know that Intel, as well as a whole slew of other high tech companies, had manufacturing and research facilities there. As she watched the baggage slowly roll by on the carousel, she was startled by a hand on her shoulder. She gasped and spun around, only to see Evan himself holding up both hands and backing away with a cautionary smile.

  “Whoa! I didn't mean to frighten you!” He said.

  Kelley let her shoulders fall and shook her head in embarrassment.

  “I'm so sorry! I've been drinking coffee and Red Bull since this morning. I'm a little on edge.” She said.

  Evan watched her as she looked over and grabbed her baggage off the conveyor. Reflexively, he offered to help her with the big bag, and she smiled and handed over the carrying strap. “So, why didn't you just sleep on the plane like everyone else does?”

  Kelley had a pathological fear of flying that took the intervention of a psychologist to fix. After rooting around in her psyche for a year, the doctor was able to attribute her fear of flying to her fear of being out of control. They worked out a rather odd method of treatment; Kelley went through flight attendant training. All of it. After it had been arranged, Kelley got to spend two weeks going through the same boot camp that all flight attendants go through. She learned everything from how to serve drinks on a turbulent plane, all the way to how to manage evacuating a smoke filled, water filled, or terrorist-filled cabin. All that training had made her one of the most helpful and level-headed fliers around. It had the side effect of making her a little too aware of all the things that can go wrong on a flight. So she countered that by not sleeping, and begin ready for any and everything at a moment's notice.

  Kelley thought back over her odd treatment and said, “It's a long story. But, as you already know, I don't like surprises.”

  “That I do know!” He joked, as he hefted the heavy bag's strap onto his shoulder. “Did you get your hotel information.? I'm sorry it was so last minute.”

  They walked out to the parking lot; Kelley checked her phone to see the confirmation email for the hotel reservations.

  “Yep, I have it right here. Thanks again for putting me up here for a month. This would have wiped out all of my credit cards!” She joked awkwardly. She hated the fact that she was almost thirty, and had the credit rating of a high school dropout.

  Evan chuckled as they stepped out into the balmy Costa Rican day. “Thanks, but it's not my money. Genetitech was more than happy to cover all your costs while you're here.” He reached into his pocket and fished for something. “That reminds me; they wanted me to give you this also.”

  He handed her a jet black Amex business card. Stamped on it was her full name. She had to laugh at the fact that the institute she currently worked at make them take out their own trash on odd days to save on janitorial costs. This one just gave her a spending account before meeting her in person!

  “Wow, um, thanks? What's this for?” She asked, as she struggled to keep up with Evan and his long legs.

  “It's for any costs or expenditures you may have while staying here. It's for you to use as you please, compliments of Genetitech.” He said over his shoulder with a knowing wink.

  “If I may be so bold, I would recommend a change of wardrobe. The weather here is like this all day every day. It doesn't cool off at night either.” He said, as he pulled out his keys and unlocked his car. Kelley had to wonder if Genetitech paid for his car too. He was driving a brand new Volkswagen Toureg that was covered with dust and mud.

  As he threw her bags in the back, she looked at the shiny black card in her hands and joked, “It looks like Genetitech will be paying for my new undies then.” Just then she slapped her hand to her face, as her cheeks turned bright red. “Oh, my God! I just said that out loud, didn't I?” She said to herself in quiet embarrassment.

  Evan looked up at the sky and laughed loudly. She liked how easy going he seemed to be. “It wouldn't be the weirdest that's ever been bought on the company dime. It’s not like you have to account for where your money goes. As long as you produce results, they continue to pay your way without question.”

  When Kelley climbed into the passenger seat she said, “Well that should be a nice change of pace.”

  After dropping her off at the hotel, Evan waited in the lobby while she unpacked her bags and got her room arranged. The Hotel Presidente was a beautiful, four star hotel that was set right in downtown San Jose. Kelley was too scared to even see how much the room cost per night, but she took relief in the fact that she wasn't the one paying the bill! She looked down from her third floor room at the busy street below. The people weren't like the usual frenetic crowds you see on U.S. city streets. These folks seemed to have a type of relaxed purpose, as they made their way around in the humid, midday heat.

  As she descended the stairs, she saw him sitting in the lobby typing on his phone. She briefly wondered who he was texting, when he looked up and caught her staring at him. He stood up quickly, and she stopped at the bottom of the stairs to straighten the hem of her skirt. She had decided to change into a less formal linen dress and flats. She felt more comfortable, but now she seemed to be more appealing to Evan, as his gaze wandered up and down her body. After clearing her throat politely, he shook himself out of his male assessment of her looks and tossed her a set of keys. She looked at the set, and noticed that there was a key fob with a Mercedes emblem on it.

  As if reading her mind, Evan said, “It's for you to use while you're here in Costa Rica. It's parked in the garage complex under your room number. Another gratuity from Genetitech.”

  “Wow,” was all she could manage as she stared at the keys.

  Evan gave her a wary smile and said, “What did they pay you at that think tank?”

  “Heh, not a whole lot I can tell you that.” She said. She put the keys in her handbag and smiled at Evan expectantly. She felt lost and out of place, and the fact that her chaperone was a hot, dark-haired Casanova wasn't helping her feel any less inadequate.

  “Right! How about we get some dinner before we head out to the facility?” He offered.

  “You mean, you work at night?” She asked.

  “Oh no, It'll just be easier to show you things if we're not trying to maneuver around techs and other staff at the lab. Plus, it'll be easier for you to see all the equipment that Caleb will be having control of. I can introduce you to the powers-that-be tomorrow at the formal luncheon. Caleb has the whole thing planned out. He wanted to have a sort of sending off ceremony before the actual process gets underway.”

  Kelley felt out of the loop in her own project, as Evan revealed plans that were made without her knowledge. “Wow..., it looks like you guys have been busy.” She said.

  Her voice must have intoned part of her displeasure, as Evan spoke up to put here at ease. “I know it seems like I've been doing this behind your back, but this was all Caleb's doing. I can show you his itinerary tomorrow, but he wanted it to be this way.”

  He put her hand on her bare shoulder to console her, and she felt a real connection with him for the first time. His warm touch, and the way that he so casually made body contact with her, was putting her under a sort of spell that she could not deny. As he let his hand linger there, Kelley reaffirmed her stance on work-related romances. There was still a part of her that was willing to toss that out the window at the drop of a hat, as Evan slowly brought his hand back to his side.

  He spoke up to break the undeniable tension.” So, I'm starved! How 'bout you?”