Read TUH Page 18

  Einstein and I screamed for joy after pulling out a victory from a near impossible game.

  Da Vinci and Einstein were shocked after hearing about Nightingale’s failure.

  Nightingale refused to put Moon into the punishment cage and took her place instead.

  The first time Black appeared.

  Nightingale and Einstein argued about which door to choose.

  We sprinted to catch the first White we saw.

  The four of us laughed at Einstein’s jokes.

  The four of us walked through the creepy face’s mouth.

  Suddenly, I was now outside the School of Battle, standing in front of the wall, except that creepy face wasn’t there anymore.

  “Beanie! You made it!”

  I turned around to see Nightingale, Da Vinci and Achilles standing there with huge smiles on their faces.

  “ACHILLIES!” I cried and hugged him. “So glad to see you again!”

  “Me too, Beanie.” He gently patted my back. “Thanks for coming to get me. I know it wasn’t easy.”

  I shook my head.

  “Beanie, where is Einstein?” Nightingale asked.

  I lowered my head and sighed.

  “He… he didn’t make it out… Einstein was… hurt. The games we played were too tough on him and he was badly injured…”

  Nightingale burst out crying. “It’s my fault! I should listen to him… I’m so sorry Einstein!”

  Da Vinci hugged her as she cried on his shoulder.

  “No, Nightingale, don’t say that. He actually knew what was going on and believes that you made the right choice.” I said while placing a hand on her back.

  It was a depressing end to this journey, just like all those times I had to say goodbye, it never felt good.

  D and Fairy lead us back to the Earth Office. Even though we completed this mission none of us were too excited. We kept thinking about the friends we lost, but I guess the silver lining was that we get to see Caterpillar soon. Da Vinci, Nightingale and Achilles went back to the White Room first while D dragged me to the side to tell me something.

  “Key Holder, I want you to bring Achilles next time you come back. His energy is low and a little bit too negative. I think it’s better for him to get checked before he spreads too much negativity to Earth.”

  “Really? Okay, I’ll do it.” I felt little bit worried.

  “All right, I think you should get going now, they’re all waiting for you.”

  “Oh… Geeez. I almost forgot.” I slapped my forehead. “Do you remember that last time you wanted me to give something to the first person I see after I left Tuh Valley?”

  D’s expression changed immediately as if he didn’t expect me to bring it up.

  “So… I gave it to her.” I paused. “OKAY! OKAY! I admit it! I lost it!!!”

  I embarrassingly shouted.

  “I don’t want to lie to you! I lost it, okay? But Blue Pearl said she knew what it was so it was okay, and she wanted me to give it back to you! “

  I opened my hand and placed it in front of D’s face. I thought I was going to show him an empty palm; however, in my palm a twig with a blue flower blossoming from it appeared, as if it had been in my hand all this time.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  “Ummm… so I guess I… didn’t really lose it.”

  D laughed. It was the first time I had seen him laugh. He took the flower from my hands and stared at it for a few seconds without saying a word.

  “I appreciate it.” He said.

  “No problem.” I replied but I was still pretty confused, but oh well…

  “All right, I’ll see you later, D.” I waved my hand.

  “Hey.” He stopped me again.

  “Yes?” I turned back.

  “What does… she look like now?”

  “Well…” I sniffed. “Like a mischievous little girl.”

  A sly smile appeared on D’s face.

  Finally, we were all back at the Laketuh Lake and this time when I played the music to close to gate there were no monsters to be found. As I turned back toward the shore, I saw an incredible sight, Nightingale, Da Vinci and Achilles standing there, looking much taller and more mature. It was a bit eerie but it definitely put a smile on my face to see how much we had been through together.

  “Hey Guys.”

  A long dark shadow standing behind a tree startled us. As the dark figure slowly stepped into the sunlight we all suddenly shouted at the same time...


  Einstein appeared from the forest with his arms opened. He looked so big and strong now, but he still had that arrogant smile on his face to let you know that it was him.

  “STUPID!” Nightingale sprinted over and hugged him tightly.

  “Why you always have to make me so angry!” She yelled and cried. “Don’t you dare to do it again!!”

  Einstein was a little confused at first but then hugged her back.

  “What happened, Einstein?” I asked.

  “I have no idea.” He shrugged. “There I was, lying on the ground with my eyes closed. I thought I was dead but then I woke up here at the Laketuh Lake. Everything that happened at that school was like a dream. Eventually I went back to the Laketuh House but none of you were there. So I came back here to wait for you guys.

  “Did you see Caterpillar?”


  I wondered where he was.

  “You guys hear that?” Da Vinci said. The rest of us shook our heads. He stood there silently for a few second trying to determine where that sound came from. Suddenly, he took off running into the forest, curious to what he heard we followed him in.

  “OH NO.” He squatted down behind some bushes. “Caterpillar’s here!”

  Caterpillar was unconscious and lying down on the ground. His face was pale but he was still breathing. Nightingale checked his eyes and pulse while rest of us watched. He was clenching something in his fist that was making clicking noise, so she opened it and found the clock Blue Pearl gave him vibrating in his hand.

  “I read about this thing at the TUH library.” She said while staring at the clock. “This is a weapon for hunting negative sprits. Supposedly, it can stop time and trap negative spirits. I remember reading about how if the clock come out of your hand while you’re trying to capture the bad spirits, you soul can be trapped in the clock as well.”

  “Do you know how he can get out?” Achilles asked while looked extremely worried.

  “If you open it now, the monsters will come out along with Caterpillar.” Nightingale bit her bottom lip.

  “But hey.” She turned to me. “Tomorrow, you should bring Caterpillar back to TUH. I’m sure the Tuhers will know what to do.”

  “Caterpillar will be fine. Don worry.” She stood up and placed a hand on Achilles’ shoulder.

  “Why don't you guys go back to Laketuh House first and come back tomorrow morning.” Achilles forced a smile. “I’ll stay here with Caterpillar. I don’t want to bring him back in this condition and… I don’t want to leave him here alone.”

  “I’ll stay here with you.” I said.

  Nightingale, Einstein and Da Vinci then headed back to Laketuh House while Achilles and I sat quietly next to Caterpillar. When night came and the temperature dropped we both began shivering.

  “I know a place we can go.” I stood up. “Let’s take Caterpillar there so we can all stay warm.”

  “How do you know this place!?”

  We were now standing in front of tree house Caterpillar bought me to last time. On the windowsill the two sunflowers were gently waving in the wind as if welcoming us back. We climbed in and Achilles carefully placed Caterpillar on the floor while I lid a few candles.

  “So many memories here…” Achilles walked around the room and touched every little item.

  “I used to hate coming here, because Popcorn always loved to play that husband and wife with baby game. Why would I want to be her husband and Caterpillar
’s dad, you know? But now… I really didn’t mind playing it… only if…” He looked at his little brother’s lifeless body but quickly turned away to hide his tears.

  “Well, didn’t you say you would marry me when I grow up and become prettier?” I tried to change the topic to lighten the mood. “I’m still not that pretty but I can play the game with you if you want.”

  “You were always cute, Beanie.” He looked at me with a smile. “Don’t listen to the nasty things I’ve said.”

  I stuck my tongue and blushed.

  “See you tomorrow, Beanie.”

  That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep. It made me beam, knowing that Achilles was here with me.

  The next morning, before Achilles was up, I quietly walked to the window, pulled out the blue crystal flower Moon gave me and planted it in the pot with the sunflowers.

  “Hi Popcorn, I brought an old friend for you.”

  I placed my elbows on the windowsill and watched the sun rise with Popcorn and Moon.

  “What are you doing?” Achilles suddenly slapped the back of my head. I threw him an angry glance.

  “Let’s go, wife. Let’s bring our baby home.”

  When we arrived at Laketuh Lake, Nightingale, Da Vinci and Einstein were already there with five little kids.

  “New students for you Beanie.” Einstein said.

  “You guys are not coming with us?” I was bit shocked.

  “No, our mission is accomplished. Our memories of TUH will be removed from us soon. You’re on your brand new journey now.”

  At that moment I felt very lost, this was what Fairy warned me about but I guess I still didn’t want to believe it. This journey was such an amazing and unique experience; we had all been through so much together and now they were just going to forget all about it and simply move on?

  “Will I see you guys when I come back?” I asked dejectedly.

  “Maybe not.” Nightingale sighed. “When you come back, we might have left already. We all have our next journeys waiting for us.”

  “Hey Beanie, don’t be upset.” Da Vinci saw my gloom. “The universe remembers our stories for us. We might meet again in the future, you never know and of course we’ll never forget you.”

  “Yes, Beanie, you’ll always be that brave girl who fought the monsters with us. Everything that happened seem like it was just yesterday but it’s really the end now.” Einstein gathered everyone together and we all hugged each other tightly.

  At this moment, I wish time could just stop forever so these memories would never fade.

  “Hi Popcorn, I brought an old friend for you.”


  The Start

  My 10th foster parent was a writer. Every night before bed she would read all kinds of stories to me. Whenever she would finish a story I would often ask, “And then?”

  “So you’re not satisfied even with a happily ever after ending?” She would laugh and ask.

  “So nothing is ever going to happen after the happy ending?”

  You know how much I hated the idea of everything having an end.

  “Well, something always happens. Every story has to end but it just means that a brand new story is about to begin.”

  Achilles and I watched Nightingale, Einstein and Da Vinci disappeared into the forest. I felt quite sad.

  “Hello.” The little boy with blond hair and blue eyes pulled on my sleeve.

  “Yes?” I turned and squatted down next to him.

  “My name is Shakespeare. It’s an honor to meet you.” He bowed, grabbed my hand and gave me an awkward peck. I had to hold back my laughter.

  “I’m Beanie, very nice to meet you too.“

  “They call me Dolphin.” An Indian girl with two goggling eyes smiled timidly. “Because I love dolphin.”

  “Hello, Dolphin.” I patted her head.

  “I’m Newton.” A black boy with curly hair standing next to Dolphin stared at me with an intense look in his eyes.

  “Hi Newton.” I shook his hand.

  “And you?” I asked the skinny boy with neat haircut and glasses.

  “They call me Hitler.”

  I froze.

  “Just kidding. Einstein said it would be funny if I introduce myself to you like that.” He grinned.

  I turned back and squinted at Achilles, he shrugged.

  “I’m Lincoln.”

  “Much better.” I exhaled.

  There was one more kid, a short girl with red ponytail. She was standing alone away from everyone else with her head lowered, quieting playing with her hair.

  “How are you, cutie?” I went over and squatted in front of her.

  “I just came here last week and the other kids don’t play with me.” Her voice was very sweet and soft.

  “It’s okay, they will.” I smiled. She definitely reminded me of myself when I first arrived at the Laketuh House. “What’s your name?”

  “Granny called me Ponytail.” She pouted as if she didn’t think her name was as cool as the others.

  “Ponytail. Such a lovely name, I like it.”

  She finally gave me a shy smile.

  “Who’s he?” She pointed at Achilles.

  “He’s Achilles. “

  “And who’s the one on his back? Is he sick?”

  “That’s Caterpillar, he’s just tired from fighting with monsters earlier.”

  “WOW!!!” Shakespeare, Lincoln and Newton all stepped forward to get a closer look at Caterpillar. “He must be very brave.”

  “He is.” Achilles nodded.

  With Caterpillar on Achilles’ back and Ponytail holding my hand, we stood at the shore of Laketuh Lake with the rest of the kids, looking at the calm water.

  “You guys ready for some fun!?” I exclaimed.

  “YES!” They shouted back.

  “Let’s go HOME!”

  I jumped into the lake. (The End)

  Every journey has to end but it just means that a brand new journey is about to begin.

  Beanie Says

  HEY WAIT! Remember when I asked if you had ever wished to be one of the characters in the movies you watched or the stories you read?

  Well, now I just love being the hero of my own story.

  Good Bye!

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