Read TUH Page 5

  “I’m sorry, Caterpillar.” I interrupted. “I don’t know anything about that place either… but I think maybe… maybe Popcorn’s still alive? We didn’t really see her…”

  “Beanie.” He stopped me. “Yesterday, before we left, Popcorn told me something bad was going to happen and she was going to die.”

  “WHAT? So she knew!? Then you should have told me so we could have done something to help her!”

  “I was dying to tell you! But she made me promise to keep you safe!”


  “I don’t know!!... She said Ms. Crystal will tell us where to go and what to do after I show her the note.”

  “I can’t believe it!” I shouted. “Now I feel like it’s my fault! But I have no idea what’s going on! Why does this keep happening to me? Am I cursed? Or am I just someone who always brings other people bad luck!??”

  I couldn’t help thinking about Mr. Huang and Christine again?

  “Clam down Beanie.” Caterpillar stopped and turned back.

  “It’s nobody’s fault.” He sighed and then slowly put his hand into the pocket.

  “This is for you. It’s yours.” He placed Popcorn’s necklace around my neck.

  “No! You should keep it as something to remember Popcorn by! It belongs to her! ” I shook my head.

  “No, it was never hers. She told me it would appear somewhere after she was gone and you would find it. The necklace belongs to you now.”

  “But…why…” I lifted up the silver chain and held the oddly shaped pendant in my hand. It looked like some sort of symbol but it didn’t resemble anything I recognize. “I don’t know what it’s for.”

  “I understand, Beanie. I have no idea what it’s for either, but she said only you and this necklace can bring Achilles and other kids back. I know they’re not your brother or sister but… but I really hope you can just… help me…” His voice cracked. “Achilles is my last… only…”

  “Let’s just go.” I walked off quickly. I didn’t want to see his tears and didn’t want him to see mine either.

  The first day on Highway 44 was a very confusing experience but that didn’t last long. Soon Caterpillar and I started enjoying life on the road. Every morning we ran around in the open field, exercising, screaming, yelling and making fun of each other. When noon time rolled around, we would jump into the river to catch fishes and frogs or we would climb onto trees to pick apples and peaches. At night, since the weather was so calm, we usually just lay on the grass staring at the stars until we both fell asleep.

  “Hey Beanie.”


  “I always wanted to ask you, what’s that white box in your bag? It looks very pretty but I never see you open it.”

  Caterpillar pointed at my bag one afternoon while we were eating some apples.

  “What?? OH you meant this?” I threw away the apple core I was holding, wiped my hands on my skirt and then pulled out the box. “Morris gave it to me. He adopted me for few months.”

  This was the first time I opened it. I always thought Morris must had left some money in it since he said there was a TREASURE inside. However, Instead of money it was a doll, a doll that looked exactly like ME.

  “Oh my god, is that you!?” Caterpillar screamed.

  The soft plush doll had dark brown curly hair, a maroon beanie, blue shirt, green skirt, pink shoes and a red flannel. It had my brown eyes, straight nose and full lips. I could not take my eyes away from the doll. It looked so alive I thought it was going to start moving.

  “I don’t like it, Beanie.” Caterpillar frowned. “Throw it away please. It looks like one of those creepy dolls that get up in the middle of the night and kill people!”

  “YES! It is!” I turned to him.

  “It will come alive tonight and suck your blood!!!!” I jumped on his back and started tickling him.

  “Ha… Stop! Hahahaha… it tickles! Hahaha. HEY! AWWWWWW!!”

  Caterpillar’s shriek echoed throughout the surrounding hills, he laughed and cried while wiggling on the grass. We continued to play, but my eyes were fixated on the doll the entire time.

  As days turned into weeks we became unaware of how long we had been traveling on this road. Soon winter approached, much faster then we both anticipated. We tried collecting and storing as much fruits as possible in our bags but soon they were gone. Daylight was short and it became difficult to find a safe and warm place to sleep during the long freezing night. We were exhausted, starving and could barely move. Fortunately, luck fell upon us and we found an old small cottage near the side of the road. We could see light gleaming through the windows! Someone was living in there!

  “Help! Please help!” We knocked the door in despair.

  An old skinny man opened the door. Mr. Jen was his name. He had white hair, black eyes and lived in this cottage alone. He cooked us hot soups, prepared hot baths for us and also washed our dirty clothes.

  “Why you live here alone, Mr. Jen?” Caterpillar said loudly while wolfing down a big piece of bread and gulping down a bowl of soup.

  “I knew someone would pass by and need help.” He smiled.

  “WHO COMES HERE??? Geeez! ” Caterpillar rolled up his eyes.

  “You guys. Hahaha.” Mr. Jen winked and gave us odd smile.

  After dinner and a bath we both fell asleep quickly under the warm blanket. The next day when we got up breakfast was already on the table. Mr. Jen kindly gave us two winter jackets and stuffed our bags full of food and water. He also wrapped our shoes with thick plastic bags, saying that it would keep our feet dry and prevent frostbite.

  “I’m too old to go with you, but I just want you two to know that it will get much colder and tougher once you reach the mountains. Please sit down and have a drink with me before you two set off.” We sat around the table while he poured three cups of hot tea.

  “Cheers, kids! Here’s to you and your journey!”

  “Goodbye kids! Have fun!” Mr. Jen waved goodbye at the door.

  “Oh, and say hi to her for me!” He shouted.

  “Say hi to who?” I hollered back. Mr. Jen didn’t respond, instead he only gave me a warm smile.

  He was not lying, it became dreadfully cold.

  We trudged forward through the knee-deep snow; the freezing wind battered our exposed faces. At night, despite having the tent Mr. Jen gave us to sleep in, we feared that the roaring wind would blow it away at any moment. Day after day, night after night, our bags that were once filled with food shrank, only to be filled with ice and snow. Every step became torturous, I could barely lift up my feet and my entire body shivered constantly.

  “Be careful Beanie.” Caterpillar said after helping me up. I had fallen over into the snow, which was becoming a daily occurrence.

  “Hey! I think I see a cave over there.” He pointed.

  “Really!? Should we just go there and… rest?” My face was as pale as the snow and our day had just begun.

  “Yes, I don’t think I can walk anymore, I can't feel my feet.” He slowly lifted up his feet from the snow. The plastic bags that once covered Caterpillar’s shoes had been badly ripped, his shoes were worn out and the snow had sunk in.

  We waddled into the cave and found it was surprisingly warm inside. We quickly dropped our bags and took off our wet jackets and shoes. Immediately, we collapsed on the floor, exhausted but happy that we were able to find a warm place to rest. I stretched out my arms and legs; finally felt the warmth returning to my limps again. And then, I heard a loud snore.

  “See you tomorrow, Caterpillar.” I smiled and closed my eyes.

  “It will get much colder and tougher once you reach the mountains.”


  Blue Pearl


  I opened my eyes.

  “ACHILLES!? What are you doing here!? How do you know we’re here!?”

  “Hehehe. How’s your trip so far?”

  “Well? it??
?s… umm…“

  “How’s Caterpillar?”

  “He’s good, he’s been very brave.”

  “Great. Where’s Popcorn?”

  “She…I think she’s dead.”


  “I’m sorry?”

  “Did she tell you what to do?”

  “No. I don’t know anything.”

  “Did she leave anything for you?”

  “Umm... Oh, I have her necklace.”

  “Good! I think you should wake up Caterpillar now and do whatever you’re told to do before it’s too late.”

  “To late for what?”

  “I got to go.”

  “Don’t go! Stay with us! Please don’t go!! NO, ACHILLES!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

  I woke up in a cold sweat, it was just a dream.

  I stared at the gray walls of the cave, breathing heavily. I swore I could smell Achilles like he was just here.

  Was it really a dream?

  Caterpillar was still asleep, his face in a pool of his own drool. I giggled but didn’t want to wake him up just yet.

  “Wow!” When I walked outside the cave, a brand new landscape appeared before my eyes.

  Multicolor blossoms, swaying gently in the warm breeze covered the endless expand of grassland. The sky was a beautiful hue of blue and I could see fluffy white clouds gently making their way across mountain tops in the distances. The air was warm and fresh, the birds were singing and butterflies were fluttering about. I couldn’t take my eyes away from this stunning scenery. The last thing I remembered before entering the cave was a landscape covered in a blanket of WHITE.

  “Caterpillar! WAKE UP!”

  We ran into the fields. The grass was soft, unlike the icy snow we were use to. The breeze was warm and gentle, unlike the cold and gusting wind that used to batter us.

  “Hey, what’s that!?” Caterpillar suddenly stopped and asked.

  “What? Where?” I replied.

  “There.” He pointed to a strange stone building.

  “Is… Is that… a grave?” Caterpillar trembled.

  “I don’t think so. Let’s go check it out.”

  “NO!” He grabbed my arm.

  “Hey! Don’t you want to find Achilles? Maybe he’s there!”

  “Well… fine. BUT you go first.” He pushed me forward while he hid behind me.

  “WAIT!” He yelled again.

  “I think there is someone in front of… AAAARRRRGH!! NOT a human being!!!!” He screamed.

  “SHUT UP CATERPILLAR!” I pulled him by his arm and continued forward. He struggled to escape but was forced come along.

  “Hello Kids! Come over here!” The strange figure called out for us in a feminine but loud tone.

  “Oh my god… a female ghost. It’s a morning vampire.” Caterpillar muttered.


  Fortunately for us, it wasn’t a ghost or a morning vampire but an old lady holding a crooked and skinny walking stick. Her sagging face and skin were covered with deep wrinkles but she still appeared to be healthy and energetic. She wore a long green and yellow dress with a blue scarf around her shoulders. Her white hair was tied neatly in the back with a red ribbon. A small brown pipe was dangling from the corner of her month. She took a long drag from it, slowly puffed out the smoke and then put the pipe back in her pocket.

  “Are you a human or a GHOST!?”

  Stupid Caterpillar would ask the dumbest question without thinking sometimes. I slapped the back of his head. He moaned and glared at me.

  “Well,” The old lady bit her lips. “I suppose… I’m a ghost?”

  Caterpillar gasped.

  “HAHAHAHA.” She laughed in a high pitch tone. Caterpillar froze.

  “My name is Blue Pearl. I know you’re Caterpillar and this cute little young lady must be Beanie.”

  We were both in shock that she knew who we were.

  Blue Pearl welcomed us into her house. It was not very big on the inside, but it was filled with all kinds of interesting decorations and furniture. On a green triangle table was food she had already prepared for us.

  “Blue Pearl, were you the one who invited us here… to TUH Valley? Do you know where our friends…”

  “No.” She stopped me. “This is not TUH Valley.”

  “WHAT!?” Caterpillar coughed, spitting food all over the table.

  “Where is it then?” I asked while wiping the table with a paper towel.

  “I’ll take you there tomorrow, don’t worry.” She smiled and patted Caterpillar’s back, who was still coughing uncontrollably.

  It had been a long time since we last bathed. I felt slightly embarrassed to see the clean water in the bathtub tuned brown from all the dirt and grime. Caterpillar, however, enjoyed his bath a lot, happily humming and talking to himself while splashing the water around.

  “He’s such a lovely boy.” Blue Pearl laughed while helping me put on a soft cotton pajama.

  “He IS. But please don’t tell him I said that.” I replied while making a funny face. “Oh wait, I almost forgot, Blue Pearl, do you know Mr. Jen? He said hi to you… I guess he meant you.”

  “Jen? You met him? Oh my, I miss that little boy, very intelligent and cute. How is he?”

  “Huh?” I frowned. “No, he’s not so little anymore…”

  A loud bang followed by a piercing shriek from the bathroom stopped me from finishing my sentence. Blue Pearl rushed in and found Caterpillar on the bathroom floor. Apparently he slipped while goofing around in the tub.

  “Good night, kids.” She kissed us on the foreheads.

  “Good night, Blue Pearl.” I said.

  “Good night, Blue Pearl.” Caterpillar said timidly while wearing a bandage on his nose and nursing a huge bruise on his left eye.

  “Sorry that I called you a ghost, you’re nice. Stupid Caterpillar...” He muttered.

  “But you’ll turn into a handsome butterfly one day, right?” Blue Pearl smiled. Caterpillar giggled.

  She blew out the candles, walked outside and closed the door. Caterpillar started to snore within 10 seconds. I sat up quietly and pulled open the curtains slightly.

  Blue Pearl was standing outside smoking again. She stood here looking up at the night sky. She would occasionally mumble and nod as if she was having a conversation with someone. I closed the curtains and lie back down.

  What was going to happen tomorrow? Were was Achilles?

  The next morning when I woke up, Blue Pearl was still standing outside smoking. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was standing there the entire night.

  “Good morning, Beanie. Go get ready, I’m taking you to the TUH Valley.”

  “Oh, let me go wake up Caterpillar.”

  “It’s all right. Let him sleep. We’ll go first.”

  So we marched off, trekked through the forest and ended up in front of the entrance to a large cave.

  Please don’t let the TUH Valley be in there…

  Please don’t let the TUH Valley be in there…

  “Here you go. The TUH Valley is through there.” Blue Pearl pointed at the cave. My heart sank.

  “Now, I want you to hold on to these carefully and don’t lose them.” She took out three pieces of biscuits from her pocket. “Eat one now before you go in. Save the rest and eat them later when you feel hungry.”

  “Am I going in there alone? What’s in there?” I stared at the three biscuits, confused.

  “Do you know what TUH is?” Blue Pearl looked at me with a mysterious expression.

  “TUH?...” I scratched my head.

  “Is TUH? That… the underwater… Neverland?” I shrugged, hoping my answer didn’t sound too silly to her.

  “Oh, so you kind of already know.”


  “Well.” Blue Pearl paused, took out her pipe, took a drag and blew out the smoke, which instantly vanished with the breeze. The smoke smelled like sweet peaches.

UH, is a sound… or a name. If you want me to translate it into human dialect, I’ll say it means The Universe Home.”

  “Huh?” I widen my eyes. “So, it’s not a… human thing??”

  “It IS, and it is NOT.” She stared into the distances. “Popcorn was the Key Holder and now you’re the one. You still have the necklace, right?”

  I pulled out the necklace and showed it to her, she nodded.

  “It’s the key for entering TUH.” She said.

  “The Key for… Wow, it sounds like a very important job! Why was I chosen? Am I that special?”

  “Everyone’s special, Beanie. Everyone was born with a purpose on this planet and in the universe. We’re all connected to each other and every little thing you see around you; from the air we breathe to the ground we stand on. Everything we see is impermanent but everything we feel is permanent. Of course you are special. You were chosen because you were at the right place at the right time. That’s why this is your mission, your journey.”

  Okay… Whatever you just said… I don’t really get it.

  “TUH is the home of the universe. It’s connected to every planet and everything. It also sends different kinds of elements to each planet when the gate is opened. These elements are essential for their continual evolution. The Key Holders are responsible for opening the gate between TUH and the planets. Every four years is an important period for Earth, if the gate is closed longer than that, disasters may manifest. It’s not a difficult job. All you have to do is open the gate once every four years. I was once a Key Holder for billions of years.”

  “You don’t really mean BILLIONS of years, right?” I said suspiciously. “No one can live that long!”

  “Yes! I really mean billions of years.” She beamed. “In TUH, you don’t age. It was my home for a very long time. In the beginning, I just opened the gate to allow the flow of essential elements. Later on, I found that Earth needed much more new elements ever since the first signs of life appeared. So I began seeking young and innocent students to go into TUH to receive lessons. These lessons helped them to spread new elements back here on Earth. That’s where your friend Achilles is now. He’s one of the chosen students.”

  “Okay… It all sounds very bizarre but I guess I understand little bit now… But why did you quit the job, Blue Pearl?” I asked.