Read Tainted Page 24


  The coldness of the room seeps into my bones as I wait. My eyes are trained on the door waiting for the doctor to return with the news I already know is coming. I curl my knees up to my chest and hug them close to my body. The whole idea of being taken to rescue Sebastian had been so romantic, heroic even, at the time. But now, faced with the reality of leaving, I’m not certain I can go through with it.

  I’ve been waiting in the room for half an hour when Dr. Patel re-enters. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and I hold my pendant in my hand tightly. The thought I’ve been trying to avoid thinking for the last half-hour surfaces to the forefront of my mind. I don’t want to be taken.

  Dr. Patel looks down at the chart in her hands, taking her time as she reads through the results.

  ‘So, I’ve got good news,’ she says reassuringly. ‘Your test came back all clear.’

  I stare at her blankly in response.

  ‘That means you’re not tainted,’ she explains.

  Again I don’t respond and she looks at me like I’m slow in the head.

  ‘What?’ I finally ask, incredulity evident in the tone of my voice.

  ‘You’re fine dear.’

  ‘Really?’ I say, in a manner more accusatory than questioning. She looks slightly confused, but checks her chart again.

  ‘Yes, really.’ She gives an awkward laugh.

  She seems confused by my response. Admittedly, I am acting like a crazy person. She does appear genuinely sincere about my results though. They must’ve come back clear. Maybe I grabbed the wrong sample?

  My whole body relaxes as I accept the news. I can’t believe how paranoid I am. I’d almost started an interrogation of this poor doctor. I vaguely shake my head at my own stupidity.

  I’ve barely relaxed when my chest contracts abruptly. My whole being becomes entirely consumed with guilt and I feel like I can barely breathe. I’m unquestionably the most horrible, selfish person ever. I can’t believe that, for even a second, I could be happy I’m not tainted. That I could be happy when I will never see Sebastian again.

  I sadly clutch my hand to my chest as I think of the face I will never see again, the laughs we will never share and the things I will never be able to tell him.

  ‘So can I go then?’ I ask, absently, I need to get away from this room. I want more than anything to be alone right now.

  ‘Not quite yet,’ she says. ‘I’m concerned about the symptoms you were describing to me from over the weekend. I would like to do just a couple more tests. They shouldn’t take too long.’

  ‘Oh, okay,’ I murmur, my voice unmistakably disappointed. I’ve been in the stark white confines of this room for so long now. Plus, I’ve been locked up all weekend. I just want to go back to my own quarters.

  ‘If you wouldn’t mind getting up and following me? I haven’t got the right instruments in here so we’ll have to go to my office.’ I stand up and take a step towards the door.

  ‘No, this way.’ She directs me towards the back of the room. ‘My office is just back here.’ I follow her to the changing curtain, which she yanks back. There is nothing there except the plain white wall of the testing room. She moves forward and presses against one of the large wall panels, which opens with a pop. She pulls it back into her and indicates for me to go through first.

  Her whole body is rigid and her eyes are blank as I walk past her and through the open panel. As soon as I enter I hear the door slam shut behind me and I’m immediately engulfed in complete darkness.

  ‘Hello? Dr. Patel?’ I call out nervously. ‘What’s going on?’ There’s no response to my questions, only silence. My body starts shaking. It’s so incredibly dark in here.

  ‘Anyone?’ I yell out. A light flicks on overhead. I’m in a small box of a room that you could barely fit four people in. Deep breaths, long deep breaths, I think. But I can’t get control of my breathing. My chest feels constricted and my lungs refuse to take in more than a short breath of air. I hold my hand firmly against my chest. I feel like I’m drowning and unable to come up for air.

  I turn back to the wall panel I entered through and start pressing my hands against it, trying to open it up.

  ‘C’mon, c’mon…’ I quickly give up on pushing and start shoving my body against the panel.

  The room shudders and I throw my hands against the walls to steady myself. What the hell is happening? The room begins to move and my stomach surges with the motion. I’m not in a room, but an elevator.

  ‘Quinn,’ I say with a whisper, as I think of her sitting down in the waiting room.

  There has to be an exit in here!

  ‘Quinn?’ I yell, my whole body wrenching around as I try to find a way to make it stop. I pat along the walls, looking for some secret way out of here. But nothing is in here, just the constant hum as the lift makes its quick ascent.

  ‘Quinn?’ I scream, as I punch my fists against the wall.

  ‘Quinn!’ I scream louder. I shout her name over and over again.

  The elevator shudders to a stop and silence takes over. A few seconds later one of the walls retracts. I shrink back into the corner of the space as a large man dressed in black comes to stand at the entrance.

  ‘This way,’ he growls. I don’t move. He roughly grabs my arm and pulls me out of the lift and into a hallway.

  ‘What’s going on? Where are you taking me?’ My voice quivers with emotion. He doesn’t respond.

  ‘Please,’ my voice breaks, ‘please tell me where we’re going?’ He opens a door and shoves me inside another dark room. The door slams shut as I topple inside. I run back to the door and bang on it.

  ‘Hey! You can’t just leave me in here!’ I yell at him. I slam my fists against the door harder. ‘Hey!’ I call out louder.

  ‘He can’t help you.’ A woman’s voice comes from behind me. I jump and turn. I hadn’t realised anyone was in here. The light comes on overhead and a lady in a black suit stands just inside another entranceway. Her dark hair is pulled back harshly in a tight bun giving her face unforgiving lines. Her whole stance exudes authority.

  ‘Elle, my name is Maggie. Take a seat,’ she says. I take small, cautious steps towards her. The room is comfortable looking, but foreign to anything I’ve experienced in the ARC.

  The walls are painted a rich golden colour and along the roof are exposed wooden beams. The floor is covered in a thick plush carpet that is so inviting I’d probably want to roll in it if I wasn’t so traumatised. Elaborate paintings hang in heavy, intricate frames from the walls and cosy couches are arranged in a circle around a rich wooden coffee table that looks onto a fireplace.

  She directs me to sit at one of the couches and nervously I take a seat.

  ‘Would you like something to drink Elle?’ I shake my head and turn away from her, trying to compose myself. My whole body is still shaking and my breath continues to catch in my throat.

  I allow my eyes to settle on the fireplace. The fire is so vibrant and bright, and it makes the softest little crackling noises. It’s the first time I’ve seen one in real life and I could probably watch the flames all day as they flicker and dance playfully.

  ‘Now I know the last few minutes have been very stressful. I want to apologise for any worry or discomfort that you may have felt. I’m about to tell you a few things and I want you to listen to everything I have to say before commenting. Okay?’

  I nod to show I understand. I’m not certain I trust my voice to be steady right now.

  ‘Okay. Now this may come as a shock to you, but your blood result has come back indicating you are tainted.’ I’d thought as much, especially given my terrifying exit from the doctor’s office. I can’t imagine them doing this if all I’d had was a cold.

  ‘Unfortunately,’ she continues. ‘The best way we’ve found of taking people out of the ARC is by using the method we’ve applied to you. We realise it’s scary, and unfair, but it’s the only way we can get people
out without affecting life down in the ARC.’

  ‘What’s going to happen to me?’ The words rush out and the daggered look she gives me makes me immediately regret saying them.

  ‘I’m getting to that,’ she snaps, her lips tightening and her cold steely eyes hardening. She clears her throat and looks down to dust her skirt before continuing. When she looks up the coldness in her eyes has lessened.

  ‘Firstly, we are going to allow you to record a video to say goodbye to your friends and family. It is of the utmost importance you do not describe any of what has happened to you. Otherwise we shall not be passing it along, and you will not get to say your goodbyes. Before making this video I need to explain to you that it is in your family and friend’s best interests if you tell them not to worry and not to come after you.

  ‘Any kind of agitation on the part of a friend or family member will be met with restraint of the individual, imprisonment or, in some cases, them being taken to the surface. I can assure you, if that happens, they will not survive.’ She looks at me sternly. This woman is not kidding; she means every word of what she says.

  I gulp, and nod my head. She stands stiffly and walks towards the door she must have entered through at the back of the room.

  ‘Follow me,’ she says firmly. I jump up and walk over to her. I can’t imagine anyone refusing. This woman is vicious and as much as I’m worried about where I’m going, I think I’m more frightened of staying here with her.

  She takes me through to the desolate grey room I recognise from Sebastian’s recording. Sitting in the middle of the room is a video camera on a tripod facing a chair. The camera is hooked up to a computer sitting on the table next to it.

  Maggie directs me to sit on the chair, so I quickly follow her instructions. I sit up straight and look up into the eye of a camera. I must look a mess. How will footage of me looking so obviously distressed reassure Quinn?

  ‘I recommend you direct your video to one person. It’s usually easiest that way,’ she says, as she plays around with the video camera.

  ‘Do you know who you want the video to go to?’ she asks.

  ‘Quinn Roberts,’ I murmur. ‘I live with her.’ She nods and a little red light appears on the front of the camera.

  I grip the edges of my chair and wonder where Quinn is right now. Would she still be in the waiting room? I imagine her sitting there, hoping I might return. Tears sting my eyes and I choke them back down.

  I tighten my grip on the cold metal chair. I feel like such an idiot. How did I not realise my results had come back tainted when she revealed the secret doorway? It was so obvious! Even before then I should’ve known.

  The red light on the camera goes off.

  ‘Elle,’ Maggie says. ‘Are you going to do a recording?’

  ‘Sorry. Yes. I was just trying to think what to say.’

  ‘Okay, are you ready now?’

  ‘I think so.’ The red light flicks on again.

  Here goes nothing.

  ‘Quinn. I’m so sorry I’m going away. Who would’ve thought that when I entered that room I wouldn’t be coming back out again?’

  I look over at Maggie who nods for me to continue.

  ‘You’ve been the best friend I could ever wish for. The best family I could ever wish for. You have been my guardian angel. You taught me to stand up for myself. But more than that, you always stood up for me when I didn’t know how. I will never be able to repay you for looking after me the way you have.’ I can feel tears welling in my eyes.

  ‘I’m going to miss you like you wouldn’t believe. I want you to be so happy and to continue living your life just as we did before. I’m going to be fine, so I don’t want you to worry. Please say goodbye to everyone for me. I love you so much. Stay safe.’

  Tears stream down my face as Maggie turns the camera off. I feel like I’ve traded Sebastian for Quinn. I’d been so caught up in the idea of rescuing Sebastian I hadn’t anticipated losing her. I never intended for this to be a choice between the two of them. I was so wrong. And now, recording this video, I feel like I’ve had to say my final goodbye.

  ‘What now?’ I ask, a hint of apprehension seeping into my voice.

  She ignores my question and bends down over the computer monitor. After a minute of her staring at the screen she stands.

  ‘Follow me,’ she orders.

  I silently follow the woman down hallway after hallway. Her heels clip clop along the hard floor as we walk. We reach a dead end and she presses a button on the wall, which lights up to the touch.

  Doors slide open in front of us and I have to stop myself from whimpering out loud. Another elevator. I’ve always avoided them like the plague and I’m already on a second for the day. But for once, my fear of the tiny space is overcome by my dread of where it’s taking me.

  I make my way into it and clutch my hands against the walls. It shudders to life causing my stomach to lurch again. I can feel the steady momentum of the lift moving upwards and I try not to think about its destination. But it’s unavoidable. The lift is going up so visions of the ravaged surface plague the forefront of my mind.

  Before I know it, the doors slide open again and we step out.

  We’re in a large bright room. Actually large is an understatement, and I doubt ‘room’ is the appropriate word to describe the enormous expanse I find myself in. It’s huge, bigger even than the plantation and the entrance cavern combined. The floor is concrete and way up high the ceiling looks like some kind of crinkled iron. I can’t quite tell as it’s so far above. The room is so vast and empty; it’s mind-boggling. Although, it’s not completely empty. In the distance I can see some sort of large glass machinery. Well, I think they’re machines, it’s hard to tell from so far away…

  My body shivers and I realise how cold it is in here. I huddle my arms tightly around my body.

  ‘Where are we?’ I ask, as I continue to peer around the room.

  ‘That is not your concern. Follow me,’ Maggie says briskly. She begins walking, but I stand my ground.

  ‘Where are you taking me?’ I ask, refusing to move one more step without knowing what she has planned for me. She turns to face me, her icy stare cutting right through me. She walks back and grabs my arm roughly, pulling it and dragging me behind her.

  ‘You’ll find out soon enough,’ she threatens, still holding my arm, her long, sharp nails biting into my skin.

  I stumble along after her as she drags me across the room. Nerves churn in my stomach, making me feel nauseated with fear. Where the hell is she taking me? What’s going to happen to me?

  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea?

  I watch the shapes in the distance, trying to figure out what they are. Maggie is making straight for them, so it’s obvious they’ve got something to do with what’s about to happen to me. After walking for a few minutes, I begin to register what it is I’m seeing. What I’m being taken to. I look around the room, seeing it again with fresh eyes.

  I’m in a giant hangar and she’s taking me on a helicopter.