Read Take Care of Me Page 1

  Take Care of Me

  By Melita Washington

  Copyright 2014 Melita Washington

  Chapter 1

  What made them friends, Stacey didn’t know.  They were more opposite than night and day. But there was absolutely nothing Stacey wouldn’t do for Nick. She watched him now, struck by how handsome he was. No wonder he never had to work for female companionship. He turned, saw Stacey coming towards him and smiled. “Hey Stacey May.” It was his affectionate nickname for her that no one else would dare use.  Especially considering that her middle name was really Elizabeth. But, just as much as she would do anything for him the feeling was mutual on his part as well.

  They were meeting to have their usual Friday night dinner. But there was someone else at the table. The question of who the striking stranger could be furrowed Stacey’s brow as both men rose from their chairs. “Stacey, I would like you to meet Stefan Spencer,” said Nick as he pulled the chair out for her to sit. Stefan held his hand out and she grasped it to find a warm, firm shake. Sign of a strong man her uncle would say. He looked her straight in the eye and held her hand just a moment longer than was necessary and smiled a dazzling smile at her.  Stacey’s heart skipped a beat.  She had no words, which was a rarity for her. Nick noticed and cleared his throat.  “You’ve heard me speak about Stefan we went to high school together.”  Stacey did remember the stories and felt a small stab of jealousy.  She was always amazed about the bond that had formed between her and Nick; and now worried that with a male counterpart on the scene, her role would be usurped. “Stefan is relocating to the D.C. area,” Nick was explaining.

  “And Nick told me all about you, but he never said how lovely you were Stacey,” Stefan said his eyes never leaving hers.

  Stacey felt flush and didn’t like the feeling. “You never told me he was a used car salesman Nick,” She stated flatly trying to put distance between the tug of the attraction she felt toward Stefan. Both men laughed.

  “So Stefan why are you returning to the D.C. area?” Stacey asked trying to make her voice sound normal and to steady her erratic heartbeat.  

  The waitress came and took their orders then Stefan answered, “Well the main reason is that my mother is suffering from dementia and my father needs a hand looking after her.  But I also had the opportunity to take on a new position in our company.  You are looking at the new Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Crawley and Company.”

  “So you are a salesman,” Stacey laughed.  Stefan returned the laugh easily, “I guess you can say so in a manner of speaking.”

  “I am sorry to hear about your mother Stefan.”  Stacey said this knowing it was a hard road ahead of him. As a nurse she had seen so much sickness in her life. Nick often wondered how she kept her sanity, but it was just who she was. Compassion was in her DNA and she felt it now for Stefan.

  Nick softly chuckled, “Stefan’s mom is a firecracker.  She used to beat me just as much, if not more than Stefan.”  

  Stefan’s smile held sadness. “We definitely deserved it and many more.” Both men laughed and said simultaneously, “Spare the rod, spoil the child.”  

  “I know you were a handful Nick and from the stories I’ve heard Stefan, you’re just as incorrigible.” Stacey said trying not to stare at him. The attraction she was feeling was undeniable and making her very uncomfortable.

  Stefan took a sip of his wine that the waitress had just refilled and said, “I have to admit it was 50/50 as to who instigated the situations we found ourselves in as kids.” He turned to Nick, “Do you remember that time we got caught sneaking out to go to a party when we were both already grounded?”

  Nick chuckled softly, “Of course I remember, that one was worth the beating I received when I got home. Libby Giovonni was worth all the trouble and then some.”

  Stefan added wistfully, “And I can say the same about Tiffany… What was her last name?” They both laughed.  The evening progressed and Stacey was regaled with stories of their youth. She felt encompassed in their circle of easy ribbing and laughter.

  The waitress, like she was drawn to their laughter came and batted her eyelashes at Nick. Stacey shook her head knowing how this was about to go down. Mandy, the waitress had been overly solicitous the whole evening, brushing up against Nick whenever she came by to check on the table. He turned to her now knowing what she wanted and gave it to her. “What time do you get off of work Mandy?”  He was so nonchalant about it.

  She quickly answered, “An hour ago, but wanted to make sure you were taken care of.”  

  He gave her that alluring smile Stacey knew so well and said, “So what are we waiting for?” Nick said his goodbyes after taking care of the tab for the evening.

  “Does he always do that?” Stefan asked chuckling at the ease of which Nick had picked up the waitress.

  “Yes, it’s incredibly easy for him. Who could blame her?  He’s hot.” Stacey answered shrugging her shoulders. Stefan frowned at this.  He had been laughing and smiling all evening so the frown looked out of place on his face.

  “What?” Stacey asked.

  “I didn’t realize it was like that between you two,” he stated flatly.

  Stacey was quick to correct him, “It’s not like that at all. I love him, but I’m not in love with him.  I know him too well to fall for his charm. He’s my best friend. Don’t know what I’d do without him. But it’s never been like that between us.”

  A slow smile spread across Stefan’s face, “That’s good to know. We stay away from sharing each other’s girls.”

  Whoa, did she hear that right? Did that mean he was considering Stacey to be his girl? Well, Stacey thought to herself, just ask. “So,” she started out slowly, “Am I under consideration for being your girl?”

  His smile broadened. “Would you be receptive to the idea?”

  She had to remember to breathe. Never in her life had a guy this attractive come onto her. She contemplated his good looks.  Not as model handsome as Nick, but gorgeous none the less. He had an olive complexion that definitely wasn’t born in a tanning both.  His eyes were a grey blue that looked like a storm brewing when he frowned and fireworks when he laughed. He had midnight black hair that looked windblown, but she knew enough about style to know that it was not a natural occurrence.  There was definitely product in this guy’s hair.  Metro-sexual much? He wore an expensive suit that screamed designer and probably cost more than her whole closet worth of clothing. He looked like he stepped from between the sheets of GQ magazine. Why on earth would he be interested in going out with someone who was the total opposite of that?  

  Next to him Stacey looked so plain. She was grateful that for once that she had at least changed clothes before meeting Nick. Usually she met him in her scrubs. She had actually put on a skirt and blouse, which showed a hint of cleavage which Stefan, checked occasionally to her happy surprise. Her brown hair was pulled severely away from her face and she was pale from lack of sun. She refused to go to a tanning salon, like Nick was always pestering her to. Stefan was a good foot taller than Stacey, lean and muscular. While she wasn’t overweight she definitely wasn’t model thin like she envisioned his type to be. Why on earth was he asking her out? She realized he was still waiting for an answer and she still couldn’t think how to respond. This was probably easy for him, she had heard about his and Nick’s escapades in school. He was a rival to Nick’s ways with the ladies.

  She took so long to answer he began to back pedal, “If you’re not interested you can just say so, I’ll survive.” He looked away seemingly chagrined.

  Oh no, she thought, I‘m blowing it, over thinking the situation as usual.  “No, it’s not that. I just don’t usually get asked out. I couldn’t help trying to
examine your motives.  But I’m game for anything once.”

  “Not exactly a resounding yes, but I’ll take it. There must be something wrong with the male population around here, if a beautiful woman like you doesn’t get asked out all the time.” Stefan said smoothly.

  Stacey shrugged blowing off the exaggerated compliment, “I get asked out on a rare occasion or two, but definitely not by drop dead gorgeous guys like you. Oh! That sounds superficial doesn’t it?”

  He grinned at her, “Totally, but I’m not going to hold it against you.”

  She wiped her hand across her forehead dramatically, “Whew! I have the propensity to put my foot in my mouth, so I’m glad it’s not there now.”

  This flirting thing was going well, much better than she had ever done it before.  He genuinely seemed interested. She was on her second glass of wine, definitely her limit. Afraid that she was going to mess things up, she decided to call it quits for the night.

  Stefan, however had other ideas, he pulled his chair closer to Stacey. “So, can I interest you in dessert?” He set the dessert menu in front of Stacey while putting his arm over the back of her chair. She could feel the heat from his body and without even thinking she leaned closer to him. They were almost touching. Her stomach was doing little flips, thinking about his proximity. Maybe she didn’t have to leave just yet.

  “Dessert does sound good. Do you like chocolate?” Stacey asked in a breathy voice that sounded nothing like the practical no nonsense voice she used as a nurse.

  “Who doesn’t love chocolate? Shall we share something?” Stefan mused.

  “That might save on calories.” Stacey intoned begrudgingly. She really did love dessert but didn’t want to look like a complete hog in front of Stefan.

  He laughed out loud. “I wouldn’t dream of making you share a dessert.  You look like I just kicked your puppy by even suggesting it!”

  Embarrassed that he read her thoughts so easily Stacey said, “Really I don’t mind sharing. But look there is a mudslide pie and a chocolate lava cake. Maybe we could share both?”

  His eyes twinkled in his mirth. Stacey could get lost in those eyes. She found herself inching even closer. She wanted to be in the orbit of his dazzling sunshine of a smile. He stroked her cheek with his index finger and said, “I would be happy to share dessert with you.”

  Stacey felt that slight caress shoot straight through her entire body. She shivered with a need that she had never felt before. The man just oozed sex appeal.  She felt flush and overheated, and she didn’t want the sensation to go away. It felt like there was a magical cord connecting them.

  They ordered dessert and when it came Stacey dug into the chocolate lava cake first. “Mmm. This is heaven. How is the mudslide pie?”  She leaned over and put her fork into the slice on the plate in front of Stefan and was equally impressed. “Ooo. This is so good.”

  Stefan sat back, “I think I’ll just watch you enjoy them both, it’s downright erotic.” His eyes watched Stacey intensely. It made her feel self-conscious. But she didn’t want to seem selfish, so she feed him a bite of the lava cake. He closed his eyes as he tasted the delicious morsel.

  “See it’s not just me, you make it look good too.” Stacey watched as he licked his lips to remove the residual chocolate that coated his lips. Oh how she wanted to lick it off!

  Whoa! Where did that come from? She had never been that brazen in her life and she definitely couldn’t start having thoughts like that about a man she met 2 hours ago. She tried to reign in her raging hormones. She took a sip of the wine that she had been nursing. It took everything in her not to climb in his lap.

  “I think I am going to call it an evening before I embarrass myself.” Stacey mumbled as she rose from her chair and Stefan automatically rose with her. Wow what a gentleman, no guy did that these days. He was closer than she anticipated.  She could feel the heat radiating from him. He smelled of some sort of spicy aftershave, chocolate and wine. It was definitely a masculine scent and the heady aroma felt like an actual pull that lead Stacey much closer to him.  If she just looked up she could kiss him.  What was going on? This isn’t me!  Stacey took a step away from him but got caught up in her purse which she had put on the floor at her feet. She wobbled; he reached out to steady her.  The touch sent another electric jolt through her body.

  “Can I see you home?” he asked, concern coloring his voice.

  “I’ll take a cab.” Stacey said. The room was starting to spin, but she didn’t attribute it to the wine. She was intoxicated by his closeness. If she could just get some distance between them she would be OK.  But the more Stacey tried to move away the more concerned he became.

  “Please stop,” she begged. “I am alright.”

  He continued to support her unnecessarily. “I promise I’ll just see you to the door. My mother raised a gentleman, and I couldn’t live with myself if I let you go home alone in this condition.” They walked to the front exit of the restaurant. And he hailed a taxicab.

  Stacey couldn’t tell him that he was making her imbalanced. That would sound totally ridiculous. It even sounded ridiculous to her and it is how she was feeling.  But why was she feeling this way?  Sure he was handsome as all get out, but that wasn’t cause for this type of reaction. Or was it? Is this what love at first sight was like? Stacey had felt the attraction as soon as she laid eyes on him.  Don’t be ridiculous! She shook her head to dispel the thought.

  Best course of action was to keep her mouth shut, make it home and pray not to embarrass herself further.  The cab ride was quick, she lived a short distance from Carly’s their favorite restaurant. Stacey wondered what Nick would think about Stefan and her as a couple. Would it bother him? She certainly felt a tiny stab of jealousy when she had listened to their easy camaraderie. It was definitely a male thing that she couldn’t compete with. But she dismissed the thought quickly. Stacey knew Nick loved her. She was secure in that. Probably the only thing in her life she was secure with.  

  Nick and Stacey had met when his one night stand of the evening had overdosed on heroine. Nick had brought her to the emergency room and confessed they had been doing smack when Rosslyn, the lady in question, had a seizure and stopped breathing. Nick called 911 and the operator told him to do CPR. He came with her to the hospital and Stacey was the nurse on duty at the emergency room that night.

  She had been out of nursing school only a week and she was unsure what to do. The head nurse took control of the situation and Stacey ended up talking to Nick. She wasn’t judgmental as he told her all the things that he felt were bad in his life. They clicked. She got him through rehab. They connected in ways that she never knew it was possible to connect with a person. It was so strange.

  Many of his negative behaviors continued, but he had never done drugs again. Rosslyn died that night and it changed a fundamental part of him. There were many nights, after her death that he cried in Stacey’s arms. No one had ever been that vulnerable with her. It takes courage to be that vulnerable with someone and Stacey told that to Nick when he lamented about crying like a baby with her. It’s just what you do when you love someone.

  And it was definitely reciprocated. For as many times as Stacey had been there for him, he had been there for her. Her heart was too open Nick constantly told her.  For every death in the ER, for every bad day and for many lonely nights Nick had been there for her.

  The whole cab ride home Stacey worried about what Nick would think about this. Stefan was his best friend from high school, so she didn’t want to come between that.  So when Stefan saw Stacey to my door and went for a kiss, she turned her head and he planted one on her cheek.  He looked a little disappointed, but took it with good grace.  “Do I get to call on you tomorrow?”

  Stacey didn’t trust her voice not to squeak, so she nodded.