Read Take Me Page 12

  Suddenly, all her senses came alive. Travis isn't at our table anymore , she realized. He stole her from the Italian without a word and pulled her into his arms. She pressed her hips against his, rubbing herself against the thick bulge in the front of his jeans.

  Lily didn't have any idea where her previous dance partner had disappeared to. All she knew was that she was finally where she belonged. In Travis's arms.

  In a replay of the night at the fashion show, Travis pulled her off the dance floor and out onto the street. But, instead of being in San Francisco, instead of going back to his loft to attack each other greedily, they were a part of the mysteries of Tuscany.

  Travis seemed to know exactly where he wanted to take her as he led them down the street away from their hotel, then through a crack in an ancient rock wall. They crossed a narrow dirt road to a field of wild olive trees. Travis was moving so fast, Lily stumbled in her heels.

  In an instant he spun around and caught her. A thin patch of moonlight gleamed through the olive branches, illuminating the lust in Travis's eyes, full and undisguised. Lily shivered as he backed her up into the trunk of the tree. He pressed into her, and several olives shook from the branch to the ground.

  "You're mine," he growled, then his mouth was coming down over hers. His warm breath fanned against her lips, and her heart stopped beating. The sensual friction of his thighs pressed against the vee between her legs was unbearably wonderful. She was moist, so slick and ready for him. Just one kiss, and she'd explode.

  But he didn't lean forward to kiss her. Instead he waited for her to make the first move, saying, "Tell me what you want, Lily," and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After all, this whole "professional boundaries" thing was her stupid idea.

  For one night, in an olive grove in Saturnia, couldn't she forget Luke's admonishments not to give in to Travis? Wasn't it fair for her to steal a few hours of carnal pleasure with the most incredible man on any continent?

  Travis shifted his leg ever so slightly against her, and her body practically wept through the thin fabric of the dress, through the almost nonexistent lace of her thong. New life surged through her again, and with it came a new power. He wanted her, she knew he did.

  The old Lily would have hidden from these feelings, sure that giving in to Travis's need, giving in to her needs, was wrong.

  The new Lily was going to take as much pleasure, as much joy, as much of Travis as she could get. She had thirty years of drudgery to make up for, and by God, making love with Travis in a grove of olive trees under a Tuscan moon was the perfect place to start.

  Pressing up on her tippy toes, she licked at Travis's full lower lip. She groaned as his taste exploded on her tongue--an all-male essence mixed with Chianti and need. His lips turned up with pleasure, but still, he pulled away ever so slightly.

  "Tell me, Lily."

  Lily found herself unable to look him in the eye. All of her shyness hit her like a brick, but she realized, with a force akin to anger, how much she hated feeling shy.

  Boldly turning her gaze to his, she brushed her thumb across the dark, sexy stubble on Travis's chin. "I want you, Travis," she said, and he groaned and came forward to kiss her. Lily stilled him with a finger across his lips, soft and yet strong at the same time. "I want you to be my business partner this week," she said, and his face fell. Feeling wicked, she added, "And I want you to be my lover, too."

  Her words registered, then his lips were on hers and his hands everywhere. In her hair, on her breasts, running up her thighs. She untucked his soft T-shirt and ran her fingers up his taut abdomen, loving the hills and valleys of his muscles. Unable to get as much of him as she wanted, she tugged his T-shirt up over his head. He let go of her long enough so that she could strip him. She threw his shirt up in the air and it landed on a branch in the olive tree they were leaning against.

  She couldn't help it, she was so incredibly happy, and her laugh rang out through the grove of trees into the glorious night. Travis cupped her face in his hands and tilted her mouth toward his to get better access to her. He sucked and licked and bit and tasted, and she mirrored his every move.

  Her fingers were trembling with excitement, and she fumbled with the snap on his jeans, wanting to feel the velvety hot softness of his cock in her hands. "Help," she said between love bites, but all he did was chuckle softly and shake his head no.

  "Too busy with your perfect breasts," he murmured, and it was true, he was palming and cupping her globes, taking her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and rubbing them in such a delicious way she really couldn't argue with him.

  Finally, the snap popped open on his jeans, and she hurriedly unzipped the fly. "Yes," she said in victory, having won the battle with his stupid pants. If it were up to her, he would walk around naked, or maybe, in a Roman toga. Surely the Romans hadn't worn anything under their togas, so she would have easy access to his cock whenever she needed it.

  Like right then. God how she needed to touch him.

  She shoved the jeans down his lean hips as he pulled the dress up to her waist.

  "Nice thong," he said as he admired the wispy black lace with red kisses on it. "Gives me some ideas." He began to kneel down, but as much as Lily wanted him to tongue her clit, she needed to take him in her mouth more.

  "No, me first," she said as she dropped to her knees, barely wincing as a hard olive crunched under her kneecap. What was a little pain when she was face to cock with the most incredible penis ever created?

  He was so hard his veins were visibly pulsing. A thick dollop of clear precome rested on the tip, waiting for her to lick it off. "Yummy," she said as she leaned forward and swiped her tongue across the head.

  Travis groaned and threaded his hands in her hair, pushing the tip against her plump, puckered lips. She turned her head sideways and licked and sucked at the length of him, purposefully staying away from his sensitive head. Her fingers toyed with his balls, the soft skin of his anus. He bucked into her mouth, finally managing to slip the head between her lips.

  Lily sucked at the tip, so big and round and deliciously swollen, letting her tongue tease the tiny hole. And then he pushed into her mouth, and she was taking him into her throat as deep as she could, wanting to suck all of the life out of him. All the while, she felt herself growing impossibly wet, her juices beading down her thigh, knowing that she was mere seconds away from feeling his tongue lapping at her clit.

  "Oh God, Lily," he roared, as his penis pulsed once then twice then three times in her mouth, his hot come shooting down her throat. Lily wanted to suck down every last drop of his sweet essence and instinctively she tightened her lips around his shaft and squeezed his balls as he came.

  His legs grew limp and she smiled around his cock, still rock-hard in her mouth. His fingers loosened in her hair, then he was kicking his feet out of his shoes, stepping out of his jeans to be naked on his knees in front of her, kissing her deeply, passionately.

  "You're incredible," he said.

  "I love the way you taste, Travis."

  "Let me taste you now," he said, repositioning them so that she was lying on her back, cradled by the old roots of the olive tree. He pushed her dress up over her breasts. "Raise your arms, sweetheart." He pulled the dress off and gently laid it down before turning to look at her in the moonlight, with only her wispy lace thong and bra covering her naked skin from his gaze.

  "Bella Lily," he whispered reverently and her heart swelled up with something she was afraid to name. He thrust his thumbs beneath the edges of her thong and slid it down her thighs, inflaming every inch of skin that he touched, following his fingers with love bites and kisses.

  His fingers found her swollen nub, and he absently began to press and swirl at it. She raised her hips into his fingers and he looked at her, a naughty gleam in his eyes. "Did you know that some people think the Italian word 'diletto' is where we get 'dildo' from?"

  As he said dildo, he slipped two fingers into her. Lily's muscles
contracted with delight. She was so close.

  She shook her head, more from dizzy delight than in answer to his question. "No," she panted, "I didn't know that."

  "Ah," he said, sliding his fingers in and out of her, each fraction of an inch more perfect than the next against her fevered skin, "you like dildos don't you, Lily?"

  She would have blushed if she hadn't already been so flushed with longing. How could he know about her collection of mail-order dildos? How could he know how much she loved to play with them late at night after seeing him at one of Luke's parties, after watching him longingly from across the room?

  "Have you ever used a dildo?" he asked, and when Lily groaned, "Yes," he bent over and tongued her clit in the same rhythm that he pumped his fingers in and out. "Tell me about your favorite one," he demanded when he took his mouth away from her.

  "I..." she gasped, "I can't. Please Travis," she begged, but he had slowed his fingers down, and she knew she had to obey him.

  "How big is it?" he asked, his voice a husky syrup.

  Lily could hardly breathe, so she wasn't sure how she could answer him. Why was he torturing her like this? But she knew why, because every second that passed felt better than the next.

  "For every answer," he promised, "I will lick some part of your body."

  "Nine inches," she said, and he raised an eyebrow in question. "My clit, Travis. Lick my clit now."

  "Just like my cock," he said as he bowed his head and replaced his fingers with his tongue, slipping it deep into her canal. Again and again he thrust, then pulled out and laved her clit before raising his head.

  "Does it vibrate?"

  Again, she could hardly breathe, she needed to come so badly. His twenty questions were sweet torture. "Yes, it vibrates," she said through shaking teeth. "My nipples," she cried.

  His fingers slipped back into her, his thumb gently pressing against her clitoris, then his hot breath was on the plump underside of her breast. He sucked at her flesh and moved his mouth, repeating himself until only her nipple remained dry and stiff with longing. He settled his lips around the rosy peak, and she arched into his mouth. His tongue played with the puckered flesh, then, finally, he sucked hard while plunging his fingers into her cunt hard and fast and deep.

  The orgasm hit Lily like a bullet, exploding through every cell in her body. Travis alternated from one nipple to the other, rubbing his stubbly cheeks against her soft mounds, finally rearing up over Lily to take her mouth with his.

  Roughly, he jammed on a condom from his back pocket, and, midexplosion, he plunged into her. Her orgasm started all over from the beginning. He was all man, and she was all woman: Adam and Eve in the olive grove where life was bursting from the soil below.

  Lily rubbed herself against Travis, matching each thrust of his tongue with her own. Matching the pounding of his hips with her own frantic pulsing. No dildo could have ever prepared her for his hot, hard length inside of her, and she milked him, pulsing against his throbbing shaft.

  The fire raged, then, sated for the moment, they lay panting on foreign ground. Lily rubbed Travis's back, happier in this moment than she had ever been before, safe within the cocoon of newfound femininity, her first taste of a life sweeter than anything she had ever imagined.

  Throwing caution to the wind, Lily decided that for the rest of the trip she was going to be free and wild. An American woman learning about true passion in Italy.

  Regardless of the consequences.


  GIGGLING LIKE KIDS as they pulled Travis's T-shirt down from the olive tree, they got their clothes back into some semblance of order and walked, arm in arm, back up the winding street to the hotel. Travis felt looser than he had in years, as if a huge weight had been taken away from him. He was tempted to fight the feeling--he had always kept firm control over any emotions that threatened to jumble his well-ordered life--but he decided this once to go with the flow. After all, this was Tuscany.

  Living a little wouldn't kill him.

  The only blip in the perfect evening was upon their return to the hotel. He had been dreaming of tying Lily to the bedposts, but as soon as they walked into the room, she pulled her hand from his.

  "What's wrong?" he asked, more afraid than he wanted to admit about what she was about to say. This is a mistake or I take back what I said about us wanting to be lovers .

  Instead she pointed to his suitcase. "I can't believe I forgot all about that."

  Travis looked at his bag and then back at her. "Forgot about what?"

  Anger flashing in her incredible blue orbs, Lily moved toward his bag and dumped the contents on the floor. "About these clothes! How dare you make love to me when you're planning to meet another woman here. How could I forget for a single second that you're a man with a lover on every street corner? I'm such an idiot."

  Lily's voice broke, and Travis was shocked by her emotional volatility. She'd always been such a mouse, and now she was making him come on a regular basis and freaking out about everything. Why couldn't things go right for once? Where Lily was concerned it was one explosion after another. And the worst part of it all was that Travis knew he was responsible for laying all the bombs in their path.

  He could see how strong she was trying to be, but her lower lip was on the verge of trembling. He dragged her into his arms.

  "I brought them for you," Travis said, feeling more than a tad guilty about leaving off the fact that he only went to go pick up the clothes for Lily because he didn't want her to walk around Italy with him in shapeless, colorless sacks.

  Abruptly she stopped struggling in his arms, and he could see her weighing the truth of his words. "I stopped in at Janica's studio before we left."

  Lily surprised the heck out of Travis by bursting into laughter. "You and Janica in the same room together? I can't believe you don't have scars all over your body. I mean," Lily rambled on in a fit of giggles, "Janica really hates you."

  Travis forced a grin even though he was stung by Lily's words. "No kidding. She was on the verge of cutting me into pieces with her massive scissors." Forcing the words past the lump of guilt in his throat, he said, "You looked so incredible in her dress at the fashion show I wanted you to have some more just like it."

  Lily rubbed the tears of laughter from her eyes. "You were willing to brave Janica's claws for me?"

  Travis didn't trust himself to speak. If he did, he might accidentally come clean with Lily about his real reasons for picking up the clothes, then she'd hate him all over again. He simply reached out for Lily's hands and nodded, hoping that she wouldn't probe any deeper.

  Lily pulled him closer and wrapped her arms around him. "Travis," she breathed into his ear, "you can be so amazing. Thank you."

  Surprised, he said, "Do you really think so?"

  Lily's eyes shimmered with appreciation as she gazed at him. "I really do." With a wicked glint, she said, "Now it's my turn to show you how amazing I can be," and planted a kiss on his pulse point. His heart raced to triple speed and his cock begged for release from within the confines of his jeans.

  As his body responded to her like it never had with any of the bean-pole, fleshless women he'd been with since puberty, Travis had some small insight into the fact that he was, to put it bluntly, an idiot. How could he have ever thought that Lily would embarrass him? In fact it was exactly the opposite--he needed to bat away men with a large, pointy stick.

  He closed his eyes, relaxing into Lily's caresses. One of her hands was roving over the thick bulge of his sex, the other was squeezing his butt. Travis wondered how he could have been so blind to Lily's innate sexuality. Had he actually been in the same room with her hundreds of times and never noticed the way she made his libido shoot straight up into the stratosphere?

  "Let's get you naked," she said as she undid the snap on his jeans. All of the remaining blood in his body shot straight to his penis as she made quick work of his clothes. Taking his hand in hers, she grabbed a handful of silk ties from his ope
n luggage on the floor. Bolder than he had ever seen her before, she said, "Follow me into the bedroom. All this silk has given me an idea that I'm dying to try out. Anyone willing to volunteer?"

  Travis pointed to his penis. "I'm pretty sure he is."

  Lily tried to keep a straight face, but her grin won the battle. "Yes, he certainly seems, shall we say, up for the challenge."

  She pushed Travis down onto the bed, and he said, "What the heck. I might as well volunteer too." He grabbed her wrist and planted a hot kiss on the soft inner skin. "But only if you're gentle with me. After all, this is my first time."

  Lily muttered, "I seriously doubt that," but then she was kissing him, and he forgot all about the smart retort he was about to make.

  In bed, Travis had always been the aggressor. He instigated every sexual escapade. But every time he had sex with Lily, she surprised him. First, that night when she had masturbated in front of him on his bed, then in the swimming pool when she had been unafraid to make love in broad daylight, and again in the hotel bathtub, when she had unself-consciously pleasured herself just inches away from him. And now she was tying him up. Taking his brilliant idea and running with it.

  Lily said, "I love looking in your eyes when you come inside me," which got Travis so hot and hard that he hardly heard her say, "but right now, I think it'd be much more fun, so much more fun," she repeated in a husky whisper, "if you were my slave."

  The word "slave" had Travis nearly bucking off the bed with need. Oh God, how did this woman know about every man's fantasy, to be tied up and captive beneath a woman who wanted him for sex?

  She picked a red-and-blue pin-striped tie from the pile on the bed. "My blind slave," she said, gently and firmly wrapping the tie around his eyes.

  While his hands were still free--and he had a feeling they wouldn't stay that way for long--Travis cupped Lily's breasts through her dress. She moaned as he kneaded the flesh and buried his face in the soft valley between them. He rubbed the stubble of his cheeks against her hard nipples even as he pulled down the mesh fabric that kept her luscious skin from him.

  Lily pushed into him one final time with a moan of pleasure, then deftly captured his hands in hers and pulled them away from her tits. "Uh-uh-uh," she said, "you're my slave now, Travis. You'll do what I want when I want."