Read Take Me Page 3

  No one would ever know how much she wanted Travis to be her lover, the one man she could never have because he had decided she wasn't there anymore one day in fifth grade.

  But in The Dress, everything had shifted. Lily felt as if she were in the bathtub, her cunt wet and plump and ready for Travis's cock to slide into it. Ready for him to show her what it truly meant to be a woman.

  Lily moved toward him, holding his gaze, forcing herself to walk slowly, to push back the sensual anticipation that caused her nipples to grow taut, that caused the heavy and full feeling between her legs.

  What if he doesn't want me?

  Lily shelved her persistent doubts. He would want her, she decided, as a wave of arousal edged up her spine. No matter what she had to do, no matter who she had to be, she was going to claim Travis that night.

  Travis's eyes marked her as his, and only his. For once, they understood each other as a man and a woman. And then she was standing just inches from him, her full breasts pressed up against his T-shirt, his heat burning through her.

  Twenty years of hurt fell away. The only thing that mattered to Lily was the lust coursing through her veins.

  Needing desperately to touch him, Lily's hand caressed his hard jaw, memorizing the lines of his face, before moving up to run her thumb along his lower lip. His tongue found the sensitive pad of her thumb, and she stilled, unable to do or focus on anything other than the sensation of his tongue on her skin. She was slick and already as close to an orgasm as she had ever been. His hand was on hers, callused and strong and warm, and he was pressing a hot kiss into the pulse at her wrist.

  His lips moved away, and her skin felt cool and bereft. His face came down toward her and she could feel the warmth of his breath on her lips.

  "Travis," she whispered, and she felt his surprise.

  His lips tightened, and a swift strike of fear passed through her that he would leave her high and dry and desperate for him.

  "You know who I am?"

  "I've always known," she said boldly. "And now it's your turn to find out who I am."

  She slid her hand along his taut, well-muscled arm, reveling in the feel of the light dusting of hair against the tips of her fingers. Every inch of her skin was on fire as she wrapped her fingers around his.

  Travis read her mind, and before she could lead him to the dance floor, he was moving them toward it. She loved the way the other women in the room looked at her. She knew the look of jealousy too well. She knew how it felt to watch someone else press close to Travis. She had been watching girls throw themselves at Travis since first grade.

  At last it was her turn. Wouldn't it be heavenly, she thought, if he threw himself right back at her?

  It would be a dream come true.

  Lily breathed in the faint scent of his cologne. She could drown in him. The crowd of dancers parted for them. Lily was shocked to realize that Travis wasn't the only one getting admiring glances.

  Straight out of her fantasies, it seemed that all of the men in the room were looking at her with desire radiating from their eyes. In one of her favorite fantasies she was in charge of a group of prisoners--the naughtiest one, of course, being Travis. She would whip them into sexual frenzies, not letting them touch her until they were about to explode with wanting her. The other men could lick her and stroke her, but only Travis could thrust into her with his huge, hard shaft.

  In The Dress, maybe all of her dreams would come true. Especially the part where Travis braced his heavy weight over her and slid into her wetness, hot and relentless.

  Lily had to resist pinching herself to see if she would wake up as she moved in Travis's arms, to see if it really was just a dream. No, she thought, if it is a dream, I don't want to know .

  Travis stopped in the middle of the dance floor and pulled her into his arms. One of his hands slid to the curve of her hips while the other was alarmingly close to her breasts.

  "Lily," he said.

  She looked up at him, her blue eyes bright with longing. "Travis," she whispered, then ran the tip of her tongue along the edge of her upper lip.

  He groaned and started to lean down for what Lily hoped was a kiss, the first of many if she had her way. Her eyelids fluttered closed, but then she felt Travis pull back ever so slightly. Her eyes flew open.

  "Lily," he said, "I..."

  Bolder than she ever thought she could be, Lily laid a finger on his perfect lips. "Don't speak," she said. It was a command, not a request. "Tonight is not for talking."

  Relief flashed across Travis's face, but Lily didn't care. The last thing she wanted was for their time to be ruined with apologies and second-guessing. She didn't forgive him for the way he had treated her for the past twenty years, but at that moment, warm and aroused in his arms, none of it mattered.

  All she cared about was kissing Travis and licking Travis and, oh God, hopefully coming beneath Travis, too.

  His mouth was on hers and his hands were in her hair and he was stealing all the breath from her lungs. Lily wanted to memorize this kiss so that she could play it back to herself in her lonely bathtub on cold nights, but she was so stunned by the sensations washing through her that her brain was on the verge of shutting off completely.

  First hard, then unbearably soft, his lips ruled hers, coaxing a whimper of ecstasy from her core. Lily had been kissed before but not like this. Not by someone who could teach a course on the art of kissing.

  Travis plunged his tongue ruthlessly into her mouth, letting her know in no uncertain terms that he was going to be in charge of their lovemaking, that he was going to take her over completely. He ravaged every last corner and crevice of her mouth with his own, and in the exact moment that she gave in to him, he changed the tenor of his kiss.

  Instead of showing her who was boss, Travis backed off, slowed down. Lily reveled in how he took the time to learn her taste, to study the ultrasensitive plump center of her lower lip, to find out how much her tongue loved to mate with his.

  One of his hands began to roam, first gently kneading her shoulders, then the small of her back, sending goose bumps everywhere, centering at the tight tips of her breasts. Lily could hardly concentrate on anything but Travis's kiss, but still she cried out, silently, for him to touch her breasts.

  So what if they were in the middle of a crowded dance floor? If Travis didn't squeeze her breasts right then, right there, she would die with wanting it.

  His hands moved around her waist to the bottom edge of her rib cage. Lily shook with need. She had never been so turned on in all her life. Her thong was soaked with her juices.

  The pad of his thumb ran across her aching nipple, and she cried out into his mouth. Before she could clamp down on it, the first haze of an orgasm shuddered through her as she danced in his arms.

  Travis, amazingly, seemed to know that she was coming even before she did. So subtly that no one but the two of them would ever know what was happening, he pressed one of his hard thighs between her legs. Using his hand on her bottom for leverage, he pumped her mons with his muscles, pushing her clit into his thigh in the perfect rhythm to send Lily all the way over the edge.

  His kiss was possessive and so hot she felt scalded by it. She cried out in his mouth as the first waves began from the tips of her breasts and worked down her abdomen to her pussy. Travis swallowed her scream, and his fingers tightened on her nipple.

  In her haze she felt the huge evidence of his arousal pressing against her stomach, but she was trying so hard to breathe, to stay on her feet, that she barely spared it more than a passing thought of later.

  Lily's orgasms had always been powerful. They were one thing about herself that she truly, unabashedly loved. But this explosion was more than she had ever experienced with her vibrator or her previous lovers. Being with Travis was even more thrilling than she had imagined it to be. And yet, a little voice in her brain asked, wasn't that why she had been holding out hope on Travis for so long? Because deep within she knew that coming togethe
r with him would be this explosive?

  She forced her crazy theories away to focus on the here and now, in Travis's arms. The mere thought of Travis's thigh rubbing up and down against her made even more blood flow between her legs. She wondered if one could have a heart attack from lack of blood to anywhere but the clit. What would she say in the emergency room?

  Doctor, I was coming so hard against the thigh of my dream guy that my heart stopped for a moment.

  Lily clung to Travis as he held her upright and ground his thigh into her throbbing pussy. She felt limp and useless as her orgasm came to its end, but Travis didn't remove his thigh from between her legs. Like a sleepy cat she continued to rub herself against him, only waking up when he whispered, "Let's get out of here," in her ear. He grabbed her hand, pulling her through the throngs of people and out onto the street.

  They got in a cab and his mouth was on hers again as he pulled her onto his lap. The sensible part of her, which had miraculously not been permanently put to sleep yet, made her pull back, and say, "Travis, the cab driver."

  Chuckling softly, Travis slid her slightly off his lap and nuzzled her neck. "Thank God it's a short ride to my loft," he said.

  Lily barely sucked in her gasp of surprise. His loft? Lily had never seen his loft. Except in magazines, that is. And from what Luke had told her over the years, Travis rarely, if ever, took women home.

  Her eyes ran over his tall frame, so perfectly set off by his white T-shirt and faded jeans. She saw the wet patch on his thigh, and the gasp finally escaped.

  Travis's eyes followed hers. Lily cursed herself for dropping her worldly veneer. She wanted him to think that she left marks like that on all the men she came against while out dancing, but even then, even amid the red haze of their sensual connection, she knew it was ridiculous.

  Outside, in the evening light that streamed in the windows, she felt the familiar pangs of self-consciousness. She was afraid to let Travis look at her. They weren't kids anymore, and she needed to face facts: The Travis who liked her wasn't ever coming back. Though he'd made her come like a bomb, that didn't alter the fact that he always acted like she wasn't there, like she wasn't the least bit important. She knew that he had no respect for her whatsoever and, now that they had left the magic of the fashion show behind, she was certain he would realize what a huge mistake he was making. She wished she were strong enough to protect herself against him. She wished she was tough enough to say, "Thanks for the orgasm, Travis, but I've got to get home now."

  But, of course, she could never say something like that. Instead, she held her breath as she waited for him to tell the cab driver to stop the car to pull over and dump her out.

  She looked into the green of his eyes and tried to think of something to say that would get him off the hook, so he would know she didn't expect him to follow through with his teasing and actually sleep with her--something like "Don't worry, Travis, I won't mention this to anyone, so no one will ever know that we were together"--but nothing came.

  But instead of running as fast as he could away from her, Travis gave Lily a hot look and ran his thumb from her neck down to the top of her breasts.

  "You are very wet," he said in a low voice.

  Lily nodded, unable to do anything else but agree with him. Would he think she was disgusting for getting so soaked from his kiss on the dance floor? One of his hands ran beneath the fold of her skirt along her bare leg, and Lily was amazed to find out that her fears were unfounded. Flicking a glance to the front seat, she whispered, "The driver," again, but the truth was he could have ripped off her dress and taken her right then and there in the backseat of a moving cab, and she wouldn't have so much as made a whimper of protest.

  But before any of that could happen, the vehicle stopped. Travis threw some money at the driver. Once again her fingers were wrapped in his, and Lily marveled at how good it felt to have Travis hold her hand.

  She remembered how in first grade, Travis was her cross-the-street buddy. He had looked out for her, holding her back on the curb if she stepped out when a car was coming at them too fast. She had never forgotten how safe he had made her feel.

  Breathless, she followed him as he opened the large steel front door to the loft and pulled her inside. Closing the door gently, he turned and pinned her against the door with the weight of his gaze.

  Before she knew what he intended, Travis dropped to his knees.

  "Travis?" she said, the question more breath than solid word.

  "Shh," he commanded as he lifted the hem of her skirt, pushing it up past her knees, past her thighs, to her waist.

  Her small black purse dropped from her fingers to the floor and she held her breath as he gazed at her. She was nearly naked from the waist down, clad in only a sheer silk thong. He drew one finger up the inside of her knee, and Lily's breath blew out in a hiss. Every inch of skin he touched felt inflamed. His finger slid against the wetness on her thigh and Lily's legs began to shake so hard that she wondered how she could possibly stay on her feet.

  Straight from her fantasies to real life, a warm tongue lapped against her thigh. Lily forced herself to still her shaking legs. God forbid she collapse on the man who was about to make her deepest, most wonderful, dreams come true.

  Hot breath blew against her silk-covered mound, and Lily moaned as she threaded her hands into Travis's thick black hair.

  "Please," she begged, unable to keep the word from spilling out of her lips.

  Wordlessly, Travis obeyed her plea, cupping her soaking-wet silken mound. She felt his teeth on her clit and cried out, pressing her hips against his mouth.

  Lily wanted to come against every single part of Travis before the night was through. His thigh, his mouth, his hand, his cock.

  Especially his cock.

  He slipped a finger beneath her thong and Lily reared into it. "Oh God," she moaned as she leaned into his mouth, leaned into his finger as it circled the base of her vagina.

  His finger slid into her, penetrating her, and the tremors began in earnest. "Travis," she cried, holding tightly to the back of his head. She moved her hips up and down on his finger, taking in one inch, then another.

  "More," she demanded in a thick haze of desire.

  Travis was ready to do her bidding, but he had to, of course, do it his way. Midorgasm he pulled his finger from inside her and backed his mouth off her mons.

  "No," she cried, desperate for more of him. But she should have known that he knew exactly what he was doing. In less than a heartbeat he had ripped the small patch of silk from her and begun to suck her clit in earnest.

  His warm lips and tongue sucked and pulled at her as he rammed one long finger all the way in, sliding and pumping it in time to her ongoing explosions. She was delirious with pleasure.

  He licked her pussy with long strokes that only inflamed her further. Somehow he knew that she didn't want him to lightly flick her clit, she didn't want him to be measured.

  The last of the tremors subsided, and Lily slowly realized that she had been grinding her pussy lips into Travis's mouth.


  Suddenly it was all too much for her. Unable to process any more of her fantasies turning into reality, Lily did the only thing she could do.

  She passed out.

  The next thing she knew, she was lying on a bed, cool sheets beneath her overheated skin. She felt far too tired to ever open her eyes again, but even with her eyes closed Lily noticed how tender her skin was. The fine, tightly woven fabric against her back practically hurt as she shifted.

  Groggy, she wondered why she was sleeping without a sheet to cover her nakedness. She always slept in the nude, but never completely on parade for anyone who might surprise her by walking into her bedroom. Janica and Luke both had keys to her apartment, and she would be mortified if they ever saw her naked.

  Lazily, she slid her fingers to her breasts. They felt full and heavy. She sank back into the best dream she had ever had. In it, she was on a dance floor wi
th Travis, and he was kissing her.

  The fantasy kiss was so real, so hot. She ran one hand down from her breasts to between her legs and stroked herself. She didn't want to rouse herself to get her vibrator from the bedside table. She wanted to keep dreaming about Travis kissing her while she slowly rubbed her clit.

  Her fingers slipped and slid between her folds. Lily drowsily smiled at how wet she already was from a dream. Travis had always been able to do that to her, she mused.

  She felt his name upon her lips and knew that as she came she would say it and it would be almost as if he were there with her. She spread her legs and opened her thighs, plunging her fingers in an out of her slippery cunt, bucking into her hands.


  The orgasm was short but oh so sweet. Her hands fell to the bed, and she stretched her sated body all the way from her head to her toes.

  And then she opened up her eyes and nearly fainted again from shock.


  TRAVIS DIDN'T KNOW what had consumed him. All he knew was that from the moment Lily had stepped out on the runway in that dress, he had been unable to think of anything but getting her into bed.

  And now, as crazy as it seemed, he wanted nothing more than to plunge into her pink wetness. Travis couldn't have asked for anything more arousing than watching her writhe on his bed while she made herself come, her thighs spread, her finger wet as it slid in and out of her incredibly tight cunt.

  Travis watched her stretch and admired her curves, curves that he had always thought were too big. He grew another impossible inch behind the zipper of his jeans as Lily opened her eyes.

  "Feel better now?" he asked.

  Lily's big blue eyes were wide with shock, as if she hadn't known that he was sitting inches away on the edge of his bed watching her finger herself. She tried to cover her breasts and the thatch of red hair between her legs with her hands.

  He grinned at what a good actress she was. "I don't think you're going to be able to hide those from me," he said, looking at her breasts, the plump flesh spilling over her forearms.