Read Take Me, Sir Page 37

  He grunted, his hips jerking. “Suck me, Dena.”

  Instead, I tried to use my tongue to tease him.

  He gripped my hair and pulled sharply. “Suck.”

  I did.


  He yanked me back, his eyes narrowing with a heated gaze.

  “You told me to do a good job.” I licked my lips and lowered my eyes to his cock. “Am I doing a good job?”

  “Open that smart mouth, Dena, and I'll show you how to do a good job.”

  He guided it back to my mouth and slowly slid inside. This time, the grip on my hair was so tight, I couldn’t move at all. Then a hand moved down to grip my jaw in a way that took the last of my control. Need clamored inside as he began to slowly and thoroughly fuck my mouth. The first thrust took him to the back of my throat and he held there for a long second.

  “Swallow me.”


  I nearly gagged before my throat relaxed enough to obey, but I didn't struggle. I knew I could take it. The hand in my hair tightened and I heard him mutter something in a harsh growl as he slipped down my throat. That calm composure was gone.

  I intended to use the tricks I'd learned from some very experienced subs to make him completely lose it.

  I swallowed, hummed, used everything I knew until I felt a shudder go through him.

  At that moment, he seemed to grab some control back. Part of me hated to give it back, at least until he pulled away, caught me under the elbows, and pulled me to my feet. He bent his head and I thought he was going to kiss me. Instead, he pressed his lips underneath my ear, a soft gentle kiss that belied the urgency from just a few moments ago.

  “I have a feeling you like to push your limits, don’t you, Dena?” he asked.

  “I push the limits other people set for me,” I answered, surprised at how casual I sounded.

  “Let’s see if we can expand those limits a little.”

  Less than five minutes later, he'd come up with a very inventive way to use the belts. I was bent facedown over the padded, plush ottoman, still completely clothed, but also completely helpless. The utter deliciousness of it left me feeling like I might explode at any minute. But explode in a good way.

  For so many months, I'd felt like a caged animal, unable to escape the restlessness inside me. But now that I was now effectively restrained, I felt freer than I had in a very long time. It might not have made sense to a lot of people, but some of us were just wired that way.

  And Arik understood that.

  He knelt behind me, one hand fisted in the material of my panties and I shivered as he tugged, dragging the boy shorts upward. The garment rasped over my clitoris, rubbed against the slick folds of my pussy, and the cleft between the cheeks of my ass.

  I moaned as he slid his free hand over my ass, the touch light and teasing. “I think it's time to punish you. How do you want it?”

  I shivered, shaking my head. My entire body was quivering with need. It felt like everything I'd had building inside me for months was coming together all at once.

  “Tell me, Dena. Tell me what you need.”

  I whimpered, lust clenching almost violently inside me as he spread his hand wide over my butt.

  “Spank me,” I said. I was half afraid he wouldn’t do it. Half-afraid he would.

  “Is that what you need?”

  “Yes.” It was halfway between a demand and a plea.

  “If I spank you, will you be a good girl?” He kept his hand on my ass for a few more seconds.

  I didn’t even know how to respond to that question. Even though I had a deep need to have a man take control from time to time, I could never be a “good” submissive, a good girl. I sometimes fought the men who topped me, made them work for the submission they wanted. I never gave in completely, not the way most submissives did.

  “You might be able to talk me into it,” I finally said, need making my voice shake. “But I’m never very good at being good.”

  He chuckled, a dark sound that I liked...a lot.

  “But I'm sure you’re excellent at being bad, aren’t you?”

  Without waiting for an answer, he brought the flat of his hand down on the curve of my ass. It was a light blow, too light and I made a sound of sheer frustration. He repeated the gesture on the other side, equally as light. I moved as best as I could, trying to lift myself higher.

  “Be still,” he ordered. He shoved a hand into my hair. He pulled sharply, and hot little licks of fire radiated from my scalp. I whimpered in appreciation. I didn't get off on serious pain. But I did like that.

  “Be still,” he growled. “Or this stops, and you’ll go back to sucking my cock until I come. I might even stand right over there where you can see me, get myself off until I come, and you’ll just have to watch me.”

  The image of him masturbating while I watched was enough to make my heart skip a beat, but his next words did it for a different reason.

  “Then, I’ll order myself up a drink, and relax a bit while you stay here, and think about whether or not you’re going to obey.”

  A harsh jolt went through my pussy at the thought, even as a snarl twisted my lips. I almost told him to try it.

  But then he spanked me again. Harder.

  Oh shit.

  I didn’t move. As much as I wanted to lift myself, arch my spine, do something, I fought the need and put everything I had into not moving. Into obeying.


  Arik fell into a rhythm, each swat on my ass coming with a little more force. I began to cry out, need twisting through me as moisture gathered between my thighs.

  He pulled on my panties again, the material tightening almost painfully against my clit.

  There was a pause, and then he leaned over me, putting his lips against my ear.

  “ can be good, Dena, can’t you?”

  The noise that came from my throat was low and wordless. But it was apparently close enough. The head of his cock prodded against me, rubbing me through the barrier of my panties. Then I felt his fingers, roughly pulling the panties to the side, exposing me. Arik’s palm came down harder on my ass, more force than I was used to, right as he drove inside me, burying himself balls deep in that single thrust

  It sent me screaming into the best orgasm I’d ever had.

  But it wasn't over.

  Even as I was still coming, he kept moving, driving straight toward another peak, riding me hard and rough, each thrust so forceful, we would've slid across the floor if he hadn’t anchored me with one strong arm around my hips, the other fisted in my hair and arching my spine up.

  “You’re right,” he spoke in my ear, his voice harsh. “You’re not very good at being good, Dena. But damn if you aren’t excellent at being bad.”

  I shuddered under the impact of his thrusts, squirming and trying to find...something. I didn't know if I was looking for a release, or a reprieve, from the inexorable, dominating possession.

  “Come,” he ordered. “Come for me, Dena. And maybe this time, I’ll reward you for being bad. Would you like that?”

  I groaned in response, every nerve in my body on fire.

  “That’s no answer.”

  “Ye–” I could barely speak. “Yes, dammit. Make me come, you son of a bitch.”

  He let go of my hair and worked a hand between me and the ottoman, unerringly seeking out my clitoris. Slow, deliberate strokes, and I was flying into another bone-melting orgasm.

  I thought that first orgasm had been the best of my life. I was wrong.

  Chapter Nine


  Dena wasn’t what I would've called beautiful. She was delicate and elfin, almost cute, but I had a feeling she’d have words with any person who used that word to describe her. Or maybe cut their balls off.

  She was also the most amazing woman I’d ever dominated. Drawing each small submission from her had been like winning a battle, and it had made everything that much more erotic.

  She sighed into the
pillow as I slid a hand down her back.

  Her ass was still pink from the spanking I’d given her, drawing me. Sliding my way down her back, I pressed my lips to her skin as I went, feeling the warmth of it against my lips.

  “Feeling okay?” I murmured. I was always careful with my subs, making sure they had what they needed, but this was the first time I wanted the answer not because I wanted to know if I could leave or to make sure I'd done a good job. I honestly wanted to make sure she was okay.

  “Better than.” She turned her head and cracked open one eye to look at me. The pale gray gleamed almost silver in the dim light.

  Having her in bed next to me did something odd to me. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but instead of climbing out of the bed the way I typically did after making sure my partner was fine, I was content to lie there and stroke my hand up and down her back. We were done. It was edging up on midnight. I should go. That was how this was supposed to work. Get what I need. Give what they need. Leave.

  But I could see myself staying in bed beside her for another couple of hours. For the rest of the night. Waking up in the morning and rolling her onto her back. Sliding into that tight, wet, heat. A slow and lazy wake-up call. I’d like to hear those rough, raw moans again. Feel her hips lift to mine as we took our time.

  But that wasn’t how this worked. How I worked.

  Rolling onto my back, I ran a hand through my hair, then scraped my nails down the shadow on my jaw. I was telling myself I needed to get my ass up and moving when the bed shifted. Slanting a look over at Dena, I saw her already easing out of bed, the elegant line of her back arching in a sleek curve as she stretched her arms over her head.

  I watched as she got up, picked up her dress and panties, then headed into the bathroom. I wasn't entirely sure when I'd taken her clothes off of her. Probably some time after I untied her, but before I'd gone down on her. Forcing her to stay still when every muscle had been quivering with pleasure had been extremely satisfying.

  When she came back into the bedroom, she was dressed. She bent over to pick up her boots, and that was when it hit me.

  She was leaving first.

  I couldn’t decide how I felt about that.

  “Am I going to see you again?” I surprised myself by asking the question.

  She slid a look at me over her shoulder as she tugged her boots on, then shrugged before answering, “I don’t know. I don't usually go to Leather and Laces. Do you know Club Privé?”

  “Yeah.” I couldn’t help but smile. I wasn’t surprised. She seemed to fit there, all sleek and elegant. She’d stood out in Leather and Laces, a highly polished diamond in a box full of cubic zirconia. “That your normal spot?”

  “More often than not.”

  “Maybe we’ll see each other there, then.” The idea of meeting with her again made my heart skip a beat.

  She came to me then, bent over me, pressed her lips to mine in a brief, chaste kiss. “I can’t say I’d mind.”

  Then she slid away, leaving without a sound.

  Blowing out a breath, I flung my arm over my eyes. Somehow, I knew it would take awhile to get her out of my head.

  Chapter Ten


  Today was one of those perfect days.

  I got in late – or early, depending on how I wanted to look at it – and took a long, hot shower, then collapsed into my bed and slept until noon.

  When I woke up, I decided the best way to spend the day could only involve Chinese food delivery and wine, followed up by finishing a book while curled up in the window seat. When I finally closed the last page, I headed into the bathroom and sank into a long, hot soak where I allowed myself to enjoy a replay of the past night.


  His name was Arik, and whether or not I ever saw him again, I knew one thing for certain. It was entirely possible to find a guy who could give me what I needed.

  Last night had been amazing.

  Arik had made all the Doms I’d been with before pale in comparison, rank amateurs at knowing how to handle me. I knew I might feel discouraged and disappointed later on when others didn't measure up, but I’d never regret what had happened last night. Finally feeling that release...

  My breath shuddered into my lungs, then out as the memories pulsed, then flashed through in hot, rhythmic pants, echoing in time with my heart.

  It was everything I’d ever hoped for.

  He was everything I’d ever hoped for.

  What if I never found that again?

  Groaning, I slid down into the water and soaked my hair. Honeysuckle-scented water caressed my skin, and I sighed. I felt better, more relaxed, than I had in months. Maybe even longer.

  And who knew when I'd get to feel like this again.

  I opened my eyes. I needed to stop thinking about whether or not I’d ever have another night like last night and focus on what I did know.

  Bethany had said she’d give us her decision first thing. I had the chance of a lifetime in front of me. I would've liked to pretend that I could spend the rest of the weekend relaxing, but I knew better.

  I was going to think through every line and detail of my presentation.

  I’d done better than Pierce had.

  I wasn’t thinking that out of arrogance. I knew when I was being arrogant. My parents had called me on it enough growing up for me to recognize that line. I also knew when I was being realistic. The choice should be logical. I’d presented the better argument, regardless of Bethany's differing reactions.

  I also knew I was the better lawyer. I was the one who’d do better for the DA’s office. I’d actually done some research on Pierce since meeting him. He wasn’t a bad lawyer, really, but he wasn’t exceptional either. He took short cuts, made deals when he didn’t need to, failed to push when he should have, compromised when it was simply convenient. Basically, he took the easiest route possible rather than fighting for the best outcome.

  There was no question how this should go.

  Operative word: should.

  Fighting to keep my face expressionless, I stood in front of Bethany’s desk and listened to her describe the process that had led to her decision. I nodded at the right times, made the appropriate noises and managed not to say something I'd regret.

  According to her, Pierce and I had both made fantastic arguments, but Pierce seemed to have a little more experience when it came to trial law.


  Like hell he did.

  His entire argument had been built on smoke and subterfuge, but since he’d argued something other than divorce and child custody cases, he was the one who'd be better in front of a judge and jury.

  She hadn't said it flat-out like that, but I knew what she meant.

  When she finished, she gave me a guileless stare. After a long moment, she rose and came around the desk, leaning against it as she held my eyes. “You’re a good lawyer, Dena. I think after a while, you could be exceptional. You just need a little more...seasoning.”

  What was I, a turkey?

  She continued, “Right now, I need all hands on deck. If you can help with the research and legwork, it'd do me a world of good, and it can get you that much needed experience. Are you onboard?”

  “Of course.” I gave her a polite smile, and then nodded at Pierce before cutting around them.

  He’d been given second chair.

  I was relegated to gopher and glorified donut fetcher.

  They might not say as much, but that’s what I was doing. That behind-the scenes-shit was just that – shit. I knew what they wanted. I’d be doing a bunch of grunt work, and I'd be lucky if I made it into the gallery for any of the actual trial.

  On this one.

  I tried to console myself by saying that it was only one case. I couldn’t take it personally. I was just starting out, and I knew what that meant. Just because I'd paid my dues at Webster and Steinberg didn't mean I didn't have to pay them here.

  Except I had a strange feeling about

  No, it was more than that. It was a bad feeling. I’d been knocked down a hundred times since I’d gotten into law school, sometimes justifiably, sometimes not. I knew the difference.

  Just as I went to push through the door, Pierce called my name. I braced my shoulders, prepared for whatever crap comment he had. But when I turned to look at him, he was holding out a fat manila folder.

  “This is some of the information we need pulled. Can you get to work on it? As soon as possible, please.” He gave me a wide smile. “Thanks.”

  “Of course.” I gave him a stiff smile and took the file.

  I could get through it, I told myself. I'd done it before. I could do it again. Just keep my eyes on the prize.

  As soon as possible…thanks.

  Pierce’s words had been echoing in my head all week, driving me bat-shit crazy. I let myself out of my so-called office and turned toward the steps, intent on finding Bethany and Pierce. They’d be holed up together, I had no doubt of that, doing all of the trial work.

  I had the utmost respect for the difficulty and importance of research, as well as for those whose job it was to do it.

  I just didn't want it to be my job.

  I'd already made up my mind. Once I turned over the information I’d dug up, I was going to do something I hadn’t ever done.

  I was going to play hooky. Well, not exactly, since it was technically the end of the work day. I just wasn't going to spend today like I had the rest of the week, working late on some of the pointless shit Pierce had thought up. I had everything they needed here, but I'd already learned that it didn't matter if I thought my work was done. They'd find something else for me to do so I wasn't included in their little two-person team.

  I'd had it. I'd do my work and do it well, but I was through letting Pierce be an ass.

  Resolved, I strode down the hall toward Bethany’s office.

  There were a few paralegals and associates still here, and I saw at least one other ADA's light on, but Bethany's door was shut and her blinds drawn.