Read Take Me To Your Leader: Science Fiction Stories for Kids Page 1



  Copyright 2016 Dan Mazur



  For weeks aliens have been landing on Earth in their spaceships. I think that they are trying to escape from their planet. Once they arrive, they are quickly sent back home. We don't trust them. They look different and that makes people afraid I guess.

  They always look so scared and sad when they are sent back. It's on the news all the time. I ask my parents about them all the time but they don't answer. What are we so afraid of? Sure they don't look or talk like us but what if they are in real danger?

  On a quiet September evening, a spaceship crashed just a few blocks from where I lived. Curious, I snuck out of the house, got on my bike and went to go look for the ship. I'd never seen an alien or a spaceship before and wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

  When I arrived at the scene I saw the alien but no spaceship. He was a big blue blob with four eyes. He wasn't the scary monster that everybody made him out to be. "Glub, Glub, Glub" he said as I got closer to him. "Hi Mr. Alien. My name is Scotty." “Glub, Glub, Glub" he replied. "Uh, yeah. Glub, Glub, Glub to you as well."

  He then closed his eyes as lasers began to shoot out towards me. I ducked thinking he was trying to hurt me but he wasn't. He was actually trying to show me something. He wanted to tell me about his planet and what had happened. I could hear a voice in my head and started seeing pictures of his planet.

  "Planet X was a wonderful, peaceful place where aliens from around the galaxy lived and worked together. Even though we all looked and sounded different, everybody got along. We never had war, everybody was taken care of, and nobody went to bed with an empty tummy. For millions of years, life was beautiful on Planet X.”

  "Planet X was blessed with many natural resources including fresh water and fields full of crops. The air was so sweet and clean. The people of Planet X were generous and kind to everyone whether they were local or just visiting."

  "Sadly, our gentle, trusting nature would lead to serious trouble. A group of aliens known as The Moops came from a planet that they didn't take care of. Jealous of everything we had on Planet X, The Moops wanted the land and everything else all for themselves. They didn't want to share like the rest of us."

  "The Moops declared war on the people of Planet X we didn’t believe in fighting. We couldn't fight back as we had no army. We didn't want or need one. All of our problems were settled peacefully. Soon Planet X belonged to The Moops. Thousands of families had to run away from the planet that had been their home for millions of years."

  "Some planets welcomed the people of Planet X while others wouldn't let them in at all. The lucky ones had family or friends to stay with on Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, or Venus. Surprisingly Earth was not very welcoming to the aliens from of Planet X. It was disappointing as we had heard such great things about humans."

  "Those who ended up back om Planet X didn't recognize their former home. Gone was the beautiful scenery and friendly neighbours that made it such a lovely place to live. Our planet was cold and ugly now. And very dangerous."

  "That is so sad" Scotty said. "Glub, Glub, Glub" (My name is AL). "Hey, wait a minute. I can understand you now! Nice to meet you AL. C'mon, let's get that spaceship of yours and find you a place to hide." Soon the new friends climbed into the spaceship and blasted off into the night sky.

  "You'll have to hide out at my house until I can come up with a plan. I just hope I can sneak you past my parents." "Glub, Glub, Glub." "You're welcome. I wish there was more I could do, that we could do for the aliens on your planet" Scotty told his new friend.

  I was able to sneak through an open window and began heading up to my room when my Mom called out, "Scotty, is that you? Where have you been?" "Uh, I just went out to get to some Jell-O for dessert. Going upstairs now." "Hold on a minute!" his Dad said. "Oh no! Busted!"

  That sure is a lot of Jell-O. Are you going to eat that whole thing yourself?" my Dad joked. "He, he, yeah. I'll try" I nervously replied. "Just let me go upstairs" I thought to myself. "Just don't sneak out like that again. Another one of those scary aliens landed in our area tonight" Mom said. "I won't. Well goodnight!" “Glub, Glub, Glub!” AL mumbled. “Oh oh!” I’m in trouble now.

  "Scotty! Is that one of those awful aliens? Why did you bring it home?" "His name is AL. He's my friend. He's just scared and has nowhere to go." "Well it can't stay here!" Dad said. "I'm sorry, but we're going to have to call the police. Your "friend" could be dangerous. He probably wants something from us." Loud sirens and the sound of helicopters suddenly filled the air. Something was going on outside.

  "We know you have one of them in there. We have your house surrounded. Turn him over to us and we’ll be on our way." "Please Mom and Dad, don't make me do it!" I begged my parents. "I'm sorry son. It's either him or us and we need to look after ourselves first."

  "Not all aliens are the same Mom. There are good ones and bad ones. It's not fair to AL to make him leave. He's safe here. He did nothing wrong!" "Scotty, that is very noble but we need to do the right thing and turn him over to the police" "NO!" I responded. "Watch your tone son!" Dad yelled.

  "Please Dad! You have to listen to me!" "Glub, Glub, Glub?" "Are you sure AL?" "Come take a ride with us. If you don't, I'll run away." "A ride? Where? In the car?" "No, this is a lot more fun than any car ride." "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Dad screamed as the spaceship headed towards the stars. "We're so high up in the sky Scotty."

  "What is this place Scotty?" "This used to be Planet X. It was a magical place, so beautiful and filled with aliens from around the galaxy. They were all so different yet none of that mattered. They were happy and they made it work." "Quite the concept" Scotty's Dad uttered.

  "Yikes! What are those things Scotty?" "Those 'things' are AL's friends. Some of them were able to find homes on new planets. These poor guys are trapped here. They don't want anything from us. They never did. They're just looking for a safe place to call home and to feel welcome."

  "Now the planet is a dark, dangerous place. The Moops are very mean to the aliens who live here. It's not safe for anyone. Other planets have tried to get involved but the Moops have ruined the planet. The aliens want things to go back to how they used to be. But that might never happen" Scotty told his Dad.

  "All of the other planets in the solar system have taken in lots of aliens. Well, except for Earth. But even the other planets aren't really happy about all of the homeless aliens/ "Glub, Glub, Glub." "Don't cry AL" my Dad said. "We'll think of something to help the aliens of Planet X. Hey! I just understood him. I get it now and I feel so selfish."

  When the trio arrived back on Earth, they were greeted by an angry group of people. They were scared and angry and didn't even really know why. But they wanted AL and all of the other aliens to leave immediately. AL stepped out of the spaceship to address the crowd. "AL, no!" I shouted, worried about his safety.

  AL was able to share the same story about Planet X that I had heard. Soon the angry mob went from being upset to feeling sorry for AL and his people. Some of them started to cry and wanted to know how they could help the aliens of Planet X. AL needed a miracle to keep his alien friends and family safe. His next stop would be The United Nations

  Leaders from around the world gathered to hear AL speak. By the time he was done, every nation had agreed that Earth needed to do more to help the aliens of Planet X. AL received a standing ovation as all of the world leaders hugged, kissed, and shook each other's hands.

  Soon every country on Earth began to welcome the aliens from Plane
t X. They were very grateful to the people of Earth and wanted to return their kindness by trying to make the Earth a better place for all forms of life. Some of the aliens would call Earth their new home. While others hoped that one day they would get to call Planet X home again. It was just a dream but what a beautiful dream it was.