Read Taken By Surprise Page 24

  Chapter Eleven – The Rumor

  Los Angeles, California

  Friday, April 6th

  “Did you hear?” Macy leans in close to whisper to us all as we wait over by the copy machine. I try to appear bored by her words and the situation around us, but the truth is, I have a better view of the excitement that is going on in the bank from where we’re all standing than what I can see sitting at my desk.

  “No, hear what?” June, just as quietly, whispers back.

  I’m surrounded by everyone who loves to gossip at work, which let’s face it, is pretty much everyone here. When you work at a bank in Los Angeles, you tend to have some big client names. Gossip is a must. No account information is ever divulged, although sightings and rumors that surround those people in the latest trash magazines are always being mentioned.

  “Money is missing, a lot.” Macy looks excited by those words rather than alarmed. Looking at all the police officers in uniforms and suits out in the main office it looks more like a sight from a movie rather than my place of work.

  “Missing?” June sounds shocked and I roll my eyes at her. Everyone here knows why we’re being audited and why police are here. “Missing how?”

  “Who do you think did it?” Macy ignores June’s question for the real juicy one.

  Who did it? Is it someone here? Do we work with a thief? Or is it a less interesting option that we were robbed electronically and wirelessly from a stranger?

  “Is that the police?” June again proves how daft she can be by that question. I want to answer her sarcastically that it’s really a costume party and everyone just decided to dress as cops, but I bite my tongue instead. I have made a decision to be nicer this year and I refuse to break it, especially since we aren’t even halfway through the year yet.

  “This is serious,” Hugh speaks up. He is one of the more interesting guys at my work. He could be a runway model who is beyond hot and, unfortunately, completely gay. Monday morning is always the best time to have a chat with him since his stories from the weekend are always crazy and otherworldly.

  “How much?” Trudy asks the group. She is the shyest girl I know and when she speaks we all try to listen. She lacks any confidence in life and I have a feeling she doesn’t have any life outside of work. She is thirty-five and still hasn’t managed to move out of her childhood home. I’m nineteen and the only thing that keeps me still living at home is the fact that my parents are always away and I have an entire section of the house to myself. It also helps that we live in Beverly Hills. No way can I afford anything in the same realm of nice on my pay.

  “Thousands upon thousands I heard,” Macy informs us. I already know what is missing and it is well into the hundreds of thousands. I don’t communicate that knowledge to the others, though.

  “Who would do such a thing?” June begins to look upset and I try my best to stop my eyes from rolling again. It’s difficult to stop, however, so I end up pausing mid-roll. I’m getting better already.

  “A thief among us!” Hugh sounds excited as he claps his hands together and rubs them while he narrows his eyes accusingly at each of us, winking at me when we make eye contact.

  “It’s really scary.” June pushes Hugh lightly, but a smile from Hugh melts any heart. If only Hugh were straight, I would love to have some fun with him.

  “That police officer looks hot,” Macy whispers. I look over to the one she is referring to. He’s bent over, picking up files that have dropped on the ground. I decide to admire my view, losing focus on what we have actually been talking about all this time.

  “Definitely gay,” Hugh assures me, rubbing his hands together again and licking his lips. I laugh loudly at his antics and am quickly shushed by everyone.

  “What about the security tapes?” Macy gets us back on track, although I notice her eyes keep moving over to the police officer who has now stood up, though he has yet to turn back toward us. His arms and back look taut with muscles and I, too, find my attention wavering as I take in his form. Now if only he would turn around to face us.

  “Nothing, all wiped clean.” June throws her hands up in the air, dramatic as ever, and also proving that she already knows about this.

  “What do you think, Rose?” Hugh asks me, tapping his chin as though pondering my innocence.

  “Me?” I already know what my opinion is. A stupid amateur, who left holes and clues everywhere, had hacked the system. After that was discovered, auditors and fraud police were called and, after looking over things for months, they found out about the missing hundreds of thousands. Something that would have never been noticed if it wasn’t for some hack who decided to steal from the bank and not to do it right. I had covered my tracks well, but now, I’m beginning to worry that I might have left something behind. It’s too late to fix anything now and I just have to hope that I haven’t screwed up.

  “I think that police officer is most definitely not gay.” I wink at Hugh and his accusing look turns devious.

  “How about we make this interesting?” Hugh winks back at me and I smile, hoping it’s hiding my worry. “Person who gets the furthest with him wins…” Hugh looks around himself, trying to think of something worthy.

  “How about the person just wins him, I would definitely say he’s first prize material.” Macy eyes him again, moving her wedding ring on her finger around nervously. She always does that when she sees someone come into the bank looking hot. Why get married if you’re going to never be satisfied with your own partner?

  “Sounds good to me.” Hugh grabs and squeezes my hand as he quickly moves past me and walks straight up to the police officer who is now facing all of us.

  Between the both of them, I can’t decide who is hotter. Their good looks make me think the world might just explode, since surely, the hotness from these two guys is just too much to take. Instead, the world stays standing and I decide the cop is hotter, only because he is wearing a uniform.

  Hugh doesn’t seem to have much luck and, after several flirting moves I have previously seen him pull off successfully, he moves away. I smile sweetly at his annoyance as he passes me and I again eye the police officer. Perhaps this will be a good distraction from all the problems around here. It might also be a good way to gain insight to what they know and if they are at all onto me.