Read Taken By Surprise Page 31

  Chapter Sixteen – The Date

  The morning had been deceivingly cold. The sun is now out in full force and pounding on my overheated skin. It had only taken one summer working out in the elements to get me what seems like a permanent tan. It had also taken an entire summer of full time work to now have the ability to go home after a busy day and not have every muscle in my body ache.

  A lot of the guys I work with are older and plumper around the middle, where I am full of muscle from the work I do. The older guys appear to have somewhat accepted me as a colleague; it’s the ones my age or just a bit older that have a problem with me. Dad had built Nichols Construction from the ground up and I have been surrounded by sites and equipment my entire life. I know that I’m good at what I do, but my dream is to design houses, not build them. It’s something I have started to realize over the past year and another conversation I have avoided having with Dad.

  “I heard your Daddy is coming to visit you today, Char-wee.” Adam’s voice brings me back from my thoughts. Adam is a guy who’s my age and hates me on principle. He has never liked me, although when he found out his girlfriend—who is also Dad’s assistant—and I had dated for a few weeks before she started going out with him, he suddenly couldn’t stand me. He is at least a foot shorter than me and, while he is fitter and stronger than most of the guys here, he’s not as fit or strong as me. However, that doesn’t seem to deter him. Gemma, his girlfriend, let it slip to me once that Adam is afraid I’ll decide I want her back and she’ll leave him for me. Not much of a relationship if there is even a chance of that happening.

  “Shut it, Adam.”

  “He needs to make sure his little baby is okay,” Adam taunts as I clench my fists. I average wanting to punch Adam at least ten times a day, so this is just my first for the day.

  “Get back to work.” I try my best to ignore him and turn my back so I’m not facing him. I hold the drill in place and set to placing the nail where I need it to go.

  “You’re not my boss, asshole,” Adam snaps at me.

  “Not yet.” I only say it to annoy him and the growl I get in response makes me feel satisfied. I hate saying anything like that, yet I will do it a hundred times over if it gets at him. The guy is a dickhead.

  Wanting to get away from Adam before anymore can be said, I ride the shaft up to the top where a few of the other guys have started up work and set myself up in a corner. We’re building a ten story apartment complex and after some stalling at the beginning of the project from some misfiled documents, we’re on our way to finishing.

  I work solidly until lunch and then pack up before heading back down to the ground level. Dad is already there, speaking to the foreman, and I usher him away before he can ask any questions about me. Dad has a habit of acting like the people around me are teachers and he is sitting in a parent/teacher conference. It’s embarrassing.

  We walk a couple blocks away from the site and sit down at a local burger joint. I order a steak burger with all the fillings, feeling starved already. As I wait, I move my hair backwards and forwards with my hands, noticing they’re covered in dirt and grease afterwards, No matter what job I do, I always manage to get covered in dirt.

  When both our meals come, we eat in silence. It isn’t until we have both finished our plates that the quiet is broken.

  “I have a meeting tonight that will most likely go through dinner, so you’ll have to sort yourself out for food.”

  “I actually have a date tonight.” I had asked a girl out the day before when I had gone to grab a coffee across the street. She seemed nice and looked hot.

  Dad frowns at my words. He always frowns when he thinks I’m doing something wrong.

  “Just make sure you’re careful.”

  “Careful? It’s a first date, Dad.”

  “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “I won’t.” I roll my eyes. I’m over this conversation already.

  “You will always get hurt if you allow yourself to care enough, Charlie. Remember that.”

  “Not everyone is like Mom, you know.”

  “Yes, I know,” Dad snaps. I know I have angered him with my comment. He hates when I bring her up, especially when I mention it in conjunction with her depression.

  “Look, just relax, okay? It’s only a first date and it might not even lead to a second.”

  Dad nods tightly at me, however I know he still feels angry. It’s definitely not the right time to bring up moving out. I’ll have to wait until tomorrow now.