Read Taken By Surprise Page 54


  Stan left us training on our own several times during my first official day and each time, Rose and Charlie start fighting. Usually, it’ll start with a comment from Rose about Charlie losing to a girl again and it doesn’t take long after that to escalate to yelling at each other. Will seems content to simply ignore them, but I can’t stand them shouting at each other. Three times, I have to tell them both to shut up and I even have to stand in-between them once. I have no idea what their problem is or why it’s getting so bad, however when Stan finally walks in on them yelling, he seems furious. His moods are often all over the place and this merely seems to be his current bi-polar state. He finally has had enough of them and decides to punish Rose with running the circuit while he takes Charlie away through another door in the room, one that none of us have been through before. My heart rate speeds up with fear, watching him go, but I feel too silly about rushing over to say goodbye in order to make sure he’s okay. Instead, Will and I are sent back to the lounge to relax and I shuffle out hesitantly. It’s sort of like since Rose is being punished with exercise and Charlie is being punished with God knows what, we’re allowed to sit and take a break just to show them what they’re missing out on.

  I worry about what is happening to Charlie, especially when the power starts to go on and off every few minutes.

  “What do you think is happening to him?” I hope he isn’t being hurt.

  “I don’t know.” Will is pacing the room.

  I had turned the television on, but with it shutting off every time the power is lost, it’s hard to get into anything. I turn it off, feeling like it’s simply a reminder for Charlie being possibly hurt.

  “What’s wrong?” I watch Will moving around quickly, his body tense. I’ve never seen him like this before.

  “I’m so sick of this place. When can we leave?” Will asks quietly.

  “Soon, I hope.”

  “I’ve never spent so much time indoors before. I didn’t think I’d ever miss being outside as much as I do right now.”

  “Well, as long as that door is locked, we’re stuck here.” I point at the door that Stan often uses as an entrance. We know that one definitely leads to an exit since that is where the guards brought Blake through when he was bleeding out, which also means it has the most direct way to the outside, otherwise they would have come through somewhere else.

  “I could get us through that door.”

  “How?” I wonder if Will has managed to steal a key.

  “I’m super strong, right?” Will walks over to the door, touching it carefully with his hands.

  “Will, don’t. You’ll hurt yourself.” I move over to him, afraid to cause any more trouble than what we already have. If we break out of here right now, just to go outside, then they’ll up security for sure. This is the worst thing we could do right now.

  Will doesn’t listen to me. By the time I’m able to reach him, he has already charged forward and run through the door, bashing it open.