Read Taken: Into The Woods Page 1

  TAKEN: The Strange Hot Encounter

  Written by: Sharon Rose

  Copyright 2015

  All Rights Reserved

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  “This will hurt… like hell…” He growled again. “But you can take it…”

  Her mouth fell open as her sight glued to his monstrous cock. What he just said rang on her mind again and again. Didn’t he say it would hurt like hell?

  “Stay put and just relax… You’re going to take it…” He spit on her pussy.

  And she found herself following him. She straightened her back on the grass, and closed her eyes. She could feel his sticky saliva, mixed with her own juices, dripping from her pussy. She waited for him to take her.

  And she screamed on top of her lungs, her body jerked, as his huge cock plunged deep inside her.

  Chapter 1

  “Shit!” Laura cursed aloud. The door of the comfort room was locked, and she couldn’t open it!

  She tried to pull, push, and bang the door hard, but it wouldn’t open, nor budge a bit. She was locked up inside the comfort room.

  “Oh, shit!” she cussed again. She was quite so sure now that someone had intentionally locked her up. There were two students when she slipped inside the comfort room, but when she came out of the cubicle after she peed, she was already alone. And now, she couldn’t get out!

  “Hello?!” she tried to shout as loud as she could, hoping that someone would hear her, and would help her get out of the comfort room. “Hello?! Is someone out there? Hello?! Hello! Please help me get out of here!” But no one responded to her pleas.

  She banged the door with her fists. “Please, help me get out of here! Please!” she cried in exasperation. But all she could hear was silence.

  She kicked the door hard, hoping that she could destroy it, but she shouted in pain as her leg hit the hard-paneled door. It was sturdy enough to resist her kicks. She would just get a broken leg if she would continue to do so.

  Now, what would she do? It seemed as if no one was around to help her. Well, it was already late. It had been around three hours since the class was dismissed, and most of the students in their school had already gone home.

  She spent some time in the library, researching for her assignments after their class was dismissed. She was done with her research, and was about to go home when she felt the call of nature. That was why she went to the comfort room. But she wasn’t expecting that she would be locked up there.

  Laura took a deep breath as she pacified the growing fear that was slowly creeping inside her chest. If no one would help her get out of the comfort room, for sure, she would be stuck there for the whole night, until someone would come in the morning. She had this hunch that the door was locked from the outside. And she couldn’t imagine herself spending the rest of the night inside the comfort room of their high school campus!

  Her mom would surely be upset if she couldn’t go home tonight. She would surely be a dead meat by tomorrow. She needed to find a way to get out of this fucking comfort room!

  She sighed in helplessness. She was quite so sure now that she was intentionally left locked up. Who among her bullies did this to her? She fumed at the thought. What had she done for them to hate her? What had she done to deserve this kind of fucked up life?

  She heaved a deep sigh. She didn’t understand. Well, she had done nothing wrong. In fact, she was stuck in her own, cold world. No friends, no chitchat buddies, no confidantes, but she had a lot of bullies.

  Awkward, introvert, six-footer teenage girl who didn’t know how to fit in her world – these were just some of the things that best described her. At most times, she would just sit in a corner, away from the crowd, alone. Nobody wanted to be with her, nor befriend her. Everyone detested her.

  She was a regular teen who would love to have friends in their school, but she wasn’t normal in the eyes of everybody. People would usually make fun of her.

  At an early age, she was taller than most of the students in her school, even with the boys. But that didn’t work in her favor though. In fact, it made her a perennial laughing stock of her classmates, of the people around her who would use to hurl her hurtful words like malnourished giraffe, unfed daughter of Shrek, or just plain, ugly giant. It was a glaring, cold truth that she was surrounded by bullies.

  She just turned eighteen two days ago, but no one had bothered to greet her on her special day. It seemed as if the people around her had totally forgotten about her birthday, even her own mom. But she had no reasons to sulk. She was still lucky that she was alive, attending school, and had food on the table; though she couldn’t help but feel sad, of course. She was already used to being a fly on the wall, but sometimes, it still hurt.

  So on her eighteenth birthday, she just made the most out of what she had, and grabbed an ice cream for herself. The chocolate flavored ice cream topped with crushed almonds, though it was her favorite, tasted bland in her mouth.

  It was another lonely birthday celebration. Nothing new actually. It was always like this for as long as she could remember.

  Whatever misfortunes she had in her life now, she put the blame to her abnormal height. She had never been normal since she had a growth spurt at the age of six. Since then, her pituitary gland had never stopped secreting growth hormones, much to her dismay. And the saddest part of the bargain was that, she had no strong support system even in her own home. Her mother, the only family she had ever known, was transparent in showing her dislike towards her. She felt unloved and unwanted since she was a child. Her mom would always tell her that she was a mistake, that it was best had she aborted her when she had the chance.

  She had long wondered why her mom treated her that way. Maybe because they were bloody different? Her mother wasn’t really that tall, just an ordinary folk with a normal five foot six inches height. Her father on the other hand was non-existent. She had no idea who the hell he was, what the hell he looked like, or if he was tall, too, like she was. Her mother was mum about him. She wouldn’t pray tell.

  Well, maybe she got her height from her father. She couldn’t think of any other possible explanation behind her unusual height. It must be genetics. Maybe her father was a six footer, too, maybe even taller than her by a few inches. Oh, how she wished she knew!

  If being so tall was a crime, it wasn’t her fault at all. Sometimes, she hated herself for being weak, despite being the tallest in the class. She was a shy girl endowed with an average looks. She lacked confidence, and she had always been an introvert even at home, much more at school.

  The world had been hard for her. People had been cruel to her. But sulking wouldn’t be the best thing that she should do as of the moment. She should spend her energy thinking about how she could get out of the comfort room.

  She straightened her back. She couldn’t destroy the door. It was too strong for her, so she had to find an alternative way.

  She started pacing inside the comfort room. Her eyes were raking every corner of the damned place until her sight landed to the glass window.

  She snapped as an idea struck her mind. She looked for a hard object, and she found a crippled wood. She used that to smash the window. The glass splintered and scattered on the floor. And when she successfully created a hole that could accommodate her size, she climbed in the win
dow, and eased herself out of the opening. Her relief was enormous when she finally got out of the comfort room.

  Thank God!

  Laura got off the bus when it halted on the bus stop. She was thankful that she was now on her way home. She was silently praying that her mom did not come home early, or else, it wouldn’t be a good thing for her.

  She sighed deeply as she started to walk on the road. Worry filled her heart as she thought of her mother. Well, her mom would usually come home late at night, and she really hoped that she wouldn’t go home ahead of time.

  She increased her pace as she walked in bigger strides, oblivious of her surroundings. She was absorbed in her own thoughts, and all she wanted was just to fly home, if that was even possible.

  She slowed down when she started to feel exhausted. The distance from the bus stop to their house would entail her to walk for more than a kilometer, tailing beside the clearing of the forest.

  They lived in a loosely knitted community in a developing countryside in Brazil. Though urbanization had slowly taking a deep influence in their place, they still had a lot of lush, unspoiled forest. In fact, the renowned Amazon River was just a few miles away.

  Her mom was a single mother. Car was a form of luxury for her family with her mother struggling to make their ends meet, so she had to take a public transport to-and-fro school. She wasn’t complaining anyway. She understood their situation, and there was no problem with her riding a public transport. She was doing this regularly, and would continue to do so in the next few years.

  She kicked the small stone that rolled at the tip of her shoe. The sky was getting darker as darkness enveloped the surroundings. The light from the setting sun dwindled to obscurity.

  Moments later, the curtain of darkness totally shrouded her surroundings, shutting any form of light to illuminate the place. The chilly breeze of the night blew and swamped through her. She looked up, and raked her surroundings with her wide, brown eyes.

  Laura gasped aloud as her eyebrows formed a line above her eyes. She didn’t recognize the place that she was now in. This wasn’t the road going home anymore. She was in a totally different, unfamiliar place!

  Where the hell was she? How did she end up in this dark, creepy, where the heck place?

  Her eyes stopped at a big tree in front of her. It looked very old, with big trunks and thick branches. The veins and cracks on the trunk of the tree hinted her that it might be centuries old already. Her forehead burrowed. She was… in a forest?

  The wind blew again, and gave her chills, chills that seeped through her bones as if it was the height of winter. She wrapped her arms around her body to protect her from the cold. Her knees started to shiver as her heart thumped rapidly inside her chest. The place was dark, cold and creepy.

  Oh my God, why was she here? Was she lost? She needed to go and find her way back home!

  She turned around to leave, but she bumped into something hard. She screamed in surprise. Her shrill voice tore the stillness of the night, and drove the birds to fly away from the branches of the tree.

  Her face got stuck into something hairy. She pulled her head up and opened her eyes. Her eyeballs dilated as she saw a black, hairy chest with dark, ruffled tendrils. A unique smell - something of earth, citrus and wild flowers, filled her nose as she held her breath in terror.

  What was this thing that she had bumped into with?

  For a moment, her muscles lost their strength. She couldn’t lift a finger as if she was entirely paralyzed. It took a moment before she was able to compose herself, and get back her wits.

  With a pounding chest and breath stuck in her throat, she slowly tilted her head so she could look at the face of the strange creature that was solidly standing like a compact wall in front of her.

  “Oh!” She put her hand over her mouth to muffle the scream of terror that went out of her throat as she saw the face of the scary creature that was now looking at her with his fiery eyes.

  He snorted at her and his hot breath blew on her face, suspending some tendrils of her hair in the air.

  Her mouth fell open in shock, her body stiffened. Oh my God, but what kind of a demon was this?