Read Taken Three Times Page 4

  “We need to go,” he said gruffly, turning to his two friends.

  Foster frowned. “Chill, Gareth. This is Cassandra.”

  Gareth turned his eyes back to me, letting them dance over every inch of me again. A shiver not unlike the one I’d felt when I’d first met Foster and Zane teased through my body as he grinned hungrily. “Well damn,” he growled.

  I swallowed.

  “So what’s up that you had to come crash?” Zane asked.

  “Boss wanted to talk to you guys about tomorrow. He already gave me the run-down but wants to make sure you’re good to go.”

  Zane groaned. “Shit. Now?”

  “You know how he is.”

  Zane’s brow furrowed as he moved away from me. “Yeah.”

  “Look, Cassandra, we need to jet, actually,” Foster turned to me, frowning.

  “Oh, yeah, that’s fine.”

  “It’s a work thing.”

  “Believe me, I get it.” I smiled at him. “Maybe I’ll see you guys tomorrow night.”

  “Yeah, uh—”

  “Maybe,” Zane finished, looking away before turning back to me. “Look, stay and have a good night.”

  I shrugged. “Nah, maybe I’ll just call it a night.”

  “Don’t quit out on a vacation night cause of us.” Foster grinned as he leaned into me. “Stay. Gareth can keep you company.” He turned to his buddy. “You don’t mind keeping Cassandra company do you?”

  “I can’t imagine how that’d be a problem,” the big, dark-haired, blued-eyed man said with a hungry grin at me.

  “See? All set.” Foster grinned as he leaned close again. “Gareth is our best friend. Trust me, he’s good people. Stay, have a good time.” His hand slipped over my waist to my ass, giving me a little squeeze as he pulled me against him. He kissed me, sucking at my lip and leaving me breathless as he pulled away. Zane pulled me to him, kissing me as well, and I realized I didn’t remotely care how scandalous it must look here at the bar and in front of their friend no less for me to be kissing two different men.

  “Have fun,” he whispered against my lips, winking.

  He and Foster nodded at each other and clapped Gareth on the back before they headed off. The man I’d just met turned back to me.

  “Guess it’s just you and me. Sorry to crash your party.”

  I blushed, thinking of how he’d probably seen me grinding with both his friends like that when he’d walked up. “Oh, it’s fine,” I said quickly, shrugging. “I guess I’ll just take off back to my—”

  “Stay. Let’s dance.”

  My eyes darted back to his, seeing the same grin there I’d seen across both his friends’ faces. He had a kind, if not rugged face, but like his friends, I saw no danger there. My eyes drifted over his hard, chiseled body, across the lines of tattoo ink crisscrossing his arms and chest, including, I realized, the same winged angel in a motorcycle helmet that both his friends had.

  I looked back up at his face to see him grinning. “So do I pass?”

  “Pass what?”

  He chuckled. “The test. I was about to make a crack about you checking me out, but it felt more like a once-over.”

  I smiled. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I like you looking at me.”

  My face went red. “You guys all have the same tattoo.”

  “Yep.” Gareth shrugged, not giving me anymore answers.

  “What’s it mean?”

  He smiled. “Tell you what. You stay and dance with me, and I might tell you.”

  “You will tell me or you might.”


  I grinned as he took my hand and started to pull me into the crowd.

  Bodies swirled around us as the music pulsed, and I gasped as I felt Gareth move behind me. His hands went to my hips and pulled me back against him as he started to sway to the beat. I bit my lip, feeling that hard, chiseled body press against my mostly bare back, and feeling something thick in his shorts pressed into my ass.

  The music pulsed deeper and hotter, and slowly, I let go. I let myself drape into him, gasped when his hands slid up and down my sides, and I raised my hands in the air, letting my fingers stream through my hair as I just let go and let myself dance against this third gorgeous man.

  Gareth’s hands got bolder, lingering on my hip, slipping over my ass, and brushing against the sides of my breasts just enough that before long, I was feeling the ache of something warm between my legs. Part of me thought about stepping back, and removing myself from this situation. After all, he may have been insanely hot, and an amazing dancer, and seemingly pushing all of my buttons. And I may have really wanted this to happen. But then, I’d just slept with both his friends the night before.

  But the other part of me rolled it’s eyes at the first. Yeah, I’d had a three-way with two friends. It’s not like I was dating them.

  And I wanted this. Call it adding more fuel to this crazy, totally-not-me vacation-sex thing I’d apparently decided to embark on, but it was there.

  I wanted this, and I wanted him.

  I let myself sink back into Gareth, feeling him growl into my ear as the big bulge in his shorts pressed into my ass. His hands slid up my torso, brushing against my breasts, but this time, they lingered. He seemed to pause, and I found myself nodding as I turned to look up into his eyes. There was something fierce there, something hot and something raw, and I moaned as his hand slowly moved over my breast. I slipped my hand up to his hair as he leaned in, and then he was kissing me hard.

  I moaned into his mouth as he kissed me, his hand full-on palming my breasts, his fingers teasing the nipple through the thin bikini top. His other hand dropped to my waist and then slid over my bare tummy, and I shivered.

  The music pumped, and he ground his thick cock into my ass, pulling me tight against him and letting me feel every damn inch of it. I whimpered as his hand slipped under the cup of my bikini, and for a moment, I worried about people seeing. But then, it was dark, and the crowd was already all-over each other — couples around us grinding and kissing and more.

  And no one knew me here, so who cared?

  Gareth’s hand on my belly suddenly slid down, his fingertips moving under the hem of my skirt and lower still until he froze.

  My face went bright red.

  Panties, right. The one’s I’d neglected to put on because I’d come here with the sole purpose of taking Foster and Zane back to my room. I felt Gareth’s lips brush my ear.

  “Dirty girl,” he growled, making me whimper as his fingers teased lower towards my lips.

  “Maybe we— I mean, maybe we shouldn’t.”

  “You really want me to stop?” he growled.

  “No,” I gasped, pushing my ass back into his bulge.

  His finger pushed lower, and I moaned as they slid over my wetness and slipped against my opening. Gareth’ fingers curled, two of them pushing inside my slippery pussy as his thumb brushed my clit.

  He pulled me against him, his cock pulsing against my ass as he slowly started to finger me in tempo with the beat. His lips found my ear, teeth grazing me as he toyed with my nipple and plunged his fingers in and out of my soaking wet slit. It felt so wild, and I felt so unhinged letting a man I’d just met do this to me right in the middle of the dance floor, but it was insanely hot. It was so hot that I found myself rocketing towards that edge faster than I’d have ever imagined. I moaned as I rocked my hips against his hand, my nipple hard and electric under his fingers, and my pussy clinging to every thrust of his magic fingers.

  “I— I think—”

  “You’re gonna come for me, gorgeous,” Gareth rasped into my ear.


  “Right fucking here.” I want this sweet little pussy to come all over my fingers, right in front of everyone,” he growled. “And I want it to come right the fuck now.”

  My eyes rolled back in my head and legs almost gave out right as the orgasm slammed into me. I sagged against him, my legs going weak
as the climax tore through me, bringing a cry to my lips that the music luckily covered as I came right there on the dance floor.

  Holy shit.

  Slowly, I came to my senses as Gareth pulled his hand from under my skirt. I turned, looking at him in awe and in raw lust as he brought the fingers to his mouth and hungrily licked them clean.

  “Fuck do I want more of you,” he growled, yanking me close. I moaned as he kissed me, his hand roughly grabbing my ass and his cock pulling hot and hard under his shorts.


  The sound of Zane’s voice broke us apart, and I staggered back, my breath in my throat as I saw Foster and Zane standing beside us. They both let their eyes wander over me — my blushing face, my not-quite-on bikini top, my panting breath.

  They grinned.

  God, they knew. They knew and they were grinning.

  “Hi again,” Foster said with a wink. “Having fun?”

  My face went beet red as I bit my lip.

  Quickly though, they turned to Gareth. “We gotta run.”

  Gareth frowned. “Now?”

  “Now, man!” Zane said, his voice edged. “Boss moved plans up. Job’s tonight.”

  “Fuck,” Gareth swore. “Do we know who—”

  He shut his mouth as they all turned to me.

  “I’m sorry, Cassandra, we really need to go,” Zane said quickly, looking away.

  “Um, okay?” I nodded as Gareth quickly darted in and kissed my cheek.

  “Wait, are you guys around tomorrow?”

  Foster’s jaw went tight. “We’ll be in touch, okay?” He frowned when I did, and he leaned in and kissed me. “Believe me, we’ll be in touch, Cassandra,” he whispered into my lips before pulling away.

  And then they were gone, the three of them disappearing into the crowd and leaving me wondering what the heck was going on.

  After that, I went to the bar for one more drink, killing it quickly before I decided it was time to call it a night. I walked barefoot back to my cabana, my mind whirling at what had just happened that night. Hell, over the last two nights.

  I wondered who this new me was. This new me who let strangers finger her in beach dance parties, and who had threesomes with gorgeous, dangerous-looking men. She was crazy.

  And hot.

  And I didn’t know what was coming over me there in paradise, but I liked it.


  The night I was taken, I don’t remember much.

  I remember coming back from the beach party. I remember showering, brushing my teeth, and then going out to stand on the edge of sand outside of my cabana and watch the waves crash down on the moonlit shore.

  I remember crawling under just a sheet and letting my eyes close as I thought about the men who’d made me feel amazing over the last two nights. I thought about the new wild me, and what this all meant.

  I remember falling asleep to the thought that for the first time in a while, I was truly happy.

  And then I remember screaming.

  I remember the hands, the gag pulled tight over my mouth, the ropes pulled tight around my wrists. The blindfold slipped over my eyes, the adrenaline and fear pounding through my veins like fire as I was pulled from the bed.

  “What’s happening?”

  My voice felt broken and weak as the door to what sounded like a van slammed shut, an engine roaring to life.

  I got nothing in reply.

  “Please,” I asked, my voice trembling, the fear threatening to tear me apart. “What’s going on?”

  The van drove in silence.

  I remember sitting in the silence, trying to count breaths, but quickly losing track of that and the passage of time as we drove on. The van stopped, there was the sound of muffled voices, and then we drove on. There was the sound of a much bigger rumbling sound, and it took me a second to realize it was an engine.

  Oh my God.

  A plane engine.

  The van shut off, and the door opened. Hands grabbed me, and I screamed again, lashing out with my heels. But the hands were strong, and they held me tight before carrying me out into the heat of the island night and then up a flight of stairs.

  “Please! Why are you doing this!” I screamed it again and again, but still only got silence.

  Hands grabbed me, yanking my arm out tight, and I felt my blood run cold as the chill of a needle pressed against my skin.

  “No, wait!”

  There was a pierce, a numbness, and fading, and then I was out.

  That’s all I remember.


  The smell of musty earth. The darkness. The hospital-gown and lack of real clothes.

  All of it came rushing back as I lay on the cot. All the moments back at the beach — the resort, the ocean, the men I’d spent some amazing moments with.


  I shifted, and suddenly, the metal of the handcuffs bit into my wrists, sharply reminding me that I was bound. I felt my pulse starting to race faster and faster as I glanced up and saw the thin chain connecting the handcuffs to the wall.

  My heart froze, and the reality of my situation started to grip me like a cold, dead hand. I was near naked, and alone, cold, and handcuffed to the wall, in the dark.

  I’d been taken, and I didn’t even know why or where to. Or what was going to happen to me.

  I closed my eyes, shivering, when I heard the metallic clank of a key in a lock.

  I sat bolt upright as the rusted door to the far side of the room swung wide.

  “Well, hello beautiful.”

  The man was bathed in shadow, his voice gravelly and rough.

  “I do hope you’re enjoying your accommodations, princess.”

  “Where am I?” I croaked, shifting back on the couch as he stepped into the room.

  “Room service prompt? Room cleaned and serviced to your liking?”

  “I— I don’t know who you think I am, or why—”

  “Oh, trust me. I know exactly who you are.”

  The man suddenly stepped into the dingy light, bringing into focus his rough features, and the cowboy hat on his head. “Name’s Mitch, honey. But you can call me…” He trailed off and chuckled before he spat on the ground. “Shit, you can just call me Mitch, alright?”

  “What— what do you want?”

  He grinned wickedly. “What do I want? Shit girl, I already got it. It’s more what happens next.”

  I shivered, eyeing him as my heart pounded in my throat. “Which is?”

  “Let's get something straight, princess,” he suddenly snarled. “I own you now, okay? You’re mine.”


  “Yeah, and see, if your dad—”

  “My dad’s dead, asshole.”

  Mitch’s brows raised at the venom in my voice, but he just chuckled. “I know that, Cassandra,”

  My name coming out of his mouth sent a chill down my back.

  “Fine, your stepdad, if we’re going to split fuckin’ hairs. Your stepdad — if they ever want to see you again — is going to pay.”

  I doubt that

  All Frank had was my mom and dad’s banked money.

  Mitch seemed to misread the look on my face. “Well, better hope he does, princess.”

  “Yeah? Why’s that?” I spit back.

  Mitch grinned. “Feisty,” he chuckled as he adjusted his cowboy hat and crossed his arms over his chest. “We’ll break that.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat, my skin crawling as his eyes moved over my bare legs.

  “Excuse me? What happens if he doesn’t pay?”

  Mitch shrugged. “Simple. We make our money elsewhere.”

  “What does that—”

  “We’ll sell you.”

  I froze, my blood turning to ice inside my veins.

  “To the highest bidder. Probably some nephew of a middle eastern prince or something. Great market for pretty young things like yourself.”

  I was frozen, balking at his words and feeling the room spin out from under me.
  Mitch chuckled. “Stay a little feisty. They like that.”

  The room spun as I dropped to the cot in a daze, my whole world turned upside down as I tried to grapple with what he was saying. I was seeing but not really, hearing but not entirely, as he muttered something else. I was a captive, and there was the very real possibility of being sold like property to the highest bidder.

  And I had no illusions about what sort of property.

  “Boys, get her cleaned up.”

  I dropped my head into my hands, staring at the floor as I heard footsteps enter the room. I blinked hot tears as three pairs of boots walked over and stopped in front of me.

  Slowly, I lifted my head.

  And my whole world broke.

  Oh my God…

  It was them; all three of them standing right there in front of me.

  They weren’t shirtless this time. They weren’t wearing swimsuits and flashing me grins, or pouring me drinks, or making my body feel things it never felt before.

  But it didn’t matter, because right there standing in front of me were Foster, Gareth, and Zane.

  “Don’t say a word,” Zane husked, an urgency in his eye.

  “Get ‘er cleaned, boys,” Mitch tossed over his shoulder as he stepped from the room.

  Their eyes stared down at me in horror, jaws set, matching looks of shock on their faces.

  “Don’t say a word, Cassandra.”


  “Are you fucking kidding me?!”

  Fury, fear, and a horrible feeling of betrayal sliced through me as I sat there staring at the last three men I’d have ever expected to see in that place.

  “Cassandra, please,” Foster growled. “Keep your voice down.”

  “What?!” I screamed, scrambling across the cot away from them.


  “Stay away from me!” I barked hoarsely, jabbing a finger at Zane as he put a hand out towards me. “You stay away from me.”

  “It’s not what you think,” Gareth said quietly, his jaw tight. “This is not what you think it is.”

  “Oh it’s not? So, I’m not chained to a wall in a fucking cell? Is that what you’re saying?”