Read Taken by the Enemy Page 16



  To Captain Passford the question seemed to be settled; and he could nolonger doubt that his brother fully sympathized with the leaders of therebellion, if he was not one of them himself. He was certainly the mostenthusiastic person he had yet seen on that side of the question. ButHomer was thoroughly sincere, for he never was any thing else on anysubject.

  Horatio was unable to understand how his brother could reason himselfinto the belief that secession was right, when the duty of saving theUnion was to him paramount; and certainly Homer was equally puzzled overthe political faith of Horatio. Until the darkness of evening began togather, they argued the tremendous question; and they discussed it ably,for both of them were thinking and reasoning men.

  But, when the darkness gathered, they were not one hair's-breadth neareran agreement; and probably if they had continued to argue till morning,or even till the end of the year, they would have come no nearertogether. Each had a sort of horror of the views of the other, thoughthey had lived in peace and harmony all the days of their lives.

  "Homer, you are my brother; and I am sure that an unpleasant word neverpassed between us," said Horatio, when the sun had gone down on thefruitless discussion.

  "Certainly not, brother; and it grieves me sorely to find that you areupon one side, while I am on the other," replied Homer with a strongmanifestation of feeling. "I did not expect to see you at Glenfield; butI felt sure that you would not be found, actually or constructively, inthe ranks of the enemies of the South."

  "And I was equally sure that you would be found on the side of yourcountry,--the whole country, and not a miserable fraction of it," addedHoratio, with quite as much warmth as his brother. "I came here in theBellevite as much to convey you to a place of safety, as to restoreFlorry to her mother."

  "My country is here in the South. I have no other country; and I shallstand by it to the last ditch, wherein I am ready to cast all that Ihave and all that I am. If you thought it possible for me to desert thecause of the South, you strangely misjudged me; and I do not feel at allcomplimented by the formation of your opinion of me," said Homer, with atrifle more of bitterness in his tone and manner than he had usedbefore.

  "I see how it is with you, Homer; and I realize that it is worse thanfolly for us to discuss this important question. Your mind is made up,and so is mine; and I fear that we might quarrel if we should continueto bandy words on the subject. We had better drop it entirely, once forall."

  "Perhaps we had; but it grieves me sorely, even to think of my onlybrother taking part with the hirelings of the North in an attempt tosubdue the free, untamed, and untamable South. It would not hurt myfeelings more to know that you were a buccaneer, roving on the oceanfor the plunder of all nations."

  "You should also consider my feelings when I think of you in armedrebellion against the best government God ever allowed to exist; that myown brother is a rebel and a traitor, who is liable to be shot or hungfor his armed treason."

  This was too much for Homer, and he gave vent to his emotion in alaugh at the picture his brother had drawn. He walked the library, andchuckled as though he were actually amused at the remarks of the other;and perhaps he was.

  "I am really and heartily sorry for you, Horatio. Your future, I fear,will be terribly dark. Of course, all business will cease at the North:the grass will grow in the streets of New York and other large cities.You have an immense fortune, which I do not believe you can retain asingle year; for the war is not to be confined to Southern soil, butwill be carried into the North, where the expenses of our men will bepaid by the enemy."

  "I think we had better confine our attention to the present, and let thefuture take care of itself," said Horatio, with a smile at the propheticcroakings of his brother.

  "Be that as it may, though I feel confident that all I predict will cometo pass, I desire to have one thing understood: when you have lost yourfortune, or wasted it on the hireling armies of the North, or on shipsfor its navy, you may always be sure of a home at Glenfield for yourselfand all your family."

  "If you do not lose or waste all that you have on the army of theother side," added Horatio with a smile. "But I am ready to drop thissubject."

  "It seems to be useless to continue it; though, if there were anypossible way to convert you from the error of your way of thinking,I would struggle all night with you," said Homer.

  "You cannot make a traitor of me, brother. But I must tell Florry topack her trunk at once."

  "Pack her trunk? Why are you in such a hurry?" demanded Homer.

  "Because this is not a safe place for me and mine; and I have my twochildren with me."

  "You ought to have left Christy at home."

  "I think not. Though he is only sixteen, he has seen so much of theworld, and is so bright, that he is almost a man. He will go into thenavy within a few weeks, and I shall expect him to give a good accountof himself."

  "He is rather young. Corny is eighteen, and he has already enlisted withhis mother's blessing and mine. But I think you need not be in such ahurry, Horatio, to get away from here; for it is a long time since wemet."

  "I have expressed my political sentiments very freely to you, Homer, andyou know as well as I do, that, if they were known, I should not be safea single day."

  "Not quite so bad as that, for I think I should have sufficientinfluence to save you from arrest," added Homer.

  "The Bellevite cost me over half a million dollars, and she is worth allshe cost. If I were safe a single day, the steamer and ship's company onboard of her would not be. I brought them down here, and I intend totake them back."

  "And then you present this fine vessel to the Yankee Government, anddoubtless the men on board of her will go into the service of the navy."

  "I certainly expect as much as that of them."

  "Then I question whether I ought to allow such a prize to pass out ofthe bay for such a purpose," said Homer.

  "Then, with such a doubt as that in your mind, I ought not to remainhere another hour," added Horatio quietly. "If you have gone far enoughin treason to betray your own brother, coming here to your home for nowarlike purpose, into the hands of the enemy, why, all I can do is tolook out for myself."

  "I did not say that I should betray you, Horatio. It is simply aquestion with me whether my duty to my country will allow me to let yoursteamer leave these waters. I have not settled the question in my ownmind."

  "I hope you will settle it soon. If I am to take my first step in thisfratricidal war by defending myself against my own brother, let himspeak, and I am ready," replied Horatio, shaken by an emotion deeperthan he had ever experienced before.

  "Horatio, whatever you may do, whatever I may do, each in the dischargeof his duty to his country, his country as he understands it, let ushave no unfraternal feeling," continued Homer, almost as much disturbedin his feelings as his brother.

  "In other words, if you hand me and my vessel over to your leaders, andconsequently take from me the means of bearing my daughter to a place ofsafety, I am to put my hand on my heart, and say that my brother hasdone right, for I will not use any stronger terms," said Horatio,struggling with his emotion.

  "I must do my duty as I understand it," protested Homer. "The question Iput to myself is this: can I justify myself, before God and my country,if I permit the finest steamer in the world, as you state it, to betransferred to the Yankee navy, to be used in killing, ravaging, anddestroying within the free South? The steamer is here, and within myreach. After all you have said, she would be the lawful prize of anytug-boat in the bay that could capture her. I begin to realize that Ishould be guilty of treason to my country in letting her go."

  "You must be your own judge in regard to that," replied Horatiobitterly, as he rose from his chair and walked towards the door.

  "One word more, Horatio. I look upon the Bellevite as already belongingto the Southern Confederacy. Of course, being a private yacht, she isnot armed?"

/>   Homer paused and looked at his brother as though he expected an answerto this question; but the owner of the steamer made no reply.

  "Do you say that the Bellevite is armed, Horatio?" repeated Homer.

  "I do not say any thing about it. I find that I am in the presence of anenemy, though he is my own brother."

  "Do not assume that tone to me, Horatio: it wounds me to the heart,"said Homer, in a deprecatory tone. "If we are enemies because you chooseto oppress our people, I cannot help it; but we will still be brothers."

  "The attack upon Fort Sumter was made by the South; and thus far, atleast to the extent that I have been informed, the South has been theassailant; and you say that I choose to oppress your people. They havetaken the sword, and they will perish by the sword."

  Captain Passford could not trust his feelings any longer to remain withhis brother, and he left the room. In the hall he met Florry, who hadbeen lying in wait for him for over an hour. She threw herself on hisneck as she had done before; but she found her father full of energy,and he was not even willing to use his minutes to caress her.

  "What is the matter, papa?" asked the fair girl, astonished at themanner of her father, for she had never before seen him so agitated.

  "Do not ask me any questions, Florry, for I have not time to answer themnow," said he hastily. "Go to your room and pack all your things asquick as you possibly can, and without saying a word to any one."

  "Why, papa!"

  "Not a word, my dear child," he added, kissing her.

  "It will not take me five minutes, papa; for I have been packing mytrunk this afternoon, when I had nothing else to do."

  "Where is your room, Florry?"

  "It is on the lower floor, next to the library."

  "I will be there in a few minutes. Dress yourself, and be ready to leaveat a minute's notice," continued Captain Passford. "Where is Christy?"

  "He went out about an hour ago, when he saw from the window a young manI did not know," replied Florry, as she passed into her room.

  Captain Passford wondered who the young man was whom his son had goneout to meet; for no one was allowed to leave the deck of the Bellevitewho belonged to her, and he was not aware that Christy had any friend inthe vicinity. He was annoyed at his absence, for he wanted him at thatvery moment.

  Mrs. Passford and Gerty were up-stairs, where nimble fingers were busilyat work for the soldiers of the Southern Confederacy, as they were alsoin the North for the Union. The captain looked all about the house, buthe could not see or hear of his son.