Read Taking It All Page 13

  Kylie rolled her eyes. “Just wait until I get that promotion, Jensen. Then we’ll see who’s the boss of that operation.”

  “Oh I know,” Jensen said in a fervent tone. “Dash and I will spend the days in our offices hiding under our desks.”

  Chessy laughed and then because she couldn’t fathom how or why she could be laughing when her entire world was crumbling around her, she buried her face in her hands and sobbed.

  “Can you take her to bed, Jensen?” Chessy heard Kylie say. “Our bed. I don’t want her to be alone tonight. Can you take the guest bedroom?”

  Chessy lifted her head and shook it vehemently. “No. No way I’m putting Jensen out of his bed. That’s where he belongs. With you, Kylie. I would never do anything to change a thing about y’all’s relationship.

  Jensen smiled and tousled Chessy’s hair affectionately. “I assure you our relationship will survive me sleeping in a different bedroom this one night. If it can survive me being tied to the headboard I think it’s safe to say that we’re pretty solid. Besides, if I sleep there, I don’t have to be tied up by my kinky girlfriend.”

  “Jensen!” Kylie hissed. “For God’s sake! Do you not have any sort of a filter when it comes to what spills from your mouth?”

  “And yet that’s what I love about him,” Chessy said in amusement. “I suppose my taste in men isn’t quite so horrible after all.”

  “Let’s get you to bed, sweetie,” Jensen said in a gentle voice. “You look like you’ve reached the limit of your control. Get some rest. Tomorrow you and Kylie and Joss can have one of your terror . . . er . . . uh I mean girl lunches where y’all threaten the demise of the male population. If I wasn’t so pissed off at the asshole for what he did, I’d actually feel sorry for Tate about now. But he made his bed and now he has to lie in it. Alone.”

  “You know,” Kylie said thoughtfully.

  “Uh oh. I recognize that voice,” Jensen said in a dry tone.

  “We get up with Chessy whenever she’s ready to go over and tackle packing whatever she wants to take. Then I’ll call Joss, give her the 411 and have her meet us back at your place. And you can be the sweet, adorable guy who gets us takeout so we don’t have any messy upsetting issues in a public restaurant. You’d be invited of course,” Kylie said teasingly.

  “It’s a good plan and I certainly don’t mind getting all my girls something to eat, but you’re going to need to give Joss a heads-up before we go over there because I have to call Dash to tell him neither you or I will be in the office and I’ll have to explain why. And then Joss finds out important information about her best friend from a third party, which will hurt her feelings and cause her to instantly freak and run out the door to go and help with the packing. I think we can all agree that doesn’t need to happen.”

  “Then it’s a plan,” Kylie said, hugging Chessy to her once more. “Now let’s go get you into bed. You look like hell, Chess. I can only imagine how exhausted you are right now. I’ll stay up and talk to you as long as you want.”

  But as soon as Kylie returned from the bathroom after taking the towel from her hair and combing it out she saw that Chessy was already passed out on the bed, her expression one of sorrow.

  Kylie’s heart clenched. She knew all too well how much love had the power to hurt but also to heal. The question was, which would it do for Tate and Chessy?


  KYLIE wrapped her hands around the mug of coffee as she stood in Jensen’s kitchen. Though Chessy had slept fitfully, Kylie had barely slept at all. She’d lain awake, worried and heartbroken for her friend.

  Jensen walked up behind her and wrapped both arms around her body, pulling her back against his chest as he nuzzled one ear.

  “How did Chessy sleep?” he asked, concern edging his voice.

  Kylie sighed. “A lot better than I did.”

  She set the mug on the bar and then swiveled in Jensen’s embrace, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. She rested her cheek against his chest and sighed.

  “What are we going to do, Jensen? This has devastated Chessy. She was so full of hope and optimism after their disastrous anniversary night that Tate finally saw how unhappy she was and he vowed to make amends. And yet at the very first opportunity he allowed business to interfere?”

  “He didn’t just allow it to interfere,” Jensen said darkly. “He put Chessy in harm’s way over a fucking business call. He should have left the damn phone at home and devoted one hundred percent of his attention and energy on his wife. I know you have fears over Joss’s and Chessy’s lifestyle choices, but honey trust me, what happened last night is never supposed to happen. I would have said that Dash and Tate would cut off their right arms before ever allowing their wives to come to harm, but I don’t even know what to say regarding Tate’s actions. I have no idea what he was thinking. But what he did is unforgivable, and you need to prepare yourself for the possibility that this is truly the last straw for Chessy. She’s going to need you and Joss more than ever. I’m proud of her for standing up for herself. It took a lot of courage to tell Tate she was leaving.”

  “I know,” Kylie said sadly, her heart aching for her friend. “Chessy is such a good person, Jensen. She doesn’t deserve this. She’s so generous and sweet. She has a heart of gold but she hasn’t been truly happy in a long time. I wish I could say that I hadn’t seen this coming, but Joss and I have honestly been expecting this, though we never imagined it going down like it did because, like you, I would have never imagined Tate allowing anything to hurt Chessy. No matter how far he has his head stuck up his ass, I never truly thought he would allow harm to come to her. I hate him for that,” she said, anger bubbling up in her chest.

  Jensen squeezed her more tightly against him and brushed a kiss over her hair. “I’m not a fan at the moment either. I’d like to beat his ass for what he did.”

  “I’d like to watch,” Kylie muttered. “Maybe you could hold him down while I kick him in the balls.”

  Jensen chuckled. “I love when you get all ferocious. It’s very sexy.”

  She grinned up at him. “I love you.”

  He looked inordinately pleased by her declaration. His features softened in answering love and he kissed her, long and sweet. “I love you too,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.

  A noise from the entrance to the kitchen had Kylie whirling around to see Chessy standing there watching Kylie and Jensen kissing. She looked as though she’d been slapped, her eyes drenched with sadness.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Chessy said in a low voice.

  “Not at all,” Jensen said in an easy tone, allowing Kylie to slide from his grasp. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “Come sit down and let me fix you a cup of coffee,” Kylie urged, going over to where Chessy stood and ushering her back to the bar.

  “I feel . . . numb,” Chessy said in a confused voice. “Like it really hasn’t sunk in. I woke up and thought I was at home and I automatically reached for Tate.”

  “That’s understandable,” Kylie soothed.

  Kylie set a steaming mug of coffee in front of Chessy but all she did was wrap her hands around the cup as though trying to infuse some of the warmth into her body.

  “What time is it anyway?” Chessy asked wearily.

  “It’s almost ten,” Jensen supplied. “Kylie is going to go call Joss and then we’ll head over to your house so you can get what you need.”

  Chessy nodded, tears brimming in her eyes. “What am I going to do? I was completely dependent on Tate. It was what he wanted. He never wanted me to work. He insisted that he take care of me financially. And what did that get me? Now I have no husband, no house, no money.” She buried her face in her hands, her shoulders heaving.

  Kylie sent Jensen an anxious look, unsure of what to do to comfort her friend. Jensen merely shook his head and put a finger to his lips.

  Jensen moved in close to Kylie and whispered near to her ear so Chessy didn’t hear.

p; “Just give her time. She’s going to be upset for a few days. Just be there for her and let her cry on your shoulder. Then we’ll figure out what she’s going to do. If she and Tate divorce, she gets half of everything so she’ll be financially secure.”

  Kylie flinched. Chessy and Tate divorced? Yes, she’d certainly known that there were problems in the marriage, but she honestly hadn’t considered things would go this far. That Chessy would be sitting at her kitchen table crying her eyes out because she’d walked out on Tate.

  “I’m going to go call Joss, hon,” Kylie said to Chessy. “Why don’t you jump in the shower? It’ll make you feel better.”

  Chessy sighed but nodded and shuffled back toward the guest bathroom. Kylie waited until she was certain Chessy was in the shower before dialing Joss’s number.

  As expected, Joss didn’t take the news well at all. Kylie winced at the expletives that filled her ear. If Joss was swearing like a sailor then it really was bad.

  “I can’t believe he let that happen,” Joss raged. “Dash will kill him.”

  “He’ll have to wait in line behind Jensen,” Kylie said dryly.

  “Poor Chessy,” Joss said, tears evident in her voice. “What are we going to do, Kylie?”

  “Well, the first thing is that Jensen and I are going to take her by her house after she gets out of the shower so she can properly pack what she needs. After that? She’ll stay here. I’ll sit on her if I have to.”

  “Should I come over too?” Joss asked. “I can meet y’all there.”

  “I think it would be best for Chessy if you came over here, after she’s packed. It’s going to be an ordeal for her and she’ll need to be surrounded by friends. How about I text you when we’re leaving her house and you can meet us here.”

  “That sounds good,” Joss replied. “I can’t believe this, Kylie. I just can’t believe he let this happen.”

  “Neither can I,” Kylie said softly.


  CHESSY tensed when Jensen pulled into her and Tate’s neighborhood. Her fingers curled into tight fists and she fought the surge of tears that welled in her eyes. Kylie turned to look at Chessy over her shoulder, her eyes brimming with sympathy.

  “You’ll get through this, Chessy. Jensen, Joss, Dash and I will be here for you.”

  “I know,” Chessy said.

  “Shit,” Jensen muttered when he made the turn into Chessy’s drive.

  Chessy looked and her heart plummeted when she saw Tate’s car parked outside the garage. What was he doing home? Why?

  “What should we do, Jensen?” Kylie asked anxiously.

  Jensen put the car in park and turned to look at Chessy. “It’s up to you, honey. Kylie and I will go in with you, but if you’d rather come back when he isn’t here I’ll be happy to bring you another time.”

  Chessy squared her shoulders resolutely and spoke with calm she didn’t quite feel. “No. I’ll do it now. I have to face him sometime. I won’t let him make me afraid to walk into my own house.”

  “Okay then, let’s do it,” Jensen said, opening his door.

  Chessy climbed from the backseat and started toward the door on wobbly legs. Before she was halfway up the walk, the front door flew open and Tate filled the doorway, his appearance haggard and unkempt. As if he hadn’t slept at all the night before. Relief poured from his face.

  “Chessy, thank God you came back,” he said in a hoarse voice.

  And then he looked beyond her as if he’d been so focused on her that he hadn’t even noticed that Jensen and Kylie were there.

  “Chessy? What’s going on?” he asked quietly.

  “Jensen and Kylie drove me over so I could pack more of my things,” Chessy said, proud of how steady—and firm—she sounded.

  He looked as though she’d slapped him right across the face. He visibly flinched and then ran a hand through his already rumpled hair.

  “You’re moving out?”

  The pain in his voice made her heart clench. But she steeled herself against letting him manipulate her emotionally. This wasn’t about him. It was about her finally standing up for herself and doing what she should have done a long time ago.

  Jensen walked up to stand beside Chessy, adding his silent support as he stared Tate down. There was open disgust in Jensen’s expression. Tate wouldn’t even meet Jensen’s gaze. Guilt was plastered all over Tate’s face and then resignation swamped his eyes and he stepped aside so Chessy could enter the front door.

  Chessy walked by him, Kylie following behind. Jensen remained, however, and Chessy paused just inside the partially open door. Kylie looked questioningly at her, but Chessy held a finger to her lips and pointed at the door.

  “What the fuck were you thinking, Tate?” Jensen demanded. “How could you have allowed your wife to get hurt while you were taking a fucking business call? Have you lost your goddamn mind?”

  Chessy winced but Kylie looked as though she wanted to cheer.

  “This is between me and Chessy,” Tate said in an icy tone. “I don’t need your input when it comes to my marriage.”

  “Someone needs to knock some sense into your head. God only knows why she’s put up with you as long as she has. You had so many chances to make things right and you blew it big-time.”

  “I love her,” Tate said. “I’ve made mistakes. I wish to hell I could undo them. But I won’t let her go. I’ll fight for her with my last breath. I’m not going to just stand back and let her walk out of my life, even if that’s what I deserve.”

  Jensen made a sound of disgust. “You don’t act like a man who loves his wife. And you damn sure haven’t put her first when it comes to any part of your life.”

  Chessy bowed her head, tears gathering in her eyes. She knew what Jensen was saying was true, but to hear that truth from a third party hurt. That the problems in her marriage were so obvious to others. It was humiliating.

  “Come on, Chessy,” Kylie said in a low voice, taking her arm to guide her away from the doorway. “It does no good for you to stand and listen to this. It’ll only upset you even more. Let’s get your things together so we can go.”

  Chessy allowed herself to be led to the bedroom and mechanically she began removing her clothing from the closet. She tossed everything onto the bed and then went through her drawers and collected all the shoe boxes from the shelves in the closet. Jensen had brought several suitcases that he would be bringing in and whatever didn’t fit would just have to be piled into the backseat.

  Other than clothing, what should she take? There were mementos all over the house. Things that held special meaning. And photos. Her wedding pictures. Honeymoon pictures. Though looking at them now only brought her crushing pain, would she feel differently as time passed? Would she want those things or should she leave them here, in the past where they belonged?

  Oh God, should she be consulting an attorney? Was she truly going to go through with a divorce? Her heart seized and panic scuttled up her spine and rolled her stomach into one big vicious knot.

  “What’s wrong, Chessy?”

  Kylie’s concerned voice cut through her haze of dismay.

  “I need a lawyer,” Chessy said faintly. “Or at least I think I do. Shouldn’t I file for divorce?”

  Kylie’s arms came around her and she hugged Chessy fiercely. “Let’s not worry about that right now, sweetie. You have plenty of time to think of that. For now let’s just get your stuff packed and you settled into my house. You’re still in shock and you shouldn’t be making any life-altering decisions in your current emotional state.”

  Chessy sighed. “I know, I know. You’re right. It’s just that I never thought I’d be standing in my bedroom thinking about hiring a divorce lawyer.”

  The reality of the situation came crashing down and she completely lost it. She dissolved into heart-wrenching sobs.


  Tate’s hoarse exclamation from the doorway made her flinch. And then suddenly he was there, his arms around
her, holding her tightly as she heaved huge sobs.

  His mouth was pressed against her hair and his arms were like iron around her, his strength radiating outward. For a moment she felt . . . safe. Like nothing bad had ever happened. Like she’d dreamed the entire thing and she wasn’t in her bedroom packing her things to walk out on her marriage.

  “Please don’t cry, baby,” Tate murmured. “It will be okay. I swear it. You don’t have to do this. Please stay so we can work this out. I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I swear on my life. I love you.”

  She shook her head, prying herself from his grasp. She took a step backward, still trying to get her emotions under control.

  “I can’t stay,” she whispered. “You made your choice, Tate. And it wasn’t me. If the others hadn’t intervened when they did, I could have been seriously hurt. I was hurt,” she amended. “You’ve broken your promises time and time again. I won’t continue to allow myself to be a doormat. I owe myself that much at least.”

  “I won’t let you walk out that door,” Tate said fiercely.

  “That’s enough, Tate.”

  Jensen’s voice was a warning, his tone openly hostile.

  “You need to back off and back off now. Let her finish packing or I’ll call the police and have you forcibly removed so she can finish.”

  Tate went white and then a flush of red crawled over his cheeks as anger replaced his earlier entreating words.

  “You need to stay the fuck out of this,” he growled at Jensen.

  “If you love her then you won’t make it so hard for her to do this,” Jensen persisted. “You say one thing but your actions don’t back up your words. If you want to win her back, this isn’t the way to go about it. Trying to manipulate her and then making threats won’t do anything but drive her farther away. Use your head, man. Now isn’t the time to push. She’s at her breaking point. Anyone with eyes can see that. Give her time. And then you need to start crawling and begging her forgiveness.”

  His words seemed to finally register with Tate. Tate dropped his gaze, embarrassment and the knowledge that Jensen was dead-on reflected on his face.

  “I’m sorry, Chess,” he said in a sincere voice. “I’ll leave so you can finish what you’re doing. But there are two things you need to understand. One, I love you. I’ll never love anyone else. And two, I’m not giving up on us. I’ll do whatever it takes to get you back and to earn your trust and forgiveness, even if it takes forever.”

  The conviction in his statement was undeniable. Before Chessy could respond, Tate turned and slowly walked out the door. A moment later, the front door slammed and then she heard the engine start up in his car.

  Kylie pulled one of the slats down in the blinds of the bedroom window and peered out.

  “He’s gone,” she said in a low voice.

  Chessy should have been relieved, but the only reaction she could summon was overwhelming sadness.

  Jensen pulled her into his arms and gave her a huge hug. “Chin up, honey. We’ll get you through this. I know I can speak for Joss and Dash as well, and we’ll all do whatever we can to help you.”

  Chessy gave him a watery smile. “Thank you. I appreciate y’all. You’re the best friends I could ever ask for.”

  “I’ll start taking your stuff out to the car while you and Kylie finish up packing. Joss is coming over as soon as we get back to the house and I’ll cook dinner for us.”

  “If you don’t stop, I’m going to cry again,” Chessy said with a sniffle. “I can see why Kylie loves you so much. You’re so sweet and thoughtful, Jensen.”

  He smiled. “As long as Kylie recognizes what a catch I am.”

  Kylie snorted. “If I don’t, I have no doubt you’ll remind me on a daily basis.”

  “Damn right,” he said smugly.

  Then he gathered an armload of Chessy’s clothing and walked out of the bedroom. A few moments later, he returned carrying the suitcases from the car and opened them up on the bed.

  “If there’s anything in the rest of the house you know you want, tell me and I’ll start packing that stuff,” Jensen said.

  “I honestly don’t know,” Chessy said softly. “I’ll do a walk-through before we leave. I shouldn’t be but a few more minutes. There’s no point in moving so much stuff twice. Maybe after I get my own place I’ll get the rest. As it is now I don’t have anywhere to put everything.”

  Kylie rubbed her hand up and down Chessy’s back comfortingly.

  Her own place. How sterile and lonely it sounded. But it was something she had to face. She couldn’t impose on Kylie and Jensen forever. They were still in the beginnings of their relationship and the last thing they needed was a mopey third wheel underfoot.