Read Taking It All Page 17


  “I know, I know,” Kylie defended. “I’ve not exactly been his biggest fan. But I have to hand it to the guy. He’s persistent and he really seems sincere. If it involved anyone but my best friend I’d probably wonder if she had rocks in her head for continuing to put him off. Not that it’s what I think about you. You’re certainly justified in being wary of allowing him the power to hurt you again. Self-preservation is a strong thing. Once bitten, twice shy, et cetera et cetera.”

  “I think the question that has to be asked here is what do you want, Chessy?” Joss asked softly. “Because it doesn’t matter what I think or Kylie or Dash and Jensen. This is your life, your marriage. Only you can decide what’s best for you and more importantly what will make you happy. Are you resisting because you truly don’t trust him not to hurt you again? Or are you resisting because of your pride and you don’t want to look like a gullible fool for trusting him again?”

  Chessy looked thunderstruck as Joss’s question sank in. “Wow. You don’t ask the hard ones, do you?”

  “I’d say she scored a few points judging by the expression on your face,” Kylie said.

  “Good God, could you be right?” Chessy breathed out. “Is it my stupid pride and me not wanting to look stupid for taking him back? Or is it truly because I don’t trust him.”

  Joss shrugged. “Maybe it’s a little of both. I certainly can’t blame you either way. I wouldn’t be lining up for that kind of humiliation or hurt again. But then I went through something similar with Dash and I forgave him.”

  “And I forgave Jensen his stupidity,” Kylie said dryly. “I think it’s an inherent quality in men. Some stupid gene they inherit purely because they’re male. Women are so much smarter and more logical. Men? Not so much. They think with their dicks, when they’re thinking at all.”

  Chessy and Joss burst into laughter.

  “You’re so irreverent, Kylie. I love that about you,” Chessy said with a grin.

  Kylie performed a mock bow. “Glad I can be of service. Now, let’s get to the point. What do you want, Chessy? Forget everything that’s happened in the past. Forget any worry over how you appear to others. Forget what me, Joss, Dash or Jensen think. What do you want? What would make you the happiest in the world? Don’t think about it. Go with your gut. Give me your answer in three seconds or less.”

  “I want my husband back,” Chessy blurted. “I want my child raised by both its mother and father. I want Tate to share in every aspect of my pregnancy. I want my marriage back.”

  “Well, there you go,” Joss said, satisfaction lining her face.

  “Oh my God,” Chessy whispered. “Is it truly that easy?”

  “No,” Kylie said. “Nothing good is ever easy, or so Jensen always says. He said that about me in the beginning. I didn’t appreciate the sentiment at the time but that’s because I was being difficult and I knew it.”

  Joss chuckled. “You? Difficult? Naaahhh.”

  “Cut the sarcasm or I’ll cut you,” Kylie threatened. “As I was saying, Chessy,” she said pointedly ignoring Joss’s smirk. “No, it’s not that easy, but it can be. To quote Jensen yet again, and God, I’m starting to sound like his damn parrot! But he also says it can be as easy or as hard as we make it. The question is which do you want to make it?”

  “I don’t want it to be too easy for him,” Chessy said hesitantly. “Shouldn’t he have to work for it? If I make it too easy then it opens the door for him to take advantage of me again. To take me for granted. And, well, this may make me sound like a terrible person, but part of me wants to punish him for what he did. He deserves to be punished.”

  “Sweetie, I think you’ve made it pretty damn difficult for him over the last several weeks. Not that he didn’t totally deserve it. But the guy is miserable. I’d say you’re definitely punishing him,” Joss said.

  “Oh yeah,” Kylie agreed. “Jensen told me he’s looked like complete shit every time he shows up over here demanding to see you. And that he looks like a kicked puppy when Jensen tells him to fuck off.”

  Chessy winced. “Ugh. I don’t want to strip him of his pride completely even if I do want to punish him for his utter stupidity.”

  “So, what are you going to do?” Kylie persisted. “I distinctly remember a turning point with both Joss and me when our men were being complete dumbasses and if we hadn’t taken matters in our own hands, we’d probably both still be single.”

  “In other words it’s up to me to pull Tate’s head out of his ass and show some mercy,” Chessy said in a dry tone.

  “Well, not in so many words, but yeah, basically,” Kylie said. “I know I’m repeating myself, but only if that’s what you want. It’s time to fish or cut bait. If you want a clean break then make an appointment with a divorce attorney and move on with your life. If you want Tate back then you need to get on the ball and tell him that. Either way, end your misery. Because right now you’re in a holding pattern, stuck in the mud, not going anywhere but deeper in the mire.”

  “You certainly have a way with words,” Joss muttered.

  “Am I right?” Kylie asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yes, you prickly bitch. You’re always right,” Joss said in exasperation.

  Chessy laughed again, realizing this was the most she’d laughed since she and Tate had split up.

  “God I love you two,” she said fervently. “I have to be the luckiest woman on earth to have such good friends. Best friends.”

  “Sisters,” Joss amended.

  “Yes, sisters from another mother,” Kylie agreed. “So not to beat you over the head, but for the third time, what are you going to do? Or do you need our help figuring it out?”

  Chessy glanced down at the paper that was turned to the article on Tate’s new partnership. She gazed thoughtfully at it and then checked her watch.

  “How long do you think it would take for y’all to totally glam me out. I mean everything. Kick-ass dress. Total fuck-me shoes. Hair, makeup, the complete works.”

  “Not long if we get moving,” Joss said emphatically. “Why? What’s your plan?”

  “Well, it’s currently noon and according to this article the newly formed MHL investment firm will host an open house at their new headquarters in the Woodlands between one and three P.M. today. I was thinking of dropping in. Just to offer my congratulations and all.”

  “Oh you are evil and I love it,” Joss crowed.

  “I do too!” Kylie exclaimed. “Evil genius! I so admire that in a person. Usually I’m the evil bitch of the group.”

  “You can resume your role just as soon as I retire it,” Chessy soothed.

  “Well if we’re going to get you all glammed out we need to get moving. Not to hurt your feelings, girlfriend, but you look like hammered horse shit,” Joss said bluntly.

  “Gee thanks. I feel so much better about wowing my husband now.”

  “Don’t listen to her. Give us forty-five minutes and you’ll look like a million dollars. Just make sure you don’t puke on anyone at the reception,” Kylie said with an evil grin.


  THE divider between the two conference rooms had been opened up to make one huge room and it was filled nearly to capacity for the open house reception for the launch of MHL Financial Services. Tate should have been thrilled with the turnout, but his heart wasn’t in it.

  He smiled when appropriate, exchanged pleasantries and meaningless chitchat. Answered in-depth questions about why a prospective client should choose his firm over a competitor. It was going off without a hitch. So why wasn’t he more triumphant? This is what he’d been working so hard for, right?

  Except that the one person who mattered the most wasn’t here to share in his success.

  With a sigh, he politely excused himself from the couple he’d been conversing with and went in search of one of the waiters circling with glasses of wine on his tray. Tate had made sure that only the best was served. Good wine, good champagne and
he’d hired an excellent catering service and spared no expense in ensuring the food was fabulous.

  As he collected a glass and brought it to his lips, he saw her. He damn near choked on the liquid in his mouth and had to cough so he didn’t aspirate it into his lungs.

  Chessy stood across the room so heart-stoppingly beautiful that he forgot to breathe. She positively sparkled. And he wasn’t the only one to have noticed. People stopped and openly stared, drawn to Chessy’s radiance. She wore a soft smile, her eyes filled with warmth as she searched the crowd. For him? Had she come for him? He was afraid to hope. But why else would she be here? How had she even known for that matter?

  Her hair was arranged artfully atop her head, soft ringlets cascading down her slender neck. She wore the simple, yet elegant diamond earrings he’d given her for their anniversary one year, but what took his breath away was the collar she wore. The one she’d taken off and to his knowledge hadn’t worn since that fateful night at The House.

  And the shoes. God, the shoes. He wanted to charge across the room, take her into the nearest office and fuck her senseless right on the desk. Her dress, while modest, clung to her every curve, outlining in magnificent detail her spectacular figure. His tongue was dry in his mouth and he couldn’t even swallow.

  Then she found him in the crowd, their gazes locking. And she smiled. A brilliant, welcoming smile that nearly buckled his knees. She started forward, navigating her way through the crowd. Finally finding his own footing, he parted his way through the crowd, determined to meet her halfway.

  When they drew abreast of each other, Tate simply pulled her into his arms, uncaring that they were likely causing a stir. He held on to her, closing his eyes at the simple pleasure of having her in his arms.

  “I’m so glad you came,” he whispered. “But how did you know?”

  She drew away and smiled tenderly up at him. “I read about it in the paper. Why didn’t you tell me about it?”

  “I wasn’t sure you’d want to come,” he admitted.

  “If it’s important to you, it’s important to me,” she said softly.

  Hope surged through his heart, hope that he was afraid to allow himself to feel.

  “We’ll talk about it later,” she whispered. “For now, introduce me to your new partners. You have clients to court and entertain. I’ll be here when it’s over and then you can take me home so we can talk.”

  He was precariously close to breaking down and losing it right here in the middle of the crowded room. And he didn’t give one damn. Wrapping his arm around her waist, anchoring her possessively to his side, he pushed through the crowd and introduced her not only to his new partners but to several of his clients.

  Watching Chessy demonstrate her natural charm and effervescence was like seeing magic. She mesmerized her captive audience and had them all eating out of the palm of her hand. Why had he ever stopped bringing her to client dinners and events? At the time he hadn’t wanted to burden her, but now he could see that she’d taken it as a rejection of her when nothing could be further from the truth.

  He was bursting with pride over her. He saw the envious stares of the other men in the room, which is why he never allowed Chessy to stray from his side. He was publicly putting his stamp on her. Mine. Hands off.

  When the event began to wind down and guests started filtering out, Tate turned to his two partners. “You can hang around until everyone has left. I’m going home with my wife.”

  Not even giving them a chance to argue, he herded Chessy to the door as fast as he could, ignoring her look of astonishment. She wasn’t used to taking precedence over business, but she damn well better start getting accustomed to it because that was the way it was going to be from now on.

  The traffic gods were on his side today and they made it home in seven minutes. Tate tucked her hand into his to make sure she didn’t change her mind and refuse to come inside the house and he hurried her in. As soon as they made it through the front door, the clothes starting coming off.

  He pulled impatiently at her dress, tearing the zipper when it didn’t immediately open. She was as impatient as he was, ripping at the buttons on his dress shirt. She yanked his tie away and sent it sailing. He tore the delicate lace of her bra and then hooked his thumbs in her panties and sent them flying down her legs.

  As soon as his dick was free of his pants, he lifted her and thrust to the hilt. Her legs wrapped solidly around his waist, anchoring her firmly against him as he walked toward the couch, buried deep in her pussy.

  His hands underneath her ass, lifting and then allowing her to fall back down his erection, caused them both to groan with pleasure. Their need was desperate, a living, breathing entity that filled the room. Her hands clutched greedily at his shoulders, her body arching up and then back down to meet his thrusts.

  They didn’t make it to the couch.

  He slid out of her long enough to sprawl them both on the plush rug and then he was back inside her, pumping and thrusting, desperate to reconnect in the most intimate fashion.

  His mouth devoured every inch of flesh he could reach. He sucked avidly at her breasts, forming rigid peaks. Then he slid his lips upward, leaving a damp trail to her neck, and he sucked at the tender skin beneath her ear before licking the shell and nipping her lobe with his teeth.

  She shuddered violently, already nearing her release. He could tell by the way she clenched and tightened around his cock. The sudden burst of wetness, bathing him in her sweet heat. Like liquid satin. Hot. So very tight.

  He lost himself in her, thrusting mindlessly until her cry shattered the stillness. Then his own orgasm took over, rendering him incapable of thought or speech. There was so much he wanted to say and yet he was utterly blank.

  He remained inside her, his chest heaving with exertion as he came down to rest on top of her, their sweat-slickened bodies hot and damp against one another.

  “Was it okay to do that?” he asked anxiously. “I don’t want to hurt the baby.”

  Chessy laughed, the sound beautiful in his ears. “It’s a bit late for that concern. But no, you didn’t hurt the baby. She’s just fine. And so is her mama.”

  He closed his eyes, absorbing the beauty of the moment. When all was at peace and the world was finally set to rights.

  Knowing he was too heavy for her, he slowly withdrew, his dick still rigid and wanting more. Then he bent down and curled his arms underneath her body, lifting and cradling her against his chest. He walked into the bedroom and deposited her on the bed before returning with a washcloth to clean them both.

  Then he crawled onto the bed with her and pulled her into his arms. He didn’t want to ruin the moment but he had to know. He couldn’t bear it if this was a false alarm or he thought this was something it wasn’t.

  “Chessy, does this mean you’re coming home?”

  She lifted her head, her eyes glossy with emotion. She cupped his jaw lovingly and stroked her fingers over the afternoon shadow.

  “If you’ll have me back, yes.”

  “If I’ll have you back?” he asked hoarsely. “Baby, I’m on my knees at your feet begging you to come home. But what changed your mind? I don’t understand.”

  “I did a lot of soul searching,” she admitted. “I’m miserable. You’re miserable. It seems our only chance at happiness is to try to work out our differences together. I’m willing to forget and forgive if you are.”

  He looked at her in astonishment. “Baby, there is nothing for me to forgive and everything for you to forgive.”

  “I vote we forgive each other for the pain we’ve caused and let’s start over.”

  He gathered her in his arms, pulling her down on top of him. “I love you so much, Chessy. I’m so damn grateful that you’re willing to give me another chance when I’ve fucked up so many times already.”

  He slid his hand between them, cupping her flat belly where their child nestled in her mother’s womb. “You’re having my baby,” he said in awe. “Do you have
any idea what that does to me?”

  Her eyes became troubled. “Are you truly happy about the baby, Tate? I know you weren’t ready yet.”

  He kissed away her worried frown. “I think we’ve already covered in great detail what a dumbass I’ve been. I can’t think of anything more perfect than you pregnant with my baby. I picture you all round with our child and it melts my heart every damn time. I’ll be a good father and husband, Chessy. I’ll get it right this time.”

  She gave him a smile so bright that it rivaled the sun. Her eyes filled with love, brimming with warmth and acceptance. “I know you will. I believe you, Tate. Every marriage has a bumpy road. But we got through ours. In ten years we’ll look back at this, and hopefully we’ll have more than one child. I’d like a large family. I want what I never had growing up. But we’ll look back and laugh at how stupid we both were and how happy we are in the present. It will all seem so silly down the road.”

  He immediately grew somber. “I’ll never make you feel unwanted again, Chess. I know how hard your childhood was for you. And I want you to know our children will never experience that. My life will always revolve around you and our children, however many we end up having.”

  She squeezed him tight, laying her head against his chest. “I love you, Tate.”

  “And I love my girl.”


  THE next day, Tate took off of work, much to Chessy’s surprise. Yes, she had faith in the fact that he’d keep his promises this time to put her first, but she hadn’t expected him to take a precious day off from work. But he’d told her that’s what he had partners for now and that the three of them had familiarized themselves with all the MHL clients so they could respond to any needs that arose if one of them was out of pocket.

  Tate drove Chessy to Kylie’s so she could once again pack all her belongings, this time to move back home. Chessy had called both Joss and Kylie earlier that morning to fill them in on the developments and the fact that she and Tate were getting back together.

  Both her friends were thrilled but also cautious, wanting Chessy to make certain she was absolutely sure about her decision. Once Chessy assured them she was, they were only too happy to offer her their support.

  “I have a lot to thank them for,” Tate said gruffly as he hauled her suitcases out to her SUV. “They took good care of my girl and didn’t let her shoulder this alone.”

  She smiled. “That’s what friends are for.”

  “You’ll excuse me if I say I hope to hell you never need them this way again.”

  “I hope not either,” she said with fervor.

  “Don’t be lifting that suitcase,” Tate said sharply, when Chessy reached to hoist one of the pieces of luggage into the back. “You’re pregnant for God’s sake. You don’t need to be lifting anything that heavy.”

  Chessy laughed, but delighted in his protectiveness. She was so happy she just wanted to squeeze him and never let go.

  “I want to have Joss and Dash and Kylie and Jensen over for dinner one night,” she said when they’d finished loading everything into her Mercedes. “Partly as a thank you and partly so they can see we’re okay.”

  Tate’s expression grew serious. “Are we okay, Chessy?”

  “Yeah,” she said, smiling at him.

  She reached over to lace her fingers with his and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

  “It’s all in the past, Tate. Let’s leave it there, okay?”

  “You’re too forgiving,” he said gruffly. “But I thank God for it every single day. Not many women would forgive what all I’ve done. You may be able to but I’m not sure I’ll ever forgive myself.”

  “Stop torturing yourself,” she said gently. “It does little good to keep rehashing the past. We have so much to look forward to. A baby.”

  Her smile became giddy as she imagined meeting their child for the first time. Having Tate right beside her in the delivery room, them both falling in love instantly with their son or daughter.

  His expression softened and he too smiled. “I can’t wait.”

  “Me either. Now, are you going to feed me or do I have to starve to death?”

  He chuckled. “My girl’s demanding. Want me to cook or do you want to go out? What do you feel up to?”

  “Honestly I just want to go home and settle back in where I belong. We can always order takeout.”

  His look of intense satisfaction told her she’d said all the right things. “Damn right that’s where you belong. You call in whatever you want and I’ll run out and get it. And I don’t want you to do a damn thing in the meantime. I’ll get all your stuff out of the car and unpack it and put it away. If I catch you lifting so much as a finger, I’ll spank your ass.”

  “That’s hardly a threat,” she said saucily. “I may just have to disobey on purpose.”

  “Then I’ll have to come up with another threat. Like withholding sex for a month.”

  She snorted. “As if you’d last that long. Your hand isn’t that good, babe.”

  He laughed, warmth and relief spreading over his features. “We’re back,” he said with satisfaction. “God, we’re back!”