Read Talen Page 9

  As if sensing something, she stilled and looked around. Her gaze landed on him. Mirth filled her eyes. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  He shook his head and slowly advanced.

  “I can barely walk.” She chuckled.

  “I’ll be gentle.” If he didn’t have her, he’d explode.

  She ripped off her dress. “I could be persuaded.”

  Thank God. He shucked his clothing and reached her just as she tossed her panties to the ground. A flick of her front-clasp bra, and the most beautiful woman in the world stood before him, offering him everything.

  He kissed her, going deep, enjoying the throaty murmur she gave. Trying to be gentle, he lifted her, his chest settling upon discovering she was already wet.

  Pressing her back to a column, he worked inside her with short, smooth thrusts, taking his time and letting her body adjust to him.

  She threw her head back, and her thighs tightened on his hips. “God, I love you.”

  “I love you more.” He kissed her, keeping his hold gentle.

  “Hey, Dad, you should see the—”

  Talen turned to see Garrett and Logan loping up from the pool.

  Garrett coughed and then backpedaled, his face a beet red. “Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.”

  Logan turned around and then tried to grab Garrett before he stumbled into a short white picket fence that was probably just there for show. White stakes flew in every direction.

  Garrett bellowed, his arms windmilling, and fell over the cliff.

  Logan ran forward and leaned over. “Um, he’s okay. Hit a bunch of rocks about forty feet down.” The demon didn’t turn back around. “I’ll, ah, go help him up.” Even the tips of Logan’s ears were red. He quickly disappeared down the cliff.

  Cara chuckled and dropped her face to Talen’s neck. “We just scarred them for life.”

  “Idiots should know better.” Talen resumed his pounding, kissing her, truly enjoying the moment.

  Yeah. Life was pretty damn good.

  * * *

  Cara watched the sunset spread across the sky from a cushioned lounger at the pool the next night. She wore a bikini with a sheer wrap around her hips. She had so many things she wanted to do, including having more kids, but she wanted to work for a while and play with immortality.

  Talen was inside on the phone, and he had three more minutes before she interceded and got him back to relaxing. It had taken nearly the entire day for either of the boys to be around her without blushing beet red. But after eating entirely too much crab and then getting a good night’s sleep, they now lounged in the pool drinking beer and acting back to normal.

  She frowned and glanced at her phone.

  “Dad will be out in a minute.” Garrett didn’t even look up. “He’s just finalizing the treaty with the Sandovskys.”

  Logan nodded, his dark glasses hiding his eyes. “We’re going to visit their headquarters after we finish the job with the Enforcers in Seattle. Alaska is nice this time of year.”

  “Sounds like fun. Maybe I’ll come with you. I’d like another glass of wine. Be right back.” Padding barefoot, she walked into the kitchen and uncorked another wine bottle.

  “Mom!” Garrett called. “Dad’s off the phone.”

  She ran out of the room and barreled straight into his arms. “We have a new treaty.”

  He held her easily. “Thanks to you, we have new best friends.”

  She kissed his mouth, pleasure overtaking her. “It’s nice to contribute.”

  Talen lifted her up and fell right into her lounger, extending his legs. With his jeans and T-shirt, he’d probably get too warm. She moved to get up, and he tugged her closer. “You’re safe now.”

  She blinked. “What did you do?”

  Talen grinned at the boys. “We made the cure completely public in case there are any other hidden species out there trying to find it or you.”

  Garrett and Logan knuckle-bumped.

  Cara smiled. “That’s a great plan. The cure should be public.”

  Talen sighed. “So long as you’re protected, I don’t care what we make public.”

  There was the man she loved. “You make me feel safe.”

  He smiled and cupped her head. “I vow you’ll always be safe.”

  Now, wasn’t that sweet. Cara smiled at the one man she’d love forever. Peace had arrived, and she’d figured out what to do as her life’s work. Life couldn’t be any better. Her mate was finally seeing the real her. “I love you, Talen Kayrs.”

  His eyes swirled golden and intense. “I love you more, mate. Forever.”

  Kobo Exclusive Content:


  Dear Reader,

  Hunted is the third book in the Dark Protector series, and I’ve been asked many a time to write the prologue of when the two main characters (Conn and Moira) actually met. Truth be told, it was included initially with the book. But I took it out of the book, because even though it happened a century ago, it took away from the sexual tension in the first couple of chapters. You'll recognize some of the information because I relocated it somewhere else in the book. Enjoy!



  A century ago...

  Alpha. She recognized one when she saw one. Moira had been studying shifters, their hierarchy, the way the leaders ruled. Without a question, the man meeting her gaze across the dancing area of McGillecutty’s tavern was all, pure Alpha, although he was no shifter.

  “Stop flirting, Moira. Connlan Kayrs is a vampire, for goodness sakes,” Darcy muttered, using her most annoying older sister tone. She fluffed out her dark skirt. “You’re the Seventh.”

  The Seventh. As if that wrapped up her entire existence. The seventh sister of the seventh sister…as rare in the witch world as psychics in the human world. Even rarer. Destiny pressed down on Moira’s shoulders, and at the advanced age of twenty-two, she was sick of it. She was also tired of standing on the sidelines. Even now she stood with Darcy against the far wall, right next to the door. Just watching. So she let her lips tilt in what she hoped was invitation.

  It was.

  Conn’s mouth moved as he said something to his brother Kane, and he turned to place his ale on the scarred wooden bar. Then he strolled around the dance floor, his gaze keeping hers captive. He’d worn all black for the festivities, yet his large body stood out in the night rather than blending. She’d bet anything he had weapons tucked in various places of that clothing. As the head of all Realm solders, no way would he be unarmed.

  He stalked closer. Her heart sped up until the sound of blood rushing through her veins echoed through her head. He neared, and the male scent of sage and gunpowder overtook the smell of ale, perfume and people.

  His hand around hers was all heat. She expected the polite kiss to the knuckles. But he flipped her hand around, placing his lips against the pulse point in her wrist.

  Heat flashed through her so fast an electric blue energy danced on her skin. Damn quantum physics. God help them all when the humans truly understood quantum theory. She took in a deep breath, quashing her natural abilities and looking at least a foot up at his handsome face. “Connlan Kayrs.”

  Amusement lit his dark green eyes. “Moira Dunne.”

  He kept her hand, yet nodded at Darcy. “Miss Dunne. Nice to see you again.”

  Darcy grinned. “You’re trouble, Conn. We all know it.” With a warning glance at her younger sister, and a delicate shrug, she pivoted and sauntered toward Mitch McGuire, the witch currently courting her.

  Conn’s grin widened as his focus returned to Moira. “Your sister is correct.”

  Moira’s mind went blank. She’d never been this close to a vampire. Concentrating, she studied his face.

  One dark eyebrow rose. “What?”

  “I’m trying to figure out why you’re so handsome.” She’d stopped watching her words years ago, as making up untrue ones always confused her in the long run.

  His teeth f
lashed in a full smile. “Honesty is refreshing in a witch. What’s your conclusion?”

  She ignored the dig about witches. What was her conclusion? Rugged features made up his face—high cheekbones, stubborn jaw, unfairly long eyelashes. “It’s not your bone structure.” Perfect that it was. The deep green of his eyes could never be completely reproduced on canvas, nor could the intelligence in them be accurately measured. “Power.”

  His hold tightened on her hand. “How so?” That devastating gaze dropped to her lips.

  Her mouth tingled. “You’ve got it.” She’d learned to recognize power long ago.

  He cut his gaze to where his brother, the king, spoke with her father at a table in one corner. The colloquium was finished, only festivities remained, yet apparently business never concluded for the king. “Looks like Dage and Dr. Dunne are currently occupied. Want to take a walk?”

  “Yes.” At least three of her six older sisters had their attention squarely on her from various positions in the pub, but she couldn’t find her mother in the crowd. “Sooner would be better.” Moira probably had less than five minutes before at least two of them joined their conversation. Her sisters were sweethearts, if a bit protective. Considering she’d been born nearly two hundred years after the sixth sister. While the century had turned to the 1900’s recently, her leaving unescorted with the vampire would still cause problems. So be it.

  Conn tucked her arm through his and pushed opened the door, escorting her to the cobblestone street. A slight breeze carried the comfort of night jasmine and lifted her curly hair. Did Conn like redheads? Some men preferred strawberry blondes like Darcy. Maybe the hazy moonlight would soften her colors. She tightened her hold on his arm. The muscles there reminded her of petrified wood from the Northern Sea. Solid.

  They passed the various shops in the village. Conn stopped walking as they reached the entrance to the church courtyard. “I like your town, Moira. Small and quant.”

  “Tis necessary.” At Ballycastle, most residents were witches. Those who weren’t knew the facts, and accepted them. “The world is growing. Humans are multiplying like mad. We need a place to be just us.” Though her world would eventually expand as well. She glanced behind them, pleased to note none of her sisters had followed. Good.

  Conn nodded, stepping through the iron gate and whistling at the tumbling shrubs lining the walk to the stone building. Moonlight cascaded off the tended grass in both directions. Peace encompassed the area. “I’ve wondered if we should make ourselves known to the humans. Sure, they fear anyone more powerful, but why hide?”

  Moira shrugged. “They outnumber us already. And we don’t need them.”

  “True.” Conn shifted, his body heat enclosing her. “What do you need, little Moira?” One knuckle under her chin tilted up her face. His lips slid against hers.

  She expected passion…strength. Instead, the vampire’s mouth wandered leisurely over her lips, his warm and firm. He explored, he cajoled, he tempted. With a sigh, she leaned into him, her hands rising to flatten against his hard chest, heat pooling in her abdomen, her eyes closing. The breeze stirred her hair, cooling her neck in direct contrast to the inferno cascading off Conn.

  One strong hand tangled in her hair, tilting her head to the side. She gasped at the small pain, and he took advantage, swiping his tongue inside her mouth. His other hand clasped her hip and yanked her against pure male hardness.

  Her mind stopped firing. Desire clamored through her, pounding with demand. Oh God. She whimpered low in her throat, and he deepened the kiss to a demand. The teasing slid into taking…he stopped playing and possessed. He took everything, and gave back enough passion to light her on fire.

  Yet she wanted more.

  When he lifted his head, her mouth opened in a silent plea. Silver shot through the green of his eyes…his vampire colors. She’d heard of them, but hadn’t realized their effect. Everything in her softened. “Connlan.” Oh, she’d been kissed before. By mere boys. Conn was a man. All man.

  And she wanted more.

  A dark flush covered his high cheekbones. His nostrils flared. The muscles enclosing her vibrated as if he held himself back. “I won’t take advantage of your innocence, Moira.”

  “Sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself, not me.” Her gaze dropped to his chest. Heat filled her palms. She spread her fingers, enjoying the contraction of his pecs. “I stopped being innocent a long time ago, Connlan.” Sad but true. He had no clue what went into her training, the things she’s seen and what she’d already done.

  “Is that true? Hoarse and rough, his voice reached right to her sex. His hand tightened, tugging her head back so his dark gaze could penetrate hers.

  The erotic pain had her panting. “Yes.” She wanted this night. Just this night. Then she’d return to duty and training…the destiny of the Seventh.

  His slow smile held danger. “Well then.”

  Reality filtered in. Moira tried to take a step back. He held her firmly in place. A flutter winged through her abdomen. Then a warning snapped against her skin. The wind picked up. Bugger. What was coming?

  A thundering explosion ripped through the quiet night. Faster than sound, Conn released her, jumping between her and the church. Uh, oh. A light cascaded up from behind the stone building, electricity zapping through the air. Moira fisted her hands into the back of Conn’s silk shirt, yanking. “Come on, vamp. We need to go.”

  He didn’t budge. “What’s happening behind the church?”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. “Nothing.”

  The look he gave her over his shoulder burned. Most women would’ve shrank away. Moira tightened her hold, yanking back.

  Conn strode forward, pulling her along like a tethered horse. She stumbled, letting go of his shirt. “Stop, Conn. You have to stop.” She couldn’t let him go behind the church. At least now she knew where her mother and Aunt Viv had disappeared to.

  He ignored her, following the path around the church to the rear courtyard. Where he stopped cold, his hand sweeping out to keep her back. To protect her.

  She took one second to appreciate the sweet gesture, and then stepped to his side. Lightning crackled across the sky. Clouds moved to partially cover the moon, and opened up to pelt hard rain at the ground. Aye, this was bad. Her mother, Aunt Viv and Grace Sadler, three members of the Coven Nine, stood staring down at a man writhing in pain on the ground.

  “What other women have you hunted?” Viv asked, her hands palms out, her face flushed the color of the damask curtains Moira had so carefully chosen for her little cottage.

  The man curled into himself, groaning. “I’ve given you the list of the women I harmed. I’m sorry. Really, I told you everything.”

  Viv glanced at Grace, who nodded, her pale skin translucent in the moonlight, her blonde hair plastering to her head. “I sense the truth.”

  “Very well.” Viv raised her hands high in the air. “Liquefy.”

  The man on the ground half rose on his knees, an unholy screech shooting from him and rising above the rain. His body convulsed, and black tar cascaded out of his ears and mouth.

  Well, the dead man wasn’t a witch. Must be a human who’d hurt or killed one of their own. His sentence shouldn’t be witnessed by Connlan. Moira concentrated on the molecules around her, forming an electric blue ball of energy. With a swing of her arm, she smashed it into Conn’s arm. The material shredded.

  He jumped. With a silent snarl, he lifted her by both arms and stepped around the corner. “You brat. That burned. What the hell?”

  “I needed your attention. The ball was my energy…don’t be a baby.” He may have a light burn, but the guy was immortal. Plus, the pouring rain extinguished the flame right away.

  Rain coated his short brown hair. He narrowed his eyes, leaning closer to whisper in her ear. “We’ll discuss your burning me in a second. What did your aunt just do?”

  Heated breath warmed the side of her face. Yet, the s
ound of pained screaming continued in the background. “Apparently that man has been hurting women.” Holy crap. No outsiders could bear witness to the workings of the Nine. It went against every Coven law. “We need to get out of here.” She took his hand, breaking into a run. He easily loped along beside her, his body alert, his gaze scanning the surrounding area. The rain cut into them as if trying to cause injury.

  They reached the outskirts of her father’s land, hustling into the furthest stables. Stallions occupied half of the stalls, whinnying at the interruption. Clean, fresh hay littered the dirt floors and empty halls. Conn fought the wind to slide the door shut.

  Silence. Warmth. She shivered in her soaked dress. The storm beat against the strong wooden sides, battling to get inside. Conn reached for a torch, lighting it form the nearby match and replacing the handle in the holder. Firelight flicked across his wet face. “Explain what I just saw, Moira.”

  Low and angry, his voice increased her shivering. “Internal matter of the Nine, Connlan.”No one could ever know what he’d seen.

  He lifted an eyebrow and took a step toward her. “Your aunt just ripped the insides out of a man. As far as I know, the enforcers for your people fight much like vampires. Swords, fists, knives. Nobody rips insides out of their enemies.”

  He had no idea how her people could manipulate the nearly invisible particles that made up the universe. “I’m sure your people have some hidden gifts.” She’d heard rumors.

  The wet shirt molded against his defined muscle, showcasing power and strength. “True.” He stepped forward, his eyes ablaze.

  She stepped back. Her breath caught in her throat. “Ah…”

  He reached out, running one long finger down the side of her face. “Just how talented are you, Dailtín?”

  “I’m not a brat.” The gentle caress sent sparks shooting down her body.

  “You just burned me with some type of energy ball.” He closed the remaining distance between them, one hand on her hip settling her against the side of an empty stall. “Now answer my question.”