Read Tales of a Nomadic Story Teller Page 2

expensive black lace sewn around it.

  Three regal feathers decorate the left side of her hat.

  The lady pirate's blouse and corset are done in the same combination as the hat red and black.

  Her pants and boots are made of a black suede like material.

  Gold doubloons and silver pieces of eight are sewn on a wide belt that holds her pistols and cutlass.

  Gold and silver gleam in the moonlight.

  It feels like those days when the sun and the moon are out at the same time.

  She says to him, "Welcome Sir! Will ye take a seat? I will reveal to ye thy past."

  He nods his head yes and sits down.

  The female pirate tells him, "Shuffle the deck; now separate them into three piles and pick one."

  "Fine! Mistress of the past. So be it. I shall play thy game." He shuffles the deck and separates the deck of cards into three piles.

  He picks one the one to the right. The tarot card reader removes the other two piles.

  "Now face your past, there is no turning back," She spreads out the deck of cards he picked.

  The deck of cards is ironically, pirates.

  The deck consists of Pirate Lords, ships and ports plundered by the terrors of the high seas.

  The man in the white and black tux said, "Am I cursed?"

  "Nay captain! Your coming full circle. That is all mate," said the tarot card reader.

  She flips over the first card. It's a Spanish Galleon sailing amidst a rough storm.

  Its sails unfurled and the power of the wind is bellowing them out.

  The card seems to come alive. The main sail sigil consists of three flying Pegasus's in a triangular formation on a royal blue background.

  A circle of Fleur-de-Ly surround the flying horses, the fleurs are stitched in gold thread.

  "No poppet! This can't be?!"

  But it is so captain, it is so," The pirate mistress turns over another card. It is a tavern and its door is shut.

  Yet you can see the light emanating from the inside thru the windows. The man in the tux takes a deep breath.

  He instantly recognizes the tavern. It's Ole Jacque Bones hangout.

  One minute he's standing outside the tavern.

  The next he's inside of it.

  Flashes of his past lives here in New Orleans are revealed.

  He's been here more than once in his life walks.

  Another unexpected twist the lady pirate flips over another card.

  The card has a painting of a cave and several men of nefarious means rowing a boat into it.

  Once again the poor man is transported onto the boat with the rest of the sea wolves.

  The tarot card reader is sitting right beside him.

  One of the sea wolves said to him, "Well Capt, nice to see ye join us.

  We're headed into our hideout. The rest of the crew stayed behind on the ship as per thy orders.

  Let's see what lies ahead shall we?"

  "We shall see you scalawag. We shall see!"

  They enter the cave. It is no easy feat for the waters are turbulent.

  But these thieves know the currents well and maneuver into the cave with no problems.

  He hears a voice quite familiar.

  The captain turns to see if the female pirate mistress is seated next to him, she isn't.

  The female fortune teller said, "Now Capt. join me and let's travel to another time. Not too far back."

  This time he recognizes the era. It's the time period of The Rat Pack.

  Many well known singers and famous actors are in the cabaret.

  He walks in by himself. He sees the tables are filled to capacity.

  In one table he sees an actor who played a knight in one movie and the next one a ruthless Joker. Next to this joker sits an older one.

  This man in the old days rode with Captain America in the biker forever known as "Easy Rider."

  At another table he spots: Clark Gable, Marlon Brando and Yul Brenner.

  His eyes gravitate towards another table. He recognizes the stars as follows: Edward G. Robinson, James Cagney, and the "King of Cool" Steve McQueen.

  Seems the cabaret is going to have a big band play. The orchestra is warming up their instruments.

  The man bumps into none other Humphrey Bogart dressed in the same style he's wearing.

  Bogey lights up a cigarette and tells the man as he exhales, "Nice outfit kid! You got a dame sitting all by herself, over there at that table."

  Points Bogey with his right thumb. She told me awhile ago she's been waiting for you an eternity. Around here kid, it's not polite to keep a dame waiting for you.

  By the way Mack she has some gams on her that would make Ms. Monroe jealous, and mind you she's here also talking to Jolting Joe in the VIP room that I saved for them. Come on I'll take you to the lady that's waiting."

  Both men weave their way around the tables. Sure enough Destiny is waiting for him.

  She's wearing a white sequence dress that is all the way down to her ankles.

  It fits her like a glove. By the way she's also wearing long black gloves the reach her elbows.

  Her wide brim hat has a long black bow.

  The wide brim hat hides her face only her lips are showing.

  She smiles and then says, "Sit down Sean Pierre. You'll enjoy tonight's festivities."

  The orchestra is tuned up. The red curtain goes up.

  The Masters of Ceremonies are none other than Dean Martin and Sammy Davis.

  Sammie grabs the mike and belts out a few tunes: "Mr. Bo Jangles," "Candy Man," "Whom can I turn to (When Nobody Needs Me). Mr. Davis gets the joint warmed up. Deano takes his turn at the mike, He serenades the crowd with: "Mambo Italaino," and "Volare."

  The dynamic duo gets the audience up on their feet and they receive a roaring round of applause.

  This is the crowd's way of signifying their stamp of approval. This is one tough crowd to boot.

  Deano says, "Alright we're just the warm up acts. Now come to ladies as tough as nails and voices that would make every man who is married forget about their wife. Just kidding ladies I like my head just where it is. Two of the most gorgeous female singers ever to serenade you. Misses Billie Holiday and Etta James."

  Etta James sings her signature song, "At last I found you," plus" It's a Man's Man's World," The last song finishes and the place is quiet for a few seconds.

  Only a real woman would sing this song to close her set.

  She sung with such passion even the most harden of men have a trail of tears slipping down their eyes.

  The men are on their feet whistling and slapping their hands on the table.

  She smiles at them and steps aside as she presents Billie Holiday.

  The Lady who sings The Blues walks to the microphone. She winks her left eye.

  "OK, ok boys calm down you all might scare Ms. James. Now you don't want to get her upset do you?"

  The assembled guests reply, " No way?!"

  "That's what I thought. Alright Maestro let's get started." She starts her set with, "Lady sings The Blues," "Autumn in New York."

  Billie steals their hearts. Her face blushes as she receives a roaring stamp of approval from the crowded joint.

  Even Bogey gives her a thumbs up.

  The two ladies now stand side by side. The ladies love the applauses they're receiving. They feel humbled by this experience.

  Etta differs to Billie. Billie said, "Thanks for allowing us to entertain you tonight. This means so much to us."

  They take a bow and leave the stage with a standing ovation that makes them come back and take a deeper bow.

  Red and white bouquets of roses are tossed on the stage. Sammy Davis hugs them both and he tenderly plants kisses on the cheeks of both women and extends out his arms. The ladies graciously accept his offer to be their escort.

  Sammy turns to the crowd. "Ain't I a lucky guy tonight?"

  The place roars with laughter.

  Etta turns her he
ad back to the crowd and said, "You wish!"

  The next singer to everyone surprise is none other than the chairman of the board, Frank Sinatra.

  The place instantly quiets down. "Come on Band Leader. Follow my lead. One, Two, Three,"

  He starts to sing "Fly me to the Moon," "New York, New York, "My Way." The joint goes wild.

  Everyone gives Frank Sinatra a round of clapping that never seems to end.

  Sammy and Deano come back to Join Frank for a pair of songs, "Birth of the Blues," "Witchcraft,"

  The place goes wild with whistling and applauses .That it feels like the roof is going to come down.

  The three men have made up and forgiven each other for their peccadilloes.

  Frank is given the microphone by Sammy. He said, "Now there is a surprise guest singer who will grace our stage tonight.

  As a youngster he climbed the pinnacle of success few ever have reached. But as he got older he was taken advantage of.

  But up here he's re-energized and is back in peak shape ready to perform several songs. He is none other than Elvis Presley?!"

  The King of Rock and Roll comes in wearing his leather outfit from his 1968 comeback special.

  He is younger, slimmer and you can tell his attitude is that of a young man who is supremely confident in himself.

  The place is quiet. He turns his back to the crowd and the spotlight focuses only on him.

  Elvis sneers at the crowd and begins to swivel his hips and starts his part of the show.

  The tunes that defined him the best of all time, "Jail House Rock," Heart Break Hotel," "Love me Tender," and to wrap up it all up in a golden bow, "Memories."

  The women in the audience cheer wildly for The King. They throw their scarves, hats, flowers. A few other things best left to your imagination.

  He smiles in a gesture of gratitude and thanks the audience for allowing him to sing.

  He exits the stage.

  A stranger comes out from the left side of the stage.

  No one expected this. He's dressed in a pirate outfit.

  He grabs