Read Tales of a Nomadic Story Teller Page 5


  Temujin makes a deal with the Devil

  "I have traveled thru many lands and have learned plenty of things during my travels. I have all the time of the world. My master plan begins today here in Mongolia." From Plume Serpent's personal journal.

  It is night time. It's snowing and the wind is bitterly cold. A solitary rider sits on his large horse. This man and his horse aren't native to this area of Mongolia. He comes from lands far away. Yet, his demeanor and dialect are like those of the local inhabitants who live in this area of Mongolia. He shakes the snow off his fur-lined helmet.

  That is why he is bundled up as best he can against the harsh winter conditions. His horse is a two-toned black and white; even its mane is black and white. Quan's horse is a stallion. The horse's breath is steaming from its nostrils. The noble beast has been riding for a very long time.

  The owner decides to give it a break. He scans the valley below and see tents or Gers as the Mongolians like to call their homes. Somewhat like the Tee-Pees of the Native-Americans of the North American Continent not yet known on this side of the world. The stranger smiles to himself. There are campfires lit; just like he thought he'd find. Quan the Warrior-Monk has found what he has been looking for.

  His nomadic travels have brought him to this specific place and time. Quan reaches into one of his saddlebags. His horse turns it head to look at what Quan is up to. The warrior-monk said to his horse, "Don't worry my friend I'm just going to take out a few things I need to set my plans in motion."

  The horse seems to understand what its owner is telling him. Quan momentarily takes a walk back in time to an isle far away. He takes a moment to reflect on the past events of how he got this enchanted stallion and the termination of a long friendship with Merlynn the Wizard.

  Al,l over a scrawny kid and some silly sword. Such a fuss; made by a whelp who pulled a sword out of a stone. The scrawny kid was a squire to his adopted brother. Quan had traveled to this isle following the Roman Legion's withdrawal from Britain. Years passed Quan stayed to live in Britain fascinated by its history he watched all the events that led to the boy being born. He met Merlynn during his growing years as an apprentice wizard. They became fast friends. Merlynn suspected Quan was not all that he seemed.

  But Merlynn could not prove any of his suspicions until one day when there was a tournament being held to decide who would be the next king of Britain.

  The name of the kid Arthurr; who is a squire, to his brother Kaye. The silly boy forgot to bring Kaye's sword and had to go back to the tent to retrieve it. Arthurr goes to the tent and to his dismay he forgot to pack the sword.

  A thought flashes across his mind. There is a sword that's in a stone. Arthurr is desperate he decides to go for it to pull the sword out of the stone.

  Quan had a vision what was going to happen today the night before. So he decides to put on his monk disguise and see if he can disprove the myth that if any man pulls the sword out of the stone. He is the rightful King of Britain. Quan goes to the churchyard where the sword is in the stone is located.

  His monk outfit is all black. Quan's hood is over his head and after several minutes of walking he reaches the churchyard where the stone is located. He pauses for a few seconds. The warrior-monk makes up his mind and grabs the pommel of Excalibur and the sword easily slides out of the rock.

  Merlynn appears from behind the corner of the church and said, "Put that back Quan. That sword is not for you!"

  Quan feels the power of the sword. He could become King of England if he wishes. He sees a vision where he is fighting both Arthurr and LanceLott and the same time. Quan easily defeats them both and they begrudgingly yield and acknowledge him as King.

  "Relax Merlynn! I don't want to be King of this land. Where I come from I am an Emperor with a kingdom far great than this puny chain of isles."

  Merlynn's blood red ruby a top of his staff begins to glow a reddish color. He said, "I know who you are Plume Serpent." He stands right in front of Quan's face. Both men's faces are only inches apart. The druid's message is quite clear. They don't need to exchange words.

  "Druid I know of you, also. We are friends you've taught me a lot. But I also showed you the destiny of your country. I'll put the sword back; now will you please turn off your power crystal. Not that it would have done you any good. All I have to do is push you aside freeze you on the spot and pulverize that crystal with my bare hands. But since you are a friend I will not do it," said Quan in a low whisper.

  "I see you have grown in wisdom as well Quan as you prefer to be called. I don't know if you could manage the feat you're boasting about, but as a friend I don't want to quarrel with you," said Merlynn as his ruby colored stone turns off and it resumes its disguise as part of the wooden staff.

  "I am glad that we aren't going to fight Merlynn. I will leave your lands; there are other lands I must travel to," said Quan.

  "As a parting gift my friend I will compensate you with this gift," said Merlynn. He whistles and a beautiful two-tone Clydesdale Stallion comes running to the druid. "Take this horse as a gift from the future king and myself. Now leave England my friend and don't ever come back, ever!"

  "I don't like that menacing tone druid. I'll leave but as a parting gift to you I give you this prophecy. You're King will fail and his kingdom shall fall; as well as you. Love it will befuddle you when you're older. Morgana Le Feyy shall be your undoing and you'll be entombed in a crystal cocoon. I can free you from that curse; but you must suffer your fate, as it's foretold by your Gods," said Quan as his parting gift to Merlynn. This prophecy chills the wizard to the bone, for what his former friend says is true.

  "Destiny is written by your own hand Monk; not by the gods," replies Merlynn.

  Quan grabs the reins of the horse and jumps on it, "Don't worry wizard I won't return to your isle during your life time but I will come back in the future."

  The monk whips the horse and it gallops away at full speed. Thus this is how Quan came into possession of this enchanted horse. He sighs yes those years were good times he spent with Merlynn. His thoughts return to the task at hand.

  The warrior-monk rummages around for a few seconds and finds a box. He takes the lid off the box and pulls out an unusual looking apparatus; he slaps it with his right hand palm. The item transforms itself into a huge bow. Quan next pulls the bowstring out of the box. He bends the bow with some effort and strings it.

  The bow is strung and Quan pulls on the string as far back as he can and lets it go; the snapping sound is to his satisfaction and the sting from bowstring irritates his left forearm a bit. The man reaches across his left shoulder and pulls out an arrow from a hidden quiver in his traveling pack, which is tied to his back by black leather belt. The nomad fluffs the fletching feathers. They are multi-colored feathers. He also checks the shaft; it is still in pristine condition. He nods silently in agreement the arrow is in good condition. You might say these arrows are his calling cards.

  He notches the arrow to the bow and he pulls on the bow as far back as he can. The muscles in his arms are bulging; the bow has reached its limit. He blows fiery breath on the arrow's shiny metallic tip and it glows red hot. He aims the arrow high into the air and lets it fly.

  He yells out his name, "My name is Quan! A warrior far greater, than any Mongolian Warrior. Even greater than their leader, Temujin!" the red hot arrowhead lights up the night sky, it looks like a comet.

  Quan sees the trajectory of the arrow drifting slightly to the left. He subtly moves his left hand as if to correct the flight of the arrow; which it does. The arrow lands thru the roof of the tent he wants. He hears a yell of fury coming from the valley below.

  Quan thinks to himself might as well and make it a little easier for them to find him. He sighs to himself then turns around and walks to his horse. Quan reaches into his saddlebag and pulls out a flint rock and a knife. He un-wraps another box, it has kindling in it. The warrior-monk stacks the kindling into a small pyramid. He strikes
the flint with his knife and a few sparks hit the kindling and it catches fire.

  The warrior-monk sees the flames eagerly eat the kindling offer. Quan goes to the back of his saddle and grabs a bundle of firewood he had wrapped in a tarp that is waterproof.

  Quan had collected the wood earlier during the day and wrapped it into a bundle and put it in the tarp. He stacks the firewood into a triangular shape. The fire also gladly accepts this offering and consumes it with gusto.

  Yes, he could have breathed his fiery breath on the wood to start the fire. Quan does not like to show off all the time. The warrior monk takes out some rabbit meat from an earlier hunt that day out from the other saddle bag. Quan starts to cook. The aroma of the meat starts to perforate the area. He hears thundering hooves coming up the hill. Quan slings his bow on his back.

  Quan reaches into the box he had opened prior and unfolds his solid steel staff and puts it by his side. He turns the spit to make sure the meat is evenly cooked. The warrior monk takes his knife and cuts off a piece of meat and puts the tasty morsel in his mouth. Yes, it's very well cooked. He tosses his knife into the dirt. It sticks into the dirt half way up to its handle. The warrior monk sits down and begins to eat. He hears a raucous coming up the hill. He just continues to eat.

  About twenty Mongols on