Read Taming Kane, Claiming Mia Page 10


  Body outstretched on the couch, all Kane wanted to do was catch a couple of winks. Last night, he, Brittany, and Stephanie had basically pulled an all-night session bouncing ideas off of each other on what they could do to build morale and keep clients around the facility. By the time he made it home to his own bed, it wasn’t long before his alarm blared and he was back at the clinic treating his first patients of the day. Now that he had at least forty-five minutes before his next client, he wanted to seize the opportunity by taking a nap. Just as soon as he shut his lids, there was a soft knock at his door, followed by, “Kane?”

  At the sound of this voice, he peered up to see Stephanie’s silhouette peeking through the crack in his door. He inched his body up and peered over the top of the couch. “What’s up?”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry I did not realize you were trying to take a nap.”

  “Don’t worry about it, what do you need?”

  “Melanie Cryer is here.”

  Kane jumped up at the sound of her name. Melanie Cryer was a big-time client considering she was a morning show anchor on Channel 5 News. Melanie had been on a sabbatical from the station since her huge slip and fall fiasco was caught on air. She was in the middle of conducting an interview in the studio when she slipped and fell. The fall had caused serious lower back pain and neck strain injuries. Kane had been treating Melanie for close to six months while she was in litigation with the station.

  “I wasn’t expecting Melanie until twelve thirty. Is everything okay?”

  Stephanie shrugged. “I’m not really sure. I tried asking her some questions, but she was very evasive and just asked if she could see you.”

  “Okay.” He sprinted to his desk, popped a stick of gum in his mouth, grabbed his bottle of water and stepped into the lobby. “Hey Melanie, you’re here early.”

  “Kane, we need to talk. Can we go to your office?”

  “Sure.” He allowed her to enter, and he filed in behind her. “Have a seat.”

  Melanie eyeballed the chair and shook her head. “This won’t take long.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I apologize, but I can no longer be a client here.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I cannot do all of the drama. The news trucks, and reporters camped out on the lawn and did you see the reporter from Fox 8 trying to question me? Thank goodness I was not wearing any makeup and I had on my sunglasses.”

  “The reporters and news trucks have been gone for close to two weeks now.”

  “Wow. Two whole weeks.”

  “I thought you said I was the best physical therapist you have ever worked with.”

  “I did,” Melanie fidgeted from one foot to another, “and honey trust me, you are, it’s just if I continue coming here, it is going to be bad for my reputation and you know I cannot have that ruined.”

  “After your accident, your prognosis was slim. Your doctor referred you to me, and I was able to get you back on track. Do you remember how messed up your neck and back was? How many times you cried saying none of the physical therapists you had seen prior to me helped you.”

  “I know, hun. Listen, it’s nothing personal. I just can’t be seen around here. This scandal is too much and to continue associating myself with this place would be considered career suicide.”

  “If that’s what you want to do then fine, you have to go where you feel more comfortable. I hate to see you leave though.”

  “Trust me, this was a hard decision especially knowing I won’t receive the treatment I know I need to make a full recovery.”

  “If you know this, why leave? Who cares what others think?”

  “I’m sorry, I do, and like I told you I have an image I need to uphold. Me being a client of the clinic where a gay sex tape was made with Beachwood’s soon to be former mayor is not good.”

  Kane shrugged as he opened his office door. “Fine, I have no choice but to accept your decision. I hate to lose you as a client, but you have to do what you feel is best for you.”

  Melanie filed out of the office behind him. She paused and reached for her purse when they reached Stephanie’s desk. She handed him a check. “This should cover my sessions up until the end of next month, plus a little something extra.”

  “Thank you.” He accepted the payment and escorted her to the lobby.

  She rocked on her heels. “Maybe when things settle down here, I’ll come back.”

  “That is totally up to you.” Kane was not going to give her more reasons why she should stay on as his client. She had made her decision and he was not going to beg her anymore.

  “Well, I guess I’ll be going then.”

  “Good-bye.” He watched as Melanie waved, turned her back to him, looked both ways and slid her shades down over her eyes and hightailed it to her car.