Read Taming Kane, Claiming Mia Page 17


  “I knew you two would finally exchange numbers.” December grinned as the trio sat around a table inside the Latte Lounge. After work, Mia and December decided to drop in on Marlo and grab a sexy coffee.

  Marlo beamed and clapped her hands. “I was so nervous, but then I took a breath and said to myself what would December do, so then I just started firing off questions. He answered them and smiled. We got silent for a moment then he asked me if I could step away from the counter for a moment, and the rest as you can say is history.”

  “When is the first date?” Mia drew her mug to her lips and blew on the hot liquid before taking a small sip.

  “I’m not sure; hopefully we can get together for dinner Saturday night.” Marlo shrugged. “He said he was going to call me later on tonight.”

  “Cool. I am sure you all will make plans then.”

  “That’s the plan.” Marlo giggled. December and Mia could not help but giggle with Marlo.

  “While we are on the topic of good things happening, I need to know, have you called Mom or Dad yet to tell them the good news about the expose?”

  Mia shook her head. “No. I have been busy finalizing this one piece for Tinley.”

  “I just know I have to be front and center when you tell mom that this undercover piece is going to catapult your career,” said Marlo.

  “Maybe you should tell her over Sunday dinner,” December suggested. Every Sunday the Childs family got together to break bread and catch up with one another.

  Mia shrugged. “We will see.”

  “How did I know you were going to say that?”

  “Say what?”

  “We will see?” Marlo mocked her younger sister. “Don’t be mad at me but I told mom and dad about it.”

  “What.” Mia glared at her sister. “Why?”

  “What do you mean, you will see?” Marlo argued. “Mom needs to realize that writing is not just a “hobby” for you. It is your career. Writing is what you are meant to do. Just like owning the Latte Lounge is what I am meant to do.”

  Mia rubbed her temples. “I know that, but I wished you would have given me the opportunity to tell them both in my own time.”

  “And when would that be when they read about it in the magazine?”

  “You get on my nerves.” Mia rolled her eyes. Marlo was always sticking her nose in where it did not belong.

  “I love you too.” Marlo winked at her baby sister.

  Mia released a frustrated breath. “Writing is my life but trying to explain it to them isn’t something I’m interested in doing at the moment. That’s why I wanted to wait.”

  Mia gnawed her lip trying to understand where her mother was coming from. She got it. Her mother and father struggled all their lives to reach the prestige and tenor they had received working in their educational professions. Mia realized that her mother did not want her to struggle paycheck to paycheck due to the uncertainty that writing could bring, but Mia tried endlessly to explain to her mother that when she received her “big break” she would not have to worry or struggle because she would be at the top of her game with her own column, office, and assistant.

  “Mom just needs to stop.” Marlo’s words interrupted Mia’s thoughts.

  “Easier said than done,” December interjected lightly. “As a mother, it is our job to worry and want nothing but the best for our children.”

  “I hear you hun, but come on you know our mother can be pretty harsh.”

  December gave a knowing head nod.

  “Easy on the whipped cream,” Mia warned her sister.

  “It was just a dallop.” Marlo sucked the whipped goodness from her thumb.

  “You say that now, but when you are squeezing into those size twos…”

  “Whatever.” Marlo tsked. “Anyway back to mom.”

  “I agree mom does need to stop,” Mia concurred, “I know she only wants what’s best for me, but it would have consisted of me receiving a Master’s in Education, and we all know that was not what I wanted.”

  “As long as you know that’s all she wants is for you to be happy,” December interjected.

  Marlo wiped her mouth. “You need to tell her that. Look at what I had to do.”

  When Marcia insisted her eldest daughter follow in her footsteps, Marlo made it clear she would choose her own path. Marlo majored in business communications and received her MBA in business management four years ago from Ohio State University before opening the Latte Lounge with her business partner Kevin Atwater, and to drive her point home further Marlo had a launch party at the Lounge, stood up in front of all her guests and thanked her mom for being so understandable about her wanting to choose her own path and not follow in the family educational footsteps. Marcia’s face reddened and she slunk to the back of the lounge where Mia heard her pout all night. Following Marlo’s announcement and the immediate success of Latte Lounge, Marcia no longer pressed the issue with Marlo. Marlo chose her own path, and all Marcia could do was respect it. Now it was Mia’s turn to take a stand and fight for her future.

  “I know. I know I need to talk to her,” said Mia.

  “What are you waiting on?”

  “I-I don’t know.”

  “That’s why I did it for you.” Marlo cracked up. “Pussy.”

  “Marlo!” Mia and December shrieked.

  “I cannot believe you.” Mia swatted her sister with a linen napkin, her cheeks blazing red from embarrassment.

  “You are just like dad. You both hate confrontation.” Marlo grinned. “If you are not a pussy, pinky promise you will at least have a discussion about it once mom brings it up Sunday.”

  Mia rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She locked her pinky with Marlo’s and they met each other’s eyes.


  “I’ll do it.”

  “Good.” Marlo sat back smug. The pinky promise was something they used to do while growing up, and being three years younger, Mia never wanted to be outdone by Marlo so she always gained extra confidence regarding any issues whenever Marlo instituted the pinky promise.

  “Okay. It’s settled then.” Marlo reached for her latte. “Love mom to death, but I’m tired of talking about her.”

  “Me too,” Mia admitted through a chuckle.

  “You guys are horrible.” December laughed.

  “Soo…” Marlo danced in her seat and nudged December. “I talked about what’s going on with Steve and I, now it’s your turn to share about your lunch date, Mia.”

  “Yes.” December licked the whipped cream from her lips. “Give us the deets.”

  A crimson hue filled Mia’s cheeks. “Lunch was…was…”

  “Was what?” Marlo’s interest piqued. “Spit it out already.”

  “Lunch was amazing,” Mia gushed.

  “I need more,” December teased.

  “Yes, we need more,” Marlo cosigned.

  Nodding, Mia responded, “Conversation flowed smoothly. I was so comfortable that I lost track of time and so I just up and left him at the table.”

  “You didn’t.” Marlo’s brow wrinkled with disdain. “Why would you up and leave?”

  “Trust me. The story gets better.” Mia smirked. “Anyway he chased me down in the parking lot…”

  “Ooh.” Marlo grinned and nudged her sister wanting to know more. “This sounds like something out of a romance novel.”

  “Hush.” December elbowed Marlo, “Let her finish.”

  Mia shook her head. “Then, he started saying things, and I started saying things and then—”

  “What?” Marlo shouted causing a few of the people seated in their area to stop and stare. “What things? What did he say? What did you say?”

  “Marlo, you are so loud,” December teased.

  “They will be all right.” Marlo waved her hand dismissively at their onlookers. “Now spill it. What did he say? What did you say?”

  Mia continued. “He confronted me about leaving. He said the reason I ran out
of the restaurant was because the vibe between us scared the hell out of me.”

  “Ooh I like him. He’s already calling you on your shit.”

  Mia cocked her head in her sister’s direction. “Really?”

  “Continue drama queen,” December interjected.

  “You know me, I told him I wasn’t scared. He said there’s nothing wrong with stepping outside of the box and doing something you normally wouldn’t do. He said he came back to see me and that he’s never done anything like that before, and then he said he was happy that he found me and we were able to spend a little time together.”


  “Then I kissed Casanova.”

  “No way.” Marlo’s jaw dropped.

  “I’m serious.”

  “How was it?” December prodded.

  “Ooh it was sooo good.” Mia bit her bottom lip reminiscing over how wonderful it felt to have his lips and body pressed against hers. “God. It was really good.”

  “Awww yay!” Marlo clapped and did a happy dance in her seat.

  Mia paused and took a long sip of her chocolate chip latte. “I can’t explain it, but it was like he knew the exact spots to touch, and the way my body just responded to his hands.” She fanned herself.

  “Ooh la la, thank you sweet baby Jesus! My sister finally has someone to dust those cobwebs off her coochie.”

  December busted out laughing.

  “Stop it,” Mia scolded. Her eyes darted around the lounge hoping no one heard her sister.

  “Girl please, no one is listening or thinking about what we’re talking about.”

  “That’s what you think.” Mia muttered. As she rifled through her purse in search of her lip gloss, the Nicole phone rang.


  “Hi. May I speak with Nicole Anderson please?”

  “Nicole Anderson? I’m sorry but you have the—” that’s when it dawned on her, you are Nicole duh! Mia emitted an embarrassed laugh, “I apologize, this is she.”

  “Hi. I’m Brittany Parker-Thomas and I’m calling from Parker Physical Therapy & Pilates…”

  “Who the hell is Nicole Anderson?” Marlo inquired.

  “This has got to be about the article,” December said. “She told Tinley she really wasn’t into the fake name thing so she came up with Nicole Anderson because Nicole is her middle name and Anderson is your mom’s maiden name,” she explained.

  “My sister is so smart.” Marlo grinned. “I like that. So it’s not like she’s lying lying.”

  “Shut up.” December cracked up.

  “What?” Marlo flashed an impish grin.

  “Shh.” Mia covered the receiver scolding her girls. “It is.”

  “Finish your call, and then we’ll talk,” Marlo whispered.

  “Nicole? Are you there?” asked Brittany.

  “Yes Brittany I’m here. You have to forgive me. From time to time, I get frazzled and have the tendency to forget my own name.” Mia chuckled.

  “Don’t we all?” The friendly female voice on the other end joined in. “I totally understand. I apologize. Did I catch you at a bad time? If so, I can call back.”

  “No, I am just out and about.”

  “Well, like I said before I’m calling from Parker Physical Therapy & Pilates. My brother Kane, is in need of a personal assistant because his personal assistant Stephanie Draper is going on a leave of absence. I believe her last day is tomorrow so we’re looking to interview you possibly tomorrow so we can have the position filled by Friday and you would start Monday.”

  “Wow. Really?”

  “Yes.” Brittany cleared her throat. “I know this is short notice, but Kane needs a replacement ASAP and I was going over your resume and I see you’ve worked as a personal assistant for six years.”

  “Yes I have.”

  “What’s she talking about?” Marlo whispered.

  Mia clamped a hand over the receiver. “Would you hush?”

  “Dang I was just asking.” Marlo pretended to pout as she popped a hazelnut scone into her mouth.

  “I swear you all are too much.” December chuckled.

  “Yes. Yes I have,” Mia answered slightly turning her back to her girls so she could hear Brittany better.

  “That’s wonderful.” Brittany sounded impressed. “Are you available to come in for an interview tomorrow?”

  “Yes I am, just let me know what time.” Mia sifted through her purse and retrieved her Nicole notebook in anticipation.

  She could hear Brittany mumbling under her breath about the times she scheduled for the other candidates. “Okay…I’m thinking around 12:15. How’s that?”

  “12:15 sounds fine,” Mia announced as she jotted down the address.

  Following a few more pleasantries, Brittany said, “I believe that’s everything so I will see you tomorrow.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  Mia hung up the phone excitement and nervousness coursing through her. All she could think about was how much closer she was to seeing her byline, the corner office, and her personal assistant.

  “Congratulations. By the sound of that conversation you are definitely on the right track in reaching your goal,” December said.

  “I know right?” Mia smiled as their waiter set their bill on the table. “It’s finally happening for me.”

  “My only question,” Marlo began as she sipped her warm drink. “What are you going to do if you start liking this guy? Because that could happen you know.”

  “Won’t happen.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “There is absolutely no way Tinley and I have the same taste in men.” The girlfriends shared a look and then burst into a fit of giggles.

  “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard you say in a while.”

  “Be nice.” December playfully scolded Marlo. “I cannot allow anyone to diss my bestie, not even her sister.”

  Mia licked her tongue out at her sister.

  “Seriously though.” Marlo eyeballed her sister. “Your exact words are that Tinley wants you to make this man, her ex, fall in love with you. That’s damn near impossible seeing that you can’t make anyone fall in love with you, but allow me to play Devil’s advocate for a minute. What if that happens and you fall in love too?”

  “First of all,” Mia pointed a manicured finger at her sister. “Like you said it’s impossible – you can’t make anyone fall in love with you.”

  “I’m just saying. Don’t be so sure.” Marlo warned.


  “Hey,” Marlo shrugged. “I always have to give you food for thought. What are you going to do if that happens?”

  “It won’t,” Mia replied unconvincingly.

  “Okay.” Marlo tossed her hands up in surrender. “You win, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Even as the girlfriends’ conversation switched gears, Mia couldn’t stop Marlo’s words from haunting her as the possibilities of “what if” between herself and the object of her faux affections crept into her mind.