Read Taming Kane, Claiming Mia Page 20


  A half hour later, Mia meandered into the Shaker Heights building that housed Parker Physical Therapy & Pilates. She was greeted by the wafting scent of vanilla and French roast coffee as she stepped into the foyer. Her eyes danced about the waiting area taking in the cozy décor of warm autumn colors with splashes of shades of orange throughout the space. Patients sat on sleek chairs, sipping coffee, juice, and tea, their eyes glued to the assortment of magazines and the humongous LCD plasma screen hoisted up on the wall. Adjacent to the plasma screen sat the receptionist desk. Behind the desk, Mia noticed a beautiful petite pregnant woman with flowing strawberry blonde hair. Her smooth tan skin was flushed and she had a frazzled look upon her face while she talked on the phone.

  Securing her leather portfolio under her arm, Mia glided toward the woman as her stilettos hit the shiny linoleum with a confident stride.

  “I promise if some of these people would pitch in maybe I could actually get some type of work done,” Brittany said; pausing she glanced up and met Mia’s gaze.

  “Good afternoon.” Mia flashed a smile. “I am here to see Brittany Parker-Thomas.”

  In one swift motion, Brittany set the phone back on its cradle eyeing Mia curiously. Her eyes flickered with some sort of recognition before she said, “You must be Nicole Anderson.”

  Before Mia could confirm or deny, Brittany waddled around the desk and invaded Mia’s space.

  “Yes,” Mia nodded, “I am Nicole Anderson.”

  Brittany extended her hand. “So very nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you as well.” Mia gave her a strong handshake.

  “Thank you for coming.” She pulled Mia to the side. “I am so happy you are here Nicole. I probably should not be telling you this, but the job is yours if you want it. I have thoroughly reviewed everyone’s resume and yours seemed spot on with what we need, not to mention the wacky cast of characters I have been interviewing all day.”

  “Really?” Mia was not surprised.

  “Yes.” Brittany shook her head. “Whatever you do, please do not tell my mother or brothers. I hope that will help put you at ease before we start.”

  “It does,” Mia answered truthfully.

  “Well, before we get started I want to give you a quick tour of the facility, but first I am waiting on our receptionist to finish her lunch break.” As if on cue a cute red head wearing stylish slacks and a French cut ruffled blouse appeared. “I’m back to be used and abused.”

  “Hush Riley.” Brittany swatted her hand then turned her attention back to Mia. “Nicole Anderson. This is Riley Smythe our receptionist. Riley this is Nicole Anderson, she’s interviewing for Stephanie’s position.”

  “Hello.” Mia loved Riley’s blunt curly red bob, and the way part of it swooped over her left eye.

  “Nice to meet you, and good luck.” Riley waved then turned her attention to the ringing phones.


  “Riley is a real gem, and I don’t know what we would do without her,” Brittany announced running her fingers through her thick shiny hair.

  “She seems like she runs a tight ship,” Mia said watching Riley cradle the phone between her ear and shoulder while grabbing a couple of faxes off the machine.

  “Oh, she does.” Brittany nodded. “Well, now that you’ve met Riley, our tour can begin.” The two women headed out of the reception area and into a spacious foyer.

  Mia, a normally swift walker, slowed her pace so she could stay in sync with Brittany who seemed a bit winded. Her eyes rested upon Brittany’s baby bump. “How many months are you?”

  Beaming Brittany answered, “Seven and a half. I’ll be eight next week.”

  “Aww.” Mia gushed. “Do you know what you’re having?”

  Brittany chuckled. “No. My silly husband convinced me to wait,” she caressed her belly, “but we made a bet,” she cast her eyes downward grinning at the child growing inside of her. “If he wins, I’ll have to pick up the late night feedings and diaper duty for the first two months and vice versa.”

  “That should be interesting.”

  “Oh it will be because what he doesn’t know is, is there’s no way I can lose because I don’t plan on doing any late night feedings.”

  They shared a chuckle as Brittany began giving Mia the grand tour of the facility.

  Parker Physical Therapy & Pilates was just like Tinley described. The tri-story building was massive. There were corridors every which way leading to different zones. Zone One was dedicated to patients whose injuries weren’t that severe and who didn’t need constant attention. Their treatment lasted anywhere from one to three months. Zone Two was for patients whose injuries were a bit more extensive, and Zone Three was strictly for patients with the most serious types of injuries meaning their treatment lasted anywhere from six months or longer. Zone Three housed the Pilates room, Olympic sized pool, sauna, Jacuzzi, and health food bar.

  “This place is incredible,” Mia stated in awe. Tinley said the clinic was amazing but her words didn’t do it justice. The place was spectacular.

  Brittany’s face swelled with pride. “We have our parents to thank for that.”

  “They did a tremendous job.”

  “Oh and speaking of my parents,” she nodded in the direction of a regal statuesque woman wearing a killer power suit, and fierce stilettos. Her perfectly arched brows were furrowed together while she was letting a Fed Ex delivery worker have it.

  “Mom,” Brittany called out.

  Instead of acknowledging her daughter, the woman raised an index finger as she continued her tongue tirade. A few seconds later, the man practically sprinted out of the room.

  Lilly of the Valley perfume. Mia almost gagged at the light sickening sweet floral fragrance of Forsythia blooms holding her nostrils hostage. She wrinkled her nose. The aroma of the flowering bush reminded her of her eighth grade teacher Mrs. Pope, a decrepit woman who had spent the entire year discouraging and tormenting her, and telling her that being a writer was a worthless career.

  The woman’s eyes narrowed in disapproval at Mia as she approached them. Lips. Pink lips. Thin lips that looked like they were used for scolding, never saying I love you. Lips that looked like they never had anything good to say about anyone. Lips that probably never smiled. Mia shivered. She could feel the coldness emanating from Mrs. Parker as she approached them, her hard steps click clacked against the linoleum. She was an older replica of Brittany petite, polished and was impeccably dressed wearing a designer suit. One thing though Joan Parker’s features lacked kindness. Her eyes were hard, and the frown lines around her mouth were very visible. Her blonde hair had silver streaks and was pulled back in a tight chignon exposing her long neck.

  “What is it Brittany?”

  Mia was taken aback from the woman’s brazen tone and her seemingly blatant disinterest in her daughter.

  “Joan Parker,” Brittany replied through gritted teeth trying to hide her embarrassment. “I’d like to introduce you to Nicole Anderson. Nicole’s another candidate interviewing for Stephanie’s position.”

  Mia conjured up a smile, extending her hand. “Hello Mrs. Parker. Nice to meet you.”

  Looking right through her, Joan captured Mia’s hand in one swift motion and dropped it just as quick. “I hope you don’t waste our time like the other buffoons we interviewed this morning.” Glancing at her daughter Joan continued, “Brittany, I’m going to round up the others for the interview.” She trotted off down the hall.

  Brittany took a breath, turning to Mia. “I apologize. I believe my mother is just having a bad day.”

  That’s an understatement. “Don’t mention it.” Mia shook off Joan’s rudeness. “We’re all entitled to have bad days.”

  Brittany cut Mia a grateful glance. “Now that you’ve seen the facility, I’ll take you back to the conference room where we’ll conduct your interview.”


  Mia’s heart leapt at the th
ought of finally coming face to face with Tinley’s ex, i.e. the soon to be object of her pretend affections, Kane Parker. She was ready to take him down Playboy!Player! Mia’s mind screamed as she shifted her portfolio under her right arm tucking all thoughts of Kane to the recesses of her mind and asked, “Tell me about your brothers, are they younger than you?”

  “One is,” Brittany announced as she punched in a code. They waited until the light flickered from red to green allowing them access to the parts of the building that contained the meeting rooms. “Colin is the oldest, I’m the middle child, and Kane’s the youngest.”

  “That’s cool. A girl to break things up in the middle.” Mia chuckled through the barrage of butterflies swarming her stomach at the mention of Kane’s name. She hated to admit it, but she was dying to know what he looked like. Was he as good-looking as Tinley claimed he was? She had found several Kane Parkers on social media, so she wasn’t sure how he looked. All she needed to worry about was bringing that creep down!

  “Wonderful. Kane set up the room for us just like he said he would,” Brittany announced appreciatively.

  Kane set it up in a comfortable-type interviewing atmosphere. Five chairs sat around the table. Four sat on one side, the fifth sat on the opposite. Mia assumed the lone chair was for her. In front of the four chairs was Steno pads and pens. Three carafes, glasses, mugs, and a fruit tray with a delicious spread of fruit, crackers, and cheese sat in the center of the table.

  Her eyes roved around the room. Her inner interior designer was coming up with ways to spruce up the bland eggshell colored room. She was thinking that maybe adding a touch of color to the walls would give it depth along with adding a few potted plants to take away from the hospital wall type vibe she was getting from it.

  “Nicole?” Brittany’s voice shredded Mia’s thoughts.


  “I apologize about the hold up. I thought my brothers and mother would be here waiting for me so we could get started. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable while I go see what’s keeping everyone,” Brittany said flustered and disappeared.

  “Okay great.”

  A couple of minutes passed and Mia couldn’t deny it. She was antsy. There was no way she could wait alone any longer in the big room. Gathering her clutch, she decided she would search for the restroom. Head down as she fished through her purse, Mia collided into a man’s solid chest. Her clutch tumbled to the floor, her contents spilling everywhere.

  “Whoa. Where’s the fire?” A familiar male voice chuckled. The deliciousness of his voice sent a spiral of emotions barreling through Mia as his strong hands encircled her waist.

  “I-I am so sor—” Mia paused, shivering slightly, her hands squeezing his bare biceps. He was wearing black nylon sweat pants and a t-shirt. A t-shirt that outlined massive muscle on top of muscle. Mia gulped. That voice. She knew that voice. Could it be? No way, Mia thought clenching her eyes shut. Was it him? Mr. Casanova himself? The man who had been the star of her risqué dreams last night? Her lips tingled remembering the softness and warmth of his soft lips.

  “Hey, you gonna lift that head so I can get a better look at you?” The husky timbre of it glided smoothly into her ear. Her nipples stiffened and her skin sizzled as soon as his fingers skimmed her cheek. Hand lingering there a little longer than should be allowed, he tilted her chin so he could get a better look at her.

  Her eyes popped open at his gentle command. Mia’s mouth formed an “O” as a jolt of something amazing shot through her body. She couldn’t describe the feeling, but it left her feeling exhilarated and energized like she could concur the world. Bashfully, she lowered her eyes, and when she glanced up, she noticed he must’ve felt something too by the way his eyes were fixed intently on her. Something flickered in his eyes, but she couldn’t identify it nor could she stop the sudden game of patty cake going on inside her chest.

  What in the world was Casanova doing here?

  He inhaled sharply, his greenish blue eyes widened and his strong hands tenderly seized her waist again. Kane Parker was a man of many words, but at this moment he stood there mesmerized, lost in her doe shaped cinnamon colored eyes, the intensity of her gaze capturing him as she seemed to search the depths of his soul. His heart thrummed erratically. Fidgety, he didn’t know what to do so he regrettably unleashed her waist taking a couple of steps away from her heat and the trouble he knew he’d be in if he stayed in her space a beat longer. It took everything within Kane to keep his composure, and as he stood eyes fixated upon her all he could think about was his lips pressed against hers and his tongue delving inside the recesses of her mouth.

  His body ached terribly to have hers pressed against his once more, his hands caressing her curves and enjoying the feel of her silky skin writhing beneath his palms. Kane’s stomach clenched into a ball of knots, his chest tight, and the more his eyes flitted along her shapely curves, the more he felt erection threatening to make its presence known by imprinting his sweats. He felt her eyes traveling down his body.

  Kane had just finished up with a patient and was dressed in his usual sweat pants and t-shirt. When he caught her staring at his massive chest, he watched her cheeks turn rosy as she blushed and pushed her gaze elsewhere. He wondered if she was thinking the same thing he was? Did she want him to grab the lapels of her blazer, pull her close and plant another juicy kiss upon her enticing cupid’s bow-shaped mouth. The ability to restrain himself dimmed as he took a step closer to her.

  She took a step back almost losing her balance. “Whoa.” She yelped, arms flailing, eyes widening in panic.

  “I’ve got you.” Not missing a beat, he snaked a strong arm around her waist drawing her close so their lips were inches apart. He maneuvered her quickly so that she was standing upright. God only knew what would happen the moment she moved those sexy lips of hers.

  Heart pounding, his lips drew near hers and he found himself backing her into the wall. In scrumptious remembrance of the feel of her soft lips, he moved as if he were being pulled by an undeniably strong force. Her lips parted slowly, and he could all but feel the warmth of her minty breath. Her warmth exuded all throughout her body. They were two magnetic forces, once again uncontrollably drawing near.

  “Excuse me,” a client said on a cough, walking past them on the way to the restroom.

  Mia released a deep sigh and Kane open-handedly hit the wall behind them. “You’re not going to get away from me again,” he said, perturbed that their moment was interrupted. He had her in his grasp and this time he had no intention of letting her go. He yearned to explore her body with his strong hands, to strip her out of her clothes and take her against the wall. His left hand wrapped around her torso for one final intimate squeeze before he unhanded her. Gently swiping his thumb across her bottom lip, he said, You said ‘catch me if you can,’ and looks like I did.”

  Mia smiled as a breathless reply eased past her lips, “Yes. I guess you did.”

  She hurriedly dropped to her knees and began collecting the contents of her purse that tumbled to the floor. He stooped down to assist her.

  “Let me help you.”

  “Thank you,” Mia replied her voice light and airy.

  “You’re very welcome.”

  The duo stood slowly together eyes locked on one another. She ran delicate fingers through her bone straight tresses. “Forgive me for being so clumsy. I guess I should head back inside before my interview starts,” she answered breathlessly.

  Kane nodded before introducing himself. “Kane Parker.”

  “Nicole Anderson,” she said, and before Kane could respond she tittered off on her stilettos and dashed back inside the conference room.

  Kane exhaled deeply willing the nervousness in the pit of his stomach to go away. When the feelings subsided, he smoothed a nervous hand down his t-shirt and paced back and forth for a few moments. Gathering himself, he took a few calming breaths and then disappeared inside the conference room after her.


  Lurking in the shadows, Joan Parker revealed herself, wearing a harsh gaze. She was on her way to the conference room when she spotted Kane. She paused when she realized he wasn’t alone. That woman from earlier, the one Brittany introduced as Nicole Anderson was with him. Nicole Anderson and her beautiful glowing toffee colored skin, long lashes that fanned out outlining bright almond shaped cinnamon brown eyes and silky auburn hair. Joan purposely stepped into the shadows out of their view watching them.

  Mia and Kane’s nonverbal communication when they collided spoke volumes. The way their eyes locked, the familiarity behind their touches made her cringe. She didn’t like it at all. Joan’s lips twisted in contempt, her face contorted further into a deep scowl. She witnessed those looks thirty-five years ago. Her son was wearing the silly sappy goofy love look his father had the day he proposed and the day they married. She didn’t like it at all, and if Ali didn’t stake her claim Kane was sure to fall prey to that woman.

  “Where is she?” Joan hissed checking her watch. After meeting the gorgeous glamazon, she ran off to the PR department and demanded that Ali sit in on the interview, if she knew what was good for her.

  Before Joan could finish her tongue tirade, she heard Ali’s stilettos.

  “Joan, I’m sorry.” She paused, taking a breath. “I was having a quick meeting with the girls about all the things we need to do before Brittany goes on maternity leave.”

  “Oh, that could’ve waited,” Joan remarked her eyes flitting contemptuously over Ali’s clothes. She dressed entirely too sexy to be a part of the business world. Her dark skirt was skimpy and her blouse revealed too much cleavage. “Ali you have got to stop dressing so- so trashy.”

  “I’m sorry.” Ali’s expression morphed from embarrassment into one of hurt.

  “That’s not a good look. Don’t you want Kane to stop and take notice?” Joan groaned.

  “Of course I do,” She replied helplessly as she tugged at her skirt.

  “Well you have got to start dressing classier. We don’t have time to fix this, so it’ll have to do for now.” Joan looped her arm through Ali’s.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see in a minute.” Joan huffed as they treaded down the hall.

  To be continued…

  Part 2 is available now.

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