Read Tandoori Texan Tales Page 7

  sofa with arms stretched on both sides. It had started getting

  dark. There was only whatever light was coming from the

  TV. After some time she went to the fridge, poured herself

  a glass of wine and came toward the sofa. My arms were

  still extended on both sides. She sat close to me nestling

  between my armpits and chest. Her hair was brushing

  against my cheeks smelling of shampoo. She was again

  wearing that long T-shirt from Arkansas.



  We extended our legs and rested them on the coffee table in

  front. We had put off getting physical long enough. We

  both wanted it very much to soothe our shaken emotional

  and physical condition. Neither of us wanted to resist it any

  more. It was not sexual per se but a feeling of intimacy and

  coziness that we sought so badly.

  We ate a few slices and finished our drinks. I turned off the

  TV and just sat like that for a while. In a few minutes, I

  could see that she had fallen asleep in my arms, like a baby.

  I lifted her and put her in her bed. Tucked her nicely in her

  sheets and turned off the lights.

  I was sleeping in my bed soundly by 9:00PM.



  Early in the morning I felt that she had quietly slipped into

  my sheets. I turned and put my arms around her. We kissed

  most passionately for several moments. Then she whispered

  into my ears, “I know what you want. I want the same too.

  But please be patient with me. Let us take it slowly, very

  slowly.” We lay cuddling under the sheets like that for quite

  a while. We wanted our feelings to take over and do

  whatever came naturally to us. Our reservations and

  inhibitions were slowly breaking down. Our feelings were

  thawing. But we did not want to hurry such a surreal and

  ethereal gliding into the sublime. We wanted to savor it

  ever so slowly.

  I wanted her to stay on and asked how long more could she

  stay. She wanted to go to New Jersey, take care of her



  affairs and return in a day. That made sense. I told her, I had

  to get ready and go to work that day, especially due to the

  important meeting in the morning. We decided that I would

  take her to the airport on my way to work. She was going to

  call her aunt, make sure they would be there to receive her.

  On the way to the airport I told her of our Office Outing

  that was planned for the coming Saturday. It was going to

  be a Charity Golf Tournament followed by a poolside

  barbecue party. I asked her if she would be able to join me.

  She gleefully said that should be great fun, but how was I

  going to explain her to my colleagues?

  “They have not met Seema and I could always say you are

  my ‘cousin’ from back home, if they do insist on knowing”,

  I replied. She laughed.

  The following day there was a letter from Seema. She had

  written it from Seatle. Her folks were pressuring her. They

  were insisting that we move to Seattle and live with them. If

  that were not acceptable to me, she would have to seek

  Separation from the Court. She needed my decision as soon

  as possible. I was outraged. In all this, Seema herself had no

  brains or guts to take a stand. I knew this coming. But I was

  not quite sure, it was going to be so soon and in this


  I sat down and tried to gain my composure. I had to think of

  Munni as well. Then I wrote to her a response saying that I

  could not just throw everything over-board and come over

  to Seattle. I still had my current contract that I had to fulfill.

  Besides I needed to find a job in Seattle first, before quitting



  what I had worked on all my life. So we have to take this

  slowly. If and when I do find a job in Seattle, I would not

  mind moving. But for the present, we have to continue like

  it is now. After printing the letter from the word processor, I

  kept one copy and stuffed another one into an envelope to


  I was quite sure all this reasoning would not get into their

  hot heads. They were quite sure the whole Universe had to

  revolve around their ill-gotten wealth.

  I left work early on Friday and was at the receiving lounge

  when the flight from New Jersey arrived. She was one of

  the early ones to come out of the gangway. Quite

  involuntarily we were in a very close embrace. Holding

  hands, we walked up to the baggage area. She had come

  with a sizable suitcase. Obviously now she was well

  equipped in all areas.

  It was still quite early in the evening, I suggested that we

  stop by at my usual Grocery store on the way and finish our

  weekly grocery. After all she wanted to spend time like any

  other ordinary person, did she not? She needs to know how

  grocery, laundry and other day to day chores are done in

  this American Life.

  She was very enthusiastic as we were pushing the grocery

  cart down the aisles. There were several other customers

  that had their stares fixed on her face, exchanging

  pleasantries as we passed them. None of them had the

  foggiest idea, who she was. They were just captivated by

  her most beautiful looks.



  We were stopping at various shelves, as I was trying to

  explain to her different items and how they could be used.

  She had been familiar with many of the things from her

  previous visits to the U.S., but never had to do these things

  all on her own. We almost had quite a good idea of what we

  are going to be having for breakfast, lunch and dinner for

  the whole of the coming week. As we passed by, we also

  briefly stopped at one shelf and flipped a carton of

  prophylactics into the cart.

  We pulled into the carport of my apartment-complex close

  to the entrance of my apartment. I opened the trunk of the

  car and started rolling her suitcase toward my apartment. I

  let her enter first. She had brought a bottle of wine in a gift

  bag that she laid on the dining table. As I closed the door

  behind after getting in, I asked her if she was thirsty and

  needed anything to drink.

  She threw her shoes and other things off one by one. Then

  clung to me close and said, ‘Right now I am all thirsty for

  you and you alone’.

  We rolled over into my bed and covered ourselves with

  sheets and only the sheets. I have never made love like that

  even in my imagination. I could not just believe I was really

  doing all this in reality.

  After a while, we needed something to eat for dinner. While

  all those things we had bought were still in the fridge,

  neither of us had the patience to even microwave a frozen



  dinner. Besides we wanted to do something out of the


  I suggested Chinese. She agreed saying ‘Fantastic!’ We

  called a neighborhood restaurant and ordered for pick up

  within 15 minutes. But of course, we could not go out like

  the way we were! We wrapped ourselves into just our

  raincoats and got into the car. The packages were ready at

  the pick-up drive-in window.

  We made some more love and fell asleep in each other’s

  arms. Every so often during the night, I felt her cheek

  buried on my chest.

  As I was still pondering whether or not to get up from bed,

  next morning, I could get an aroma of fresh brewed coffee.

  She had got up much earlier and even gone for a jog. She

  had her white golf shirt, shorts, and sweatband on the

  forehead and tennis shoes on. There were small drops of

  sweat running down her eye-browse on to her cheeks. She

  was gulping a glass of orange juice. A picture of a perfect


  We were due at the Golf tournament at 10 O’ clock. That

  gave us a good couple of hours to breakfast and get ready. I

  popped a few toasts in the toaster. What she attempted as an

  omelet ended up being fairly well made pairs of scrambled

  eggs. It tasted good, who cared about the shape? They all

  end up looking the same after you have swallowed them,

  don’t they?



  This whole thing was just too good to be true. Only one

  question kept coming to my mind.

  Why me? She must be having any number of men that

  would do anything to have a time like this with her. This

  includes men in the U.S., much better off than me. Beauty

  Queens, Models and Movie Stars have moved from

  Bollywood to these shores hitched to some very wealthy

  NRIs, haven’t they? By American standards I am not even

  in the same league as those. Then, why me? What happens

  next? She will just disappear from my life like it never


  I mustered enough courage to ask her this, as we were

  racing down the Riverside Drive toward the Raleigh

  Country Club. The flora in the whereabouts of Raleigh is

  most fascinating. There are thick pine forests and you

  cannot see more than 10 feet away on the sides of the road.

  The two-lane highway winds around on hilly terrain and

  even in the early part of the day it is quite dark due to thick

  foliage. It gives very cozy and sometimes even eerie


  She started responding to me slowly.

  “Yes you are right about other men wanting a piece of my

  life. But it is one thing to be considered as yet another

  ‘Trophy’ and quite another to be treated with sincerity,

  dignity and self-respect as a person.

  “As a matter of fact in many ways the NRIs in this country

  are even worse than the fellows back home. There are



  plenty of these nouveau riche. All they have is money, no

  culture, good taste, education or upbringing.

  “Or else there are those Ivy League types that are full of

  rotten attitude and arrogance.

  “All these guys get treated shabbily by the local Anglos and

  that gets reflected on their behavior toward their brethren

  from back home. Since they cannot take it out on anybody

  else they do it toward their ‘Country Cousins’ coming from

  there. It is not very often that I find someone with kindness,

  sincerity and honesty like you.

  “I am sick and tired of all that meaningless chatter from

  very shallow fools, whose only brains are hanging between

  their legs.

  “It is not easy being a good actress. Day in and day out, I

  have to live every possible human emotion like pain, joy,

  love and shock. For every scene of death I have to really

  feel like what would it be to die. Most people die only once.

  I have to do that several times over. I have to feel and live

  every role that I have to play. On top of all this I have to

  suffer phony characters all around me in a world of


  “It is so refreshing for me to come out of that transparent

  bubble and breathe fresh air.

  “I come from a very ordinary close knit family. All this

  glitter and glamour feels good for some time. But

  afterwards, it starts choking me. I like to come back and



  find my original little girl from a middle class family. If I

  clamor for a little bit of real love and honest understanding,

  is it too much I am asking?

  “I realize this may or may not last for ever. But then it is not

  every day that I have a close shave with death and total

  indignity. I want to enjoy every bit of what I have now and

  stop worrying about tomorrow.

  “I have asked my folks in Bombay to let me alone for

  another 10 days. They only have my aunt’s contact, if they

  wish to get in touch with me. I will be contacting her once

  in a while to see how things are.

  “I know what you are thinking. I am not here with you out

  of just gratefulness. I really and truly love being with you,

  every moment of it. I will probably cherish it all my life.

  “You are married with a child. I do not wish to break up

  your marriage or jeopardize your family. As a matter of fact

  I would do all I can to help you as a friend. I am willing to

  accept you just as you are without making any demands.

  Can you not give me some small space in your life?”

  I listened to her quietly, without interrupting. She made a

  lot of sense. I was amazed at her intelligence, honesty and

  perspicacity. She was not just a Barbie Doll. I needed some

  time to digest all what she said and work on a reaction. I

  changed the subject to something more mundane.

  “Will you please pull my briefcase from the back seat? I

  have an extra pair of keys to the apartment, that I would like



  for you to have. Also one more thing, please do not pick up

  the phone when it rings. Let it go to the answering machine,

  all the time. You can of course use the phone for making

  outgoing calls. I am not sure if you like to stay in touch with

  outside world on Email. If you do, you can also use the PC

  in my bedroom, any time you feel like.” I told her.

  “I quite see your point. Thanks for being so understanding”.

  On my part, it sizably bolstered my ego, individuality and

  self-perspective. My self-respect had been mauled and

  marauded by Seema and her family in the past few years.

  We parked at the Country Club parking lot and walked into

  the Club-House. Don Wilsner and his wife Pat were already

  there. After some speech making we started on an 18-hole

  Golfing spree. We two started off in one cart following Don

  and Pat in another. We four were one team.

  None of us was very good at golfing but the whole

  environment was just blissful. The whole se
tting was most

  picturesque. The Greens were like carpets laid all around.

  The different colors of foliage and small lakes made it look

  like a picture post-card. With cool breeze blowing on our

  faces and such a most beautiful woman on my side, would

  Heavens be any different?

  More than me I could see a total change in her demeanor. It

  was as if she had suddenly turned into a teen-age schoolgirl.

  She was laughing and giggling all the time, even at my Poor

  Jokes. We had some fruit punch and snacks to nibble along

  on the cart.



  We finished the golfing game by about 1:30PM and

  gathered for some barbecue and beer around the swimming

  pool. We were invited to get into the water, but we had not

  brought our swimming attire. She was getting some

  firsthand experience of Country Music once again. Some of

  them were dancing on the floor, as we were sucking on

  some chicken legs smeared with barbecue sauce.

  When lunch got over, we walked down to a lonely spot in

  the garden and spread a large bed sheet that we had brought.

  The weather was balmy with clear blue skies. We lay under

  the tree holding hands as cool breeze was brushing past our

  faces. After about half an hour, we heard our names being

  called for a tug-of-war competition between two teams. She

  was holding on to me tight by the waist as I was pulling on

  the rope.

  As we finally bid good byes and got into our cars, it was a

  little before sunset. We were somewhat exhausted and

  swarthy with sweat and grime of having stayed outdoors all

  day. I asked her if she would like to get into the swimming