Read Tangled Page 4

  “I’m up.” Emma Kayrs passed near the camera and slid an arm around Dage’s waist. The queen’s dark hair was piled on her head, and she wore what looked like Star Trek pajamas. Her belly protruded, and she rubbed it. “How are you, Theo?”

  “I’m a jerk,” he said. “I shouldn’t have called so late.”

  Dage ran a hand down Emma’s arm. “I see you got out of the hotel fire safely. How is Ginny O’Toole?”

  Theo’s mouth gaped open. He shook his head. “How did you know?” Surely news of his night hadn’t already reached Idaho.

  Dage rolled his eyes.

  Emma grinned. “He’s the king. Don’t make him say it. The. King.”

  Theo bit back a smile. “Oh, yeah. Well, since I have you, does a mating mark disappear when a former mate takes the virus?”

  Emma’s startling blue eyes brightened like they did every time anybody wanted to talk science with her. “No. Never. The bite mark stays in place.” She leaned into Dage more. “But the mating brand, the ones from the Kayrs family, demons, and witches… That does disappear.”

  “Are you sure?” Theo asked, his mind spinning.

  “Definitely.” The queen nodded her head vigorously. “Why?”

  Theo cleared his throat. “Because Ginny doesn’t have a mark on her neck.” He frowned. “Though witches don’t—”

  “Witches do,” the queen interrupted. “All male immortals have fangs, even witches, and they bite during the mating process. If Ginny doesn’t still have bite marks…”

  “Then she was never mated,” Theo finished, shocked he could find more anger in him than before. “I can’t believe it.”

  Dage’s eyes twinkled. “Things are about to get interesting now, aren’t they?”

  * * * *

  Somebody was chasing her. Ginny ducked low and ran, her feet flying over the invisible ground. They were coming. After all this time, she was going to lose. God. She couldn’t lose.

  Theo. He would help her. He had to.

  She turned a corner, suddenly surrounded by trees. Dark and high, they loomed over her, providing warning. No shelter or protection. No. She didn’t get those. But warning. That was a nice change.

  Something crashed into the brush behind her.

  She yelped and ran harder, but the grass grew into weeds. They held her fast, not letting her move. Oh, no. It was too late. She opened her mouth and screamed.

  “Whoa.” Warmth and strength encircled her. “Wake up, lady. You’re having a bad dream.”

  She jerked awake, her head hitting something hard. Pain flashed through her skull.

  “Damn it,” Theo said, wrapping a hand in her hair and pulling her away.

  Oh. She’d hit his chin with her head. “Sorry.” She reached up to rub her forehead.

  “You okay?” He loosened his hold, his eyes glowing in the dim light.

  She blinked. Bed. She was in bed with Theo Reese. He smelled fresh and clean and male. A shadow covered his hard jaw, and his hard cut chest was bare. Oh, goodness. Did he have any clothing on? She stilled. Did she? She looked down. Nope. “You, ah, you took my clothes off.” Her heart started to race.

  “They were wet and dirty.” He released her hair and smoothed his hand down her arm. “I didn’t look.” His teeth sparkled with his grin.

  She blinked. Her brain went fuzzy. The bed was soft and the sheets luxurious. The world smelled strong and good…like him. “Why, I mean how, is there a light on?”

  He slowly nodded. “Bathroom light. I thought you might be confused when you awoke, so I left the light on.”

  Now wasn’t that sweet? Her body went all mushy, and she was too relaxed to stop it. “Thank you.”

  “That was quite the nightmare you were having,” he rumbled.

  She snorted. “That was nothing, believe me.”

  His gaze narrowed. “Really. Do you often have horrific dreams?”

  Was that a weakness? She couldn’t let him get that close. “No.”

  His lips thinned. “I thought we already discussed lying versus telling the truth. Stop lying to me.”

  Her chest felt heavy. The vampire had saved her from an attack squad, and he’d brought her to his home to keep safe. Then he’d left the light on for her so she wouldn’t be scared. Liars really ticked him off, apparently. “Fine, Theo. I won’t lie to you again.” She meant every word.

  His head lifted just slightly. “Do you have nightmares often?”

  That was the question he’d wanted to start with? She should move away from him, but the male was all heat, and she was still cold. “Yes.”

  “About what?” he murmured, his gaze searching deep.

  She breathed out. “Somebody chasing me. Torturing me. Killing me.” It was difficult, but she forced a smile. “Normal scary dreams, you know?”

  He studied her. “Who’s chasing you?”

  “Everybody bad,” she said softly. “In the dream, I was looking for you.” Heat rose to her face, making her cheeks hurt. “I mean, after last night, when you saved me, I guess that makes sense.” Could she sound any more like a wimp? The idea caught her up short. When had she wanted to look strong to him? That wasn’t her skill, darn it. “Thank you for saving me last night.”

  “You’re welcome.” He rubbed a gentle finger across her aching cheekbone. “Who was after you?”

  “I don’t know.” She lifted a shoulder and then caught the sheet before it fell off her chest. “Could be anybody.” Oh, she had an idea, but with her past, it really could be anybody. When was the last time she’d been in bed with a sexy, tousled male? It had been a while. And she’d bet her last pair of high heels that she’d never been this close to anybody this masculine. “I had a crush on you. Way back when,” she confessed.

  His eyes flared. “Then why seduce my brother?”

  She winced. “I didn’t seduce your brother. We were friends, and he was halfway to the high seas when we briefly dated. We shared one kiss, and it was like kissing…my brother. If I had one.” Memories flooded her, and she smiled. “We were so young. So silly.”

  “Was it a cover?” Theo asked, once again threading his fingers through her hair.

  Warmth tingled over her scalp. Her breath caught. “Yes. I was in Ireland to steal the McDougall emeralds.”

  Theo stiffened. “That was you?”

  “Aye,” she said, missing her homeland all of a sudden. “McDougall had stolen them first, which you probably already knew. I just stole them back for the original owners.” A sweet little couple from way up north. They had them hidden to this day. “My da and I were a good team.” Lord, she missed him. So very much. She had to succeed in this mission. No matter what.

  “I’m sorry about your father. I heard he passed during the last war,” Theo said quietly, caressing through her hair.

  Sadness tried to take her, and she banished it, considering she wasn’t telling the whole truth. “Yes. We were moving guns for the demons, and he ran afoul of some Kurjan soldiers.” Then her life had taken a decidedly bad turn. “It’s been ten years, and I still think he’s going to call me up with a job.” Of course, he wasn’t really dead. But Theo didn’t know that.

  “What about your so-called mate?” Theo leaned in, his nose near to hers. “I know you never mated.”

  She brightened. “That was the only way I could get Jared to go follow his dream and be a pirate. He was so honorable. One kiss, and he thought I needed protection for life.” She cleared her throat. “At first, I had a lifetime of debts to repay because of my dad’s gambling. But he stopped gambling and we worked together. So breaking and entering, robbing and bribing, became, well, fun.”

  “Fun?” Theo growled.

  “Yes.” If Theo got any closer, his mouth would be on hers. Her thighs moved restlessly. Aye, she’d wondered through the years about him. Now he was so damn close. Did she have the courage to take a nip? “Let’s not talk about your brother when we’re in bed, Theo.”

  “Why not?” he asked, his voice ho

  “Because of this.” Finally, she moved forward and kissed him.

  Chapter 5

  Theo’s entire body jolted. His mind spun from her revelations of being a thief, a famous one, but right now his body ruled. Her soft lips worked his mouth, tentatively at first, and then with passion. Her small hands spread across his chest and over his shoulders, and she pressed into him with only the thin sheet and his old sweats as barriers.

  He’d had more dreams about her than he could count. It had killed him when she’d chosen his brother to dick over instead of him. Yet he tightened his hold in her thick hair and tugged her back.

  She gave a small sound of protest and then met his gaze. Passion had darkened her eyes to deep sapphire. “Theo?” she breathed.

  His cock pounded with her so near. A part of him, one he didn’t like, whispered to shut the hell up and take what she was offering. But she was a master with men, and he’d actually had a crush on her eons ago. “I like this new honesty thing you have going on, but I don’t trust you.”

  Her eyes widened and then she laughed. Humor spilled from her. “Oh, that makes sense.” She hummed and spread her fingers out over his shoulders. “I’ve never, not once, seduced a man like this.”

  He lifted an eyebrow.

  She grinned and bit her lip. “I mean naked in bed. I’ve never slept with a mark or used sex.” She ducked her head. “I’ve used wiles and promises, but never actual sex. I’m not that bad, Theo.”

  God, she was cute. Every nerve he owned wanted to believe her, and his gut said she was telling the truth. His body was already hers… He just had to protect his brain. But it was difficult with her soft skin and sweet scent so close. Finally. He wanted inside her and now. “Where’s my file, Ginny?” he asked.

  Her straight teeth played with her lip. “You can’t have it. Sorry.” She sighed and released him.

  Damn it. He wanted those hands back on his skin. Now. “So you at least admit you stole it.”


  He blinked. “What game are you playing now?”

  She tugged the sheet up more and wiggled around a little, as if trying to get comfortable. Good to know he wasn’t the only one hurting. “You saved me, so no more lies. I’m not lying to you ever again. So the truth is that I stole the file, I’m keeping it, and you can’t have it back.”

  Now he laughed. “Ginny, you’re not the only one who’s led an interesting life.”

  “I know all about you, Theo.” She reached out and ran a finger down his jugular, sending shock waves through his body. “I know what you did in the last war. Your reputation as a soldier and a sniper. Things your brothers probably don’t even know.”

  He frowned and leaned back. She knew about him? “Bullshit.”

  “They call you the Phantom. Because you can get the job done without leaving a trace. You can also get answers.” She hummed. “The demons call you the Interrogator. Such a boring name.”

  Yet he’d earned both names. “Those are both stupid and don’t come close to describing actions in war.” The woman wasn’t the only one with nightmares. “Apparently you’ve kept track of me.” He wasn’t sure he liked her knowing so much about him. His secrets were his own, damn it.

  “I have,” she said. “Call it curiosity.”

  His ego wanted to swell, and he batted it down. Hard. “If you know about me, then you know I’ll get my file back. No matter what I have to do.” He didn’t want to hurt her.

  She laughed again, the sound sexy and throaty. “Oh, Theo. You couldn’t torture me. Not in a million years.”

  He smiled. “You’re right.”

  She paused. “Okay.” Now she sounded a mite worried.

  He tried not to take too much pleasure in that fact. “You’re obviously on a job—probably more than one. While I won’t harm you, I’m also going to prevent you from finishing any job you might be undertaking. Whoever hired you is going to be pissed because you’re going to fail. Repeatedly. Until I get my file back.”

  Her head snapped back. “You wouldn’t.”

  Adorable. She really was. When her temper showed, she was glorious. “I would and I will.” Now he leaned in, feathering his mouth across hers. “We both know you can’t throw fire, and for some reason, your strength is depleted. You can’t fight me and win.” He kissed her softly, taking his time, enjoying the taste of woman and the thrill of the challenge in getting his file back. “You’re probably out of sedatives, baby.”

  Her lips pursed. “This isn’t an old Hepburn and Tracy movie. I can’t give your file back.”

  “Okay.” He never lost a challenge, and she’d have to learn that the hard way. Truth be told, he liked battling her. Entirely too much. The temptation of her was too much to resist, though. So he drew her close and stopped playing, taking her mouth hard.

  She moaned and moved into him, kissing him back, her tongue dueling with his. Soft and sweet, her scent surrounded him. Hot spikes of lust pierced him. He took her deeper, pulling her on top of him. The second her skin met his, he groaned. Her thighs dropped to either side of his, her sex cradling his erection.

  He slid a hand down her back, pressing her closer. God. White hot lights flashed behind his eyes. He could have his sweats and her panties off in seconds.

  She tunneled her hands in his hair, kissing him back, her body flush on him, her nipples tight against his chest.

  He should halt this. Give it a second. Make sure it was real. But his body wouldn’t stop. His mouth kissed her harder, taking control.

  She gave as good as she got, as if she too knew their time together wouldn’t last. They were on opposite sides.

  At the thought, he pulled away.

  She was spread over him, her lips rosy, a stunning flush across her face. “We should stop,” she mused.

  “Yes.” He ran his hand down her bare back, halting at the dip at her waist. God, she felt fucking amazing. “Or we go into this with our eyes wide open.”

  Interest and need glimmered in her stunning eyes. “Meaning?”

  He was backwoods crazy to even suggest it, but who the hell cared? “This is just this. You and me satisfying curiosity from years ago and taking the edge off. The second we’re dressed and out of bed, we’re on opposite sides of this thing. I’ll do what I have to in order to get my file back.” It was only fair to warn her.

  “That’s crazy,” she murmured, rubbing against him.

  “I know,” he admitted, the blood rushing through his head to ring in his ears. “But I want you and have for centuries. You’re almost naked on top of me, and it’s taking every ounce of self-control I have not to roll you over and fuck you so hard you forget about the file. Until you forget about everything but me.”

  She swallowed and sat up on him, her full breasts bouncing. “I, ah, don’t want you to think I’m easy.”

  His heart turned over. Hard. Damn, she was sweet when she lost the act. “We moved out of the last century a while ago, sweetheart. I don’t think you’re easy.” He flattened his hand over her upper chest and caressed down, tweaking both her nipples. “But I might not let you go.”

  She gasped and leaned into him, her panties becoming wet right over his cock. “I want this, too. But you have to know that I’ll fight dirty afterward.” Her voice was throaty and devastatingly sexy.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He grasped her nipples and pulled her down.

  She opened her mouth on a gasp, and he took full advantage, grasping the back of her head and holding her in place. He kissed her deep, his hand tangled in her hair, his other hand kneading her nipple. Yeah. His Ginny liked a little bite with her pleasure. He’d known she’d be like this.

  Sexy, hot, and responsive.

  She gyrated against him, her core moving along his shaft. With a moan into his mouth, she reached down and shoved his sweats off his hips.

  He helped her, using his legs to completely kick them off.

  The second she settled back over him, her
wet core right against his dick, he almost lost his mind. Growling, he rolled over, pressing her into the bed. Her legs spread, and her soft thighs rubbed the outside of his.

  “Now, Theo,” she whispered, her nails scraping down his back.

  Oh, she didn’t get to call the shots here. He kissed along her jawline and down, taking his time with her breasts. God, she was perfect. Whether he wanted her to be or not, she was everything he’d ever wanted. Even the thieving. The damn intrigue with her went way beyond the physical.

  He was in trouble, and he didn’t give a shit.

  Reaching down, he snapped her panties in two. Then he kissed his way down her abdomen, noting how small her ribs really were. God, he’d have to be careful with her. Reaching her core, he licked her slit.

  All woman and spice. She gasped and stiffened. He grinned, going at her, showing no mercy. Her G-spot was an easy find inside her, and he used two figures to torture her. Then he licked her clit, giving just enough pressure to have her gasping for relief. Her skin was beyond soft, and her body incredibly responsive.

  “Theo,” she moaned, her nails raking down his scalp.

  He loved the pain. But if he didn’t get inside her soon, he was going to explode. So he nipped her clit and twisted his fingers inside her wet heat. She arched into his mouth, crying out, her entire body shuddering with her release. He kept her going until she settled back with a whimper.

  Then he moved up her body, kissing and licking, finally reaching her mouth. “You are so sweet,” he murmured.

  She grinned and shoved him over, rolling on top of him again. “Remember that when I kick your ass later.” Aroused, having fun, her brogue emerged.

  Just one more sexy thing about the woman.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” He could feel her pulsing clit along his dick. “You sure about this?”

  “Definitely.” She leaned over and then paused. Her eyes widened. She stiffened and pulled back.