Read Tara Road Page 40

  More lies, fantasy, pretence. Ria was so impatient she could hardly keep it out of her tone. 'What's Marilyn up to, Gertie?'

  'She's great, isn't she?'

  'I don't know, I never met her.'

  'Is she sleeping with Colm?'

  'Is she what? Gertie's laugh from the busy lunch-time launderette was like an explosion.

  'My mother says she is.'

  'Ria, your mother! You never listened to a word your mother said before.'

  'I know, did she burn my saucepans?'

  'Yes, and replaced them with much better ones. You'll be delighted. She got herself a couple of cheap ones in case she burned them again.'

  'What is she… accident prone?'

  'No, just not any good as a cook. But you should see what she's done with the garden!'

  'Is there any of it left?'

  'Ria, it's fantastic.'

  'Like are there any trees or bushes? Anything I'd recognise? Brian told me she'd cut it all down.'

  'You listened to Brian?' Gertie asked.

  'She's not working in my thrift shop with Frances Sullivan as well, is she? I mean, in between doing tunnel excavations in my garden.'

  'What is all this, Ria? She's a lovely person, she's your friend.'

  'No, she's not. I never laid eyes on her.'

  'Are you upset about something?'

  'She's taken over my house.'

  'Ria, you gave her your house, you took hers,'

  'She changed the message on the phone.'

  'You told her to when she was ready.'

  'She's ready all right.'

  'Annie helped her decide what to say.'


  'Yes, she comes round to the house a lot.'

  'To Tara Road?' Ria asked through gritted teeth.

  'Well I think she misses you, Ria, that's why she comes round.' Gertie sounded desperate to reassure her.

  'Yeah, I'm sure she does,' Ria said.

  'She does, Ria, she said that the holiday on the Shannon was bizarre, that was the word she used. She said that Brian said every day "Mam would like this" and she agreed.'

  'Did she?' Ria brightened a little.

  'Honestly she did. I was talking to her this morning when I went up to the house. She's actually gone out with Marilyn today. The two of them have gone shopping.'


  'Yes. Apparently Annie has some voucher or something for clothes which your mother gave her. She wanted to use it so they went off to Grafton Street.'

  'I suppose she's there now, ploughing up and down the pedestrian precinct in my car.'

  'No, she went on the bus. I honestly don't know why you've turned against her, Ria, I really don't.'

  'Neither do I,' said Ria.

  And she hung up and burst into tears.

  There had been three false attempts to meet Mrs Connor. Each time the line of cars had been too long. The anxious-looking boys who protected the vehicles said that it wouldn't be worth their while to wait. Fourth time lucky.

  Marilyn looked into the haunted face of the thin woman.

  'You're welcome to our country,' she said.

  'Thank you.'

  'You came to find something here.'

  'Yes, I suppose we all do.'

  'It's not here, it's where you came from.'

  'Can you talk to my son for me?'

  'Is he dead?'


  'It wasn't your fault, madam.'

  'It was my fault, I should never have let him go.'

  'I can't talk to the dead, madam.' The woman's eyes were very bright in her thin face. 'They're at peace. They are sleeping and that's how we must leave them.'

  'I want to tell him I'm sorry.'

  'No, madam, it's not possible. And it's not what the people who are sleeping would want.'

  'It is possible.'

  'Not for me. Would you like me to look at your hand?'

  'Why can't you talk to my son, tell him I'm so very sorry? That I let him go that day, that I agreed they should pull out the plug? I took him off the life-support machine. After only a few months. They might have found a way to get him back. I sat there and watched him take his last breath.' Mrs Connor looked at her with great sympathy. 'I held his hand in mine at the end and in case he could hear, I said, "Dale, your father and I are turning this off to release your spirit. That's what it will do." But it didn't release his spirit, I know that. It's trapped somewhere and I'll have no peace unless I can talk to him just once to tell him. Can't you find him for me?'


  'I beg you.'

  'You have to find your own peace.'

  'Well, why am I here?'

  'Like everyone else who comes in here. People come because they are unhappy.'

  'And they're hoping for a little magic, I suppose?'

  'I suppose so, madam.'

  'Well, thank you for your time and your honesty, Mrs Connor.' Marilyn stood up to go.

  'Take your money, madam, I gave you nothing.'

  'No, I insist.'

  'No, madam, I insist too. One day you will find your peace. That day, go out and give this money to someone who needs it.'

  In the car going home Hilary asked almost nervously, 'Was she any help to you, Marilyn?'

  'She's very wise.'

  'But she didn't get to talk to the dead for you?' Marilyn felt a rush of affection for Ria's lonely, ungracious sister.

  'No, she said he was asleep. Well, we agreed why wake him if he's peacefully asleep.'

  'And was that worth it? I mean you didn't think you paid her too much?'

  'No, not at all, it was good to know he was asleep.'

  'And do you feel better now?' Hilary was hopeful.

  'Much better,' lied Marilyn Vine. 'And now tell me, what did she tell you?'

  'She told me that it was up to me to find the trees, that we had enough put by to choose where we lived.'

  'And would you like to live somewhere with trees?' Marilyn asked.

  'Not particularly, I've nothing against them, mind, but I never yearned for them either. Still if it's what's meant to be out there for me I think I should look for them.'

  The line of cars waiting for Mrs Connor had been still long as they left. People all looking for a little magic to help them through. That woman had said that everyone who came to her caravan was unhappy. What a sad procession. But somehow there was a curious strength about it. Everyone sitting in those cars had a sorrow. Marilyn Vine wasn't the only woman in the world racked with guilt and loss. Others had survived it too. Like people needing medicine, they had to go to a caravan or something similar occasionally just in case there was any magic floating by that would help.

  She smiled to herself. Hilary saw the smile and was pleased.

  Ria changed the message. 'This is the home of Greg Vine who is in Hawaii, and Marilyn Vine who is in Ireland. Ria Lynch is living here at the moment and will be happy to forward your messages to the Vines or return your calls.'

  She played it back several times and nodded. Two could play at that game. That would sort Ms Marilyn out.

  She called Heidi. I'm having a little supper party here, won't you and Henry come? Carlotta's coming and that nice couple we met at the Internet class, and those two men who run the gourmet shop you told me about. I've got friendly with them but I have to show off to them seriously with my home-cooked food. I'm hoping they may give me a job.'


  'Hi, Annie.'

  'Mam, aren't you funny, you say Hi instead, of Hallo.'

  'I know, I'm a scream.'

  'You didn't call us so we called you.'

  'I did call you. And I also left a message for your father. To which he hasn't replied yet, you might tell him.'

  'He's out, Mam, he's out all the time.'

  'Well, when next he comes in tell him that I'm waiting.'

  'But it's only a message about business, Mam.'

  'I know, but I'd still like to hear his answer.'

l it be a fight?'

  'Not if he returns my call, no.'

  'And how are you, Mam?'

  I'm fine. How was your outing to the pizza place with Granny?' Ria had a bit of steel in her voice that Annie recognised.

  'It was fine. Gran gave me a marvellous waistcoat. You'll see it, I'll take it over with me.'

  'And did Kitty join you there?'

  'No, she didn't as it happens.'

  'How did that happen?'

  'Because Bernadette rang Granny and said Dad had a rooted objection to Kitty.'

  'How disappointing.'

  'Well I was disappointed, Mam, but there you go. You and Dad don't like Kitty so what can I do?'

  I'm glad your father's looking after that side of things anyway.'

  'He didn't do it, he wouldn't know what day it was these times. I tell you, it was Bernadette.'

  'And tell me about your shopping expedition with Marilyn.'

  'Have you a fleet of detectives on me or something, Mam?'

  'No, just friends and family who tell me about things I'm interested in, that's all.'

  'You're not interested in clothes, Mam, you hate clothes.'

  'What did you buy?' Ria hissed at her daughter.

  'Pink jeans and a navy-and-pink shirt.'

  'Sounds great,' Ria said.

  'Mam, are you in a bad mood at me over something?'

  'Should I be?'

  'I don't think so, I'm having a shitty summer to be honest, everyone's upset the whole time. I'm not allowed to see my friend Kitty. Granny's going to live in an old people's home. Mr McCarthy's gone off somewhere without letting Dad know where. Rosemary Ryan is like something wired to the moon looking for Dad to give him urgent messages. Brian has Dekko and Myles back in tow again roaring and bawling and driving everyone mad. Dad had some kind of row with Finola and she's not around any more. Bernadette's asleep most of the time. Aunt Hilary's lost her marbles and keeps looking up into trees. Clement was coughing up fur balls and he had to go to the vet. Colm took him. It's not serious… but it was very frightening at the time. And then I ring you and you're in a snot with me about something that I don't know about. And honestly if it weren't for Marilyn I'd go mad.'

  'She's helpful, is she?'

  'Well, at least she's normal. And she recommends me books to read. She gave me To Kill a Mockingbird. Did you ever read it Mam?'

  'I love you, Annie.'

  'Are you drunk, Mam?'

  'Of course I'm not drunk. Why do you ask?'

  'I asked you did you read a book and you said you loved me. That's not a conversation.'

  'No, but it's a fact.'

  'Well I suppose, thank you, Mam. Thanks anyway.'

  'And you? Do you perhaps love me?'

  'You've been too long in America, Mam,' said Annie.

  Danny Lynch was standing on the steps ringing the doorbell of what used to be his own house.

  Marilyn, kneeling under the huge tree inside the gate, was invisible to him as he stood fidgeting and looking at his watch. He was a handsome man with all that nervous energy that she remembered from years back but now there was something else, something she had seen in the restaurant that night. Something anxious, almost hunted. Then he took out some door keys and let himself in. Marilyn had been about to get up and approach him but now she moved very sharply from her planting and ran lightly up to the house and followed him inside.

  He was standing in the front room looking around. He called out: 'It's only me, Danny Lynch.'

  'You startled me,' she said with her hand on her chest, pretending a great sense of alarm and shock. After all if she had come in without knowing he was inside she would have been very shocked.

  'I'm sorry, I did ring the bell but there was no answer. And you're Marilyn. You're very welcome to Ireland.' Despite his restlessness he had great charm. He looked at her as he welcomed her. He was a man who would look at every woman he talked to and make them feel special. That's why she had remembered him, after all, when she had forgotten so many other people.

  'Thank you,' she said.

  'And you're happy here?' He looked around the room, taking it all in as if he were going to do an examination on its contents.

  'Very. Who wouldn't be?' She wished she hadn't said that. Danny Lynch had obviously not been happy enough to stay here. Why, out of courtesy, had she made that stupid remark?

  He didn't seem to have noticed it. 'My daughter says you've been very kind to her.'

  'She's a delightful girl. I hope she and Brian will enjoy visiting my home as much as I like being in theirs.'

  'It's a great opportunity for them. When I was Brian's age I had only been ten miles down the road.' He was very engaging.

  And yet she didn't like the fact that he had let himself in. 'I didn't actually know that there was another key to the house out. I thought Gertie and I had the only two.'

  'Well, it's not exactly having a key out,' he said. 'Not my having one surely?'

  'No, it's just I misunderstood, that's all. I didn't realise that you come and go here, Danny. There were very precise notes about Colm having a key to the back gate and everything. I'll tell Ria that she forgot to tell me about you and how I thought you were an intruder.' She laughed at the silly mistake but she watched him carefully at the same time.

  He understood what she was saying. Carefully he took the key to Tara Road off his key-ring and laid it on the table beside the bowl of roses. 'I don't come and go actually. It was just today I needed something and since you weren't in I thought… well you know, old habits die hard. It was my front door for a long time.' His smile and apology were practised but none the less genuine.

  'Of course.' She was gracious, she could afford to be. She had won in this little battle, she had got Ria's doorkey back too. 'And what was it you wanted?'

  'The car keys actually. Mine has packed up so I need to take the second car.'

  'Ria's car?'

  'The second car, yes.'

  'For how long? I'd need it back in an hour.'

  'No, I mean take it, for the duration,'

  'Oh that's impossible,' she said pleasantly.

  'What do you mean?'

  'I mean I paid the insurance company an extra premium to cover my driving that car for eight weeks. Ria will be driving your children around Connecticut in my car. My husband can't suddenly appear and claim the car from her…' She paused. The rest of the sentence hung there unspoken.

  T'm sorry, Marilyn, very sorry if you'll be inconvenienced but I have to have it. You don't need it, you're here all day digging in the garden. I have to go out and make calls on people, earn a living.'

  'I'm sure your company will provide you with another car.'

  'It suits me to have this one, and since you don't need…'

  'Excuse me, you don't know what I need a car for. Today as it happens I'm meeting Colm to arrange that some organic fertiliser for your garden be delivered, and the nursery where we are meeting is not on a bus route. I am driving your first mother-in-law and three old ladies from St Rita's to a bridge tournament in Dalkey. Then I'm picking up your daughter and son and driving them to meet your second mother-in-law, with whom you have apparently had some quarrel, for swimming lessons. Then I meet Rosemary Ryan, who has been trying to get in touch with you urgently by the way, and she and I are going to a charity fashion show. I agreed to drive.' He looked at her open-mouthed. 'So can we now agree that regretfully there isn't a question of my giving you Ria's car?' Marilyn asked.


  'Jesus, Barney, where are you?'

  Barney laughed. 'I told you, a business trip.'

  'No, that's what we tell the bank, the suppliers, other people, it's not what you tell me.'

  'That's exactly what I'm doing, on the business of raising money.'

  'And tell me you've managed to raise some, Barney, because otherwise we're going to lose two contracts this afternoon.'

  'Easy, easy. It's raised.'

  'Where are you?'
r />   'It doesn't matter, ring Larry at the bank and check. The money's there.'

  'It wasn't there an hour ago.'

  'It's there now.'

  'Where are you, Barney?'

  'I'm in Malaga,' Barney McCarthy said and hung up.

  Danny was shaking. He hadn't the courage to ring the bank. Suppose Larry said he knew nothing of any money. Suppose Barney was in the south of Spain with Polly and wasn't coming back. It was preposterous of course but then people did that sort of thing. They left their wives and children without a backward glance. Hadn't he done it himself?

  'Ms Ryan on the line for you, again,' the secretary said to him, rolling her eyes to heaven, pleading with him to take the call this time.

  'Put her through. Sweetheart, how are you?' he said.

  'Five calls, Danny, what's this?' Her voice was clipped.

  'It's been hell in here.'

  'So I read in the papers and hear everywhere,' she said.

  'It's okay now, we're out of the fire.'

  'Says who?'

  'Says Barney. He's saying it from Spain, rather alarmingly.'

  Rosemary laughed and Danny relaxed.

  'We have to meet. There are a few things we must talk about.'

  'Very difficult, sweetheart.'

  'Tonight I'm going to one of Mona's dreary charity things with the woman who's living in your house.'


  'Yes. Have you met her?'

  'I don't like her, she's a real ball-breaker.'

  'Come round after ten,' Rosemary said and hung up.

  Somewhere Danny found the courage to ring the bank. He must sound cheerful and confident.

  'Hi Larry, Danny Lynch here. Is the red alert over? Can we come out of the bunkers?'

  'Yes, some last-ditch Mafia money turned up.'

  Danny went weak with relief but he pretended to be shocked. 'Larry, is that any way to talk to respectable property people?'

  'There are some respectable property people, you and Barney aren't amongst them.'

  'Why are you being so heavy?' Danny was startled.

  'He left a lot of small people who could ill afford it without their cash, and then when it started to get ropey he went down to the Costa del Crime and got some laundered drug money from his pals.'

  'We don't know that, Larry.'

  'We do.'

  Danny remembered hearing that Larry's son was in a de-tox centre. He would have very strong feelings about money that might have been made through the sale of heroin.