Read Target (A prequel Story) Page 9


  Brenda Peterson set her remote down. In the dark silence of her apartment, she perched on the edge of her couch. Icy fingers crept up her spine, even though she was alone, until she shuddered to ward off the cold.

  Could the news report be right? Did the Chloroform Killer actually contact his victims before he abducted…Don’t think about that.

  She moved on wooden legs to the computer and opened her email program. Although she’d wished it gone over and over again all day, the message was still there.

  She clicked and the image loaded. A picture of her exiting Macy’s inside the mall just days ago.

  She picked up the handset of her landline and stared at the number buttons. There was no way she’d call the news station—not if this was for real. If it really was life or death, Brenda was going straight to the top of the food chain.

  She set the phone down and went back to the computer, where she pulled up the search engine and typed, Denver FBI.


  Just after nine a.m. the next day, Liam directed the woman to sit on the same chair Andrea had in the conference room.

  “I appreciate your time.” The pink cheeks on her round, pixie face bulged in a smile, while the rest of her was pear-shaped in the same way Caisey was. Curved, but still lean. Short. Their blond hair was a similar style, too. “I honestly don’t know what to make of this. If the news report hadn’t said all that about emails and phone calls, I might have left it. Thought nothing of it.”

  Liam picked up his pen. “Brenda Peterson, right? Is that S-E-N or S-O-N?”

  She clutched her giant white faux-leather purse on her lap. “With an “O”.”

  “And you’re an accountant?”

  She nodded. There seemed to be a lot of that going around, but did it mean something to the killer?

  “When did the contact start?”

  “About a week and a half ago.”

  Andrea’s emails and phone calls had been a week before that, which meant either the killer courted his victims simultaneously, or he chose more than one and picked depending on their reactions.

  “Do you think it’s him?”

  Liam set his pen down and linked his fingers on the table. “Our computer technicians are taking a deeper look. They’ll confirm whether the emails originated from the same account as the emails received by the other victims, or as far as we can tell. We haven’t been able to trace it beyond the location where the internet connection was made, and he’s been using different locations each time. But if there’s enough of a correlation then we’ll be able to confirm it.”

  “So I just go home and wait for you to call?”

  “Honestly, if he’s watching then he may now divert his attention from you altogether since you’ve brought this to our attention. Or…”

  “I might have made things a lot worse.”

  “It’s possible. I’m not going to lie.”

  Brenda Peterson’s eyes filled with unshed tears. “Of course.” She sucked in a breath. “What do I do?”

  Liam leaned forward. “Let us take care of this. I’ll speak to my boss. We’ll arrange for protection for you.”

  “Like that other woman on the news?”

  Liam’s stomach roiled, thinking about Andrea. Her cover had effectively been blown regardless of the fact the media hadn’t leaked her identity. But then, the killer already knew they were protecting her. Still, the last thing they needed was the media, and anyone interested, sticking their nose in Andrea’s life trying to find out what was going on.

  “You let me worry about her. I’ll get someone reassigned and we’ll make sure you’re safe.”

  Liam left her with a fresh cup of tea and strode to Burkot’s office. He knocked, but didn’t wait. Burkot looked up. “It’s legit?”

  “That hasn’t been confirmed yet, but my gut says, yes.”

  “Does she really look like Agent Lyons?”

  “Yes, but don’t tell Caisey. She’ll get mad if she finds out she’s not as original as she thinks she is.”


  Chapter 14

  “READY TO GO?” Liam’s presence filled the doorway to Andrea’s office more effectively than his lean physique.

  She glanced back at her computer. Best not to think about that too much, otherwise she’d end up all hot and bothered, which wasn’t totally helpful when you’d decided to save that stuff for after marriage. “Sure, I can wrap this up.”

  It was after eight, and even though there wasn’t much waiting for her at home…except more waiting, it was still better than keeping everyone out late just because she didn’t want to leave.

  Why couldn’t the Chloroform Killer make his move already? Enough toying with her. Andrea was ready to throw down, which even she could admit was hilarious, since she’d never learned how to fight and hadn’t thrown a punch in her life. Not even in a gym class, because you actually had to go to the gym to take a gym class.

  Liam wandered over and sat on the edge of her desk, by her right elbow.

  She looked up at him.

  “Don’t mind me. I’m good whenever you’re ready.”

  Yeah, because it was so easy to concentrate on quarterly earnings reports when his leg was right by her arm. Apparently he’d decided to forget about the whole professional distance thing. Where was all the awkwardness from yesterday? “How was your evening last night?”

  “Good.” He smiled. “I spoke to my dad, about my sister.”

  “You did?”

  “I realized I was still looking at it like I was fifteen and powerless. He gave me a different perspective.” He paused. “I should call my mom, too. Talk to her. She’s a Christian, like you.”

  At least he wasn’t totally unfamiliar with what that meant, if his mom had been a believer for any length of time. Everyone was different and everyone understood faith from their own perspective, but the basic tenets were the same, no matter which denomination you belonged to.

  “But you’ve never made that decision for yourself?”

  Liam shrugged one shoulder. “I was always busy. But my mom will tell me about what she’s learning when we talk, you know? So it feels familiar, even though I know you’re supposed to pray and take it on board in your own life and all that. I like my life; I didn’t really want to change how I do everything.”

  “And you still feel that way?”

  “I’m not sure. One person in my life who believed was fine, then there was Caisey, but she doesn’t bring faith into her work much. Although sometimes it’s just there because it’s part of who she is. Meeting you and finding another person I respect who holds it to be true…that’s a little less avoidable.” He studied her for a moment. “Is this a deal breaker for you?”

  She didn’t want to say yes, even if his being a Christian would be the best way to begin a relationship—on the same page about fundamental things like life and marriage. But she didn’t want him to believe just because it was important to her. He needed to discover what was truth for himself, like she had in college when her roommate had told her about church and Jesus. It had taken a few weeks, reading a lot, and asking some questions, but Andrea had finally accepted Christianity was the truth for herself.

  Liam needed to do the same. On his own terms.

  “Now might be a good time for you to look into that. I’m here if you want to ask any questions, and I’m not going to write you off if you decide you don’t agree with me. But I do think relationships should have shared values. It makes you stronger when you can stand firm on the same things.”

  She’d seen it at church, and in friends who did activities as couples. Who wouldn’t want that?

  “Agreed.” He gave a gentle squeeze to her elbow. “All right then, I’ll do that.”

  The lights flickered and went out.

  “Stay in your chair. You hear anything you don’t like you get under the desk, get your phone and call 9-1-1.”

  Liam stepped to the door, his shoes completely silent on th
e floor.


  Caisey grabbed two paper towels and dried off her hands. The harsh glare of the bathroom’s fluorescents didn’t do her any favors. She looked like she needed a week’s worth of sleep. Or more than just another swipe of mascara and some more lip balm. When the case was over she’d have to raid Jenna’s exploding makeup case and borrow something her friend wasn’t going to miss anyway. It was one of the benefits of having her as a roommate.

  And anytime Jenna needed a pair of black ankle socks—or a pistol—she knew where to come.

  The lights shut off.

  Caisey pushed out a breath through pursed lips, breaking the silence. She didn’t move, just pulled out her phone and turned on the flashlight that activated the camera’s flash.

  The lock on the door turned.

  Caisey went to the handle, but it wouldn’t turn. She pulled at the door, jiggled the handle again, and then gave it a swift kick with the toe of her boot.

  Liam answered before her end even rang. “Conners.”

  “He’s here?”

  “No sign yet. I already called it in.”

  Caisey gritted her teeth. “I’m locked in the bathroom.”

  “Down from the elevators?”

  “Yup.” If she tried hard enough, she could break the door down. Maybe.

  “Sit tight. I don’t want to get that far from Andrea. The rest of the team will be here shortly.”

  While her partner took on the Chloroform Killer all by himself?

  Caisey shoved at the door. “Liam…”

  But he’d already hung up.


  Andrea didn’t wait for the Chloroform Killer to show up. She crawled under the desk and sat by the space heater she used to warm up her feet in the mornings, before the coffee was done brewing.

  Why had she made them all stay late? They could have been home. Not safe, but at least not here. Why hadn’t she listened to her own good sense? Now Liam was out there, facing down the killer. He was an FBI agent, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t sick at the thought of something happening to him.

  God, keep him safe.

  A creak.

  The door was opened.

  The wood dragged across the floor and Andrea froze; her whole body solid. She didn’t breathe for fear the Chloroform Killer would hear her. This was the monster who had killed Kiera. He’d taken an already broken woman and totally destroyed her. What was he going to do to Andrea?

  Liam wouldn’t let that happen. He couldn’t. He’d promised her that she would be safe and she’d believed him. The kind of man he was would shift the axis of the world to keep his promises. That was why she had every intention of holding on to him now that she’d found him.

  In the dark, curled up under the desk, Andrea tracked his footsteps. He moved with no light as though he knew intimately the layout of her office.

  God, please…

  What was she going to ask? She couldn’t even think, let alone form a silent prayer that was her only hope that she and Liam, and Caisey, would get out of this alive.

  “Hello, Andrea.”


  Liam heard the scream and raced back to Andrea’s office. He scanned the room with his flashlight and weapon both aimed.


  He could hear Caisey banging on the bathroom door and yelling. The closest exit was to the left, the stairs at the end of the hall opposite the bathroom. If she wasn’t hurt, she was going to have to wait until he found Andrea.

  Liam raced to the stair exit. The door was ajar, dim light coming from the stairwell. Emergency lighting.

  A black form disappeared through the door and it clicked shut. Liam slammed into it at full speed, hitting the handle with his hand and turning into the stairwell landing, lifting up his gun as he swept the space.

  Two steps down and descending, Andrea was over his shoulder.

  “FBI, freeze!”

  The Chloroform Killer dropped Andrea on the concrete stairs and ran. Liam fired off three shots. The guy’s body jerked, but he kept going.

  He stopped by Andrea and pulled out his phone, dialing his boss.


  “He’s in the stairwell, heading down.”

  “We’re still half a mile away. There was an accident on Broadway. We won’t make it in time, you have to get him.”

  “He’s gone. I’ll never catch up and I’m not leaving Andrea.”

  Burkot hung up.

  Blood streamed from Andrea’s temple. Head wounds always looked worse than they were, but tell that to his heart. It felt like it was going to explode out of his chest.

  God, don’t let her die.

  He’d always known there was a God, but never acknowledged Him much before now. But if it meant the difference between Andrea living or dying, he wasn’t going to risk not playing all the cards he had to play. And imploring a higher being was one of them.

  I’ll follow You. Just don’t let anything happen to her.

  It was lame to make that bargain, like God was so petty he’d save her just because Liam agreed to trust in Him.

  But he didn’t have anything else God might actually want.



  Caisey lifted her chin and looked over Burkot’s shoulder. She agreed with his description of the night’s events and the Chloroform Killer’s escape, but tried not to use that particular word to describe anything, let alone the colossal mess they’d made of the case.

  Liam was at the hospital with Andrea, who’d been admitted for observation even though the tests they’d done on her head all came back fine.

  Caisey had been locked in the bathroom, the entire time. How dumb was she? A serial killer came after her friend, her charge, and her partner had to face him alone. Caisey had been taken out of the equation by something so stupid as being locked in the bathroom.

  “Let me fix this.”

  His eyebrow lifted. “And how exactly do you intend to do that, Special Agent Lyons?”

  Since Liam told her about Brenda Peterson and their resemblance, the idea had been forming. Could she really pull this off? If she didn’t try, she’d never live down the stigma of being the agent in the bathroom. It was already all over the office and nearly everyone had commented on it.

  But this could change all that. She could get back in good standing. Make her dad proud. Finally do something that would end this and bring the Chloroform Killer to justice.

  Caisey sucked in a breath and said, “I have an idea.”

  Continue reading for chapter 1 of


  Chapter 1

  CAISEY LYONS LIVED someone else’s life for three days before she got abducted. In the early hours she heard his footsteps in the hall. Her eyes flew open, but she didn’t move. The temperature in the room cut through the blanket and the thin white nightgown that belonged to a stranger. Three days of walking around someone else’s house, passing the time until he would come.

  The bedroom door eased open.

  Caisey kept her eyes shut and prayed the darkness would hide the fact she was awake. She wrestled away the revulsion with deep breaths and fought for calm. No one else on the FBI task force fit the victim’s description. Now instead of a badge and gun, she had a tracking device injected below the skin and a team of agents on stand-by. She wished she could struggle, give him a taste of his own violence. But that wasn’t the plan. His death would find justice for each of the victims, all the more significant since this case had touched Caisey and her partner Liam’s lives personally. This was for Andrea’s sister.

  All Caisey had to do was stay alive.

  Soft footsteps crossed the carpet to her. A shell jacket rustled and a sickly-sweet smell filled the air. Caisey knew it was coming before the cloth was placed over her nose. The ice cold liquid touched her face and she sucked in a breath that smelled and tasted…wrong. One hand closed over her mouth and nose and another wrapped around the back of her head.

  It was like being shut in
a tomb.

  Caisey squirmed to get a grip on him. Her hands and arms went from tingly to numb and something broke inside her. A rushing sound filled her ears. Would she end up laid out on a metal table for the Medical Examiner? What if the signal malfunctioned? What if the agents watching didn’t see him take her out of the apartment?

  She tried to breathe…but there was only darkness.


  Three days earlier

  Caisey stared at the closet, trying to decide what to pack.

  “What are you doing in my room?”

  She spun from the business-wear to her best friend and tried not to look pathetic. “I need to borrow something.”

  Jenna strode over, her gray pencil skirt and sling-backs contrasting with the pink ends of her blond hair. “You mean more stylish? Or just not your usual jeans and boots, and boots and jeans, and more jeans?”

  If only the worst thing about this assignment was that she’d have to wear uncomfortable clothes. Caisey pointed to a pair of silver heels with tiny straps. “Can’t chase a perp down in those things, I’d break my ankle.”

  Jenna laughed. “You’d break your ankle walking downstairs in them. Just like—”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Caisey sighed, remembering the disaster that was Prom.

  “What is this assignment anyway?”

  “I have to—” get kidnapped. “Pretend to be someone.”

  “Someone classy?”

  Caisey slung her arm around Jenna’s shoulder with every intention of getting her back for that comment, but it turned into a side hug. She left her arm there, soaking in the comfort of decades of friendship that felt more like family than much of the family either of them ever had.

  Her temples throbbed a rhumba beat and she closed her hands into fists to keep from massaging them.

  Jenna frowned. “This is about that serial killer, isn’t it?”

  Caisey smiled and shook her head. “Why couldn’t you be just another dumb blonde?”