Read Taste of Darkness Page 36

  Before we mounted, I pulled Kerrick aside. “I need to talk to private.”

  He nodded and we walked deeper into the forest.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked as soon as we were out of hearing range.

  How to tell him? I leaned my back against a tree and closed my eyes.

  “Avry? What’s the matter?”

  His voice held worry, alarm, and a softness—love.

  Opening my eyes, I met his concerned gaze. “Remember when I’d said the Skeleton King bit me?”

  Kerrick nodded.

  “The reason... Well, he asked me a bunch of questions, and when I refused to answer...” I yanked my collar down, exposing a couple of the half-moon-shaped teeth marks. “He’d bite me. And you know me... Stubborn.”

  The horror of the torture slammed into me anew. Kerrick drew me into his arms and held on as shudders racked my body.

  When I calmed, he asked, “How bad?”

  “Most of my upper body.”

  He growled low in his throat. “If he doesn’t die from the plague, I’m going to chop him into a million little pieces and feed him to a pack of ufas.”

  I smiled at the image. “I’ll help.”

  Kerrick pulled back to look at me. “That’s my girl.”


  “Oh, yes. After this is all over, we’ll make it official.”

  While a warmth spread throughout my body, I couldn’t resist saying, “Are you asking or telling me?”

  He groaned. “Oh, no, I’m not going to answer. I’m not falling for it.”

  “Falling for what?”

  “The trap. If I say I’m asking, then you’ll tease me forever about my horrible timing. And if I say telling, then you’ll automatically do the opposite.”

  “Come on, lovebirds,” Quain called. “We’re burning daylight.”

  Kerrick grew serious. “My first reaction to was to insist we stay together. But I’ll never get that chance to propose until we stop Tohon. So I’ll have to settle for saying, be very careful.”

  “Belen and the monkeys will be with me. What can go wrong?” Not the right answer if I interpreted his flat stare correctly. “I will.”

  “Good.” He kissed me.

  We joined the others and I mounted Tea, settling in behind Belen. Even with all the weight he’d lost, he still blocked my view. Kerrick insisted we take the northeast route around Grzebien while he and Flea headed northwest and closer to Vyg’s border. Worry about Kerrick hibernating without me near him flared. Flea should be able to share energy with Kerrick and keep him awake. Should, which didn’t mean he could—hence the worry.

  With a wave goodbye we set off. I wrapped my arms around Belen, glad for this time with him. Glad he forgave me for letting him think I’d died back in the spring. From enduring the burning heartache when I’d believed he’d been turned into one of Tohon’s dead, I realized how cruel it had been for me to pretend to be dead. And then with Kerrick... I shuddered. No, I wouldn’t dwell on that horrible time. Instead, I would enjoy these five days with Belen and the monkeys. And I vowed to treat each moment as a gift.

  * * *

  “So nice to see you again, my dear.” Tohon said, sitting across from me.

  I glanced around his forever garden. Nothing was different. Greenery glowed with life and steam curled from the teacups.

  Tohon gestured to the chair opposite of his. “Sit down and rest. You’ve been so busy. Tell me what you’ve been up to, my dear.”

  Perching on the edge, I reached for my cup. Warmth soaked into my fingers. “Why bother? If we’re...linked as you claim, then you already know.”

  He laughed. “True. Lots going on—Sepp dead, Wynn frozen, and the Skeleton King captured. Just marvelous. You saved me a lot of time and effort. Revenge can be tiring work.” He sipped his tea.

  “Since I saved you time, can you tell me what happened to Zila?”

  “Ah, the lovely Zila. Such a dear child, giving her life for mine.” He gazed out the window.

  Ah, hell. Pain ringed my chest, squeezing tight.

  “I just couldn’t watch her die,” he said.

  Poor Zila, left alone in her final moments.

  “Oh, my, you do have a low opinion of me, my dear. I shared my life magic with the girl. She’s alive and well and living like a princess. In fact, I’m going to adopt her so she will be a princess.”

  I stared at him. Did he just say...?

  “Why so shocked? You could be living like a queen right now if you hadn’t been...corrupted by nasty Kerrick and his goons.”

  Recovering, I jumped on the opening he’d given me. “So you’re saying I’d be here at the castle with you instead of on the road?”

  “You’re really not cut out for deception. It’s sweet that you want to know my location, my dear.”

  Time to wake up. I pinched the skin on my arm, drawing blood with my fingernails. Nothing.

  Without warning, Tohon stood and put his hands on my shoulders. I startled.

  “Look out the window,” he whispered in my ear.

  The rolling valleys and farm fields of Sogra Realm transformed into forest surrounding a large ruin. Toppled stone columns and the remains of three once magnificent buildings littered the ground—their interiors burned and their walls shattered. A handful of smaller structures had also been destroyed.

  “You’re at the Healer’s Guild headquarters.” A surprise because it was located in Pomyt Realm and not Vyg. “Why?”

  “It all started here. Fitting that it should all end here.”


  “I’ve been thinking,” Flea said from behind him as they rode Huxley. “That a small group, no matter how talented, won’t be able to get near Tohon even if we know where he’s hiding.”

  Kerrick agreed. “He’s probably surrounded by his dead soldiers and a dead-ufa pack or two.” He suppressed a shudder. Ufas were bad. Dead ufas haunted his nightmares.

  “So why does Avry think we can get to him?”

  “Because he needs to be stopped.”

  “I get that, but if we can’t reach him, we can’t stop him.”

  The hard knot in Kerrick’s stomach that had formed when Avry had told him of her dreams tightened. “Tohon won’t kill Avry. He’s had ample opportunity in the past.” Another painful jab twisted his guts. “She can reach him and use that reluctance to her advantage. And it’s our job to make sure she does.”

  “Oh...but that’s suicide.”


  “No. We won’t be doing that.”

  Kerrick glanced back. “We won’t?”

  “You’re not thinking clearly. If all he wants is Avry, then she can just ride Hux right into the enemy camp and no one will touch her. No. He wants everyone. So we should give him everyone.”

  “What are you suggesting?”

  Flea explained his idea. “...and we can’t tell Avry. This bond thing between them can’t be good. We should assume what she knows, he knows.”

  “She’ll be angry if she finds out we’re keeping secrets.”

  “Better to be angry than be Tohon’s.”

  “Good point. Flea, you’ve come a long way from the boy we rescued.”

  “I’ve been paying attention, listening to you, Avry, and Prince Ryne discuss strategy and follow the logic.”

  “I missed it this time.”

  “You’re acting more like Belen, being all Poppa Bear about Avry. Not a bad thing.”

  But not a good thing, either. He’d let his emotions make decisions, which was the reason Belen hadn’t been in charge of their group. “Duly noted.”

  Flea chuckled.

  “Now what?”

  “Oh, I’m just thinking about how
the sparks are gonna fly between you two.”

  “I’m glad I can provide you with some entertainment,” Kerrick said drily.

  * * *

  Anxious to reach HQ, Kerrick kept their stops to a bare minimum. Flea dozed in the saddle, leaning forward on him. The boy could sleep all he wanted once they arrived. But calling him a boy wasn’t quite right. Flea might be young, but he’d matured since accepting his magic. While glad Flea no longer refused to use his power, Kerrick lamented the boy’s loss of innocence.

  Expecting to be a day ahead of the others, Kerrick stopped Hux in surprise when he spotted Coffee and Tea outside Victibus. Not able to enter any of the buildings without expending lots of energy, Kerrick sent Flea to find the others. While he waited, he unsaddled the horses and groomed them.

  Not long after, Flea returned with Avry. She dashed toward Kerrick while Flea retreated inside. He waited for her, growing alarmed as she neared. Dark circles hung under her eyes and most of her auburn hair had escaped her normally neat braid.

  Avry slammed into him, wrapping her arms tight around him.

  “Easy.” He hugged her. “What’s wrong?”

  “The dreams... I don’t want more dreams.” She shook. “I haven’t days.”

  “Hey, it’s okay. I’m here now. I’ll block them.”

  “I...couldn’t... He knows about Wynn and Sepp and the Skeleton King. I didn’t want him to learn anything else.”

  Avry dropped her arms, but Kerrick wouldn’t let her go. “It’s okay.”

  “I found out Tohon saved Zila’s life and wants to adopt her.”

  One small but tight knot in his chest eased. “Great news about Zila, but there is no way I’ll let him keep her. We’ll rescue her once we figure out another way to locate him.”

  She pulled back slightly. “He’s at the Healer’s Guild.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “He could have lied, but deep down I don’t believe he did.”

  His skin prickled and he scanned the woods, searching for hidden soldiers. “The guild is only three days away. How long ago did you dream his location?”

  “Two days. Why?”

  “He could be on the way here.”

  “He said he’d wait for me there.”

  Smug little snot. “Flea and I can go scout the Healer’s Guild, see if anyone is there.”

  “And run right into a dead ambush? I don’t think so.”

  “But Flea’s a death magician. He can sense the dead.”

  Avry rubbed her face. “I forgot about that. But his power isn’t exactly the same at Sepp’s.”

  “Then test it. Is Yuri still here?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Find out. Did Ryne leave soldiers behind?”

  “Yes.” Still she hesitated. “But you’re weak, Kerrick.”

  “It’s a reconnaissance mission. We won’t engage the enemy. We’ll just take a look around, but we’ll have to leave the horses so we’ll be gone six days max.”

  She broke from his grasp and put her hands on her hips. “I’ve heard that before.”

  “How about, we’ll be back in six days unless I learn a good friend who we thought was dead is alive and in trouble?”

  His nose crinkled as she smiled. “Better, but I’m still not happy.”

  “Do you have another idea?” he asked.

  “Actually...” Avry glanced at the wide mining building Ryne had converted into his HQ. “I might.”

  Surprised, he said, “Let’s hear it.”

  “I’m not sure it’ll work. I need to check a few things first.”

  Her classic dodge. It meant he wasn’t going to like her alternate plan. And she would be correct. Since he’d rather she remained safe at HQ until Tohon was gone for good.

  “All right. But don’t be too long. You’re exhausted.”

  “You don’t look any better. When’s the last time you ate?”

  He held up his hands. “Let’s call a truce.” Kerrick earned another smile.

  “All right. I’ll be back with food and bedding. You build a nice hot fire.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Her laughter warmed his heart. After she left, he gathered firewood. The cold air dragged at his limbs as if he moved through mud. And it was only three weeks into the season. What would happen to him in the middle of winter? He couldn’t leech energy off Avry or Flea all the time or they’d be useless. Like him.

  When Avry returned hours later, she brought more than food. Belen, Flea, and the monkeys followed her, carrying cots, blankets, and wood for the fire. A squad of soldiers also trailed after her.

  “We’re having a cookout,” Quain chirped as they set up the cots.

  Avry drew one of the soldiers over to him. “Kerrick, this is Sergeant Saul. He disobeyed Estrid by remaining with Ryne’s army. Just like Odd.”

  Kerrick shook Saul’s hand, hoping the man wasn’t like Odd. He didn’t need to deal with another jealous man. But Saul appeared friendly. A few gray hairs mixed with the blond strands of his buzzed hair. Kerrick guessed he was about five years or so older than Loren.

  “Thanks for your help down in Zabin,” Saul said. “We’d have run right into that blockade.”

  Kerrick nodded, wondering where Saul had been during Estrid’s rescue.

  “He offered to patrol around HQ tonight so we all can get a good night’s sleep,” Avry said.


  “I’m gonna take a loop or two with them,” Flea said.

  Kerrick exchanged a glance with Avry. “It worked?”

  “Yes. Flea spent some time with Yuri this afternoon.”

  “And what about your other plan?”

  “I’m still working on it. But in the meantime, I think you and Flea should check the Healer’s Guild to see if Tohon is really there or not.”

  Her resigned expression said more than her words.

  “What about your dreams?”

  “I’ll take a strong dose of sleep powder. That should prevent him from invading my mind.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “All right. We’ll leave in the morning,” he said.

  Saul and Flea left to start their sweeps. The monkeys and Belen settled near the fire.

  “So it’s our last night together in a while and you brought the boys,” Kerrick said.

  “There’s safety in numbers.”

  “Uh-huh.” He waited.

  She huffed. “They refused to stay in HQ.”

  Figures. He pouted.

  “This just means we’ll take an extralong honeymoon.”

  “Are you asking or telling?” he asked.

  “Telling. You’re better at following orders.”

  He couldn’t argue with that. Happy she didn’t preface her answer with an “if we’re alive,” Kerrick kissed her. And with that kiss, he promised to do everything within his power to ensure they had that honeymoon.


  “Are you sure Sergeant Hogan isn’t here?” I asked a private with bright red hair.

  “Yes, sir. He accompanied the battalion that went northeast. Prince Ryne only left a few squads behind.”

  Shoot. “Any reports from the battalion?”

  “They reported that the enemy hadn’t crossed the pass before the winter snows closed it.”

  Good news. “Are they coming back then?”

  The private’s young face creased with confusion. “No, sir. Prince Ryne ordered them to remain there to ambush the enemy when the pass opens.”



  I’d exceeded the girl’s knowledge base. “Never mind. Is there anyone else here who knows how to navigate the mine

  “Private Beau has been helping Sergeant Hogan.”

  “Can you find him, please?”

  “Yes, sir.” The girl saluted and bolted.

  I mulled over the information I’d gleaned so far. It would be two months before the pass opened. Why keep the battalion there when the enemy still occupied Vyg? Unless Ryne believed Tohon had sent all his forces to the south and north. It didn’t sound like Ryne would be that...gullible.

  My head ached. I rested it on the table, glad the mining machinery all around me remained silent. The maps Ryne had left hadn’t helped me discern the enemy’s western positions. Which made Kerrick’s mission all the more vital. He’d been gone for two days and I missed him so much.

  “Are you all right?” Belen asked.

  I sat up. “I’m fine.”

  He set a large box on the table. “I found the maps of the mines.”


  Belen set the lid aside. “Don’t get too excited.” He pulled one from the box and unfolded it. “They’re written in code.”


  “Yeah, you need a key to figure them out.”

  I spread the map out. It appeared to be normal except strange symbols had been written along the lines at intersections, starting points, and ending points.

  “Do you think these are marked on the mine shafts?” I asked. “I remember seeing numbers and words on the walls.”

  Belen rubbed his hand over his scar. “Could be. Guess we can check. But with which map?” He tossed a couple more on the table. “There’s a ton of them.”

  Hopefully, Private Beau would know. Rolling up the area maps Ryne had left, I cleared a space. “Let’s open them all and see if there’s a pattern.”

  While Belen opened them, I studied each one.

  Belen tapped a finger on a map. “You do know the odds of one of these going straight to the Healer’s Guild are low, right?”

  “Yes, but maybe we can get close. It’s worth checking.”

  “Oh, yes. No doubt. Just didn’t want you to get your hopes up.”

  The sudden desire to hug him filled me, so I did.

  He hugged me back. “What’s this for?”

  “Because you’re here and I can.”