Read Taste of Torment Page 19

  It was clear how much the idea pained him. “She’s probably already gone.”

  A smile slowly surfaced on my face. “Sam’s keeping her occupied.”

  “Of course she is,” he said dryly, smiling. “You’re a pair of interfering little shits, you know.”

  “Yeah, I know.” I stood. “Come on. I’ll take you back to your place so you can shower and change, because you really do reek. Then I’ll take you to Alora.”

  He sighed. “I hurt her badly.”

  “So make it up to her. She cares about you, and you care about” The doors suddenly opened and the entire squad piled into the room. Every one of them was so jovial and keyed up that they looked like a kid in Disneyworld.

  Stuart grinned at Evan. “You’re awake. In case you didn’t already know, you look like shit.”

  Max was also grinning. “Yeah, like a tornado survivor or something.”

  Evan snorted. “You guys don’t look like spring chickens either, you know. Glad you’re both healed, too.”

  So was I but, not really good with emotional stuff, I simply said, “Yeah, it’s good to see that you’re okay.”

  Max exhaled heavily as he turned to me. His expression was serious now. “I wanted to talk to you about something. The guys told me about that asshole, Collins. I’ve already told Sam, but I want you to know too that the fucker’s lying – I did not make any kind of complaint about her.”

  “None of us believes that you did.”

  He looked taken aback. “Not even you? I mean, I know you don’t like me. And you’re still paranoid that I want Sam.”

  “I’m actually not.” It was true. Sure, I could be possessive and jealous and overreact when someone touched or flirted with her. But I knew when someone wanted her and when someone was just trying to fuck with me for their own damn entertainment. The latter applied to Max. “I’ve known for a while that you don’t want her anymore. You even told me that, remember?”

  “Yeah, but I wasn’t sure if you believed me.”

  “Well, I did.” I snickered. “If I thought you really had said that shit to the Prelature out of bitterness and some kind of ‘if you can’t have her than no one can’, I wouldn’t have asked Paige to heal you. I’d have let you die and not given a shit.” Max tipped his head, accepting that.

  “Okay, I’m feeling left out here,” said Evan. “Who the hell is Collins?”

  “I’ll explain everything before I take you to Alora.” When Evan grimaced, I added, “You’ll regret it forever if you don’t at least talk to her. Even if it’s just to say goodbye.”

  After a moment, Evan nodded and got to his feet. I grabbed his arm, ready to teleport us away, when Chico suddenly spoke.

  “Wait, the main reason we’re here is to invite you both to the party we’re having tonight.” He gave us a pointed look. “I’ll expect to see you there. If anything deserves to be celebrated, it’s the fact that everyone’s alive and well.”

  I couldn’t argue with that. “I’ll be there.”

  “Me too,” said Evan. Only then did the squad leave the room, still giddy and even boyish in their excitement to be a whole squad once again.

  I then teleported Evan to his apartment where he showered and changed into fresh clothes. As we both drank some NSTs, I told him all about Collins and Eloise. Evan’s face increasingly darkened until he looked ready to pounce on someone. Yeah, Collins and Eloise seemed to have that effect on everyone.

  “I’m surprised by – and kind of in awe of – Sam’s restraint.” Evan chucked all the empty NST bottles into the garbage can.

  “So is everyone else.” Tapping into my bond with Sam, I found her exact location and teleported both Evan and I there. This particular room was the only one inside Antonio’s mansion that had a tall glass aviary in the centre which was framed by a narrow stream. Inside the aviary were trees, plants, and animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, canaries, and other species of birds. It was a place Antonio often came when he needed to relax and think.

  Sam, Alora, Antonio, Luther, Sebastian, and – God help us – Collins were gathered around the aviary. Talking about him to Evan had gotten me all wound up, and now it was taking everything I had not to punch the smarmy bastard.

  “Evan, it is great to see you well again.” Antonio hugged Evan, giving him a paternal smile. “You have been sorely missed.”

  Sebastian lightly slapped Evan’s back, smiling widely. “Yes, it’s good to have you back.”

  Luther’s expression was grim. “I wish I had foreseen what would happen to you, Evan. If I had”

  Evan raised his hand to halt Luther’s words. “You can’t foresee everything. And look, I’m fine now.”

  “Stop hogging my sort-of-brother-in-law,” Sam playfully griped before giving him a brief hug. “I didn’t think I’d ever be glad to see that cocky smirk again.” Evan laughed, returning the hug.

  The second Evan and Alora locked eyes, everything in the room seemed to still. It was a pivotal moment, because it could go either way – particularly since I still had no idea what Evan intended to do about the situation. He went to speak, but then Collins stepped forward.

  “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Evan.”

  Evan automatically shook the hand he offered. “And who are you?”

  “My name is Fredrick Collins.”

  Snatching back his hand, Evan glared at him. “I can’t say it’s a pleasure for me.”

  Collins started but recovered quickly, forcing a shaky smile as he stepped back. “Yes, well, it’s good to see that you’re well. I must admit that I didn’t believe there was a way to fight The Call. The counteragent must indeed be a substantial one.” It was a hint for more information. No one had told Collins about Paige West – she had requested her involvement be kept secret from outsiders, not wanting her Sire to hear of her location. ‘Not knowing’ was clearing killing Collins.

  Evan didn’t take the bait. Instead, he switched his attention back to Alora. His face softened. “Can we talk?”

  Her smile was wobbly. “Sure.” When he held out a hand and she took it, he flashed her a smile and led her out of the room. Hopefully that smile meant good things, because if anyone deserved happiness, it was Evan.

  Satisfied, Sam smiled at me. “I have to admit I wasn’t sure if he’d come to see her. Whatever you said to him clearly worked.” She kissed my cheek. “You did good.”

  I slipped my arm around her shoulders. “They’ll sort it out.” Or, at least, I hoped they would. I looked at Antonio. “How did the humans take it when they realised all their captives were gone?”

  Antonio’s mouth twitched into a smile. “According to Quentin, the whole thing was quite humorous. When they caught the vampires, the humans had thought themselves very clever. To have the captives taken from under their very noses like that…it was a wake-up call; it told them that they truly had no idea what they were dealing with and it was best to leave well alone.”

  “It’s doubtful that they will give up on trying to catch and contain some of our kind,” said Sebastian. “But they will have received our message loud and clear.”

  Antonio nodded, still smiling. “They were certainly very fast as they packed up and left, or so I’m told.”

  It would have been fun to watch. “And all the tainted vampires?”

  “Quentin assures me that every last one has been destroyed. There were no other casualties, so all the untainted vampires returned home safely. It was only Sam who was hurt.”

  For a second, as I recalled the moment she’d been bitten, the cocktail of dark emotions came back to me. I contracted my arm around her, incredibly thankful that she was okay.

  Collins twisted his lips as he looked at her. “At least your recklessness only got yourself hurt this time, Commander Park” He gurgled as my hand fisted in the collar of his shirt and I slammed him against the wall.

  “Hurt? She could have fucking died! And that was because she put everyone else’s safety before
her own. That’s the kind of person she is. Me? Not so much. I’m selfish enough to care more about her safety than anyone else’s. Do you know what that means for you? It means that if you keep pushing like this, I’ll push back. Know what else?” I placed my face close to his; he froze and his eyes widened. “You won’t even see it coming.”

  “You cannot threaten me,” he said shakily.

  “Oh I can. And I just did. You’re making the mistake of thinking that working for the Prelature gives you some kind of immunity; that you can do and say what the fuck you like. No one will keep you safe from me if you keep spouting bullshit like that about Sam.”

  He audibly gulped. “Release me.” It was more of a plea than a demand.

  “But this is fun.”

  Sam sighed tiredly. “Let him go, Jared. I’m sure he’d like to jot the incident down in his little notepad. Just remember to preface it with your aggravating, insensitive, callous, very disrespectful – not to mention totally unprofessional – comment, Mr Collins.”

  Sneering, I reluctantly released the mouthy prick and moved away.

  Fixing his tie and shirt, a trembling Collins cleared his throat. “I’ll let this one slide.” Because he knew Sam was right. He’d crossed a line, and my reaction was completely justified.

  “Good of you,” muttered Sam.

  He practically scrambled to the door. As he reached it, I spoke again. “You should know one other thing. Max isn’t very happy to hear what you said about him. But I’m sure you’ll find out for yourself just how unhappy he is soon enough.” Collins licked his lips nervously and scurried out.

  Sam shook her head incredulously. “It’s almost like he wants to get hurt.”

  “I can’t guarantee he’ll leave here in one piece,” I told Antonio. “If I don’t kill him, it’s possible that someone else will since it’s not just me he’s managed to piss off.”

  Antonio glanced at the door, sighing. It had to be disheartening to know that one of his vampires – his first-born, for that matter – was such a damn asshole. And no doubt it was hard for him to see Collins behave this way toward people Antonio cared for – particularly knowing it could very well get Collins badly hurt. A part of Antonio had to feel torn about the whole thing. “If something bad should happen to him while he is here, it will be safe to say that he dug his own grave.”

  Fully aware that talking anymore about the asshole would only worsen my mood, I quickly changed the subject. “Where are Paige and Imani?” It would be nice to hear that they had changed their mind and decided to leave – however selfish of me that might be – but I wasn’t optimistic about it.

  “They are in the Guest House, resting. It is sad that Paige’s presence here could lead to something awful, but there is no denying that she did us the greatest service. It would be dishonourable to treat her badly.”

  I knew that comment was for my benefit. “I don’t intend to treat her with anything but respect. I’m not pleased she’s staying, but she saved Sam and the guys. I’ll always be thankful to her for that.” Of course I hated the fact that Paige being at The Hollow could bring danger to Sam, but she would have died without Paige’s help anyway.

  Sam frowned. “Was it just me who noticed that she seems kind of paranoid that we want Imani?”

  I began toying with Sam’s hair, twining a long, silky strand around my finger. “No, I noticed that too. It’s odd how overprotective Paige is of her. I’m beginning to wonder if the girl needs protecting from something or someone.”

  “When I first found Paige,” began Sebastian, “she panicked and immediately ordered Imani to run. I’d say Imani is in fact in some sort of danger. But if there is some kind of secret, Paige is hardly likely to tell us what it is when she’s as wary of us as she is right now.”

  “True,” said Antonio. “I am sure Paige will explain eventually, as I’m assuming she will hope that we will be added protection for Imani if that is indeed what the girl needs.”

  “On another note, do you think there are still some tainted vampires out there?” I asked Antonio.

  “I held a teleconference with the High Masters a few hours ago,” he replied. “They confirmed that they have tracked down all the tainted vampires from their nest and also those in their vicinity, and that they have destroyed them all. As such, I am hoping there are no more.”

  I ran my gaze along Antonio, Luther, and Sebastian. “Do you think The Call will go dormant again now that all the tainted are dead? I mean, how much damage to the population does it usually do before it stops?”

  Luther delicately shrugged one shoulder. “It differs each time.”

  “And that could either be because all the tainted were destroyed or because The Call was ready to go dormant again,” added Sebastian. “It’s reasonable to assume that it is the first. That would be my guess.”

  “We have another very big issue.” Luther suddenly looked troubled. “Collins and Eloise will no doubt spread the news of how Sam, Evan, Max, and Stuart have been healed. In addition, Quentin is quite aware that Evan was tainted, so he will get quite a shock when he realises Evan is alive and well. Others will want to know how they were saved. We need to have some sort of story ready.”

  “Do not worry,” said Antonio. “I will think of something.” And I had no doubt that he would come up with something good, just as he had when explaining the changes that Sam had undergone. “Now that the tainted have been dealt with, I will soon be making the announcement about the upcoming Coronation. I will schedule the Coronation for in three weeks’ time. By then, if there are any more tainted vampires, it will be apparent.”

  “Are you making the announcement by teleconference?” Sam’s nervousness wasn’t obvious in her voice, but I could feel it. Who wouldn’t be nervous about ruling all of their own kind?

  “Yes. I would like you both to be there.”

  I nodded my agreement. “When are you planning to do it?”

  “Friday evening.”

  So that gave Sam and me five evenings before everything changed for us forever.

  “For now, set aside your worries, and enjoy your evening. I hear the squad are throwing a party.” Antonio smiled. “We have all been invited, so we may make an appearance.”

  “Then maybe we’ll see you there.” I took Sam’s hand in mine. “Just be aware that when the squad throws a party, they really party.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Jared couldn’t have been more right. Although the party was supposed to be taking place in Chico’s apartment, the entire apartment block – which housed all ten squads of the legion – was celebrating and partying hard. Music was blasting, food and NSTs were being passed around, and intoxicated humans were lounging in almost every room.

  Jared and I made our way up to Chico’s apartment, which proved to be packed with people. Exchanging nods and smiles with everyone, we shouldered our way through the crowd until we found the squad. All ten of them were gathered in the kitchen, laughing at a story that Fletcher was telling them. As Jared and I walked in, the squad turned as one and endowed us with huge grins and back-pats. Of course Max kissed me smack on the mouth just to piss Jared off. Predictably, Jared shoved Max across the room. Everyone, including Max, thought that it was hilarious.

  “I’m so glad you came!” squealed Ava as she wrapped her arms around me. I realised then that Cristiano, Norm, Jude, Paige, and Imani were also there. It was certainly a surprise to see the latter two. “And I’m so glad you’re healed! When I heard you’d been bitten and then saw you in that cell, I was in tears.”

  Yeah, I remembered seeing Ava so distressed. Touched, I smiled. “I’m fine now, thanks to Paige.” I shot the female a grateful smile. Her answering one was awkward and shaky.

  “She and Imani didn’t want to come to the party,” Ava whispered, “but Butch and Stuart dragged them here. As far as the boys are all concerned, those girls are the best things since sliced bread.”

  Yes, it did look as though
the squad was determined to make the new additions part of our group. Paige and Imani would find it incredibly hard to resist them since Butch and Stuart weren’t the type to take ‘no’ for an answer.

  “My darlin’ girl,” drawled Fletcher, pulling me away from Ava and into a huge hug. “I swear I had palpations when I found out you were tainted.” He pulled back and pointed hard at me. “Don’t you ever do that to me again! My heart couldn’t take it a second time.”

  Rolling his eyes at his boyfriend’s dramatics, Norm pushed him aside and kissed my cheek. “I could make fun of him, but in all honesty, we were both bawling like babies when we heard what had happened to you.”

  “You should know better than to think I’d ever let her die,” interrupted Jared, snorting. Both Fletcher and Norm melted at the sight of him. Oh for the love of all that was holy!

  When Jared smiled at someone over my shoulder, I turned to see Evan and Alora coming over. He flashed me a wide smile. “Thanks for being an interfering bitch and keeping Alora so busy that she couldn’t leave until I’d talked to her.”

  “I was hoping that Jared would talk some sense into you. Does this mean that you’re keeping her here?”

  Evan tugged Alora close. “How could I not?” She blushed, leaning into him.

  Hearing a throat clear, I swerved to see Cristiano. This time, there was no smug smirk. I was surprised at how…awkward he seemed. Cristiano was nothing if not terribly sure of himself.

  “It’s good to see you…healed.”

  “Thanks,” I said simply, waiting for his seemingly ever-present smug smirk to surface. It didn’t come. I wasn’t sure whether to be suspicious or simply glad.

  “It was a shock hearing that you’d been bitten, seeing you hurt. I suppose I’ve always thought of you as invincible after the amount of duels I witnessed you have for Victor.” Gruffly, he added, “Just be more careful in future.”

  That had my brows flying up. I was expecting Jared to call him a dickhead and tell him to fuck off for giving me a warning like that. But although Jared slid an arm around me in a very possessive gesture, he didn’t curse at Cristiano or order him to bugger off. In fact, Jared nodded at him in greeting. Cristiano even returned the nod. They were practicing civility? What had I missed? Have you two reached a truce or something? I asked Jared.