Read Taste of Torment Page 25

  He let them take him, let them move him far behind me, though he cursed the entire time. Eloise chose that moment to kick my head once more. I didn’t need the scent of my blood in the air to know that I was bleeding. Subtly taking in more energy, I promised myself this bitch would be nothing more than a pile of ashes soon.

  “Damn, her blood smells good,” someone said.

  “Yes, it does,” drawled Covington. “Maybe that’s how she’ll die. Maybe I’ll drink her dry.” Hearing Jared curse him, Covington laughed and looked down at me. “I don’t think he likes the idea of me feeding from you.” Jared flung another string of curses at him, and I heard a thud followed by a grunt of pain from Jared. The bastards who were holding him must have hit him. Still, he cursed at Covington. Why wouldn’t he bloody shut up? It was so tempting to abandon the weak act and attack them all, so tempting to

  Suck it in, Sam!

  That was when I realised what he was doing. He knew that hearing him get hurt was feeding my fury, causing more energy to slither over me. Smart, but I’d still like to smack him for purposely getting hurt. More wisps of energy clung to me – longer and thicker now – and I took them inside me, charging up. But this time something was different…The mix of energy within me hummed beneath the surface of my skin, pushing at me like a caged animal that wanted to be freed…almost as if it was as pissed off as I was.

  Antonio winced, and I realised that Covington’s knife had nicked him. A ribbon of blood flowed down his neck.

  Jared growled. “I will kill you for this, Covington! You’re already dead!”

  Dana conjured a small energy ball and threw it at Jared, making him grunt in pain. She laughed, delighted. Oh I was definitely going to make sure that fucking little bitch suffered before I killed her!

  An all-consuming anger surged through me; anger that intensified when Eloise once again kicked me – this time in the gut. The pain, the sight of her evil smirk, and the scent of both Jared’s and Antonio’s blood in the air was simply too much for me to take. Utter hatred and a white-hot rage filled me, mingling with the ice-cold fear that was already pumping through me. And I wanted nothing more than to blast them all out of the fucking room and over that balcony.

  Covington spoke. “Now it’s time for you all to” He cut himself off…most likely because a gasp flew out of me and my spine locked.

  The humming under my skin became more of a pulsating sensation. Then a cold draft suddenly shot through the room…just like last time. I almost smiled as a familiar silvery-blue wind built around me, swirling and swirling. About fucking time. Eloise wisely backed away, moving so fast that she fell on her arse. Faster and faster the wind of energy swirled, and then bang. The energy seemed to explode outwards, knocking everything down in its path and sending it zooming away. Some of the vampires collided hard into the walls while Covington, Eloise, Dana, and – shit – Antonio went crashing through the windows.

  Jumping to my feet, I dashed over to the balcony with Jared at my heels and looked down. The four vampires were getting to their feet, confused. Antonio looked at his vampires that were still surrounded by Covington’s men and yelled, “Attack!”

  Once again, all hell broke loose.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Most of Covington’s vampires that were below us flew back and hit the ground hard. I suspected that was thanks to Harvey’s gift. Animals burst onto the scene out of absolutely nowhere – a jaguar, spider monkeys, apes, and tropical birds. No doubt Alora had summoned them. They leaped into the fray without hesitation, which was a really good thing because many of the enemies were trying to get to Antonio. To my relief, he was holding his own.

  I turned to Sebastian and Luther, who were covered in pink jelly since their bubble had burst after it crashed into the wall. “You need to get down to Antonio. He’s their number one target.” Sebastian opened his mouth – no doubt to reprimand me for the risk I had been prepared to take – but then shook his head. Yes, there would be time to talk later. He took Luther’s arm and teleported them both out of there.

  “Get back here, you bastard!” a feminine voice screeched. Swerving, I saw that Paige and Imani were chasing after a retreating Langley. Covington’s other vampires were scraping themselves off the floor, but Jared took each of them out with an electric bolt.

  He tangled his hand in my hair and gave me a hard kiss filled with anger yet also relief. “We’ll talk about the fact that you risked yourself again later. Right now, we fight.”

  I couldn’t have agreed more, so I said nothing as he teleported us outside. The bottom fell out of my stomach as I took in my surroundings. The once beautiful community was such a mess that it looked more like our tactical training field. But I didn’t have time to mourn that. Not now.

  Instead, I held out my palms and sucked in the surrounding energy, recharging my gift until it was at full strength and I was spilling hybrid energy once more. God, it felt good. I then conjured my whip, enjoying the familiar feeling of it buzzing against my skin.

  “We stay together,” insisted Jared.

  A quick glance at Antonio showed me that most of the mansion’s guards were staying close to him, helping Sebastian and Luther protect him. But I wasn’t sure he needed their help. Antonio was demonstrating just how strong an old vampire could be as he eliminated everything that came at him. A big help was that one of the guards had some kind of liquid shield in place that weirdly absorbed every bullet and weapon aimed at them.

  Sure that Antonio didn’t need my assistance, I sought out my squad. They were grouped together near a restaurant at the other side of The Hollow, taking cover behind what was left of the building…almost as if defending it. I had to wonder if that meant there were people inside the restaurant who needed protecting.

  A whizzing sound in the air was the only warning I got. Jared and I both ducked. If I hadn’t had Pagori speed, I wouldn’t have managed to dodge the bullet. Instantly, I formed a large boulder in front of us. More bullets came our way, but they simply became embedded in the solid mound of earth.

  Jared briefly peeked around it, moving back swiftly enough to avoid another bullet. “The bastard’s lying on his stomach on the sand.”

  His exact location was all I needed to act. Remoulding my whip into an energy ball, I swiftly peeked around the left of the boulder and slung it at the sniper. His ashes joined the rest of those that were scattered around the sand.

  “Good shot, baby,” praised Jared. “Keep moving.”

  “Aim for the armed ones.” While a large number of the vampires were engaged in combat, snipers were positioned around the place, picking people off while they were distracted during the battle. Most of them were on the rooftops while others were on the sand or stooping behind heaps of rubble. “We need them gone.”

  He nodded. “Then we’ll teleport to the squad.” They were our responsibility and it was up to us to lead them. But for now, we had to trust that they could do what they had been trained to do without us.

  We proceeded to use the boulder as cover as we attacked as many of Covington’s vampires as we could reach. Jared targeted them with lightning bolts while I threw energy balls, energy beams, and used my whip to snatch snipers from the roof and slam them into the ground. Knowing better than to remain in one position too long, we moved from cover to cover as we worked – heading left and going past the mansion, and then past the Guest House. I felt sick each time I came near a dead human or a badly injured vampire. Luckily, some of the guards who had the ability to teleport were appearing to take the injured to safety.

  I froze when I saw that Evan, Alora, Paige, and Imani were in the middle of what had become a battlefield, trying their hardest to break through some sort of protective circle. There was a similar circle further along, but that one was much larger. I had to wonder if the smaller one was protecting Langley and the larger one was protecting Covington. In any case, I didn’t like the sight of the four of them in the thick of things. “W
e need to help them,” I told Jared. “They’re trying to get to Langley.”

  He followed my gaze and stiffened. But then he shook his head. “This is their fight, baby. It’s personal for them. Langley killed Bran, who Alora adored and who Evan automatically respected for protecting her all this time. To add to that, Langley hurt Paige and he tried to use Imani. They want him dead, just like I want Covington dead and you want the Feeder and Eloise dead. Besides, all the animals are helping to protect them. And Paige is pretty ruthless.”

  It was true; her gift might heal, but it was clear right then that it was indeed a weapon – she stole people’s injuries and attacked others with them, and reversed any wound she was given back onto whoever had harmed her. The animals were also quite merciless in their efforts to protect. And that would have to be enough, because Jared was right – this was personal for them. No one could talk me out of going after the Feeder or Eloise or Covington. I’d be wasting my time trying to pull them away from Langley, and I’d probably also endanger them by distracting them. Plus, I had to get to the squad.

  So Jared and I continued targeting the armed vampires. Our combined efforts eliminated the majority of them, but a large number of the snipers that were remaining had noticed us and been smart enough to try to quickly take us out. A worrying amount of bullets rained on the large mound of rubble that we were currently squatting behind. Some of it had crumbled on top of us, grazing our skin.

  “Shit,” muttered Jared. Just because we healed quickly didn’t mean we felt the pain any less. He signalled for me to follow him as he slipped into the building behind us, which was the Residence Hall used by the humans.

  Taking cover just inside the doorway, we narrowly missed more bullets. “They’re going to come in here after us,” I pointed out. “We should” That was when I heard panicked cries coming from upstairs. “I think some humans are hiding here.”

  Jared cursed softly. “Then we need to lead these bastards away from here. Teleporting out of here won’t help. We need to make them follow us, need to leave a scent for them to follow.”

  “Then let’s get to the nearest balcony.” Hunkering low, we stayed close to the wall. Bullets shattered the glass of the ground floor windows as we swiftly made our way to the staircase and dashed to the first floor at vampire momentum. I led the way as we barged into one of the bedrooms and made a beeline for the balcony. I released two small energy balls; one destroyed the glass doors that led to the balcony, and the other energy ball smashed the balcony doors of the neighbouring Residence Hall.

  Aware that our pursuers would be in the building by now, we didn’t even slightly hesitate as we leaped to the balcony opposite us and rolled to the side to take cover behind the wall. “Wait here,” said Jared. “Let them follow.”

  Seconds later, two armed vampires landed on the balcony and darted into the bedroom. The poor bastards didn’t even see it coming; before they sensed we were there, Jared attacked the first one with a high-voltage electricity bolt, and I buried a thermal energy beam in the chest of the second pursuer. Two more came, but I popped up my shield while Jared took them out.

  Satisfied that no more were coming, Jared teleported us out of the building. We appeared beside Chico behind what was left of the restaurant.

  He jerked in surprise at our sudden arrival and put a hand to his chest. “You scared twenty years off my life.”

  “That would be hard to do, considering you’re immortal,” snickered Harvey before returning his attention to the battle ahead, using his gift to keep as many of the attackers at bay as he could. I noticed that although the squad, Ava, Cristiano, and Jude had created one long line, the squad had stayed close to those I liked to pair them up with…although, two were missing. I tensed. “Where are Damien and Reuben?”

  “Inside the building,” replied Stuart.

  “Why are they inside?”

  “Well, because half of Damien’s skull has been bashed in and, though he’s okay – albeit dazed – he won’t be healing any time soon. And Reuben’s in some kind of catatonic state.”

  Shit. Paige would have been a great help right now, but I doubted I’d get her away from Langley unless the boys were actually dying. I couldn’t really blame her for being so focused on getting to him. I had every intention of hunting down Dana and Eloise soon, and I certainly intended to ensure that Covington died tonight. If we were going down, he was coming with us.

  A great number of Covington’s vampires were attempting to reach the restaurant, coming at us from all directions. Some repeatedly took cover behind rubble while others were just boldly charging at the crumbling building. “Why are they so determined to get in here?” I asked, throwing energy balls and beams.

  It was Denny who answered. “They know we’re protecting people here.” A sly smile curved his mouth. “Or, at least, they think we are. Harvey suggested that we make it look like we’re protecting people by guarding the building; that way it would not only mean that the vampires made themselves clear targets by coming at us, but it would also draw them away from the bunker underneath the Command Centre, which seems to be the only one that wasn’t infiltrated. There are a lot of people hiding in there. Fletcher, Norm, and Lucy are among them.”

  That truly was an excellent idea from Harvey. But…“Are they totally alone?”

  “No. Two from the legion have stayed in the bunker with them, just in case someone” He cut himself off as a large web suddenly shot toward us and engulfed Max. Oh, fuck. But before the Keja had the chance to use the web to drag Max to him, Jude was at his side with that knife of hers and slicing through it. Free, Max coughed as he jumped to his feet.

  Before any of us could act, another web came and this time enveloped Stuart. But the Keja responsible had picked the wrong vampire, because Stuart simply exploded into particles and easily escaped. Before the vampire had the chance to create another web, Jared took him out.

  The sight of someone shifting shape caught my attention. I watched as a Pagori changed into a buffalo. A buffalo? That was a new one. Realising that the buffalo was charging at an unsuspecting Chico, I screamed, “Chico, six o’ clock!” Knowing better than to hesitate, he turned and exhaled a mouthful of thorns. The second they met their target, the buffalo burst into ashes. Well thank fuck for that.

  Three vampires charged at Ava and Cristiano, who had together just fought off five. They had always worked well as a team. A ripple of psychic energy travelled through the air toward their attackers – a ripple that I knew was coming from Salem’s psychic punch. It destroyed the vampires instantly.

  Hearing a pain-filled growl, I pivoted to see Denny battling off a Pagori that was slicing at him with…claws? David cursed and then narrowed his eyes at the Pagori – a sure sign that he was using his gift. Just like that, the dick was dead. Denny jumped to his feet, thanking David, but then he staggered and blinked hard. The slices on his face and arms didn’t appear to be healing well. Poisonous claws. Hopefully the poison wouldn’t be powerful enough to do anything other than put him asleep for a while. If the poison seemed to be fatal, I’d have to get Paige’s help.

  “I’ll put him inside the building with Damien and Reuben,” said Butch as he began dragging Denny away.

  Clearly taking advantage of the fact that David didn’t have Butch’s shield protecting him, a vampire with a sickeningly elongated, lizard-like tongue came at David. I cracked my whip at the Pagori, locked it around his waist and smashed his body into the ground so hard that plenty of bones cracked. His glowing amber eyes locked onto me and he snarled. Jared projected a bolt of lightning at him, reducing him to ashes.

  I went to thank Jared, but then I was knocked to the ground by Harvey as elasticated limbs shot out to grab me. In a blink, I remoulded my whip into an energy ball and threw it at my attacker. Apparently, however, I’d missed my target because those limbs reached for me again. But before they could touch me, a cry of pain rang in the air and the limbs became nothing but ashes. I suspected Jared
had been my saviour, but I wasn’t sure.

  I’d just bounced to my feet when something came hurtling through the air…a huge fireball. Everybody ducked, but it hit the building. I released a flow of water out of my palms that quickly killed the flames. But then came another fireball, and another, and another, and another, and no amount of water was fighting the large flames that were now engulfing the building. The vampires were obviously trying to smoke people out, unaware that the only ones inside were the three injured squad members.

  I grabbed Jared’s arm. “Teleport Damien, Reuben, and Denny out of there, take them to the bunker under the Command Centre. We don’t have enough manpower to protect them and fight.” It was true. We were outnumbered, and we were fighting a losing battle, but not a bloody chance would I give up.

  Jared hesitated, running a hand through his hair. “Sam…”

  I understood his anxiety. The last time he’d put other people before me, he’d come back to find me bitten by a tainted vampire. “This is different. I have ten people with me. Damien, Reuben, and Denny will die if you don’t move them, and I can’t afford to leave the fight this time.”

  Nodding, he gave me a hard kiss. Pulling back, he rushed into the building with me at his side. I helped a weak Denny and a clearly in pain Damien to their feet while Jared slung Reuben over his shoulder. Once Denny and Damien held tight to Jared, all four of them disappeared. Only then was I satisfied enough to leave the building – not happy to find that instead of seeking cover again, the squad had charged into the battle, trying to penetrate the large protective circle of vampires that undoubtedly shielded Covington. While Chico, Salem, Max, and Stuart worked on attacking the circle, Harvey, David, and Butch defended them – just like in training – along with Jude, Ava, and Cristiano.

  Hearing a crazy laugh behind me, I realised that the restaurant was being swarmed by vampires who were clearly waiting for the people they believed were inside to finally leave. Forming a large, boiling hot fireball – the likes of which I’d never been able to create before becoming a hybrid – I launched it at the building. It instantly exploded, and so did the vampires surrounding it. Ha.