Read Taste of Torment Page 5

  “Nothing can stop The Reaper’s Call.” Luther’s voice was sensitivity itself. “As the name suggests, death comes for them. Eventually, it will stop spreading through the vampire population and remain dormant for another few centuries.”

  Everything Jared was feeling – all the panic, the anger, and the helplessness – hit me so hard that I almost lost my balance. He was vigorously shaking his head, pacing again. “No. No. My brother is not going to die, and neither is Stuart or Max.” I could sense that he felt he’d failed them all.

  Stop tormenting yourself, I told him. It wasn’t your fault.

  He ignored me. “There has to be a way to help them.” Pausing in his pacing again, he took a deep breath to steady himself. “If it spreads through bodily fluids, then it’s almost like a human virus, right? If we follow that logic, then surely there’s an ‘antivirus’. There has to be some kind of counteragent.”

  “If there is, I’ve never heard of it,” said Luther.

  “Where did it first originate?”

  Luther shrugged. “I have no idea.”

  “Okay, so who do we talk to? You must know someone who’s studied this.”

  “No one dares get close enough to a tainted vampire to study it.”

  A string of curses flew out of Jared’s mouth.

  Aching for Jared, I turned to Antonio. “What now?”

  “We need to contain Evan, Stuart, and Max. Although the symptoms may not show for a few days, it is still important to isolate them. It would be safe for them to be contained together as opposed to separately, since they will not attempt to feed from each other. Tainted blood will not appeal to them on any level.”

  We’ll help them somehow, Jared. Again, he ignored me. But I had the feeling that he was simply too trapped by his own panic to focus on anything else.

  “We can’t afford to allow this to spread any further.” Antonio’s gaze danced from Jared to me as he asked, “Are you positive that none of the others were bitten?”

  I nodded. “Positive.” Jared gave him a nod as well.

  Luther’s brow creased as if something suddenly occurred to him. “Did you see Quentin Foy down in the tunnels?”

  “No. But I’m not sure I’d have recognised him anyway.” Not when they had all been more like skeletons.

  “I have to wonder if Quentin sealed them in there, leaving them to die.”

  “Why would he do that?” Jared asked.

  “Maybe he couldn’t find it within himself to destroy them. You know that you would find it difficult to kill any vampires from The Hollow, no matter if they were tainted.”

  After a short silence, Antonio rose from the bench. “I need to hold a teleconference and alert the High Masters. They need to be aware of the outbreak so they can take precautions with their vampires.”

  Before he and Luther could walk away, Jared held a hand up to stay them. “Wait, what about Quentin? I mean, if we find out from him when The Call first became an issue in his nest, could we find some way of understanding it better, of fighting it?”

  Antonio sighed heavily. “I would like to say yes, but this is something that has been around for a very long time, Jared, and nothing has ever been able to stop it. If there was some way of fighting it, I would imagine that someone would have discovered it by now.”

  “But not if the only response to the outbreak that vampires have ever made is to kill anyone who became tainted and then hide away, right?”

  “Maybe,” was all Antonio said, but there was no hope in his voice. “I must get things in motion now.” Antonio and Luther hurried away with the guards and dogs, leaving Jared and I alone.

  I went to Jared and slid my arms around his waist. He was trembling with fury and hurting so badly, and I felt so helpless. Oh sure I was worried about Evan as well, and the thought of him dying was too much to bear. Similarly, knowing that Stuart and Max were tainted was intensifying the ache still in my chest. But considering that one of the victims was Jared’s twin brother, this whole thing had to be a million times worse for him than it was for me.

  “I’m not dropping this.”

  I kissed his throat. “Neither am I.”

  “We basically have four weeks to find a way to help them. That’s the longest they’ll last.”

  I nodded, but I had no clue whatsoever where to start. Apparently, neither did Jared because rather than coming up with some sort of game plan, he just buried his face in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply. I spoke into his ear. “Come on, let’s go home. We’ll talk about it there.”

  He teleported us to the living area of our apartment, but instead of releasing me, he tightened his hold, still vibrating with anger. I soothingly smoothed my hands up and down his back while dabbing kisses on his neck. Bringing his forehead to rest against mine, he rubbed a thumb over my bottom lip. His irises were glowing red, but there wasn’t just rage there now. There was also heat and desperation. I knew that look, my body knew that look, and it sent a shiver of need down my spine.

  One hand fisted in my hair. “I need you right now.” It was a dark rumble.

  “You have me.”

  “I can’t go slow,” he warned, yanking my head back slightly.

  “I don’t want you to.”

  He slammed his mouth down on mine, and I immediately opened for him. The kiss was full of urgency and desperation, as if he thought I could somehow take away his anxiety and pain. Or maybe I was just his escape from it. Tingles of fire were everywhere because his hands were everywhere. Clothes were torn and dumped at our feet. Normally, Jared was the worst tease imaginable. His foreplay could go on for hours, and he’d love every moment of it. But this time there was no finesse, no teasing, no playfulness from either of us.

  His hand slid down to the underneath of my thigh and he hooked my leg over his hip, grinding his rock-hard cock against me. An image of me on my knees with his cock in my mouth suddenly flashed in my mind, and I wondered if it had somehow come from him or if the thought was my own. It didn’t matter. I dropped to my knees and curled my hand around the root of his dick. Knowing exactly what he liked, I sucked in the energy around me and exhaled a small flame of fire, heating my mouth. I then took him inside, enjoying his groans and moans.

  “Fuck, Sam.” His fingers tunnelled into my hair and tugged hard as he began pumping his hips, fucking my mouth. “That’s it. Keep those lips nice and tight around my cock.” As he repeatedly thrust into my mouth, I sucked and licked and swirled my tongue around him. Suddenly he stopped, panting. “Baby, I can’t hold out. I’ll go out of my fucking mind if I’m not inside you now.”

  He lifted me into his arms, urged me to curl my legs around his hips, slammed me against the wall, and then drove into me. We both groaned as my muscles clamped tight around him. But he didn’t thrust again, didn’t bury himself deeper inside me. Instead, he held himself completely still. I could sense him digging deep for control, worried that he was hurting me.

  “Baby.” The agonised sound was an apology.

  “It’s okay. You’re not hurting me. Now move.”

  Gripping my hips tightly, he took me at my word and began powering into me. It was deep, it was raw, it was primal, and it was exactly what I wanted just then. His face was a mask of intensity and determination, and he held my eyes with a gaze so piercing and hot it was scorching. “Nothing in the goddamn world beats being in you, feeling you around me, Sam. Not a fucking thing.”

  I could feel my climax fast approaching. “Jared, I’m not going to last long.”

  “But you will, baby, because I’m not leaving this body yet.” He slowed his movements until every thrust was deliciously yet excruciatingly slow. Curling my hips, he went even deeper with each long, drawn-out thrust. My eyelids drifted shut with the bliss of it all. “Uh-uh, Sam. Eyes open.”

  Oh he always bloody did this, the sod.

  “Come on, open those eyes for me. I want to see them.”

  But I ignored him. Seriously, what was the point in forcin
g them open when they’d drift shut again anyway? There was a whoosh of movement and suddenly I was bent over the arm of the sofa and a hand came down hard on my arse. I looked back at him, gaping. “Oh, you little shit.”

  “Well, if I can’t look in your eyes, I might as well look at your ass.”

  “I am so going to” But then he slammed into me and I no longer gave a crap.

  “It really is the most perfect ass, baby.” He smoothed his hands over it before cupping it possessively. “Even better, it’s mine.” Then he was driving into me hard, deep, and fast. My climax soon began creeping up on me again, making my inner muscles flutter around him. This time, he didn’t slow down. Instead, his thrusts turned fevered.

  Curling his body over mine, he slipped his hands under me to palm and mould my breasts. With his thumbs, he sent shards of electricity into each nipple while at the same time licking my neck. Then one hand again knotted in my hair and yanked, angling my head how he wanted it – a move that might have got him in trouble if I wasn’t so close to coming. Without hesitation, he sank his teeth into my neck. The moans he made as he drank from me vibrated against my skin and, oh God, I was going to come. The climax hit me hard, wrenching a scream from me. Jared slammed into me once, twice, and then drove deep as he exploded inside me, half-growling-half-groaning my name.

  I wasn’t sure how long we stayed there, panting and quivering with the aftershocks, but eventually Jared withdrew from me and then teleported us to the shower. Standing under the spray, he simply held me to him for a little while. It wasn’t until we’d finished soaping each other down that he spoke. “How is it that coming inside you makes me calm down and think better?”

  I smiled, batting my eyelids. “I’m just special like that.”

  He chuckled, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth. “You are to me.”

  When his smile faltered, I knew he was thinking about Evan again. “So what are your thoughts on what to do next?” I sensed that Jared needed to run this show, needed to feel as in control of it as possible. I’d offer my suggestions when necessary, but I’d let him take the lead.

  “I’m thinking we need to speak to someone who knows about viruses. Yeah, I know this isn’t a virus, but it’s something similar. Maybe if we know more about how they work, how antiviruses are developed, we might get an idea of how best to approach this situation.”

  That wasn’t bad as ideas went.

  “So we should kidnap a human scientist.”

  Not such a good idea.

  “Obviously we won’t let them meet the guys or reveal that we’re not human,” he continued as we rinsed off the last of the soap from both our bodies. “But we can pick at the scientist’s brain for as long as it takes to come up with something.”

  “Or we could just find and talk to one. The whole ‘kidnapping’ part could be optional.”

  As if he realised that his plan was slightly on the dark side, he groaned at himself. “I’m just worried about Evan, Max, and Stuart.”

  “You won’t particularly care if it turns out that Cristiano is tainted as well, will you?”

  He shrugged, turning off the spray and stepping out of the shower. “If he is, I’ll simply think of it as karma for ogling my mate and constantly giving me smug smirks because he knows how you taste.”

  Yeah, that had been pretty mean. As we patted each other dry, I said, “Still, it wouldn’t be fair to Ava to let her brother die simply because we think he’s a dickhead.”

  After a pause, he inclined his head, conceding that. “I noticed you were right about her – she sure can fight. Who the fuck trained her? Jackie Chan?”

  “Her gift is muscle memory. It’s a little like having a photographic memory. Whereas someone with a photographic memory can remember in detail anything they’ve seen, Ava can perfectly replicate any move she’s ever seen.”

  “So all she has to do to learn combat is watch how other people fight and play some Kung Fu movies? Cool gift. Did you notice that Salem?” He cut himself off on hearing a heavy knock on the front door. “It could be someone with news about Evan.”

  Thanks to vampire speed, we were dressed and at the front door in less than ten seconds. The squad – minus Max and Stuart, of course – Ava, Cristiano, and Fletcher all piled in. Each of them looked a mixture of confused, devastated, and pissed off. So Cristiano wasn’t tainted then. I would bet that had greatly disappointed Jared, but I wouldn’t wish the possible fate of Evan, Max, and Stuart on anyone.

  Fletcher pulled me into a hug. “Luv, I’m so glad you’re all right. I was with Antonio when he briefed the squad on The Reaper’s Call. I swear my heart skipped at least four beats.” Like me, Fletcher was British, and I loved him to bits. But he was also a bloody drama queen – even Norm agreed on that. He addressed both Jared and me as he added, “You must be a bag of nerves right now. I know I am. Poor Evan. And the others of course, but Evan…I’ve always had a soft spot for him. No doubt you have a plan of action. I’m eager to hear it.”

  He squeezed himself between David and Damien on the sofa. Reuben had perched himself on one arm of the sofa while Chico perched himself on the arm that Jared had bent me over not so long ago. I had to fight a smile, and I saw that Jared was doing the same.

  “Antonio put Evan, Max, and Stuart into a containment cell.” Chico traced his goatee. “They’re not pleased about it, but they understand.”

  The containment cells were located beneath the large mansion and made of unbreakable glass. A cell was, therefore, the best place to put Evan, Max, and Stuart, but I still couldn’t help balking at the idea of them locked up like that.

  “Antonio’s news scared the crap out of all of us,” continued Chico. “I’d never even heard of The Reaper’s Call before. Have you?”

  I shook my head. My attention went to Cristiano and Ava, who were clearly devastated to know that their vampires had fallen victim to The Call and died in those tunnels. Ava was cuddling herself while Denny kept a comforting arm over her shoulders. I couldn’t help but notice that Salem, who was standing behind them with Cristiano, was scowling at Denny’s comforting arm. As if he sensed someone looking at him, Denny turned his head. When he saw the expression on his fellow squad member’s face, his eyes widened. Denny looked from Salem to a totally clueless Ava and back again, and then abruptly dropped his arm. Salem simply grunted in what could have been satisfaction. He wasn’t an easy one to read.

  “Antonio said that you and Jared are planning to search for a way to help them.” Ava’s voice was surprisingly strong, considering she looked like a small wind could knock her on her arse. “Do you really think you can find one?”

  “No other outcome is acceptable,” Jared told her. His confidence seemed to reassure her, because she visibly gathered herself and released a cleansing breath.

  Leaning against the wall beside Butch, Harvey asked, “Where are you starting your search?”

  “Our plan is to learn as much about viruses as we possibly can,” replied Jared.

  David arched a brow. “It’s a virus?”

  “No, but it follows the same logic as one. Hopefully we can learn something from a scientist who specializes in viruses.”

  Salem pursed his lips. “And if we don’t?”

  “Then we look elsewhere. And we keep looking until we find answers of some kind.”

  Cristiano suddenly piped up. “Ava and I would like to come with you.”

  When Jared opened his mouth – most likely to object, just like Salem appeared ready to do – Ava quickly spoke, “You lot must all know how my brother and I are feeling right now. If we help defeat The Call, it will be like getting vengeance for what happened to our vampires. You’d want to do the same in our position.”

  Jared exhaled heavily. “Fine.” Salem didn’t look pleased by the decision and was frowning at Ava’s back.

  “Well then,” began Butch, “let’s go find ourselves a scientist.”

  “Wait a minute.” We all turned our attention to Fl
etcher. “Now tell me if I’m overstepping my boundaries here by interfering” – like he really cared about boundaries – “but wouldn’t it be much simpler to talk to Bran’s Heir?”

  I cocked my head. “Bran’s Heir?”

  “Harry Covington was a doctor during his human life. It’s different from a scientist, I know. But surely he’ll know something about viruses that could help you.” Seeing that everyone was staring at him, wide eyed, Fletcher squirmed under the attention. “What?”

  He, a PA, had come up with a better plan than two commanders and a squad from the legion – that was ‘what’. “Fletch, have I ever told you how much I love you?”

  He gave me a playfully scathing look. “Not often enough, but I try not to take it personally.”

  Jared, who was filled with a newfound enthusiasm, turned to me. “We might have to return to the whole kidnapping plan. Bran isn’t going to want us visiting Covington, knowing we’ve been in contact with people who are tainted. He won’t risk it in case any of us are tainted too.”

  “Again, though, the kidnapping part can be optional. I say we just ask Antonio if we can join in on the teleconference.” Ridiculously, they all looked disappointed that no one would be being kidnapped. Unreal.



  It took a while for Antonio to finish the teleconference. Once it was over, he asked Bran to remain on the line and then invited Jared and I to sit beside him in front of one of the TVs. Thankfully, Bran granted us some time with his Heir, and soon we were looking at the surprisingly attractive face of Harry Covington. I’d been expecting someone who looked much older. Harry couldn’t have been much more than twenty-five when he was Turned.

  Clearly anxious for answers, Jared didn’t bother with pleasantries. “What can you tell us about viruses?”

  Harry looked taken aback by the question but shrugged. “Put simply, they’re strands of DNA or RNA covered by a protein coating.”

  Admittedly, that made no sense whatsoever to me. Science had never been my strong point.