Read Taunton Barr Page 20


  Blake slept heavily, was rare, but an exhausted mind had crept up and promoted rejuvenation. Autumn was upon them and mornings became quite sharp before and if the sun got to splash its power across the glass of the conservatory. A wet miserable day, Blake chose his office a room beside the conservatory next to the kitchen with a window overlooking the barn. He sipped his tea and read his computer screen attending to the mass of mail from a management structure that spanned the globe. The managers that managed management teams were in the south of France, bad news, the loss of an entire team, involved in a soccer fixing scandal Blake did not hesitate in acting on the evidence. He waited for the inevitable but his first visitor was mechanic. 'Morning Winston.'

  Winston sat back his chair. 'Mechanic, you have good news.'

  'No news is good news sir, the gate is a bit of a nightmare people wanting access especially the press, oh and congratulations on yesterday, the girls appear very happy with the results like.'

  'Stick around may sway your conclusions when they roll up here in about three minutes.'

  'Oh em, we have a police officer at the gate, wishes to see you.'


  'No,' mechanic handed Winston a card.

  He studied it. 'Inspector Graham Ellis, Scotland Yard.' He looked at mechanic. 'Last police we had here came with a warrant, did he mention what he wanted.'

  'Last police that came here with a warrant are still in the Brixton constabulary.'

  Winston looked to one side and sighed. 'I didn't support that, nothing I could do about it, unnecessary and heavy handed, they were just doing as they were asked. Open the gate for him direct him here. Before I forget get the best saddle maker you can find and bring him here, he must be out of the normal loop from overseas if necessary.'

  'We have a saddle maker on contract.'

  'Find out who he hangs around with and who he mainly deals with, the saddle failure yesterday could have been avoided, looks like blatant neglect of detail, oh lord he come the girls.'

  'I'm off like.'

  Kalika and Lindy passed mechanic in the kitchen, they seemed in good spirits. They entered the office and closed the door behind them. Kalika lent with her back on the door with her hands on her hips, Lindy sat down in front of Winston. 'Morning ladies, been expecting you.'

  Kalika spoke up. 'Cecilia Ridgehaven, have any more surprises.'

  Lindy turned to her. 'Kalika, stop it,' she turned back to Winston, 'we'd like to know what we're up against.'

  Winston stood up put his hands in his pockets and looked out the window, a bay widow with bench seating. 'Janice Portland on Backfire and Roslyn Brooks on Crimson Tide.'

  Kalika hit the roof. 'What!' The Irish and Scottish equestrian champions.'

  Winston turned partly enraged, an unusual event that the girls seldom witnessed. 'I don't care where they come from, they run as well as they jump.'

  Lindy spoke. 'They won't catch Flaxy.'

  Winston calmed and sat on the bench seat in the window. 'If they have a good day and Taunton has a bad one Ridgehaven Portland and Brooks will be upon you just like yesterday.'

  Lindy smiled. 'I quite enjoyed the race, never been pushed like that for a long time, my stirrup leather adjuster slipped and I lost my stirrup, the hole pin must have fallen off or something only the loop was holding it in the buckle.'

  Kalika dropped her tone and looked at the floor. 'I should have picked that up when throwing the saddle.'

  'Neither of you worry about that won't happen again.'

  'The saddle was fine till it slipped.'

  'Someone you've never seen before will look you over and bring you a several new saddles, put it from mind.'

  'When do I take on Backfire and Crimson Tide.'

  'Next week at Cheltenham in the Cotswolds, the oval course. They've both run their once, was as quite as yesterdays run for Taunton, they both broke the short course track record.'

  Kalika shook her head with a look of amazement. 'Wasn't a thing about it in the media or print.'

  Winston chuckled. 'Politics, no money, of no significance other than to be swept under the carpet.'

  Kalika continued to be pushy. 'You must have arranged all this long ago, when were you going to include us in more up to date information.'

  'If you don't know it's impossible to make mistakes, the walls have ears.'

  She waved her head from side to side with a rather silly look. 'Well I would like to know more,' she suddenly was silent and walked to the window looking wide eyed toward the barn. 'That's Cecilia Ridgehaven's float pulling up at the wash bay.'

  'Well of course it is the track is ready to use all bar Bechers Brook, run wide until the turf over the new surface takes in a week or so.'

  'You expect me to work with that bitch.'

  'I do believe she has the same opinion about you.'

  Kalika stormed to the door, turned at Winston in a rage. 'I refuse.'

  'She wears the same uniform and neither of you are in the school playground anymore, perhaps we can act accordingly.'

  She grabbed the door knob opened the door and was face to face with a handsome stranger. She stopped in her tracks her face frozen in time. 'I'm looking for Mr Blake.'

  Winston raised his voice. 'Inspector Ellis I presume.'

  He looked over Kalika's shoulder and she felt the sting of his cologne, she swallowed hard. 'Yes, If I may.'

  'The girls are just leaving, they are going to help friend are you not girls.'

  Kalika just stood there, Lindy stood up and smiled at Winston. 'I'll show her around, we need to start to work together anyway, Cecelia has done nothing to me apart from earn my respect and admiration.'

  'Thank you Lindy, could you take the Frozen door stop with you.'

  Lindy giggled. 'I say are you Lindy Cumberland.'

  Winston watched like a hawk. 'She certainly is.'

  'May I shake your hand, never been close to someone that is as famous as you,' he looked at Kalika, 'could you excuse me please.'

  She just stood frozen. Winston raised his voice. 'Kalika, Inspector Ellis of Scotland Yard would like to shake Lindys hand.'

  She shook her head her hair flying over her shoulders and stood to one side. 'Oh, yes, sorry.'

  He gently took Lindys hand and kissed it releasing her with the gentlest of manner. 'Wow, the hand of a champion, I'm honoured.'

  Lindy smiled, Kalika looked daggers at her. 'If you could excuse us Mr Ellis.'


  'Uh of course, we have to go we have a lot to do.'

  'I could imagine.' Lindy walked passed him and grabbed Kalika by the arm dragging her behind her, Kalika threw off her grip smiling at Ellis as she left, Lindy slammed the door in her face soon as she was clear. 'Who is that woman.'

  'Kalika Palmer.'

  'Oh, I didn't realise, another champion, she's incredibly beautiful.'

  'And she knows it,' he stood and extended his hand, they shook, 'If its any consolation a man has never stopped that woman in her tracks before.'

  'I think she was just surprised by my presence when she opened the door.'

  Winston sat down looking away. 'Indeed. Now people don't visit from Scotland Yard without due coarse, what can I do for you.'

  'May I sit.'

  'Of course.'

  Ellis sat down, an extremely tall young athletic handsome man with collar length jet black hair, he was slightly tanned. 'I'm here regarding a disappearance, two people from Barr near Taunton.'

  Winston lent back in his chair with a look of concern. 'Go on.'

  'Grant and Wilfred Barton, been missing for two days.'

  Winston lent forward, he looked stunned. 'Are you sure.'

  'Well we have a missing persons report no trace can be found of them.'

  Winston sat back in his chair again. 'Well that's incredible.'

  'I ask as we have reports you were in the area not so long ago, speaking to them in fact.'

  'Yes, we picked a foal up, Ro
ger Palmer informed me of the foals location just before he died.'

  'Mr Blake we have reason to believe Roger Palmer may be able to help with information but that's not possible, would you know why he frequented the area on a regular basis.'

  'Yes I can, he spent a lot of time at our Glastonbury operation.'

  'That's well over forty kilometres from your stables and there is housing at the operation, why would he live in Taunton.'

  'A small child is involved, Kalika has a half sister, before you go there you know I have a mansion house by the River near The Burton's, the child was schooled and looked after there.'

  'Her mother is unable to care for her.'

  'Her mother is a very busy person and felt she could better give time to the child while away from the bustle of the stables.'

  'She worked there.'

  'Her mother is Lindy Cumberland.'

  'Oh..... I see. Well that answers just about every other question I was about to ask. You spoke to Grant and Wilfred Barton when you were there a short time ago.'


  'Anything suspicious you may have noticed, irregular.'

  'I spoke to a local sergeant whilst there, SO19 raided the mansion, you know far more than you are telling me.'

  'Unfortunately not, If I knew that much there would be no need to bother you, these peoples disappearance is very much out of character.'

  'Wilfred told me his name was Smith, and Grant Barton has no licence and doesn't drive but his modest abode has the sure signs that the garage houses vehicles and they are driven regularly.'

  'Really, how did he get around, there is a vehicle in his garage as you suggest registered in his name.'

  'Try the taxi operators in Taunton, Wilfred told me Grant was their best customer, your local police would surely know that.'

  Ellis bit his bottom lip gazing at the table top for a few seconds. 'Indeed, can't say that's been mentioned.'

  'Common knowledge rarely is, you have to look for it.'

  'Mmm, you picked up the foal from Barton's property, the one next to his house.'

  'No, picked it up from the field opposite his property, Wilfred was ploughing the place up with a tractor.'

  'You sure.'

  'More witnesses here should you need further confirmation ol man.'

  'I don't mean to be forward but that's not what the current information I have would reveal, just a bit puzzled.'

  'So am I.'

  'What do you think.'

  'I think I'm as puzzled as you would lead me to believe you are.'

  'You have a black Bentley Sports registered number GB01.'


  'Where is it.'

  'Bristol airport long term undercover park.'

  'Registration would tell me it is for the management of Glastonbury.'


  'You have another one FB01, could they get mixed up.'

  'Not sure what you mean.'

  'Could at any time the one at Bristol terminal be FB01.'

  'I may park it there when using aircraft to travel yes, I recently contacted Bristol charter for helicopters but haven't been there we have found it easier to fly them into the grounds here. I actually had forgotten all about the Bentley parked there, will have to go and grab it has really no function there at present.'

  'To pick it up Mr Blake you'll have to go to Edinburgh airport.'

  Winston looked startled. 'What an earth.'

  'Airport authorities called us yesterday to contact you, it's parked in reserve parking and they were going to tow it away. They found out it belonged to you and won't go near it been there for three days. You wish to report it stolen.'

  'Is it damaged.'

  'No, shiny as the day it was made, been completely cleaned from top to bottom, not a mark on it. Our guess is fingerprinting it would be fruitless.'

  'It's impossible to steal that car, someone from within my organisation or an associate used it, I have no idea why it would be there.'

  'Not hard to think I believe it may be involved in the disappearance of the Barton's, but security footage from Bristol airport has it leaving the airport three days ago with a female driver and being left in Edinburgh by a male.'

  'You can identify these people.'

  'No, they covered their faces and wore long drab coats dragging on the floor.'

  Winston moved around in his seat, he coughed and thought hard. 'Look I have no answers, could be just someone wanting to use the vehicle but unwilling to tell me.'

  'So you don't wish to report it stolen.'

  'We have many vehicles in our fleet, hundreds all over the globe, if its not damaged and was just moved I can only assess someone used it for reasons within our operation that does not wish to be identified because they would be punished in some way. I would just really be wasting your time.'

  'Ah, well you have certainly made some things clear to me. I have to attend Taunton and ask some embarrassing questions.'

  'Local country police can be a bit slack about things at times, not like the big city where special departments deal with things void of social conscience.'

  'When you have SO19 break down the door of mansions in your area and people disappear without trace you need dot your i's and cross your t's. Do you know a Lord Mulberry.'

  'I have met the man but don't know him.'

  'He is in Oldbury Lodge.'

  'Yes we own the property to save you the paper trail that would take months.'

  'Man won't answer his door.'

  'Get a warrant.'

  'You think it's worth a look.'

  'Mulberry is a corporate crook, if he thinks information will save his arse he'll sing like a skylark, you'll get one crack at it before he runs.'

  'We go on justification, not really a tactical approach.'

  'Mulberry dodged twenty four million pounds in tax, he then refused to pay for his daughters wedding claiming he was broke.'

  'That much.'

  'Considering what's happened, Mulberry watches his windows like a hawk. If anyone could tell you things you need to know and lord knows I'd like to know, he can.'

  'That's inland revenue, customs, out of my jurisdiction.'

  'Results often involves going way beyond your comfort zone.' Winston scribbled on a piece of paper. 'Here, couldn't happen to a nicer man.'

  Ellis took the parchment and read it. 'Laverty Enterprises, Cayman Islands.'

  'Call Ernst Stuttgart of the HM revenue and customs, tell him who handed you that information.'

  'I thought you people stuck together.'

  'I'll ignore that, there's a difference in pushing social unacceptance and stealing.'

  'Not sure what you mean.'

  'It's okay I understand that, when your risk is higher you have to push the law to it's outer limits.'

  'That I understand.'

  They were interrupted by a knock on the door. 'Come in.'

  Was Kalika, she had a wide smile, beaming. 'Em, Winston, is it okay if I show Cecelia through the house.'

  Winston stood up and put his hands on his hips with a face of disillusion. 'What.'

  'Cecelia, can I show here through the house.'

  'Well of course.'

  She looked eyes with Ellis. 'Oh Graham you're still here, sorry.' She closed the door.

  Winston sat down, he was shacking his head. 'What an earth is going on, people going missing, cars being driven all over the countryside, women that generally don't give a damn if I mind what they do, asking permission for the simplest of things.'

  'Well you do have the whole place going upside down, an elderly couple in London won a hundred thousand pounds on your horses run yesterday, Taunton Barr am I correct.'

  'Yes, yes, a hundred thousand pounds,' he sat back in his seat with a warm smile, 'do you know who they are.'

  'Millers from what I read, had to send a patrol round to control things, people who aren't used to having money and didn't keep it to themselves. Old Summer Street in the terraces t
here, quite a story, pensioners from as far back as the last war.'

  Winston nodded slightly with the warmest of smiles. 'Well, so it was worth it.'

  'Not sure I'm with you.'

  'Pushing the limits of the law ol man.' There was another knock on the door, it was Kalika. 'Just finished taking Cecilia back over to the barn.'

  Winston drew a big breath, looked out the window then back at Kalika with a long face. 'And.'

  She walked in and put her hand on Ellis's shoulder. 'Oh Graham your still here, look, would you like me to show you around before you leave.'

  Winston stood up and again put his hands on his hips long faced. 'Kalika what are you doing.'

  'Just thought would be nice for Graham to have a look round, after all he's come all the way up from London.'

  Ellis stood up. 'Actually I'm in Bristol for a few days on an investigation.'

  Kalika beamed. 'Oh really.'

  Winston interrupted. 'You have time to look round, I have no objection we have nothing to hide.'

  Ellis looked Kalika up and down. 'Well I suppose I could stay a bit longer, em is it safe Winston.'

  'Probably not.'

  Ellis laughed. 'Well lead away.'

  Winston sat down and started to attend to his computer avoiding eye contact. 'Kalika, bear in mind we are running four horses in the grand national in April.'

  Kalika turned back around at the door. 'You'd think I'd forget that.'

  'Yes I do.'

  She slammed the door behind her looking Ellis right in the face with a beaming smile. 'Whoops, just have to apologise about that.' She went back in closing the door behind her. 'Is he married.'

  'I have no idea.'

  'Could you find out before he leaves.'

  'Why don't you just ask him.'

  'May upset the poor dear if he is.'

  'Or you.'

  'Can you find out pretty please.'

  Winston took a big sigh looking to one side. 'Yes, I'll find out.'

  She opened the door this time closing it very gently, Ellis had caught site of Cecilia Ridgehaven on the porch and walked out to introduce himself. He took her hand and she melted. Kalika flew out before he said anything and took his hand from hers. 'Come on.'

  'Who is this.'


  'She races horses.'


  'Well I hope you girls stay in one piece.'

  'Her husband makes sure she's okay.'

  'Oh well, show me round, I'm all yours.'

  Ellis walked toward the barn and Kalika sneered at Cecelia behind his back.

  Mechanic was the next to knock on Winston's door. 'Come in. Ah mechanic.'

  'You called.'

  'Yes, sit down. You have someone who can leave the country on short notice for a few days.'

  'I can sort that like.'

  'I don't want to know who it is, get Bristol charter to fly them to Edinburgh airport and pick up Bentley GB01, its in the reserved parking area.'

  'What's it doing up there.'

  'That's what I'd like to know.' Winston wrote things on a piece of paper and handed it to him. 'Get him to take it to Heathrow, put it in one of our horse transport containers and take it to Sydney Australia, leave the vehicle at this address. Then get on a plane and come back home.'

  'It'll get sussed, we need the paperwork.'

  Winston put his hands on his head and leaned back in his chair. 'I have to burn some favours here, it'll pass through quarantine trust me. In the boot are Australian registration plates, use the plates until the vehicle is left at the supplied address then change them back to the UK plates where it stands. As soon as the person is clear, report it stolen.'

  Mechanic read the address. 'Four Riverside Drive, Balmain East, Sydney Australia. Residence of a Theo Delores.'

  'Correct, whoever does it memorises that and must not carry it with them. If they cock it up we know nothing about it.'

  'Bit strange but I have someone who should handle it nicely.'

  'I have no idea what's going on and nor will he.'

  'Some big winnings yesterday by a lucky few, some people noticed.'

  'Mmm, so I hear. The form guide for Wincanton and several other locations failed to make it to the tabloids, but the down the line TV coverage put the runners up on screen.'

  'A hundred to one, blimey you'll be popular.'

  'No doubt.'

  Just before he left mechanic turned back to Winston at the door. 'Strange you know, Kalika is being really polite and nice and all that like.'

  'She want's something.'

  'That Cecilia Ridgehaven is absolutely stunning, she looks like a model.'

  'She was one, did it to keep her parents farm afloat, they got tangled up in a rough investment portfolio.'

  'Was it you that...'

  'Yes it was.' Mechanic began to walk out. 'Oh wait up, you have a friend that races cars.'

  'I didn't think you noticed he uses the workshop here late sometimes.'

  'Fine, I hear he does very well.'

  'Can only go as fast as his money.'

  'But he wins everything.'

  'Without our help he'd be mid field, I put a fair bit in myself.'

  'He runs a team, Bristol Engineering.'

  'Not all his, he has a partner.'

  'Yes I know, me, I bought out his partner yesterday. Can he be trusted.'

  'Was in my army unit, we stick together.'

  'Get him to come and see me please.'

  'I'll give him a call.'

  'Go and see him personally, no phone calls, same with the Bentley arrangements.'

  'I'll sort it like.'

  'Oh, have you ever seen or heard of Graham Ellis.'

  'The police inspector that's here, no, his ID checks out. If he comes from London not surprising.'

  'He doesn't come up on any radar, been checking since he got here, why would an Inspector from Scotland Yard come to Bristol to investigate a case in Taunton. Lines of inquiry generally follow protocol.'

  'Seems a nice enough geezer to me.'

  'Seems like the kind of person that could wrap a woman round his finger and get exactly what he was looking for, my gut is telling me I don't like it, but Kalika has never been struck by anyone like that, not that I've witnessed.'

  'If it means she treats people like human beings I won't complain.'

  'Mmm, the death of her father still haunts her underside. She may move on now he's gone. Presents a rather sticky set of facts on which to fathom decision.'

  'I'll get onto things, see what I can dig up from the police we deal with in Bristol'

  'Careful mechanic, we don't know what we're dealing with or why.'

  'I can't work out why you want to move this car.'

  'Nor can I, if I cant nor will anyone else but I'm sure they'd like to know. Everyone will be scratching their head and we'll have a third party tail on Delores and may find out why he picked up Lindys double, and it will all be done for us.'

  'Have you heard from her.'

  'No, she's vanished, I'm tempted to call on some people to find out but it goes against my better judgement.'

  'Makes things difficult for Lindy.'

  'Certainly does, I'm going to have to talk to her, could you send her back here while Kalika is busy with her new toy.'

  'Right.' Mechanic left.

  Winston didn't even have time to check incoming information, Lindy ran and was upon him before he expected, she walked in without knocking and sat straight down in front of him. 'You called, I'm so busy busting to get our there, was just about to, now what is it.'

  Winston had his left elbow on the table supporting his chin with his hand, he looked at her and a warm sensation filled him with hope. 'I have a bit of a dilemma, we are winning the battle but at what cost will the war bring,' he stood up took her by the hand and led her to the bay window and they looked out to the bustle around the barn, he put his arm around her. 'Your double was picked up by Delores in Sydney and we have lo
st contact with her, no need to tell you what that could mean.'

  'I don't see the problem, she served her purpose and I'm thankful for the help.'

  'Is it any wonder I am suspicious bearing in mind what Delores has done in the past.'

  Lindy sat down on the bay window bench. 'He may just have given her a job selling cars or something, she would be concerned and upset she has no place here any more.'

  'Yes I handled that poorly, I made no attempt to discuss things with her as I do with you.'

  'She's not the kind of person that would begrudge us.'

  'If Delores is up to no good I probably just signed his demise, in that case I probably signed hers.'

  'I'm sure you have things in place, I want to win the national, then I'll look out the window and think about things.'

  'The success will mean you take a place on the BHA board, you can then push the influence you know is right.'

  'I thought Kalika would be the one.'

  'Kalika lacks the morality, her morals don't go far enough to stand her ground.'

  'I thought you loved her.'

  'As much as you and my own daughter absolutely. Feeding an animal pure sugar because it likes it is a death penalty. I have many times been softened by these things to the point causing you both harm.'

  'She recently turned into someone I didn't know, today she's back on top.'

  Winston sat down next to her. 'What's your first impression of this Ellis fellow.'

  'I want to go to bed with him.'

  Winston stood up in shook. 'What.'

  'Well you asked me, if he's worthy of presence after a good bonking I have no idea.'

  'Good lord.' Winston looked away. 'Is it love or lust you're trying to tell me.'


  'Well I've never heard you approach things like that before.'

  'She fell in love with him on sight.'

  'How can you be sure she may be full of lust.'

  Lindy stood up. 'Look, next week I have to take on three of the best horses and riders on the planet, in April I have to take on thirty nine, is it okay if I go practice.' She kissed him on the nose and walked toward the door.

  'Do I get rid of this Ellis gentleman.'

  She opened the door and looked back. 'She's met the man she wants to marry and you'll have to walk her down the isle.'

  Winston felt the control drain from his body. 'I'm not qualified to do this stuff.'

  'Well you wanted three daughters now you've got them. Threats won't make him leave and crying won't make him stay, but they may find out where his heart is.' She gently closed the door.

  He was left dazed and confused, mumbling to himself. 'I'll take that as a yes we get on with it,' he sat down at his desk and found a pen to fidget with, 'now where the hell was I.'