Read Taunton Barr Page 24


  Some time past, Taunton Barr delivered another crushing blow with a further run at Wincanton in the planned November Elite Hurdle, Runners wearing his colours dominated the meeting as Crimson Tide, Saracen and Backfire ran alternate events on the day Crimson Tide and Saracen having wins. Janis Portland riding Backfire fell at a fence and was hurt. The press turned on Blake claiming he was loading the system and reaping the benefits of his own belligerence. Blake kept things close, he avoided travelling too far and continued on his quest to break into the national. Winston kept his distance from Kalika and Ellis. Once a week Crimson Tide and Saracen ran the training track at Flax Burton, things settled. Beaker attempted to contact Blake on many occasions, after a lot of thought he finally agreed to meet. The weather was bad, winter made it's presence known, Beaker drove to Flax Burton as he refused to attend the HBA offices in London, he also refused to transport Beaker via air concerned about further poor press. Within himself Blake had stalled, Ashby and his cohorts were nowhere to be found.

  Beaker arrived midday, he was escorted to the house and parked beside the entry porch. He was wrapped up to make the walk of only a few metres to the door and his breath clouded in the still cold air, Blake meet him at the door and they made their way to the study. Things felt rather uncomfortable on both sides but Beaker was forward in getting to the point. 'Pretty impressive run by Cumberland and her mount to date.'

  Winston sat back in his chair folding his arms. 'Well she's the one that deserves all the credit.'

  'Capacity crowds, venues falling over themselves to have you run, business must be booming.'

  'We didn't bring him back to do that, these are all mistakes on my behalf, sounds a bit strange but true.'

  'Look Winston, if you wish to run in the national then just apply man, any remarks that Taunton Barr has no form would be laughable.'

  'We have not fulfilled the standard requirements, I'm a great believer in them and in fact support the strengthening of them.'

  Beaker gave a sigh. 'What about the little people, if you can't qualify for the national then no one can.'

  Winston nodded slowly. 'Indeed, but many try to qualify with disastrous consequences to mainly the horse.'

  'We know your stance Winston and I especially appreciate the efforts put in to make things more comfortable for animals but even a person winning an Olympic medal knows pain is part of success.'

  'And Bechers Brook, we know how many horses that jump has taken down. We have a duplicate of it here, Lindy Cumberland tells me when you go over you can feel the devil bite your arse.'

  'Most support the format currently in place and has been some good moves toward levelling common ground.'

  'And the use of a riding crop.'

  'Common opinion that it's just a signal to control the horses speed and endurance.'

  'Then can you tell me why a horse that dominated flat races and currently dominating chasses has never had a crop taken to it. Nor any of the other horses from this operation that currently win over fifty percent of races we enter.'

  'Well look if you take the suggestions to the committee I'm sure they'll get attention.'

  'Don't worry we intend to.'

  'Always been the swan song of the greenies.'

  'Greenies don't run horses I do.'

  'You appear to be quite agitated.'

  'Things haven't gone as planned.'

  'If I was you I'd be over the moon.'

  'My plan was to quietly sneak up and make a point.'

  'Sneak up with Taunton Barr,' he laughed, 'good luck with that.'

  Winston looked down at the table, then up and gestured strongly with his hands. 'I agree to some degree I invited it myself, now what, well we have another run before we can qualify for the national, then I will forward and entry. I'm sure you understand that on both sides of the fence that is the path. Exactly what people would think at present is that I'm barrelling along forcing the issue on my own terms and I considerer that without deviation from the norm there can be no progress. Taunton is venerable, if I take no steps to minimise risk could be devastating. Look what they tried to do to him on the flat.'

  'I've been asked to offer Taunton Barr a run in the national without further delay.'

  'Taunton will follow the required path without a rubber stamp.'

  'May I ask where you plan to make the next run.'

  There was a knock on the door. 'Come in.'

  Mechanic looked serious. 'Can I see you a sec.'

  Winston knew mechanics faces well, he got up and walked to the door pulling it nearly shut behind him holding the handle. 'What is it.'

  'We have a fodder lorry at the gate, not the usual lorry or driver, we called the supplier and has their markings but they know nothing of the registration number and their lorry is in Bristol like.'

  'Bring it in, direct it to the back barn area when in there lock the door, have a security guard cover the entrance, I'll be over to see what the hell is going on directly.' Winston walked back in but did not sit down. 'I have to attend to something, would you like a cup of tea.'

  'Yes that would be nice.'

  Winston led Beaker to the reception room, and got the housekeeper attended to him. He rugged himself up with a long coat, scarf and hat, then headed off over to the barn. On arrival there was a loud banging on the inside door of the small barn part of the complex, mechanic and a member of the security staff stood outside. 'Oi, let me out!'

  Winston stood in front of the small door set into the large barn doors for pedestrian access. 'Open the door.'

  Mechanic opened the door and a large man with a herringbone cap and donkey jacket stepped out, he noticed the guard was armed. He had a strong Irish accent, he put his hands in his pockets. 'Now why would you be havin guns an all.'

  Winston was short. 'We have a fodder supplier, this lorry bears their firms logo but does not belong to them, and only one driver comes here.'

  'I know nothin about that.'

  'Then who owns this lorry and where did it come from.'

  'I don't really know, I was in that Hole In The Wall pub by the river next to that Richard the turd thing, looking for work. The barman rang a fella for me and he came and offered me the job of driving dis lorry.'

  'Where did you pick it up from.'

  'He had someone drop it off in the street outside the pub and gave me directions to dis place.'

  'Do you not think it's strange for someone driving a lorry to drop it off to someone else when there is someone already driving it. Was it the person that offered you the work.'

  'No, a different fella.'

  'Where do you have to return it too.'

  'I have an address in my pocket here.' He pulled out a scrap of paper and handed it to Winston.

  'It's a car park, they were going to pick you up there.'

  'No I was havin to find my way from there.'

  'Can I see your drivers licence.' The man fumbled for his wallet and handed it to him. 'William Moloney, Bray south of Dublin.'

  'You know where that is.'

  Winston chuckled. 'Yes I do, you have family.'

  'I do.'

  'How are they.'

  'Struggling, not much work around.'

  'What else do you do.'

  'I'm a stone mason.'

  'Mmm, rare talent these days, you can't find work in the Cotswolds.'

  'I gamble sir, when they told where this lorry was going I was interested in seeing the place. Lots of the horses I bet on come from here and you have that Flaxmead, was hoping to see it and the place it came from and all.'

  'You put bets on in the Hole In The Wall while you was there.'

  'Been looking for work out of there for about a week, I was lucky enough to be winin some good money of the last few days.'

  'Mmm, you sent it home.'

  'I did, and doing the odd job here and there driving and labouring, we are getting by.'

  Winston handed his licence back. 'You know what's in the lorr

  'I tink it would be horse food, I was told people here would unload the lorry with a fork lift, would only take a few minutes.'

  Winston extended his hand. 'Winston Blake Bill.'

  Bill took his hand with a look of surprise, Winston noticed he had a vice grip handshake. 'Well bless my cotton socks, you'd be Winston Blake himself, the very man that runs all this place.'

  'Mechanic you think you can find some work for Mr Maloney.'

  'Winston we know nothing of this geezer like.'

  'I read faces this man is straight as a gun barrel, Bill do you mind if we check your background, standard procedure for people we employ.'

  'Well when I was younger I was drinkin a lot, I was in trouble with the police now and then. Didn't stop till I got married will that be goin against me.'

  Mechanic laughed. 'Winston found me drunk in the gutter one night a long time ago, battling demons of the past. He picked me up and I never looked back, never had a drink again neiver.'

  'Mechanic, take Bill to the stable quarters, let him use the facilities and have the staff prepare him a meal. Check his details and give him something to do.'

  Mechanic began to walk toward the barn. 'Come with me.'

  Bill was hesitant. 'Emm, hang on a minute, I don't know what's goin on here.'

  Winston smiled at him. 'Nor do I and not liable to find out without your help. Mechanic get a chemist out here and have whatever is in that truck analysed, make it a priority.'

  'Right like.' He walked off with Bill in tow they began to chat.

  The security guard walked away and Winston strode off toward the house, he used his mobile on the way. He did something against his better judgement because he had a gut feeling that's what needed to be done. He called Lance Baldwin chief inspector at Bristol Bridewell police station direct.

  Lance looked at his phone screen. 'Ah Winston do what do I owe the pleasure.'

  'I need attendance here soon as possible.'

  'Oh, something serious.'

  'It's either an attempt to poison every horse in the place, or an elaborate diversion.'

  'Good god, just hang on,' he picked up his desk phone and pressed an extension. 'Get a patrol out to Winston Blake's place immediately and have Graham Ellis come to my office.............thank you.' He put the phone down. 'Be a few minutes.'

  Winston had overheard. 'Considering certain things Lance, not sure it's a good idea to have Graham here, the press would be all over it.'

  'The attempt you speak of, you could be right, Graham will tell you why when he attends.'

  'Oh, I see, well thanks.' They hung up.

  He made his way back to the house and removed his heavy clothing before returning to Beaker whom was now in the kitchen talking to the housekeeper, they went back into his office and sat down. 'Sorry about that bit of an issue in operations, now where were we.'

  'Where is Taunton Barr running next.'

  'Ah yes, not going to tell you.'

  'Well come on Winston could do with some heads up, damn logistics is causing some concerns.'

  'Will be plain as day when announced.'

  'Would really like a bit of notice.'

  'Truth is I'm not sure.'

  'You have two more runs if following protocol is your plan.'

  'It certainly is.' There was a police siren in the background.

  Beaker studied the barn network through the window over Winston's shoulder. 'Goodness me there's more police here than Scotland Yard.'

  Winston looked back over his shoulder. 'Oh good grief,' he got up, 'could you go and talk to Mavis for a while again I have to attend to something. He left followed by Beaker whom went to the kitchen and sat down with Mavis.

  Winston hastily rugged up and headed over to the barn complex. On arrival he ran straight into Graham Ellis. 'Graham what an earth, I asked for a patrol to attend to look into something.'

  'Could you come over here please,' they walked from earshot as uniformed officers talked to security and they began to inspect the contents of the lorry. 'The reason for the response is that this was recently done somewhere else with grave consequences.'

  'Surely I would have heard.'

  'No, the people were devastated, they lost all their horses and livestock.'

  'As I say surely we would have known.'

  'The people involved are still coming to grips with what happened, this lorry would be driven by someone who knows nothing of its contents and has no connection with the people that organised it.'

  Winston frowned with concern. 'Go on.'

  'A similar thing happened just before Taunton ran at Cheltenham, the people involved unfortunately do not have the security resources you have nor do they have the experience of oppression.'

  Winston became agitated. 'Well who man.'

  'You know the owners of Stargazer.'

  'Yes of course, the horse hasn't run for a while it has some muscular problems apparently.'

  'Unfortunately Stargazer died the day after it was withdrawn at Cheltenham, it was poisoned. A lorry load of feed was delivered to their stable, it took out the entire stable.'

  Winston was stone face, quiet, his face gradually turned to red with rage. 'What! You don't think that is a significant occurrence people should know about!'

  'We didn't want to send the perpetrators underground, was kept quiet on purpose to encourage a reoccurrence we could trace, it was thought you would be a target probably next. We also believe it has something to do with the disappearance of the Barton's.'

  Winston turned his back on Ellis, he drew some big breaths and his eyes welled, he grappled for control. He turned back around and yelled at the top of his voice. 'Mechanic! Mechanic!

  Mechanic came running from the barn complex hunting for breath when he arrived in only a few seconds. 'Get onto Cecelia Ridgehaven, Janis Portland and Roselyn Brooks, have their mounts brought here immediately they are in grave danger. I want a man with a gun no more than three metres away from Flaxmead twenty four seven. Take Graham to Bill they need to talk.'

  Ellis was inquisitive. 'You have the driver.'


  'What have you done to him.'

  'Given him a job, how did you know his name was Bill.'

  'I didn't you told me.'

  'Bill has good references and I spoke to his wife in Bray, she's over the moon he has some steady work.'

  'Let him go into town with Graham to the Hole In The Wall, find the barman that made the phone call getting him the job driving this truck. Where did this truck come from Graham you'd know by now.'

  'Hire company in London, Holloway, we have people there now.'

  'Mechanic get all the girls off the horses, jockeys, strappers, all you can. Get them on their phones, call every stable in the country tell them to double check their feed supply, thank you go man.' Mechanic sped off. 'Graham did the BHA know about this.'

  'Yes but you must consider all were asked to keep it under wraps, finally a lead we can work on. I know what your thinking, Stargazer was gone, nothing could bring him back, at last the loss has given hope.'

  Winston settled and was quiet for a few seconds. 'You're in danger of becoming a good man Graham, excuse me while I attend to some ministerial affairs.' He began to walk away.

  'Is that for Kalika's benefit.'

  He stopped dead turned back. 'You not only endangered her person, you gambled with her entire inner soul.'

  'I heard a good man say there is a difference between a gamble and a calculated risk.'

  'Indeed, you cannot serve a soul and a master, I appreciate the fact your position currently assisted in progress, If Kalika didn't know about this, god help you man.' He turned and walked away.

  He strode back to the house with a determined stride. He burst into the kitchen without taking off his heavy clothes and stood over Beaker sat at the kitchen table with Mavis. 'You know what is happening here.'

  Beaker avoided eye contact and fiddled with his tea cup. 'I put two and tw
o together.'

  'Go back to London.'

  'Will you talk to Jean Williams.'

  'I'll talk to all of you after the Grand National.'

  'There are some things she would like to discuss with you.'


  'Some of the paperwork that has been processed.'

  'I'll see her in the Old Bailey.'

  'Jean is just trying to make sense of things at a time that is rather difficult for many.'

  'Jean is well aware of the law, that's what we are dealing with and initially whom has stretched it to its furthest means. Things have crossed way over the line now, I would appreciate it if you would leave, I have nothing more to say.'

  Beaker slowly got up, he thanked Mavis for her tea and time, he mentioned one more thing as he walked out. 'Someone is being obviously clumsy and belligerent. They are turning people on themselves and those whom can least defend. What exactly would we achieve by antagonising you. We need you on board with us, someone is trying to turn you into a vigilante, and no one could do anything about it, a fearsome outlook. Our efforts continue to be intercepted with easily arranged disregard for social, commercial or personal welfare. My office door is always open.'

  'Best you go to your rescue operations Beaker, inform them of risks, no one is immune from resentment, the next soul destroyed could be your own.'

  'Judging on the last hour, unfortunately I have to agree.' He left.

  Winston looked drained, he began to remove his heavy clothes becoming uncomfortable in the warmth of the house. He sat down at the kitchen table. Mavis was fussing around with things in the sink. She was a spritely pensioner whom had cleaned house for Winston for decades. 'Would you like a cup of tea Winston.'

  'Yes thanks Mavis.'

  'What a lovely man that Beaker is, his poor mum is very ill.'

  'Yes, now you remind me.'

  She fussed around making some tea and spoke as she worked. 'What an earth is going on with all these police.'

  'It's my fault Mavis.'

  'What is.'

  'The whole thing, had I not run Flaxmead again the system as flawed as it is would have just continued to work.'

  'That man Beaker he's just as worried as you and everyone you talk to in town are so excited about the Grand National.'

  'It's tearing us apart Mavis.'

  'Oh I don't think so, lots of people in town that haven't spoken to each other for a long time suddenly have a common goal.'

  Winston strained a chuckle. 'He does that to you, you have to stand near him to really feel what he is. No other horse on the planet has ever been able to touch him, he truly is a champion.'

  'I go and see him every now and then since he's been back, he's so gentle but when Lindy gets on him bleeding look out like.'

  'They call her the pocket rocket and the damsel dynamo, never were such nick names so appropriate.' She put tea in front of him. 'Thank you.'

  Mavis sat down with him and sipped at some tea. 'Wonderful that Kalika has finally found a man, he is rather dashing.'

  'Been some time now, looks to more than a fad would you say.'

  'Oh yes, she's just head over heels with him and he fusses around her like a puppy.'

  'How's your boy doing.'

  'Oh really well, he loves driving that lorry you bought him and don't try and tell me it wasn't you, lorries don't just fall out of the sky.'

  'Have no idea what you mean.'

  She waved her hand through the air. 'Oh don't try and pull the wool got you written all over it, wasn't for you he'd still be walking around lost at the age of forty five.'

  'Good lord is that how old he is now.'

  'Oh yes, don't let time get the better of you Winston, and you win that Grand National, I wish I knew Flaxmead was running his first race over fences, someone in London won a hundred thousand pounds on him that day.'

  'So I hear.'

  'People an arf excited.'

  Winston put his elbows on the table and rubbed his forehead with his hands, he looked back up. 'I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing.'

  'Terrible burden you carry, I just sit back and watch, I can't believe you are like this, never seen it before.'

  'Not reasons of commercial advantage that drive this one, is reasons of the heart that weigh on my shoulders.'

  'Well you have lost a wife and a partner, both would be so proud of what you're doing.'

  'And what about Lindy and Kalika.'

  'They treat you like your their dad, do anything to you and those girls would be standing in front of you mark my words.'

  'And that's what worries me.'

  'We always worry about family but can't wrap them up in cotton wool.'

  'Making a decision to continue is becoming increasingly difficult.'

  'You stop this the girls will be straight over here, wouldn't like to be on the end of that. How would you feel next week and the week after. What would you do, it's all those girls live for.'

  'They should be thinking of living for much more.'

  'Well they have a good balance of goals and personal life, you don't see it from outside like I do, I see Lindy with her daughter, Kalika with her man, smiling, up early, living life before it catches up with them. Should they need much more I'm sure they'd let you know but they want for nothing and nor does my boy, and you stop putting money in his bank for jobs he hasn't done.'

  Winston got up. 'Not sure what your talking about.'

  She turned her head away. 'Oh go on.'

  He smiled and left the room.

  He called mechanic, it was half hour before mechanic arrived in his office, he sat down and made himself comfortable and Winston finished tapping away on his keyboard. 'How we going over there.'

  'Well as can be expected,' he pulled a piece of paper from his heavy coat pocket and held it out to read. 'Have information here on the feed in the lorry, the general feed we use here but with a few additives being and I don't understand this like but I'll have a go. Prunus species of plant matter that has traces of cyanide. Many species are cyanogenic, that is, they contain compounds called cyanogenic glucosides, notably amygdalin which on hydrolysis yields hydrogen cyanide.'

  Winston stood up and went to the window, he looked out across the operation. He put his hands in his pockets. I'm left with a moral dilemma, I encouraged this entire fiasco, I was just talking to Mavis.'

  'Had a couple of days did you he he.'

  'If I was to pull the show up what would you say.'

  'That I would be standing clear because the girls would be over here they are poised to strike should you make such a move like. They were sitting there waiting when you called me, they said if he wants to stop things don't come back.'

  Winston sat back down. 'What do you think.'

  'Fortunately I don't have to make the decision.'

  'Wasn't what I asked you.'

  He was silent for a few seconds. 'I've known you for a long time Mr Blake, I think it would hasten the grave and you would go to it regretting anything but success.'

  Blake got up again and looked out the window. 'Is the extra security in place.'


  'Crimson Tide, Saracen and Backfire here or on the way.'


  'The lorry full of poison feed.'

  'Being taken by the police and held for evidence.'

  'What do you suggest about covering that in the future.'

  'We pick up direct from the mill.'

  'Our supplier has been with us for a long time.'

  'Won't change the supplier like, they are as upset as we are. Just have a more direct control put in place, besides the measure already in place succeeded.'

  'What about everybody else's horses.'

  'The word is out there like wildfire, hasn't done the supply chains any good.'

  Blake turned around quickly and sat down. 'Say that again.'

  'Say what like.'

  'Supply chains.'

  'Oh, yeah, supply chain our supplier
loads from, the mill it loads from has been flooded with cancellations, called only a few minutes ago, affected them allot as they supply right across the country.'

  His attitude changed in a flash. 'Go and tell the girls Flaxmead runs next week at Wincanton.'

  'Phew thank goodness for that.'

  'There's a jockey here that used to ride Stargazer, knows the owners family well, send him to see them to help with anything they need.'

  'I do believe from what I hear in the muster room they're in Spain and inconsolable.'

  'Well fly him there and get him to report back as soon as he can.' He left with a spring in his step.

  Winston immediately made a phone call to one of his CEOs, since Flaxmead had come to light, merchant bankers Hornswaddle and Fothrington prior to their deaths bought into the world grain and fodder industry. The empire was left to Blake and he continued to buy out the opposition on the back of his racing empire's reputation using the brands his empire produced. His trading CEO controlling a network of different industries was the one who had up to date and ongoing information that may shed light on why such a brash and ridiculously open move had been made on horse feed. He used his satellite phone connection, few had access to the system but Chris Wainwright did. 'Chris, how are you man.'

  'Very well thanks, haven't heard from you since the last board meeting.'

  'Well things are in good hands your end with the team.'

  'Strange you should ring at this time but parts of our end are suffering a downturn on the stock exchange, the grain and fodder chain say leak of some kind of problem with poisoning in the supply chain.'

  'Which one is making the gains.'

  'No mention of names on the phone no matter how secure the connection but I'm afraid it's you know who.'

  'What I can tell you is a leading chase trainer had their entire stable nobbled by contaminated feed and an attempt was made here this morning. If it's already hit the stock market someone knew what was going on.'

  'Good lord.'

  'I doubt that would give any gains to others in the racing industry, if it transfers five percent of market share that's over a billion a year. Makes it look like someone is trying to knock of chase front runners to gain advantage in the Grand National, the money isn't there its with services and food.'

  'We can't let that happen ol boy, what do you suggest.'

  'All the information on you know who, arrange for it to fall on the desk of Ernst Stuttgart of the HM revenue and customs.'

  'Wow bit underhanded ol boy.'

  'How underhanded is poisoning horses.'

  'Mmm, well I hope your sure.'

  'Something was bothering me, just couldn't work it out, was that I was looking for the right thing in the wrong places. Horse racing on a personal level is pride and a few quid, food is an everyday multi trillion dollar industry, one can easily have the wool pulled over your eyes with newspaper headlines. Destroy your oppositions credibility and you have full control, follow the money. Use every possible contact and information source you can, I'll set about running the speculation into the ground with few horses. Find out who handles prunus products, main ingredient that has cause the entire fiasco, I know it's a tall order but tracking sales of the product over the past year in the Bristol area would be helpful.'

  'Well the source could have come from anywhere and taken by road.'

  'True and probably the case but digging will have them on the back foot, may bring someone out of the trenches so we can shot at them. Should I get anything this end will inform you immediately.'

  'Okay, the thing that will boost market share and always has is that horse thing you have, Flaxmead or whatever its name is. Winning the Grand National will foil all this.'

  'To take out the horse with dodgy feed is one thing, to take out the market share because of what it eats is a strategy only a few I know would participate in, and think they had done a good job in the process.'

  'Well I better get on with it, oh and we are preparing a wine vintage called Taunton Barr the demand on suggestion is staggering.'

  'We only have so much wine.'

  'But the price just went up ol boy.'

  'I'm glad I no longer have to prioritise such things.'

  'Oh before I go what the hell is Bristol Engineering Race Team, I have a proposal of twenty million dollars worth of Australian V8 supercars.'

  'I bought into the service that owns the team, not really sure what to do with it, seemed a good idea at the time.'

  'I sent it to Watkinson management services, only one I could think of that could review the proposal, they loved it. They are in the process of negotiations to run it along side the two litre series in Europe.'

  'I just imagined it would be a diversionary tactic because of something, now not sure what.'

  'Ha ha, well looks like it may bring in some reasonable cash flow.'

  Winston stood up and went to the window. 'Was just an idea to take pressure off other things but, oh shit.'

  'Beg your pardon ol man.'

  'I have to go got some visitors and by the look of their stride they have issues.'

  'Okay will talk soon.'

  Winston sat down put his phone away and waited, there was a resounding thump on the door. 'Come in.'

  In walked Kalika and Lindy, Lindy was the verbal rep. 'How long will Flaxy run at Wincanton, no other track in the country suitable.'

  'It's close and serves the purpose.'

  'What about Towcester in Northamptonshire, not far away and at least it's different.'

  'Lindy I'm sure you appreciate the fact I am concerned we nearly had our horse population poisoned today.'

  'Well we have to go to Aintree in April might be good practice.'

  'No, we run at Wincanton next week and will consider Towcester soon.'

  'I'm informed I have to have a guard with me every time I go out the gate, even shopping, please explain.'

  'My suspicions are we are not dealing with equine adversaries but commercial market manipulators.'

  'Can you speak English.'

  'Some person with a huge bank account may consider flaming your arse for no other reason than making their bank account bigger. May include kidnapping you or Kristy to hold others to ransom seeing we hold some cards they would like to have in their hand rather that ours.'

  'Kalika doesn't have to put up with it.'

  'Kalika doesn't ride Flaxmead and she is currently in a relationship with a police officer, never goes out the gate without him.'

  Lindy fell silent and Kalika took over. 'We came to ask for some assistance maybe your too busy.'

  'You want something done ask a busy person.'

  'I hear Cecilia Ridgehaven, Janice Portland and Roselyn Brooks will be staying in the staff quarters at times, is that true.'

  'Their mounts are as venerable as ours if mechanic feels sometimes they need to stay here so be it.'

  'I don't trust Celica Ridgehaven.'

  'May I suggest it's not Cecilia Ridgehaven you need be concerned about, I would be more interested in the trust you put in Graham.'

  The girls spoke in unison. 'She's a bitch.'

  Winston raised his eyebrows. 'At times Cecilia has poor judgment I would agree but she is merely misguided, I'm sure she has the best intentions at heart.'

  Kalika chimed up. 'Pull the other one.'

  'Do you have any suggestions on how to manage this.'

  They looked at each other with blank faces. Lindy spoke. 'We'll think of something.'

  'Well when you have I'll listen, now would you like to have a cup of tea or something while Mavis is still here.'

  'Oh yeah, will go and see her and have a chat.'

  'Good, time you girls listened for a change.'

  They frowned at each other and left the room.