Read Taunton Barr Page 27


  Winston did not have to arrange a meeting with Ellis as he contacted mechanic and through the correct channels arrived on Winston's doorstep the next day. It was difficult to separate Kalika and Graham, she fussed around him all the time they were together. She was happy and content with the future, Winston was successful in arranging an interview with the local community radio station with Lindy and Kalika regarding Taunton Barr's next run now only days away. This took the pair clear of the place as Ellis arrived right on time.

  Ellis was not dressed in his normal suit and tie, he wore casual clothes of neutral colours with an open neck light blue shirt and heavy three quarter length coat to keep out the cold. He also wore a herringbone cap, tartan pattern in beige colours similar to the rest of his outfit. Winston was rather taken back, he greeted Graham, he took of his coat and hat placing them on a nearby chair in Winston's office and sat down in front of the desk pulling the chair up close. Mavis knew Grahams preferences as to light refreshments and she was a real busy body so Winston expected a tray of warm sustenance within a few minutes. 'I was going to call.'

  'No doubt, I thought I'd save you the trouble.'

  'So you know why I would want to have a chat.'

  'To some degree, you would have known we attended Taunton and Barr yesterday minutes after we got there.'

  Winston purposely used body language to pry information from Grahams face, he fiddled with his pen with looks of contempt. 'You'd think a person whom was part of the family would confide in others.'

  'You know I can't do that.'

  'A bakers family gets their bread cheap.'

  Ellis crossed his legs and folded his arms. 'Come on Winston in some cases you know far more than I.'

  'Not sure who you work for but it's certainly not Scotland Yard.'

  'For all intensive purposes I do.'

  'I have people working in other organisations but are not paid by them.'

  'Look I know what you mean, is as far as it can go.'

  'I think not, I have two girls preparing wedding arrangements, have I missed something.'

  'Where are they.'

  'In town,' he looked at his watch. 'Ten minutes you'll be able to hear them on the radio.'

  'Ah, convenient.'

  'Announcing our next move with Flaxmead, local radio is about as far as I want to go at present, now have I missed something.'

  'I'm not here on official matters.'

  Winston waited. 'Go on.'

  Ellis drew a big breath and moved around in his seat coming forward and leaning on the desk. 'I asked Kalika to marry me, she insisted I ask your permission.' Winston looked completely drawn, he put his hands on the table and stood up, he turned to the window and looked over at the complex, he was quiet. 'Winston did you hear me.'

  'Yes I did, just a few moments please.' There was a knock on the door, Winston raised his voice. 'Put it on the table please Mavis.'

  She came in and placed a tray next to Graham, he smiled, she put a cup of tea in front of him. 'There you go just how you like it. Isn't it exciting Winston, Kalika fancy that, thought she's be alone forever that girl.'

  Winston did not turn round. 'Thank you Mavis, can you attend to the guest quarters at the other end of the house.'

  'Oh Winston I can't attend to your guest here way up there.'

  'I'm aware of that Mavis, when the time comes I'll tell the newspaper not much difference agreed but in this case imperative, hope you understand.'

  'Oh ah, okay Winston.' She clutched Grahams hand with a smile and quietly left.

  'She's been here a long time.'

  'Certainly has, looked after my father and mother while they were elderly.'

  Graham sipped his tea 'We don't seem to be getting far.'

  Winston was silent for quite a while, he suddenly turned and sat on the bench seat in the bay window facing Ellis. 'I have to contend with the fact that a most independent woman placed the rest of her life in my hands.'

  'I'd be overjoyed.'

  'Indeed, the first thing I mention is if you are using this as part of operations I will hunt you to the end of the earth.'

  Ellis pouted and holding his head to one side. 'I know you to some degree now, no need to have mentioned it, some would say it was a threat, I'd say it was a guarantee.'

  Winston again stood up and looked out the window with his back to Ellis. He encouraged answers that would make him turn round. 'You know a man called John Stanton.'

  'I know of him, not many people in my profession wouldn't.'

  'That's not what I asked you.'

  There was silence for a few seconds. 'I know of him.'

  Winston turned around an glared at Ellis. 'Rubbish.'

  'Then why do you ask.'

  'One of my best friend's daughter trusts me as a father and you ask a question like that.'

  'You may think I was marrying into money or.....'

  'If that was the case you'd be out of here long ago.'

  There was again silence. 'I've met him.'



  'How long.'


  Winston slowly sat down at his desk. 'I asked how long.'

  'Is this going to affect.....'

  'No, lying will.'

  'A few years.'

  'Why did you not tell me when I asked.'

  Ellis flew to his feet in anger. 'Because I don't want to loose her period.'

  The air could be cut with a knife. Winston slowly stood. 'Anger is a far more useable emotion than despair, sit down.'

  Ellis was still agitated, he gestured nervously with his hands. 'All of a sudden I'm asked to prove something I don't even understand.'

  'Not any more.'


  'Because it's written all over your face.'

  Ellis sat down and pulled his chair up restlessly. 'I feel terrible, the thought of her being taken from me.'

  Winston sat down, he looked at his watch and turned a radio on sitting on his desk, he turned up the volume, the cue was right on time, a female voice could be heard. 'And in the studio this morning from Winston Blake's stables in Flax Burton we have an absolute exclusive having Lindy Cumberland and Kalika Palmer in to talk about the next race to be run by the steeplechaser Taunton Barr. Girls this has griped the nation, another champion from the Blake stables, one more race and Taunton Barr can put an entry in for the Grand National. Kalika can you tell us where Taunton will be running this event.'

  'Taunton will be running a grade two steeple at Aintree next week.'

  'Oh my goodness, Lindy how do you feel about running the very ground Taunton will take on the national if he makes it.'

  'Hell make it.'

  'Have you run there before.'

  'No, we have trained for some time in similar conditions but without thirty nine other horses, I don't think this grade two will be much of an indicator, only half the distance and only standard fences.'

  'So you think the form shown by Taunton Barr is not a good pointer as to the outcome of the national should he be drawn for the race.'

  'If he doesn't make the grand national he'll race somewhere else on the day.'

  'What do you think the chances are of him making the draw.'

  'After saying that a hundred percent.' Kalika giggled in the background.

  'Yes he's filled every venue he's raced at since his first at Wincanton I think it was.'


  'Where the elderly couple from London won a hundred thousand pounds.'

  'We meet them, lovely old couple, was nice to see Taunton's efforts grace the ordinary people of the country.'

  'I don't think that will happen again.'

  Kalika spoke. 'Even if Taunton makes it to the national bookies are giving four to one his not the favourite.'

  'Would a convincing run at Aintree change that.'

  Lindy spoke again. 'Probably not, he's up against only a few horses that may run in the national and the distance is far grea
ter. There are horses in the national that could take it to him just on experience.'

  'Who could stop him from winning.'

  'The other thirty nine runners on the line, that's why they're there.'

  'So you respect the efforts of everyone that lines up.'

  'Even the lowest ranked horse could win the race if the other thirty nine were to fall.'

  'Is that possible, the race has always been dogged with controversy.'

  'The conditions and politics of the race are always controversial, Taunton couldn't give a rats arse he just likes to run and jump, thinks it's a day out.'

  The presenter giggled. 'Do you get scared when you line up.'

  'No I get angry with him.'


  'Well he's such a rectal cavity when you show him a few horses to run against pretty please isn't in his vocabulary.'

  'He certainly looks dangerous I must say.'

  'If he was dangerous we wouldn't let children ride his back.'

  'That's a good point, do you have days when he does such a thing.'

  'Every day children are brought to the complex some as young as four, he loves it.'

  'There has been no formal admission that Taunton Barr is in fact Flaxmead a horse that won the Australian Melbourne Cup at the time was the pet of two children.'

  'If he went back to Australia he would be Flaxmead, here he's Taunton Barr.'

  'Any reason for that.'

  'Yeah, wallies down at the BHA they need sorting out.' Kalika had her hand over her mouth crying with laughter.

  'Well we all wish you the best of luck and I must say I have already booked a place at Aintree for April.'

  'Thanks was a pleasure and we hope to see you there.'

  The presenter introduced Brahms Third in D minor.

  Winston turned the radio off, Graham spoke immediately with a voice of concern. 'Aintree, are you insane.'

  'They wanted to go to Towcester in North Hamptonshire, or Aintree.'

  'Towcester I've never heard of would that not be more suitable.'

  'Yes if they think we're racing at Aintree.'

  'I'm not with you.'

  'Exactly, me neither.'

  'I need more information.'

  'Ah, you'll have to deal with not only Kalika but Lindy.' Winston stood up and offered his hand. 'Congratulations on your pending marriage.'

  Ellis shook slowly with a bland face of stone. He walked round to the bay window and looked out across the complex, he was silent for a while. 'I have a moral, commercial and social dilemma.' Winston sat holding his chin up with one hand elbow on the table with an ear to ear grin. 'Where do you think they will want to go.'

  'Next question.' Ellis walked slowly round the desk and began to pick up his hat and coat. 'When's the big day then.'

  Ellis spoke softly, slowly and without malice. 'Weekend after the national.'

  'Well you learn something everyday turns out you do know more than me.'

  'Not much point in announcing things without foundation.'

  'Well if you need any help with the girls I'll do what I can, son.'

  Ellis was putting his coat on. 'Your actually enjoying this aren't you.'

  Winston sat back in his chair and folded his arms. 'Nothing like a bit of good old responsibility, things always look a little different on the other side of the fence, just remember Kalika and Lindy will be sitting here one day. Bit of good old information could be of great assistance, sometimes your life or where you sleep may depend on a scrap of information.'

  Ellis coughed. 'Yes, I see what you mean, we will no doubt have to meet more often.'

  'That's the idea, tomorrow actually, when you find out where Taunton's running.'

  Ellis looked wide eyed, he pointed at his chest. 'Me.'


  'I didn't think I would be getting involved in such matters.'

  'Come on now, part of the family now, you're about to find out what courage is all about man. Ever seen the pocket rocket go off the handle or have Kalika scratch a hole in the ground with her boot while she's baying at the moon.'

  Ellis put his cap on. 'Humph, no can't say I have.'

  'Well see you tomorrow afternoon when you'll give me their decision entries are nearly closed.'

  Ellis walked to the door. 'Will you call Kal....'

  'She'll be waiting outside the station when you get back.'

  'How do you know.'

  'I'd be reluctant to give even money on it.'

  'I see.' Ellis left and slowly closed the door.