Read Taunton Barr Page 31


  A strange or new mould, Graham Ellis insisted on seeing Winston first thing in the morning, was a meeting that would create a bond. Winston was late up, he slept heavily on the back of worries past, he showered and made ready. Ellis was far younger than Winston but Mavis was as usual up early and talking to Graham in the kitchen. Winston exchanged greetings on the way to his office and Graham followed, Winston asked breakfast be late and the pair sat down in the bay window after looking across at the bustling complex. They watched the foal follow Kristy around the lawn in front of the house, she was rugged up in the bitter morning air and although young kept the same hours as her mother. Winston sat down opposite Graham, the bench seats in the bay window put their faces opposite each other and very close. 'Looks like a scene from a fairy tale.'

  Graham chuckled. 'Yes.'

  'Noting could be further from the truth, you have some issues no doubt.'

  'A lot of people we didn't know at Towcester, foreigners, corporate entities vying for a look. Fortunately the place is only small.'

  'Why you got the girls to go there no doubt.'

  'I see what you mean about delicate negotiations.'

  'You did well.'

  'We have some very concerning information from people we pressured in Taunton, the national will be a risk you may want to reconsider.'

  Winston thought for a few seconds, he looked down, put his hands on his knees and sighed. 'I have considered, very good reasons we will push on.'

  'Lindy was shaken by the two horses that pushed Taunton.'

  'Lindy hasn't been pushed for a long time, she will focus, I speak to her shortly and have an idea to keep her determined.'

  'We have charged someone with the murder of Wilfred and Grant Barton.'


  'The elder brother of the Gardner from Glastonbury, Ben McCollum.'


  'I said we had charged him, I didn't say he did it.'

  'An attempt to bring the wolves from the lair.'

  'Can't fine anyone unless they feel it's safe to show themselves.'

  'What about poor Mr McCollum.'

  'That's not he's real name, Ben McAlister is holidaying in Spain, clerical error.'

  'I see. To what degree and why are you so concerned if we go on.'

  'We can't guarantee the safety of any of us, names we have been given are powerful and in some cases ruthless people.'

  'Mmm, I'm well aware of what you say, I now feel fit to tell you something only I and my doctor know.'

  Graham had an immediate look of concern. 'Your ill.'

  'No, I'm well as can be expected for my age. You are never to tell Kalika or Lindy what I am about to say.' He nodded and favoured one ear toward Winston. 'Roger Palmer was murdered, he was poisoned, my doctor did the autopsy and contacted me when he got test results back some days after his death.'

  'Good god are you sure.'

  'His death certificate states a heart attack, true in some ways, so it was left at that. Simple high residues associated with Foxglove plant poisoning. Would have to have been ingested.'

  'Narrows the parameters.'

  'Hardly, I looked at that, Roger was a busy man and ate from a numerous sources, so far and wide like a needle in a haystack. The toxicity could also have been accidental, mixing medications with natural herbs and every day things he ate. However the levels would indicate a pretty big dose of the plants extract at some time in the days before his death. My doctor whom I have know all my life agreed that making a fuss may affect more lives than the one already lost. The point is the person or persons that did it think they are safe.'

  'We are pretty sure that a woman said to be Grant Barton's wife murdered Wilfred and Grant and left their bodies where they were found in Wick Scotland, the good news is they were poisoned in a similar manner, the bad news is we can't find her.'

  'Sound's a bit obvious.'

  'The same residues you say killed Roger Palmer killed the Barton's. Long red hair was found in the van and on the bodies believed to be from the killer, Grant Barton's wife.'

  'I believe the science but not the rest, just to obvious, and where is this woman, holidaying in Spain perhaps.'

  'We have a sergeant Grimmer from Taunton, he is assisting with enquires, he claims she was an attractive woman that took advantage of her appearance and ran was having an affair with several men in the area. As you can imagine not many willing to speak about that, even includes Grimmer's associates, the information we have now is helpful in quite a few areas of enquiry outside of the Barton murders.'

  'Grimmer was paid by Mulberry to keep the wolves from the door, the money got to him, he's just a pawn. You want a lead pressure Ernst Stuttgart of the HM revenue and customs, I sent him enough information to put Mulberry away for the rest of his life, result, nothing.'

  'Really, now that's very interesting. Mulberry doesn't have so much as a parking ticket.'

  'A criminal is a person with predatory instincts without sufficient capital to form a corporation. Pressure Stuttgart and won't be the people that kick up you need focus on but those that dive in a trench in silence. Our push for control of the national has nothing to do with any of that, however bringing the nation together followed by products endorsed by the process will upset some powerful people. Now who and why, I have no doubt that the little run yesterday would have certain area's of the stock market in a spin. It's not national patriotism that fosters deceit, it's the money trail.'

  'I thought Mulberry could help so proceeded accordingly.'

  'Mulberry is a corporate crook, he's rather do someone out of twenty quid than earn it, nothing more. He just happens to live in the same lane as the Barton's, he choose the wrong trench nothing more. The Barton's knew something that could affect powerful people, the wife thing, it makes no sense. I saw that woman once when we picked up the foal.'

  'Her name is Ella Barton, she has several alias's, some are terrified of her, she made mountains out of mole hills. She is extremely hard to deal with and apparently took care of all the business dealings.'

  Winston rubbed his forehead with his right hand, he squinted with concentration. 'Ella Barton, when I saw her albeit from a distance, she looked familiar. George Smith merchant banker I dealt with over the years, Miss Campbell his secretary, she looks the exact image. She was flirtatious, I was approached by her once that's where I recall her, always dressed to encourage. Hardly the fact when I saw her in Barr, if indeed it be her.'

  'I'm at least sure it was Grant Barton's wife, why would she lead a double life, any way we can find out if this Campbell is Ella Barton.'

  'I'll get Jenny my secretary to follow that up, a call from me would arouse suspicion. Jenny can use more excuses than I such as ancient paperwork to do with litigation.'

  'You have a secretary but I have seldom seen her.'

  'She does secretarial work, I purposely keep her at arms length for her own good. She comes here from the office in Bristol once a week for a meeting. Everything else is done via electronic contact.'

  'Is that not a risk, can be hacked.'

  'That's why I do it, nothing to see there and it keeps nosey people busy.'

  'Are you not concerned she's without security in Bristol, you could be held to ransom.'

  'She has adversaries watching her, they in fact keep her safe, not much point in affecting your main source of information, better to make sure it's okay. Her husband works at their home premises, she's never alone. There was a threat when I first returned from Australia, the perpetrators were dealt with swiftly, not many people that mechanic doesn't know in Bristol.'

  'The man you call mechanic is listed as an enemy of the realm.'

  Winston laughed. 'So am I as you know. You have some pressing decisions to make, Kalika can't run this place when I'm gone she has no business sense nor moralistic aptitude. Lindy Cumberland will go back home and take Kristy and Flaxmead with her. That little foal out there will wear the name Taunton Barr and no doubt run
a grand national in six years. I have a daughter in the US, she has no business interest, she is like her mother into the arts, music and what have you. You marry Kalika you better get used to sitting here.'

  Mavis knocked on the door then brought in a tray putting it on the table beside them. 'Lindy is waiting outside to see you.'

  'Send her in please.' Mavis left the room.

  Ellis stood up. 'I'll be going then.'

  'Sit down.'

  He slowly sat back down. 'I would have thought it would be better if you spoke to her alone.'

  'Soon she will run against thirty nine other horses over four miles across thirty fences in a horse race that has the worst reputation on the planet. If you think other things we have been talking about are a risk just think about that.'

  'I have,' he shrugged his shoulders. 'I worry just thinking about it, I know what to do within other things we speak of, but, the race itself worries me.'

  'Good, then we start to reduce the risk, can't be eliminated, run a forty horse race over jumps up the front and the risks are obvious. The faint hearted would baulk at the thought, but Lindy, she was born to it. I must come up with new things, we must make sure she has the best chance that she can be given.' Lindy came in, she greeted them and pulled up a chair next to Graham, Winston stood up, he walked around the desk and kissed her on the nose. 'Congratulations, the only undefeated jockey to head for the Grand National, your face is all over the papers. Flaxmead, how did he handle things.'

  'Moet and Allahabad, they could take it to him.'

  'They already have.'

  'That was damn close.'

  'What do you think.'

  'He ran it easy, jumps didn't worry him, I made a mistake perhaps, held him back for too long.'

  'I've noticed you hold him back more these days.'

  'He's much older, I feel he finds it harder.'

  'His times don't reflect that.'

  'I'm frightened to let him go, he's such a knuckle head he could run himself out.'

  Winston sat back and shuffled around in his seat. 'Take him onto the training track and let him go.'

  'He's got used to actually listening to me and you want me to let him go.'

  'I said let him go don't stop steering him would be disastrous, probably end up in Bristol.' Lindy laughed. 'Let him go for a week, run him with Crimson, Backfire and Saracen, come back and tell me what you think.'

  'He could strain his big heart, he'd do that if I asked him.'

  'How was he when he finished yesterday.'

  'Fine, he was hunting for breath a bit, same as usual really, he recovered quickly.'

  'We can expect the top weight if he makes it to the draw, bit of controversy at the weigh in when you were weighed with your saddle.'

  'Wasn't a handicap so they don't know how much weight we had in the saddle.'

  'You came in at eleven stone eleven pounds just as we planned, pound over the top weight ever given to a runner in the national.'

  Ellis interrupted. 'Handicap weight, not sure what you mean.'

  Winston explained. 'To make the race more even horses are given more weight to carry than others depending on their form, Taunton will carry the heaviest penalty ever given mark my words. He trains and runs with the expected weight penalty in his saddle. Speaking of saddles, how is the new one.'

  'Just one more modification and I think it's right.'

  Winston put his hands on top of his head and looked at the ceiling. 'Put another pound in it and let him go.'

  'I'm so worried about him, we are pushing the limits.'

  'Of course your worried, he's your brother and mine, I'm sure he would be just as devastated if he let us down.'

  'Okay, but if I think it's too much I'll be back straight away.'

  'Of course.' Winston got up and looked out the bay window, he then turned back to them. 'If he's okay, I plan to have you join someone else who is at the top of their game, they control many horses, all at once. Their fans are just as enthusiastic about horses of a different kind, and the rider just as concerned and respectful of their mount. Just how far do you push something before you feel guilty and how do you control such emotions. Peter Stock has won nine endurance races over a thousand kilometres and three Australian touring car championships, he knows just how far to push things and has experience everyone is after. You will ride with him around Brands Hatch in a V8 Australian supercar, bit of a beast just like Flaxy.'

  Lindy lit up. 'Wow, a ride in a race car, far out, with Stock holy shit I'll be famous.'

  'No one will know.'

  'Ohh, I was gonna make Cecelia Ridgehaven green.'

  'Well you can tell her.'

  'Oh wow, when.'

  'I'm not sure about that but will tell you later today.'

  'Wow I'm going to tell Cecelia now the bitch will be spewing.' She got up and headed for the door.

  'Let him go this morning Lindy.'

  'No worries.' She left.

  Ellis sat back in his chair, he had a warm grin. 'That was brilliant.'

  'We shall see.' Winston sat down and put his magnifiers on to study the computer screen.

  'I've never heard of V8 supercars is it.'

  'Yes, an Australian format, I bought twenty of them but they can currently only supply six.'

  'What do you intend to do with them.'

  'I'm not doing anything with them apart from sit Lindy in one but a friend of mechanics has things under control.'

  'I heard something on the news about Bristol Engineering expanding its car race stable, related.'

  'Yes, I bought into Bristol Engineering, they will run a series at the British two litre championships this coming year.'

  'V8 not very popular here.'

  'Tell me about it, the greens are up in arms, attempts by the British motor racing authorities to have it banned, the Australian sports minister calling the UK sports minister complaining about theft of crews affecting the Australian series. They found out I was the involved and they ran away. It is just about getting Lindy to pick Stock's brains while she is excited about roaring around a race track. Another spin off is we have commercial entities clambering to buy into the idea, so not all bad. Lindy has been sheltered she needs something like that, if she's away from Flaxy for more than a day she panics.'

  'You think a ride in a race car will fix that.'

  'No picking the brains of another champion just may help her focus. Remember how I suggested we need give her all the best chances possible.'

  'How and earth did you get these people to agree to come here, a champion in his own country agreeing to controversy.'

  'Well allegiances are grand until you get to around about the money area. The one day cricket series was cranked up by the Australians the establishment here was disgusted, look at where it is now, turning the tables a bit on this one.'

  'Mmm, find it quite interesting myself, certainly taken my mind to a far better place, yesterday really worried me.'

  Kalika burst in unannounced, she stood on one leg with her hands on her hips and head to one side looking over Winston. 'How come Lindy gets to ride in a race car and I don't.'

  Winston adjusted his glasses. 'Em, I can't recall saying you couldn't.'

  'Good, Cecelia Ridgehaven is seething this morning when she was told, she'll have trouble riding her push bike let alone her horse.'

  'I think we should be giving Cecelia all the help she needs.'

  'She has everything she needs plus more can't help it if she's a bitch, I'm going to rub it in.' She headed for the door and vanished as quick as she had come.

  Winston looked at Graham over his glasses. 'Any questions.'

  Ellis drew a big breath and got up. 'No, think I need a quick chat with my fiancĂ©.'

  'That's a good idea and good luck, I don't know what happened to the girl she was once so moralistic.'

  'Well she still is, Cecelia can be a bit of a handful, I'm beginning to see why at times she makes a stand and gives it back.'

  Winston took off his glasses. 'Well you'd know more about that than me so I trust your judgement.'

  Mechanic waited until Winston was clear of interruption and knocked on his door, he had been asked to meet first chance they could after Towcester. He looked somewhat weary, and as Winston looked up he showed concern. 'You look drained man, oh I suppose fine for me I was here yesterday must have been a bit wearing.'

  Mechanic sat in a warm seat only just vacated by Ellis. 'I've had longer day's but with different priorities like.'

  'How did the plan go.'

  'Fine, as you suggested we got there early and left as soon as he'd run, only a small place but not much different to the past four. Weigh in was a worry, questions about Lindy's saddle, carrying a lot of weight.'

  'Our business I'll follow that up.'

  'They just questioned where the weight was, the saddle is made to hide it well, was no problem when explained like, Hayford was all over it.'

  'She's followed Flaxy from his first ever run in Australia, she knows how we operate, you tell how much.'


  'The arrangements for Bristol Engineering to practice at Brands Hatch next week are we on schedule.'

  'I met that Peter Stock, just briefly, he's staying in Bristol while we prepare his car. He's keen and far as I know they can run next Wednesday, four others are ready but one is in complete disarray. Bristol management are embarrassed like, friend of his but he will find another garage to run it by Wednesday.'

  'That is incompetent mechanic and I won't tolerate it, friends are a poor choice, fix it soon as you can, we can ill afford a hiccup.'

  'I may have made a mistake, can you buy the rest out and employee a manager, I have to admit friends are just that. He's out of this depth, this is way past a game.'

  'I have fifty one percent, stand him down and offer a third of what I paid for the fifty one percent for the other forty nine.'

  'We are taking his livelihood like.'

  'He's free to start another business, he's cashed up.'

  'He went on a cruise for a few day's relying on the teams he choose to move forwards, he's never had money before.'

  'I'll ring Watkinson management services and inform them I need a manager for the operation on site immediately, we gave him a chance, Watkinson stood of on my request. Man sounds like a dreamer, I have never been on a cruise or holiday in my life. Find a pastime you like and you will never work again just like yourself. Not your fault mechanic, whilst managing things I am responsible for everything, that's my decision. I refuse to put Lindy Cumberland's life in someone's hands that cruises the sea at critical times within their business operations. I would like Lindy in the car with this Peter Stock on Wednesday.'

  Mechanic looked startled. 'What, Lindy gonna drive one or something like.'

  'No, she will pick the brains of a champion so she can better make decisions on race strategy.'

  Mechanic pouted and shrugged his shoulders. 'Makes sense, horses for courses.'

  'We have ten plus horses that could run Taunton down in the national, we need give Lindy and Taunton as much support as we can.'

  'Right I'll get on it.' He got up and walked to the door, he opened the door but hesitated looking back. 'There's a 1952 Jaguar XK120 in the workshop this morning, you didn't mention you were buying one.'

  'It's not mine.'

  'A friends.'

  'An employees.'

  'Blimey, who could afford that.'

  Winston looked up from his desk over his glasses. 'I believe it has your ridiculous Welsh name on the registration papers.'

  Mechanic looked flabbergasted. 'Mine....I.'

  'You mentioned it last week, I secured the vehicle from Sweden and had it flown here.'

  'I didn't say I wanted it like.'

  'But you did, is that not true.'

  'Well yeah but..'

  'Make sure you drive it to the pub occasionally and have a drink, not like the other god knows how many that are covered by sheets in the storerooms.'

  'I don't know what to say.'

  'Without people like you mechanic I would be nothing, I know exactly what to say about that.'

  Mechanic was chocked and speechless, he left and closed the door slowly without a sound. Winston looked back down at his work with a warm smile, he mumbled to himself. 'That felt wonderful.'