Read Taunton Barr Page 33


  'I have a lot of people up my arse, becoming most uncomfortable, your being paid copious amounts of money, we expected results for our investment.' He folded his arms as he looked out across the environmental wastelands of London toward Heathrow from a window in the upper level of an industrial complex, a low flying airliner rattled the window, landing gear down lining up a runway.

  'I am telling you for the last time, it's gone beyond original plans so far the intention has been distorted to the point of stupidity. You'll get none of your money nor any of the expected outcomes. Blake became involved and changed everything. My guess is he is yet to find out that you had a go at what you thought to be Taunton Barr. Turns out it's a double, been around for years. Cumberland's double is with Delores, you have any idea what they've been up to.'

  'Man's a car salesman and x con, you should be more selective in whom you deal with.'

  'And the horse.'

  He looked around focusing on nothing in particular, his nerves had him blinking profusely. 'A man in a jaguar arrived, he decimated the strong arm help, just happened to arrive at a most inconvenient moment. I think he works for Blake. They didn't have a chance to noble the horse, we had no idea it wasn't this Taunton Barr.'

  'Mechanic, that's what the double is for you idiot, draw people away to where they can find them.'

  'This man, mechanic, he was a mobile cyclone.'

  'Sergeant Major Rhys Llewellyn, unit one special services, no prizes for guessing who he mixed with before rolling up on Blake's doorstep.'

  Anger showed it's presence with a lifted voice. 'We've been forced underground, our network is not getting the information it needs.'

  'Network, forget it, we thought it was a plan to manipulate the stock market in our favour, when Blake finds out you had a go at this horse the shit will hit the fan. Llewellyn took to the only one of your employees for want of a better word, that he managed to catch, the rest ran away but I got no doubt he knows them.'

  'Surely we can find out what this mechanic or whatever his name is got out of him if anything, remember those people were payed well.'

  His cohort went toe to toe. 'Payed well, would be his last pay day, the person will never be seen again.'

  'You suggesting this man was murdered.'

  'What I'm suggesting is this man will never be seen again, for what reasons no one will ever be able to prove. Remember something else, you could be next.'

  'Now your suggesting Blake will come after me.'

  'He won't have to we'll hand you to him on a platter, get out of here and don't come back.'

  'I don't take well to snide little bureaucrats attempting to use standover tactics with people they should be answering to.'

  'You want to know something else, your mouthwash just isn't making it.'

  The man sneered at this cohort, turned away and walked to the door, he opened it and looked back with a face of scorn. 'You have made a grave mistake.'

  'Yes, and I just corrected it.'

  The man left and gently closed the door.