Read Taunton Barr Page 42


  Was two days before Winston would see Lindy attend his office, he had been out and about in Bristol, a meeting no one knew about in the dark corner of a cafe, he returned in time for an update. Winston was apprehensive, Lee Hayford and Grace his nine year old daughter were on the premises but he had not been given access, a grey cloud of discontent hung over all. Winston assessed his girls were foraging for information to better come to grips with the current state of affairs, he noticed although they were busy they still had time to be together watching training from the track rail in a group.

  Lindy was direct as she always was and opened dialogue with fact and circumstance, she was still dressed in her riding gear her hair streaming down her back, she fought with it's maintenance as she sat down in front of Winston. 'Taunton is ready, if he is beaten would be some horse to say the least, since Taunton's been at Glastonbury Saracen has gone backwards.'

  Winston appeared pre occupied, no real story was written on his face. 'He was born ready, I have everything in place for race day.'

  'We need information on transportation times and the meeting schedule, first time you have failed to supply the plan.'

  'A meeting this morning changed things.'

  'Lee knows Taunton is at Glastonbury, she asked about it this morning, have any more surprises for me.'

  Winston got up and looked out the bay window. 'What do you think we should do.'

  'Nice timing on the family expansion, I'd like to say it has completely cocked up the balance of power but I wouldn't want to make an understatement.'

  'Kalika and Cecelia are not silly, was something unexpected.'

  'I got the gaff on it last night, we were up till late, I listened, gave answers when questioned, it's just a bump in the road. Grace is rather excited, she has some pretty cool sisters all of a sudden.'

  'They haven't come to see me.'

  'They came this morning, you weren't here, didn't go down very well.'

  Winston sat down again, he fixed his gaze on Lindys eyes. 'We have a problem.'

  She thought out loud. 'Taunton is running better than he ever has, he's twenty to one outside underdog, Backfire and Crimson Tide have just today logged their best times. Taunton's underdog status has brought down his weight penalty and you have your entire family here to see it all.'

  'Not quite.'

  'Not sure what you mean.'

  'Graham Ellis was arrested this morning by MI5.'

  Lindy looked stunned. 'What, why.'

  'Selling information to the Russians.'

  'What an ear...I'

  'No one is sure on what else he's been up to, I have a meeting with mechanic this afternoon, things will change.'

  'Kalika will be devastated.'

  'Yes, just before she gets angry.'

  'What information could Graham have that was of interest to the Russians.'

  'That's hardly the tip of the iceberg, Graham works for MI6, he's place in the police force is just a cover.'

  'What do they do, he must work with Mr Stanton.'

  'You don't want to know, the thing is Graham has information that could bring us down, he may barter for clemency with information.'

  'Why you telling me.'

  'Because you are the only one of my girls that can handle the truth at present, will take Kalika and Cecelia more time and we don't have it.'

  'Can you get to him.'

  'What do you mean.'

  'Come off the grass Winston, you know what I mean.'

  'Everone's after him now, he has the information on his contacts, makes him a target of his employers, he has been talking to the Chinese and factions in the Middle East, business we need steer clear of.'

  Lindy fixed a stern gaze. 'I said can you get to him.'

  'I thought you'd understand.'

  'I do.' She accentuated every word. 'Can you get to him.'

  'Would involve a lot of risk.'

  'And what is the risk of his current conversations with authorities, please don't treat me like a child Winston I'm not one, you are the one that made me what I am, now can you get to this bastard.' Winston was quiet. 'Well!'

  'I'm thinking.' He looked at the surface of his desk for a while, then up at Lindy. 'Tell Kalika Graham called and left a message that something on the Barton case had come up and he has had to fly to Australia for a few days.'

  'You think that will hold out until the race.'

  'He's been away for far longer times.'

  'She may need him at the race.'

  'Mmm, a delicate balancing act.' He got up and again looked out the window in deep thought. 'That is the ultimate deceive but under the circumstances may be a better option.'

  'You could swing that.'

  'I can better control him while he's loose, after the race it's every man for himself.'

  'You need a more defined outcome, he has to go.'

  'He only need call Kalika, that's reasonably normal, especially of late.'

  'I don't think it will be as tragic as you perceive, she's been seeing someone else.'

  Winston turned glaring at her with a look of stern stone. 'Explain.'

  'About a week ago, a youngish blonde guy rolled up here selling a new range of stable feed.'


  'She was attracted to him, Graham has been away allot.'

  'She's not like that.'

  'Oh get real Winston, we all have needs, perhaps we should tell them where mine are gratified.'

  He looked away then back. 'She has meet with him.'

  'Oh she's meet with him alright.'

  Winston sat down. 'Who the hell is he.'

  'I have no idea.'

  'Mechanic has mentioned nothing, if there was a threat he would have mentioned it.'

  'He rolled up here the day after Kalika started to delve into her new sisters history.'

  'Well that takes a bit of pressure off the Graham Ellis dilemma.'

  'Just knock him off.'

  'You appear to be aggressive when it comes to the issue of Graham.'

  'There was just something about him, I'm angry I haven't expressed concern.'

  'Don't demean yourself I've known for sometime, Kalika was the reason I tolerated him.'

  'If you knew surely you could see he wasn't good for her.'

  'Not sure that's the case, field research generally yields results you can trust.'

  'I think she became suspect herself.'

  'Her conduct would suggest that.'


  'You asked if I can get to him, yes I can.'

  'You'll talk to mechanic then let me know.'

  'Some things you just don't need to know, this blonde man you speak of, he comes from round here.'

  'Mechanic knows all about him, he works for you indirectly, the feed line he is selling is a new mix released by one of your organisations. Wonder you don't know about it.'

  'Thousands work with us, my delegated managers operating the business would be relying on personnel when it comes to employees. They probably have no direct contact with him.'

  'Well, that's where we're at, you better be here when they want to see you next time.'

  'This thing with Ellis was unexpected at this time, they had to move he was about to release some very delicate industrial information.'

  'Who did you see this morning.'

  'It's not important, the information you've given me is. We are only a few days away from the race, mechanic will arrange a meeting tomorrow to outlay the race day plan.'

  'Can you tell me a bit now.'

  'No, the plan is standard this could change on the eve before the meeting. Just focus on the daily lead up.'

  'Will Taunton leave from Glastonbury or come back here the day before.'

  'What do you think is the best thing.'

  'We need to be spread out I reckon, the press will be all over the place, at least we have Lee here.'

  'Find out if she thinks anyone else is suspicious of the double and may think Taunt
on is elsewhere.'

  'Driven by their benefactors they want to believe Flaxy has turned into a slug, makes them feel good in the lead up.'

  'Never the less we need maintain as much stealth as we can.'

  'Now Lee's here she may be a bit more forthcoming, will see what I can find out.'

  'Bit all over the place when you think of the primary goal in all this, one can never expect the unexpected to deliver anything but scepticism.'

  'Oh I don't know, pretty exciting waking up and watching who Kalika and Cecelia are related to, could write a book later but I haven't taken any notes.'

  'What are you going to do when you enter the BHAs committee.'

  'I haven't thought about it, was a pipe dream of Rogers, he believed you couldn't change anything without becoming involved.'

  'He's right and you better think about what you intend to do, if you get time in your mind.'

  'We are so busy seems I just don't have the time.'

  'It'll happen, you want something done get a busy person to do it.'

  'I'm pretty excited now I think we made it.'

  'Mmm, never take your finger from the pulse, the race plan you know what it is but you won't tell me.'

  'Why is that, and you don't push me to know.'

  'Some things I don't need to know, especially if I'm sure of them.'

  Lindy smiled and stood up. 'I better get on with it.' She walked toward the door, as she opened it she turned back to Winston, he had become preoccupied at his computer. 'Winston, if we were poor what would happen.'

  Winston looked up over his glasses. 'We would win the national and no longer be poor.'

  'It doesn't interest me, is it wrong to have money.'

  'They piss on us and tell us it's raining, pays to have at least an umbrella.'

  'Is money your only goal.'

  Winston pouted and shook his head. 'Don't know, never stopped to think about it.'

  'Would I still be sitting in the corner of my bedroom in Australia had we not crossed paths.'

  'I can tell you the past, but only predict the future, you'll win the national by twenty lengths at least.'

  'How do you know.'

  'I don't know I just do, never had any idea but learnt to trust it when I was a teenager, whomever I predicted to succeed at something was always correct. I once backed a musician I thought was incredibly talented but knew nothing of musical theory, I knew little of quantum physics the pinnacle of mathematics, but our figures defy belief. His talent was cultural and genetic, they say you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink. If the horse can drink, makes things far easier. Two and two is four, all I needed to know, I just find those whom fit the equation, I have no idea how. That's what the musician told me after his tenth success and we were financially rewarded many times over. Took him only a few minutes to concoct each song, just lived in his gut. Taunton and yourself were obvious regardless of background or experience. We should not condemn ourselves with the guilt of poverty when born to a gift.'

  'A lot of people hate us.'

  'I hate myself sometimes, will be worse if I hold you up any longer and distract from focus, I have ten phone calls to make within the hour, that's reality.'

  'I hate phones.'

  Winston looked down at his cluttered desk. 'So do I, at times they keep us apart, but other times they bring us closer.'

  Lindy blinked into space, she thought of her father and mother, she left with a smile.