Read Taunton Barr Page 7


  Kalika steeped back into history, she began to put children on Taunton's back, put him in the starting gate and open the door to the words lights on, she commented there was no doubt Flaxmead was his father. She ran him around the inner rail of the training track with horses bridled beside him, in front of him and behind him. He soon worked out how to shot through gaps, he didn't like being hemmed in he was forceful and in control even though he was only a third of their size. While she went about her business Winston had two enormous holes in his strategy, Kalika no longer managed Flax Burton busy with Taunton and the sudden death of Palmer created the biggest problem of all, Roger was the only one in control at Glastonbury. Blake seldom visited the property to keep the wolves at bay spying on Flax Burton, he had considered he may loose one of them but not both, one to the inevitable the other to commercial idealism, regardless of circumstances they were big problems.

  Flaxmead had a bogus name at Glastonbury, the staff knew him as Trojan, a horse stabled there owned by the woman that rode him on a regular basis for recreation, her name was Julia Morris, she was really Lindy Cumberland. Lindy had been badly affected by the death of Roger Palmer, they were a team and had relied on each others talents to coach Flaxmead along. Two weeks had passed and Lindy broke silence and contacted Winston, at least she used her bogus identity during the phone call, she requested a meeting with Winston to discuss the housing of her horse. Winston was furious but held ranks, he immediately sent the mechanic to pick her up in the middle of the night. She arrived at Flax Burton tired and sad at first light, Winston requested she rest before talking but she refused. He sat her on a bail of hay in the middle of the barn along side Kalika, the large areas around them he was sure no one could hear what was said. 'Lindy, we have left Flaxmead exposed, he has never been left alone before you or Roger were always there.'

  Lindy still had hair way past her buttocks, her petit pretty frame hardly put pressure on the hay she sat on, she was as young and pretty as she had ever been. 'I want to go home.'

  Winston rubbed his forehead. 'I need to get someone in place to cover will take a while.'

  'I want to take Kristy with me.'

  Kalika looked puzzled, she glared at Winston then back at Lindy. 'What is she talking about.'

  Winston looked at Lindy sternly. 'Don't go there.'

  'You heard what I said I want to take my daughter home with me.'

  Winston coughed with his hand over his mouth, Kalika continued to glare at Lindy. 'Lindy I ask you don't go there, leave it.' Winton watched her face but she looked down.

  Kalika was shaking her head at Winston squinting in disbelief. 'She has a daughter, you made her bring her daughter over here with her, how old is she.'

  Lindy was still looking down and muttered. 'She's five.'

  'She lives with you.'

  'At times.'

  'Where is she other times.'

  'At her home in Taunton, where she was born.'

  'Taunton, we were there couple of weeks ago, wait a sec, the little girl, her name was Kristy.' She glared at Winston and asked in a whispering taunt. 'Was that her.'


  She was still looking at the floor, her hair hiding her face. 'Yes, that was her.'

  Kalika stood up in a rage stamping one foot. 'Would somebody please tell me what's going on!'

  Lindy looked up at Winston. 'I'm sorry,' she whispered.

  'It's okay, things have changed that much I am struggling to fathom direction myself. I do believe you will curse yourself for ever if you run away from this. I always thought you were much stronger than how you feel currently. I'll let you go if that is what you wish but I strongly suggest you rethink things, you're very tired.'

  'I'm tired of hiding something I'm so proud off.'

  Kalika stamped her foot again and swayed her head from side to side with a look of indignation. 'Is someone going to tell me what the hell is going on here.' There was silence, Winston held face, Kalika looked backward and forward at them. 'Well!'

  Lindy finally looked at her and smiled. 'Kristy is your sister, you have the same father.'

  Kalika was numb, she slowly sat down, she went pale. 'Did she say Kristy is my sister, we have the same father.'

  'Yes she did Kalika, you wanted to know, now you do.'

  'I don't know weather to hug or shoot you both.'

  Winston chuckled. 'Humph, same way I felt when Roger told me.'

  'How long have you known.'

  'Since before the child was born.'

  'You bastard and you bitch.' Lindy began to cry in her hands.

  'Kalika, they loved each other, your mother had been gone for some time, I tried to get Roger to tell you but he had you on a pedestal, may have affected what you wanted to become, you needed him for that, he was sure you'd turn on him.'

  'I'm angry because nobody told me, in the fact that I have a sister I'm over bloody joyed.' She knelt down in front of Lindy and embraced her. 'I'm so sorry, was my selfish bitch of a character that stopped my own father from seeing his family together no matter how they were brought into this world.'

  Lindy pushed her out to arms length so she could see her face. 'I'm scared Kalika.'

  'Anyone who can ride Flaxmead around a course like Aintree fifteen seconds faster than the fastest time ever should be scared of nothing. Especially when I'm going to be right beside her.' Kalika stood up and looked round at Winston with a scowl. 'How do you plan to manage this mess.'

  Winston stood up and paced up and down he gestured with his hands as he paced. 'I wish I had another daughter but I don't, but I have you pair. What are we on this planet for, we have goals and mine have not changed, I plan to bust the steeplechasing industry wide open. My perception is you have the same, or as women often do have changed your mind which could change again by sunup in about two minutes.'

  Kalika put her hands on her hips. 'Ha ha, very funny, not quite what we were hoping to hear.'

  He stoped pacing and looked at them. 'Do you want to win the Grand National.'

  They looked at each other and answered in unison. 'Yes.'

  'Would you like your sister here with you Kalika.'

  'Well of course even if I have to go find her myself and bring her here.'

  'That won't be necessary. Lindy do you want to go back home.'

  'No my home is here, I have something to finish I promised someone.'

  Winston yelled at the top of his voice. 'Mechanic!!, mechanic!!.' Within a few seconds the mechanic appeared in the doorway direct from the workshop next door.

  'Oh its you Mr Blake, thought I heard raised voices.'

  'You did, mechanic you have been promoted to manager of this enterprise.'

  Mechanic rubbed his hands clean with an oily rag. 'Oh I don't know about that like, not over sure on how to do such a task like. I like playing with motors like.'

  'I'm not making you manager because you are a brilliant businessman mechanic, you have the position because we can trust you.'

  'Oh fair enough like, yeah I'll give it a whirl.'

  Winston laughed. 'Get Belvedere to crank up the big float, he goes to Glastonbury operation and picks up a horse called Trojan, you take this lady with you.' He gestured to Lindy.

  'Blimey you look like Lindy Cumberland.'

  'She is Lindy Cumberland.'

  'I saw you last night on the telly in Australia.'

  'Yes, and that's exactly how we want it, you tell no one not even your family you have seen Lindy here.'

  'Understood sir.'

  'You will give Belvedere the same instructions.'

  'Yes sir.'

  'How many times do I have to mention my name is Winston.'

  'Sir Winston sir right sir.'

  Winston closed his eyes and coughed, the girls managed a smile. 'You must find a person to fill your duties, your first job.'

  'Know the perfect person, will be here this afternoon.'

  'I trust your judgement. There is a private investigator wat
ching this place, he has several hiding places as you are aware. I want him scared off but no longer than a week.'

  'Understood sir.'

  Kalika was tapping her foot on the ground. 'And what do I do, baby-sit Taunton while everyone else gets a real job.'

  'Mechanic put Taunton in the float and take him with you, Belvedere and Lindy, don't let him out of your sight.'

  'Right sir.'

  'You can get to it mechanic.'

  'Right sir.' Mechanic shot out the door.

  Lindy stood up looking baffled. 'Why do you call him mechanic.'

  'Because his Welch and I cant pronounce his name. My burning ambition is to get that man to call me anything rather than sir.'

  Kalika laughed. 'I was there long ago when you interviewed him, you gave him the job because he called you sir.'

  Winston held out his palms in front of him. 'I knew his background he was recommended, was an excuse I used.'

  'Now what do I do, you just sent my horse to Glastonbury on a joy ride.'

  'You come with me.'


  'Place just out of Taunton called Barr.'

  'I thought you wanted to pick up your sister.'

  'Shouldn't I go and get Flaxmead and Lindy get Kristy.'

  'Lindy is supposed to be in Australia, what do you think a sighting here would do for us. You were seen there the other day, will be just a back up visit.'

  Lindy put her arm round Kalika. 'Will be okay, I would jeopardise the safety of many things if seen in public here.'

  'Where is Kristy.'

  'Big house at the end of the lane by the Lodge.'

  'The place the police raided.'


  'There was no one there.'

  'Place was designed for people to be found only if they wanted to be.'

  'Who looks after Kristy.'

  'You don't need to know.'

  The float backed into the doorway and mechanic lowered the ramp. 'The foal Miss Cumberland.'

  Lindy walked to the stall, the little horse became excited when he realised who it was. He willingly allowed her to bridle him and he followed her like a puppy. Kalika smiled at them and Taunton muzzled her on the way past. They walked up the ramp and it closed behind them with a quick smile and wave from Lindy. The float gently pulled away. Kalika glared at Winston. 'You have some explaining to do, do you not.'

  Winston walked toward the door. 'Come on, we have a lot to do.'