Read Teased Page 9

  Instinct ruled, and she nodded numbly.

  “Good.” He turned back around, the muscles in his shoulders visibly vibrating and completely blocking her view of the door.

  She swallowed several times, trying to calm her rioting nerves. Oh, they were so going to talk about his ass-backward attitude. When he wasn’t so angry, of course. She was brave…not stupid.

  Since the first realization about vampires, she might have had a rather romantic view of them as an immortal species. There was an edge present, an animalist, definitely predatory, aspect to him that she hadn’t imagined. He’d hidden that part from her until this morning.

  “Sex does change things,” she mumbled, donning her coat.

  His shoulders went back, but otherwise he didn’t twitch.

  She didn’t want to poke the bear, but she had to say something. “Ronni is in danger if they’re watching her. I have to do something.”

  “Ronni was perfectly safe with them watching her until you called her. Now she’s in danger,” he responded, his voice unrelenting.

  Well, geez. Her fist closed with the need to punch him again, but caution won out this time. She’d probably pushed the vampire as far as she wanted at the moment.

  The building rocked again. How many explosives were the Libscombe family using, anyway?

  The elevator hitched and then kept descending.

  Chalton growled low.

  Olivia shivered and fought the urge to burrow into his back for reassurance. As much danger came from the pissed off vampire as from the explosives attacking Benny’s nice penthouse. She hadn’t given thought that one little phone call would result in an attack.

  The door opened, and Chalton sprang out, gun at ready.

  A garage-sized room held several motorcycles and what looked like a golf cart without wheels. Chalton made tracks toward a supped up Harley and swung one leg over the side.

  She hurried after him, grabbed his arm, and jumped on the bike, trying to tuck her dress up for some modesty. Leaning down, she shoved both boots on her feet before tucking them on the foot step thingy. “I’ve never ridden a motorcycle.”

  He handed back a helmet. “Put this on, hold on to me, go limp, and let me guide you.”

  She nodded and shoved the helmet over her head.

  The bike came alive with a loud roar.

  She wrapped her arms around Chalton’s waist and leaned in, allowing herself to find some comfort in his warmth. Sure, he was angry with her, but deep down, she knew he wouldn’t let anybody hurt her.

  He swung the bike in a large circle and aimed down a narrow tunnel. Bricks sped by, making Olivia dizzy.

  Light became apparent, and they shot out of the tunnel into an alley. Bullets instantly impacted the side of the motorcycle.

  Chalton swerved and opened the throttle on the icy roads.

  Olivia screamed and shut her eyes, holding on with every ounce of strength she had.


  Chalton positioned the bike the best he could, trying to keep his body between Olivia and any bullets. As far as he could tell, only one enemy soldier took post across the alley. A quick glance confirmed the guy’s identity as one of Petey’s soldiers. Chalton had kept a dossier on Petey’s forces through the years, just in case. The rest were probably covering other exits, not even sure this was an exit.

  The guy fired again, and pain rippled through Chalton’s leg. Blood spurted.

  He opened the throttle, and the bike jumped forward. Yanking to the right, he drove up on the sidewalk, putting vehicles between the bike and the shooter. A passerby screamed and jumped out of his way.

  Olivia held on tight, her helmet against his shoulder, finally doing as he’d told her. He could not believe she’d made a phone call from the penthouse.

  Smoke billowed out from the top floor, and several of the windows had been blown to bits. Glass and debris still rained down. Benny was going to kill him. Literally. Benny would literally try to cut off his head. It was nearly unimaginable how much money Chalton would have to offer to keep peace in the family.

  He banished all thoughts of payoff and concentrated, using split-second reflexes to keep metal between them and bullets. Taking a sharp right, he then angled into another alley, turned left, and hugged several buildings before hitting the open and icy road.

  The soldiers would come after them but wouldn’t be able to catch the bike.

  He took back roads as much as possible, and within an hour, his body began to relax. Unlike the penthouse phone, his cellphone was encrypted and couldn’t be traced. Even though it buzzed incessantly in his pocket, he ignored it to keep driving away from danger.

  Finally, they reached the warehouse district, and he pulled alongside a nondescript medium-sized metal building with logos for a bread company on the side. He tapped a keypad by a door, and it swung open, so he drove the bike inside.

  The bike went silent.

  Empty space surrounded them, while a small apartment was set in the far corner and enclosed by cinder blocks. Olivia used him for balance and pushed off the bike, stumbling back and taking off the helmet. Her stunning mahogany hair tumbled down over her shoulders. “You’ve been shot. Again.”

  He nodded and swung off the bike, wincing when his thigh protested. Reaching in the hole, he dragged out the bullet, biting his lip to keep from swearing. “I’m fine.” Crossing his arms, he took a good look at his woman. Yeah. He was done pretending otherwise. “I am not happy with you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Get over yourself. I had no clue about Ronni’s phone being bugged.”

  “Hence my order to stay low and not contact anybody,” he said evenly, holding on to his patience with both rapidly tiring hands.

  “Perhaps you should’ve explained yourself better,” she said sweetly, sarcasm in every line of her scrumptious body.

  “Maybe I should’ve explained the consequences better,” he murmured.

  She stepped back. “You can’t blame me for your uncle’s penthouse being blown up.”

  “Yet I do.” Could she not see she’d put her life in danger? If Dage hadn’t been monitoring so closely, Olivia would’ve been caught in the crossfire. Chalton’s phone buzzed again, and he yanked it to his face. “Damn it. What?”

  “Benny’s blew up. You okay?” Theo asked.

  “Yes. We’re at safe house three. You have mom?”

  “No. Can’t find her.” Frustration darkened Theo’s tone. “She went shopping, apparently, and didn’t leave any more information with the house staff.”

  Chalton sighed. “Meet me here, and we’ll figure out the best way to find our mother.”

  “Fair enough. You text Jared and have him meet us. It’s time we figured out who’s after us…other than the Kurjans.”

  “The Kurjans have been appeased, for the time being anyway. I saw one of Petey’s men waiting to ambush me. We definitely have the right enemy in mind.” Chalton said.

  “It’s about time. I’m tired of waiting for the bastard to make a move,” Theo said grimly, hanging up.

  Chalton nodded and quickly dialed Jared. “Jared, I need a favor. Will you pick up a friend of Olivia’s? She’s in danger.” He quickly gave the coordinates. “Thanks. See you soon.” He clicked off the phone and turned to study his woman. “Jared will bring Ronni here.”

  “What will you tell her?” Olivia asked.

  He shrugged. “Let’s figure that out when she gets here.” Striding forward, he took Olivia’s hand and led her out of the garage space and into the small apartment. She followed without protesting, which was a nice change. He released her and pointed toward the one bedroom and bath. “You mentioned a shower. There are clothes in the closet that should fit you.”

  She stilled. “Whose clothes?”

  Did the woman sound jealous? He bit back a grin. “My mom’s. This is a safe house for in case we need one…it’s equipped for all of us.” Somebody, probably Jared, had updated it throughout the years. “Go, Olivia.” He needed
a few minutes to regain control so he stopped wanting to throttle her.

  She must’ve sensed his mood because she headed for the bedroom, stopping at the door to turn around. “Why haven’t you and your brothers talked for so long?”

  He turned, surprised at the question. “Our father died, and we were each in a bad place, so we turned on each other instead of to each other.” It really was as simple as that. “But a hundred years for us is like a few weeks for humans. We just haven’t had time to make up.”

  She leaned against the doorjamb, dark circles under her pretty eyes. “What bad places?”

  He breathed out slowly. “Damn, you’re a curious one. I had killed too many people, in war and out, and was facing a crisis of a sort. So I put up my weapons and turned to technology, which soon became computers as they were invented.” Dage had saved his soul with the offer to work for the Realm as the computer expert and no longer as an assassin, without question.

  “And Jared?”

  “The love of his life, or rather, who he thought was the love of his life, mated somebody else. I never liked the witch.” Chalton shrugged. “Theo had lost his best friend in a battle with an enemy shifter clan out of Africa, and he was blaming himself.”

  The timing had sucked all around. “We screwed up and should’ve helped each other instead of fought.” Yeah, that was on him. He was the logical one and should’ve reached out before now. “It’ll be okay, Olivia. I promise.”

  She nodded, pale and wan, and turned to disappear in the bedroom.

  What was he going to do? If life were perfect, he’d court her for a decade and then make her his. As it sat, he’d promised to mate her dying best friend.

  She reappeared in the doorway, buck ass nude. “Chalton? Want to join me?”

  His cock sprang to action with an “oh, hell yes.” Yet he shook his head. “I’m seriously pissed at you, Livy. Give me some time to cool down.”

  She snorted. “Don’t be such a dork. Our time might be limited, considering we seem to be at war on several sides with pretty scary enemies. Let’s take the moment.”

  His gaze swept down her curvy body and then back up, lingering on her breasts. Full and firm, they all but begged for his mouth. “You asked for it.” Letting the beast in him take over, he strode toward the woman made just for him.

  Olivia swallowed and backed into the room, wondering once again at her own sanity. Adrenaline from the bombing and chase had been coursing through her system, and she’d felt brave. Chalton Reese, no matter his perfection, thought she was beautiful.

  It was an intoxicating feeling, and it had gone right to her head. So when she’d taken off her clothes, she’d figured…why not?

  As Chalton moved toward her with the grace of any predatory animal, her question was answered. He was pissed, he was dangerous, and he was unknown. Truly, she did not know him. Not really.

  Now not only had she poked the beast, she’d pretty much punched him right in the nose with the dare.

  “Um—” She took another step back.

  “Too late.” His expression matched his words. Stony and determined…and so damn male. He reached her and threaded his fingers through her hair, tangled, and pulled her right up on her toes.

  She gasped, opening her mouth, and he took full advantage. Driving his tongue in, dueling with hers, bending her back to be kissed hard. His other hand clamped on her hip and yanked her into pure male muscle.

  The whimper up her throat would’ve embarrassed her if her mind wasn’t spinning. She was naked, and he was fully clothed, swamping her with a heated vulnerability she shouldn’t have liked. Yet she kissed him back, unable to move an inch, desire rushing through her stronger than hundred-year-old cognac.

  He broke the kiss and lifted her easily, all but tossing her on the bed. She bounced once, and then he was on his knees on the floor, his mouth on her core, her legs over his shoulders.

  She tried to sit up, to protest, but one hand flattened over her abdomen.

  He glanced up, his eyes a burning gold. “Stay in place.”

  The spit on her tongue dried up, and she froze.

  “Down,” he ordered, no give on his chiseled face.

  She blinked once and then lay back down, her heart beating so fast her ribs ached.

  He licked her, humming with pleasure, and nipped her clit.

  Sparks flew through her so hot and fast she could only gasp. Then he went at her, licking, nipping, and biting…in perfect rhythm, until she was a mass of aching nerves ready to beg.

  She glanced desperately around the small bedroom. Black and white photographs of airplanes through the years covered the walls, and a heavy oriental rug sprawled across the concrete floor. He nipped her again, and she closed her eyes against the heated bliss.

  “Chalton,” she moaned.

  He released her and turned to rub his nose against her thigh. She gyrated against him, needing much more, so close to the edge a strong breeze would carry her over.

  Pain lanced through her thigh.

  She partially sat up, and the hand on her abdomen pushed her back down. He’d bitten her. His tongue made quick use of closing the wound, and then landed square on her clit.

  She whispered his name, fireworks flashing behind her closed eyelids. The orgasm rolled through her, pounding, stronger than any lightning strike. He prolonged the waves, using his mouth and his fingers, until she flopped back down with a low moan.

  Then he stood.

  She tried to form words, but nothing would come.

  He ripped his shirt over his head, revealing all of that smooth, strong muscle. Then his pants hit the floor.

  No way could she join him this time, but he definitely deserved an orgasm. So she widened her thighs.

  Slowly, he shook his head, raw need in his dark eyes.

  She frowned.

  He grasped her hands and tugged her to stand. Her legs wobbled. Then he turned her around and lowered her to her hands and knees on the bed, facing the headboard. Strong hands grabbed her hips, and he thrust inside with one controlled shove.

  She sucked in air and dug her nails into the dark bedspread. Holy crap he was huge. A feeling, an uncoiling, started deep inside her. How was that possible?

  He flattened his hand between her shoulder blades and pushed down until her head hit the covers. She turned to the side to breathe, a powerful predator behind her.

  Open and vulnerable, she could only feel.

  So much heat and undeniable power. Yet she had to ask. “Is this because you’re mad?”

  He stopped moving, buried balls deep inside her. “Does this feel mad?” he asked.

  No, it felt fucking amazing. He was so deep she wasn’t sure where he ended and she began. “No, but I wanted to make sure.” Her voice was muffled in the covers.

  He slid out and powered back inside her. “This is for fun and because it feels good. This”—he smacked her ass and hard—“is because I was pissed.”

  “Ow,” she howled. Then, because he’d surprised her, she laughed out loud.

  He paused again. “You’re laughing?” Amusement darkened his tone.

  She shivered from the tenor and laughed again. “I can’t help it. You surprised me, and that’s how I react.” And yet, she was having fun. Without question.

  “Interesting.” He peppered several smacks to her rear end, and she stopped laughing altogether. “Better.”

  Oh, he did not. Worst of all, since he was firmly implanted inside her, every smack had ricocheted sparks throughout her body. Somehow he ignited her desire again, this time into a hunger that actually hurt.

  “I might have to harm you,” she gasped into the bedclothes.

  A slap to the center of her ass had her arching and riding the fine edge between pain and pleasure.

  “So that’s how to quiet you,” he murmured, rubbing her heated flesh.

  Her mind caught his meaning several seconds after her body had spasmed. “Hey—”


She arched again, taking more of him in.

  He chuckled a low rumble, grasped her hips, and began pounding with a harsh rhythm that took her completely out of reality. The slap of flesh against flesh filled the room along with their ragged breathing.

  He pulled her back to meet his thrusts, controlling her, taking her places she hadn’t known existed.

  She broke with a low cry, the orgasm taking her over, filling her with so much pleasure she could barely breathe.

  He shuddered and fell over her, his lips brushing her ear.

  Slowly, he pulled out, and she felt a sense of loss way out of proportion for the moment. He turned her over, pushed her up on the bed, and sprawled over her, his elbows taking his weight.

  “You okay?” he asked, pushing damp hair away from her face.

  She nodded, too much emotion swamping her to allow speech. If she talked, she’d say something really stupid about love and destiny. She’d lost her mind. A couple of amazing orgasms and she’d gone crazy.

  He placed a gentle kiss against her lips. “You feel it, right?”

  She nodded again, wanting nothing more than to stay right there, in his arms, forever. How nuts was that?

  “Me too.” He kissed the corners of her mouth, her nose, her cheeks, even her eyelids.

  A rumble sounded from outside.

  He drew her up and off the bed, patted her still smarting ass, and pushed her toward the bathroom. “That’s one of my brothers. Take a quick shower. We’ll figure everything out later.”

  She nodded and hitched toward the bathroom, small aches and pains springing to life. He felt like hers, but what about Ronni? What would she give up to save her best friend’s life? How could she ask Chalton to give up his freedom for eternity?


  Chalton dragged on the borrowed jeans, leaving them unbuttoned while padding barefoot into the vast garage space. Theo arrived on an impressive looking Ducati seconds before Jared roared in on a Harley with a pale brunette holding on for dear life behind him.