Read Teen Fury: Unleashed Page 5

  The bell doesn’t ring soon enough, but when it does I bolt for the door, in no mood to have her goad me. I’m sure she’s wondering if I saw her Facebook status, and I refuse to give her the satisfaction of a response.

  Rushing out the door, I startle when I bump into Zane. I know it’s Zane without even looking because his crisp scent stands out from all the over-cologned guys walking around the high school. Besides, I don’t know anyone else who can make my blood rush like Zane does, even before he speaks. (I’m ignoring the fact that Ryder makes my insides do flip flops. He doesn’t deserve my attention.)

  Zane doesn’t say a word, just drags me by the arm toward an alcove near the stairs. I say “drag,” but believe me, I am not kicking and screaming trying to get away, even though he makes me feel a little unbalanced. I appreciate the distraction from Jenny and her shiny, gloating face.

  He pulls me close to him, trying to squeeze us both into the small, slightly darkened space.

  “That was quite impressive the way you went after that dude in the cafeteria yesterday.” I look up at him, captivated by his cloudy green eyes and his long lashes that cast shadows on his high cheekbones. “Too bad your boyfriend held you back. You really could have taught that kid a lesson.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.” I’m familiar enough with the sensation to know I’m reddening from my face all the way down my chest. Why that was the only thing I thought to respond to, I have no idea.

  “Well in that case…” Zane leans down, touching his forehead to mine. Time stops, and I suddenly don’t care that the bell is about to ring and I haven’t even made it to my locker yet. A year’s worth of detention would be worth this one moment with Zane, breathing his spearmint-scented breath. I know for sure I’m going to wake up soon from this ridiculous dream and go back to being ignored or ridiculed by all the guys in school, so I might as well revel in his attention.

  His muscle tightens under my hand as I rest it on his bicep. I’ve never kissed anyone before, other than a little peck with Corey two years ago. There were definitely no sparks or fireworks with that kiss, but I sense something will explode if Zane’s lips touch mine.

  The bell rings, and I startle, then reality hits hard when I’m suddenly spun around and facing Ryder.

  Wha-aat? When did he enter this dream sequence?

  Ryder does not look happy to be starring in this dream. He clenches his jaw, and his normally crystal-blue eyes are a dark and cloudy gray.

  He pulls me away, walking so fast I’m having a hard time keeping up. I try to look over my shoulder to see where Zane disappeared to, but I get dizzy when I look back. I realize too late that Ryder has delivered me to my next class, and I really needed to go to my locker before my last class. English I can cruise through notebook-less, but physics, not so much.

  “I’ll meet you here at the end of class.” Then he’s gone. What happened to the pleasant demeanor he had when I first met him? Now he acts like an overprotective boyfriend.

  Why is he so darned interested in my whereabouts and my whoabouts?

  “Ryder, hold up!” He doesn’t even slow down.

  I start to chase after him, then realize the hall is emptying and the latest of the late are piling into their classes. I hate entering class late. And Mr. O’Connor is a hard ass.

  I sigh to myself, heading to my seat as unobtrusively as possible. I will have it out with Ryder the very next time I see him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mr. O’Connor’s blathering gives me the perfect background for daydreaming.

  Mmm, Zane, with his bad boy looks and his charming smile. Ahhh, Ryder, with his warmth and concern, and those incredible biceps. No, back to Zane, his lips begging to be kissed. But Ryder…

  “Ms. Murphy. Can you answer this question for us?”

  Normally I wouldn’t mind answering the question, but how am I supposed to know anything besides the contour of Zane’s shoulders?

  All eyes are on me, and panic rises in my chest.

  “Intensity of sound at a point is inversely proportional to the square of its distance from the source.”

  I whip around to stare at my savior. Sure enough, Zane is in my row, all the way in the back of the room. How is it possible I missed him entering the class?

  A lock of hair falls over one eye, but that doesn’t lessen the heat of his gaze. I mouth “thank you” before turning back and sinking into my seat.

  “Thank you, Mr. Masters. You are correct.” Mr. O’Connell turns to the board, completes his equation, then asks us if we have any questions.

  I stare at the clock, wishing I could escape a few minutes early so I could avoid Ryder at the end of the period, but I don’t dare after coming to class late and being unable to answer a simple question.

  The instant the bell rings, I’m out of my seat and rushing down the hallway. Somehow I’ve managed to evade Ryder.

  I push my luck and skip right out of school;, since my backpack is already home, I have no need to go to my locker. Jade has a newspaper meeting after school today, and Corey still isn’t speaking to me, so I am on my own for the walk.

  Sometimes it’s nice to walk home alone, especially taking the shortcut. I enjoy strolling through the wooded area where I can listen to the birds and see the occasional squirrel scurrying about. Few people go this way, so it makes a pretty peaceful excursion.

  The patter of sneakers on the pavement interrupts my thoughts. The teeny, tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I know without looking that Zane is approaching. My mouth goes dry. What is with these guys?

  “Hey, you bolted pretty fast. What’s the hurry?”

  I manage a smile as I pull my hands into the sleeves of my hoodie. I’m suddenly chilly.

  “No major hurry, I just have a ton of stuff to do.”

  “Oh, like figure out a way to keep your secret hidden?”

  I stop short, and he steps around me, facing me.

  “Why are you walking, anyway? What happened to your bike?”

  “You said you didn’t want to ride the bike.”

  “What’s that have to do with you riding it?” My voice shakes a little.

  “You know.” He says this so matter-of-factly, I almost think I do. But I don’t. He confuses me.

  Zane steps closer, too close for comfort.

  I take a step back, and he reaches into his pocket for his cell. He flips it open, then almost knocks me over with the picture he shows me.

  “Check this out. It’s about the sexiest, most powerful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  I feel the blood drain from my face. I can’t even feel my extremities. My heart races, and I feel faint.

  This can’t be…

  “Aren’t you gorgeous in this state? Ahh, the Fury. You’re unique, you know.”

  I need to get home. My feet stumble a bit, but they do the job of carrying me closer to sanity, one step at a time.

  “Felicia, tell me this. Do you ever wonder about your mom? I don’t mean the one you live with, but your real mom?”

  I stop short. Who the heck is he to say my mom is not real? My mother raised me from infancy, giving me every ounce of love she has, and then some. There is no mother more real and genuine than mine, no matter how strange she can be.

  “You’re lucky I’m not the slapping type.” Venom drips from my tongue. I’m so angry at his insinuation, at his agenda. I’m frightened he has a picture of me in the cafeteria with snakes coming out of my head. Who else knows?

  “No one knows, Felicia. But look how beautiful you are. Look closely.”

  I look, but I don’t see beauty. All I see is a freak.

  With a flick of a finger, he shows me another picture. A picture of a grown woman, dressed in an airy white gown. Her hair is flaming red, her eyes welcoming. She is gorgeous.

  “Isn’t she beautiful? Now check this out.”

  Another picture. One that further restricts my ability to breathe. A woman who looks similar to the first one, but with gian
t snakes (ones that make mine look like worms) writhing around her head. Bright eyes full of blood cut through the image, straight to mine. Something about this woman remains quite lovely, in spite of the nastiness of the snakes and blood. Her anger speaks to me. I can’t explain it, but I feel it.

  I reach out to touch the picture on his cell, then step back.

  “You have issues, you know that?” I retreat from all of it—from Zane and his insane notions, from this picture that was obviously Photoshopped, from the idea that this guy who suddenly entered my life somehow knows something about me that no one else knows.

  Zane runs a step ahead and turns to face me, blocking my path. My scalp itches.

  “Listen. I know this is a shock. But you have to hear me out.”

  “I don’t have to do anything.” I’m almost at the end of the path. I try to step around him. He is too fast, too big. Too overwhelming.

  I bite back tears. I’d like a side of normal, please!

  “I know your mother, Felicia. Your real mother. And she wants you back. She sent me here to get you.”

  I snort.

  “Mmhmm, I bet.” I tilt my head to study his face, memorizing what insanity looks like up close. The good-looking guys always have these incredible flaws.

  “I showed you the proof. You can’t argue with what you saw.”

  “Yeah, I’m not technologically stupid. I know all about Photoshop. Now please be so kind as to move out of my way so I can get home. My mom is expecting me.”

  “Your mom wants you back. Please just come with me for a few hours. You can meet her and decide if you want to get to know her or not.”

  A knot in my stomach moves up and lodges in my throat. Isn’t this every adopted girl’s dream, to be reunited with the woman who gave birth to her? I could have so many questions answered. Not that I’d want anything more to do with her after the Q and A period.

  “Why now?” The lump near my vocal cords doesn’t allow me to say much. I look into Zane’s intense and crazy eyes, trying to read the truth in the depths.

  “Let’s just say your mother has had some regrets. Now that your Fury has emerged, she’d do anything to get you back.”

  “You make no sense.”

  “Anything, Felicia. She’d do anything.”

  “Whatever. I have to get home.”

  I begin to walk again, the image of the snake lady burning my mind, tarnishing my well being. There isn’t enough air in the atmosphere to help me breathe.

  Zane isn’t about to let me go easily. He has that frantic energy of a man on a mission, and I’m his target. I wonder what he has to gain from all of this.

  Zane grabs my arm, spinning me toward him. I glare at his big hand on my arm, annoyed he is trying to dominate me.

  “At least consider the possibility. I’ll text you the pictures so you can process all of this.”

  He hits a button, and I hear my cell ding with the “new message” alert. I start to wonder how he got my number, then stop taxing my brain, since I have bigger concerns.

  I start to walk faster, and though he keeps pace, Zane doesn’t try to block my path again. The silence between us is heavy, and I can’t wait to escape. And shower. I need to wash this day away.

  We emerge from the path onto the busier, more populated Maple Street. Cars whiz by, going much too fast for a residential road. Just as I turn to head toward my house, a familiar car zips by, slams on the breaks, and pulls a U-turn, heading back toward me. Ryder.

  Just what I need.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Before Ryder can even get his car door open, Zane pulls me close to him in some sort of psychotic embrace. I know the physicality has more to do with Ryder than with me, but my body reacts even though my brain is screaming “Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!”

  “Ahh, your bodyguard has found you.”

  “He’s not my—”

  Zane interrupts my defense by pulling me closer to him. Every bit of him touches my body, invading my senses.

  I hear Ryder’s door slam shut, sense him running toward us, even though I can’t see him. Zane leans his head down to me, and I know he’s about to kiss me.

  I pull away.

  “Hands off, Zane.” Ryder’s deep voice drowns out all the traffic sounds, despite the low volume. His tone holds warning, strong and lethal.

  “Not putting my hands anywhere she doesn’t want them.” Zane slides his fingers down my arm, grabs my hand, lets my hand fall to my side. Slow and deliberate. He makes it clear that he’s the cat, and I’m the mouse.

  I blush deeply at his comment. Was he right? Do I want him to touch me?

  Ryder practically growls.

  Zane walks backward in the opposite direction of my house.

  “Hey, let me know if you have any questions, babe. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.” Then he vanishes around a bend.

  Ryder grabs my elbow—roughly, like the alpha jerk he tries to be—and pulls me toward his car.

  “Do you mind?”

  “From now on, I’ll drive you home after school. I’ll pick you up in the student parking lot.”


  Who does he think he is?

  “Actually, Ryder, I’ve been walking home like a big girl since third grade. Thanks for the offer, but I’m all set.” I pull my elbow away from him and stomp away from his car, from him, from the craziness. Homeward bound.

  “Felicia, wait. You don’t understand.” He pauses. I keep walking. “Zane is dangerous.”

  I flip around, my temper triggered.

  “Oh, and you aren’t? You show up here out of the blue, then you integrate yourself into my life, my dreams, my everything!” I cover my mouth with a gasp, shocked at what I revealed in my tirade.

  He smiles. Slow, deliberate. One eyebrow arched, a hint of a dimple showing in his cheek.

  And stupid me is drawn to him like a flea to a dog.

  I turn and speed-walk toward home before I do anything else I’ll regret. This day has been too long already, and all I want to do is curl up in my jammies and take a nap before working on my grant project again.

  Apparently Ryder has no problem leaving his car on the side of the road unattended. He keeps pace with me without even a hint of heavy breathing.

  I rush up my front steps.

  “Felicia, can I take you out tonight?”

  Stupefied, I turn to him, keeping my hand on the keys in the door. He has one foot on the bottom step, his arm draped lazily over the rail. He looks up at me through thick eyelashes, bright eyed and eager, and for a minute I want to believe that he is some normal guy asking me on a date. But I’m starting to realize that something odd is happening in my life, and I’m just part of an agenda. I have yet to figure out what Ryder’s agenda is, but I need to keep my distance before I fall.

  “I really don’t think so.”

  A text from Jade pops up as I push through my front door.

  “Mall 2nite?”

  Saved by the text.

  “I have plans.”

  I slam the door behind me, leaving Ryder on the front step.


  Chapter Fifteen

  After scarfing down a quick dinner with Mom, I gather my things and wait for Jade to pick me up. Technically her mom will be with her, since she just got her permit, but Jade will be in the driver’s seat, which is the coolest thing ever. I’m so jealous that she’s six months older than me.

  The horn beeps exactly five minutes after six, so I grab my purse and head for the door.

  “Felicia, sweet pea.”

  I pause in the door, signaling my impatience with the classic eyebrow raise.

  “Yes, Mother dearest?”

  Crap, she looks serious.

  “You know I hate to ask this, but you’re not using drugs, are you? You can be honest with me.”

  I roll my eyes and head out the door. “Yeah, totally, Mom. We’re going to shoot up now!”

  The screen door bangs behind me, and I hop in the backse
at of Jade’s mom’s car, ready for a fun night out. Desperate to do something normal.

  When we finally get to the mall (Jade’s mom makes her drive painfully slow), Jade and I head straight to the food court for a strawberry lemonade. This has been a tradition since we became mall rats at age eight.

  Sipping through the big straw, I almost choke when I see who is walking towards us.

  “Corey!” I thrust my cup at Jade, then run to Corey, throwing my arms around his neck. I’ve never been happier to see my best bud.

  He hugs me back, then takes a small step away and clears his throat. He doesn’t quite look me in the eyes. Guess all is not forgotten.

  “Hey, I’m really sorry for being such a jerk. I don’t know what came over me, but you totally don’t deserve it.”

  He looks at me with warmth in his lovely brown eyes, and I know I’ve been forgiven.

  “Yeah, I might as well get used to it. You know, they warn us about how evil you girls turn when you get the curse.”

  I slap his arm and he laughs, and everything is back to normal.

  Walking aimlessly through the mall and catching up with my friends makes me feel so… ordinary. I can almost forget the crazy stuff that’s been happening lately. I push thoughts of Zane and Ryder and snakes and vengeance and mothers out of my head and focus on the story Jade is going on and on about.

  I swear I’m focusing completely on Jade, but without warning I hear a loud, piercing cry, and a low, rumbling, mean voice. I whip around, my head itching, my ears tuned in to find the source of these sounds. I tune out the songs of the merry-go-round in the middle of the food court, the mish-mash of all the socializing shoppers, the ringing of the registers, the hum of the ventilation system. For reasons I don’t understand, I need to find the child who cried out.

  Then I see.

  I stomp away from Jade and Corey toward the most beautiful little girl, maybe four years old, her blonde curls sticking to her tear-streaked face. The man standing over her is yelling at her about a spilled soda that is dripping on the floor.

  The man lifts the soaked napkin to her face, and she cowers away. I quicken my pace, ire consuming me at his treatment of this little girl. What gives him the right to treat his daughter so disrespectfully? Nobody deserves such humiliation.

  I’m only feet away when the man lifts his hand. His smack echoes through the food court, bouncing off the high ceilings and hitting me straight in the gut. The girl grabs her reddening cheek and cries out. A small drop of blood forms on her quivering lip.