Read Tempted By Fate Page 13

  A line appeared between his brows. “Mora?”

  Time is running out. “We can’t just stay in this house, not if the hellhounds are coming here. We can help the humans and buy ourselves more time in the process.”

  His hand slid down her cheek. “You’re afraid.”

  Terrified. As much as she hated to do it, she knew she needed to talk with Ramiel again, too. She needed to know about his visions. That was why his name had seemed familiar to her. There’d been whispers, long ago, of an angel who received divine visions. But those whispers had ended abruptly. So abruptly that she’d only gotten a name…Ram. Ramiel.

  “You’re afraid,” Leo said again, his head cocking to the side. “Of me?”

  “No.” An instant denial. The truth was…I’m afraid for you, Leo. But she couldn’t say that. Everything was so confused and messed up. She’d gone from having incredible sex with Leo, insane pleasure to…

  Waking up with an angry angel at the foot of her bed.

  “I want to help the humans.” She made her voice firm. “Let’s do it, together, okay?”

  “I’ll do anything you want.” He caught her hand and brought it to his lips. He pressed a soft kiss to the back of her fingers. “Remember that.”


  Mora was changing. She’d stared at him with a gaze that had been heavy with fear and worry. And even though she’d denied it, Leo had known the truth.

  Mora fears me.

  He’d used his magic to repair her roof. It had only taken a few moments. And while she was in the bathroom, he slipped outside. He stared up at the sky, hearing the distant echo of thunder, always a sign that Ramiel was close. Leo tilted his head back and summoned the angel. “Ramiel.” As one of the light paranormals, angels fell under Leo’s dominion. They had to obey his commands.

  Whether they liked it or not.

  So he just waited and a few moments later, Ramiel shot out of the sky and landed right in front of Leo. The angel bowed—and his wings wrapped around his body before vanishing in the next moment. When Ramiel rose, he was dressed as a man, wearing a t-shirt and jeans, all signs of his wings gone.

  You could have hidden the wings when you faced off against Mora. You kept them out deliberately, because you were trying to intimidate her. “We have a problem,” Leo announced.

  Ramiel’s eyes widened. “What is it?”

  Leo stalked forward. His hands wrapped around Ramiel’s shoulders. “The problem is you, old friend.” Ramiel had been at his side for centuries. He’d used the man’s visions to help him many times. They’d saved countless humans. Stopped so much suffering but… “You’re treading on thin ice.”

  He could feel the tension in Ramiel’s body. “You summoned me so that you could berate me?” Ramiel snapped. “I was on my way to save the humans from a paranormal attack—an attack by werewolves. It’s a job you should oversee yourself and—”

  “Don’t worry, Ram. I’m coming to help them.”

  Relief flashed on the angel’s face. “Good. Luke has sent his beasts after the humans. I’ve seen what’s coming. The wolves are going to rip those humans to shreds. The land will run with blood unless we kill those paranormals. We can stop them, though, together, the way we have so many times in the past. We can eliminate the werewolves before they take a single human life.”

  “We will protect the humans.” His hold tightened on Ramiel. “And you will not say another fucking bad word about Mora.”

  The faint lines near Ramiel’s eyes narrowed. “When will you get over her? She’s a temptation, nothing more. Another trap sent by your brother. She’s dark. She isn’t yours. She belongs to him.”

  For a moment, Leo could hear nothing but the pounding of his own heartbeat. A slow, hard thud.

  Ramiel exhaled roughly. “The world is full of opposites, you know that. You and Luke—you are perfect opposites. Good and bad. Like angels and demons. I have the same gift that your lover does. She isn’t Fate. That’s just what she wants the world to believe. What she wants you to believe. She’s nothing but a demon, tricking you. Feeding you lies so that you’ll fall at her feet. When the final battle comes,” Ramiel continued starkly, “she wants you weak. She wants Luke to win. That’s what she has always wanted.”

  “No.” He was battling rage. He could feel it firing in his gut.

  “Are there really hellhounds hunting this earth?”

  They weren’t hunting, not yet… “Luke said they’re coming back.”

  Ramiel swallowed. “Someone has to summon the hounds. I’ve heard the tales about them. They aren’t just freed from the fire by their own will. Someone has to call them forth.”

  So he’d learned. “There’s more. They used bullets on me—bullets had had been made from angel feathers.”

  Ramiel’s gaze was stark. “They hurt…angels?”

  “Looks that way. We must stop them.”

  Ramiel hesitated.

  “What is it?”

  “Are you so sure they’re hunting her and not following her commands?”

  “Ram…” Rage was nearly choking him. Ramiel had been at his side for centuries. But he wanted to use his claws and cut the man to pieces. All because of the bastard’s words about Mora.

  “I have seen her future,” Ramiel continued quietly. “It’s not what you think. You cannot trust her.”

  The door opened behind Leo. He heard the tread of Mora’s footsteps and her soft gasp of surprise.

  “Um, Leo? What’s happening?” Mora asked. “The angel is back already?”

  Leo stared into Ramiel’s gaze. “Mora is coming with us to this fight, Ram. She’ll be at my side. Always.” And if you have a fucking problem with that…too bad.

  “This is a mistake,” Ramiel gritted out. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you…”

  Leo smiled. “You warned me.” He leaned in close, keeping his voice low, just for Ramiel to hear. “I just don’t care. I won’t give her up again.” He eased back.

  Sadness flashed in Ramiel’s eyes. “I see what she’s done to you. I wish I could help you.”

  “Uh, hello?” Mora called out. “What’s happening?”

  “I don’t need help.” Leo freed Ramiel. I just need her. He turned his body slightly, offering his hand to Mora. She was dressed in jeans and a blue shirt, her hair tumbling over her shoulders and her eyes on him. She looked so beautiful. So innocent.

  Was she really set to be his end?

  She came forward and her soft hand slid against his. His fingers immediately curled around hers, holding her tight. She gave him a faint smile, and her eyes seemed to light up.

  She’d told him that she’d let go of their past. That she didn’t want to hurt any longer.

  He lifted her into his arms. Ramiel had already taken to the sky. Leo let his wings slide out behind him. He’d follow Ramiel to the humans.

  He’d end the threat of the dark paranormals and then…

  Then I will face the hellhounds. I’ll find a way to stop them. He wasn’t going to lose her. He wasn’t going to let Mora suffer.

  If she was his end, he couldn’t think of a better way to go.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Darkness still reigned when they touched down on the small road just north of Vegas. A thousand glittering stars filled the sky, and the desert seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see.

  “The wolves have a base just around the bend.” Ramiel pointed. “They pose as a motorcycle gang, even call themselves the Pack. Bold bastards.”

  Mora could hear the faint growl of motorcycle engines in the distance.

  “Their leader is an alpha named Bruce. In my vision,” Ramiel continued quietly, “I saw Bruce leading the others. Wolves are territorial beasts, and the Pack owns this area. No other wolves would hunt here without the Pack’s permission.”

  “Is that why they attack the humans…” Mora blurted. “Because they’re territorial?”

  Ramiel’s head turned toward her, an oddly snake-like move. “They att
ack because they’re monsters. Because they’re evil. And it’s going to be a horrible, savage attack. The wolves will ravage their prey. The beasts will rip out the humans’ throats. Slash open their bodies. In my vision, the blood is everywhere. Those who try to flee will be hunted down in the desert. I saw the wolves dragging the bodies for miles…”

  She shivered. The air was so still around her, and Ramiel’s voice had just been too creepy as he talked. And the things he said… Mora swallowed. “Why would Luke allow this? I thought…I thought there was a law, of sorts, in place. That he punished any paranormals who tried to step out of line—”

  Ramiel laughed. “You see, Leo? She’s still pretending she doesn’t know what Luke is really like. When she’s been on his side all along.”

  Her shoulders stiffened. “Angel, you’re pissing me off.” Then she marched toward him, her tennis shoes kicking up dust along the road. “You don’t know me, and I don’t know you.”

  “Oh, I know you…”

  Two more angels appeared, seeming to fall right from the sky. One was a woman. The moonlight fell on her warm, dark brown skin. The other was a male. Tall, imposing, with skin a gold to match his hair. Their wings disappeared in a blink, and normal, human clothing covered their bodies.

  “I know plenty about you,” Ramiel continued in that creepy voice of his. “You’re the one who obsessed Leo—”

  “Stop,” Leo barked. “We’re not doing this shit again now.”

  Her chin couldn’t notch higher into the air. Ramiel was looking at her as if she were a piece of trash that had stumbled into his path. The other two angels didn’t have any expression on their faces.

  “You think you know me so well,” Mora said. She ignored Leo’s order. After all, he didn’t control her, and she was pretty sure the stop had been directed at Ramiel. “Isn’t it only fair that I get to know you?”

  Then before Ramiel could respond, Mora lunged forward. She put her hand on the angel’s chest. Touch. It had always been something she feared, but she wanted to see this angel’s future.

  She wanted to see—

  Leo…slashing Ramiel with claws. Cutting the wings from Ramiel’s body. Ramiel screaming, begging for mercy—

  “Mora!” Leo roared. He grabbed her and jerked her back against him, locking his arms around her body. And that was when she realized that she was shuddering. Her whole body was twitching as if she’d gotten some sort of electrical jolt.

  Ramiel was staring at her with wide, shocked eyes. “What did you do?” His words whispered out.

  Leo held her tighter. “Baby, why won’t you stop shaking?”

  She couldn’t speak. Her teeth were chattering and she was afraid she’d bite her tongue any moment. The visions kept playing in her mind. Leo, attacking Ramiel. Leo, roaring his rage. Leo, slashing…blood…so much blood.

  Leo put her on the ground.

  “She seems to be having a seizure.” It was the female angel who spoke. “Should I heal her?”

  “Don’t touch her!” Leo blasted. “Touching angels could be dangerous to her. Dammit, it sure as hell seems to have been dangerous.” His hand slid over her cheek. “Mora, Mora, baby, look at me.”

  She was looking at him—and seeing him kill Ramiel. Over and over again.

  “Mora, Mora, breathe with me. You’re not breathing, baby, and I need you to breathe.”

  She wasn’t breathing?

  His eyes gleamed at her. The visions of blood and death slowly faded as she stared into his gaze.

  “Breathe in,” he said, his fingers so gentle against her cheek.

  She eased in a breath for her starving lungs.

  “Out,” he told her.

  The breath whispered past her lips.

  “Again,” he said, the thread of desperation in his voice reaching out to her. “Keep breathing. You’re going to be okay. Keep breathing with me. In…”

  She breathed in with him.


  The breath left her.

  Again and again, Mora focused on breathing with Leo. And soon the tremors stopped raking her body. Soon she was just lying there, staring up at him.

  A wide smile slid across his face. “There you are.”

  I was always here.

  He pulled her up and into his arms, his hold so tight it almost hurt. “Fucking scared me,” he muttered as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. “No more touching angels for you.”

  Ramiel was the first angel she’d ever touched. Maybe she wasn’t supposed to use her power on angels but…

  Her head turned. Ramiel was glaring at her.

  She lifted her head from Leo’s shoulder and she mouthed the words. I saw your fate.

  Ramiel paled.

  So, yes, maybe she wasn’t supposed to see an angel’s future. But she had seen it. And it had been horrible.

  The vision had just backed up what she’d feared. Leo was changing. With every moment that passed, he was becoming something far different than he’d been when she first met him.

  Ramiel cleared his throat. “Are we going to stand around your Fate all night,” he called, “or are we going to help the humans? Their time is running out.”

  Leo’s jaw hardened. “Take the other angels and get near the humans. Stay there as a line of defense. Mora and I will go to the wolves.”

  Her heart was still beating far too fast in her chest.

  “I think I should go with you,” Ramiel argued. “Me and not her. What possible good will she do for you—”

  “Angels always protect humans.” Leo’s voice was menacing. “You know that. Your job is to stay with them. Do your job.”

  “And you should do yours,” Ramiel fired back with a gleaming glare. She hadn’t thought angels were big on emotions, but this guy sure seemed to feel a whole lot. “Eliminate the dark things in this world.”

  His furious stare clearly said she was one of those dark things.

  He hates me. So much.

  “Tread carefully, Ram,” Leo warned him. “Or you could find yourself eliminated.”

  And once more, the visions flashed before Mora’s eyes. Leo’s claws. Ramiel’s blood. She wanted to scream…Listen to him, Ramiel! You don’t have much time left.

  But without another word, Ramiel took to the sky. The male angel followed him but the female…

  She eased closer to Leo and Mora.

  The angel’s eyes swept over Mora. “Are you quite sure you’re all right?” Her hand was in the air, as if she’d touch Mora. “I can…I can help.”

  Leo caught her hand before she could put her fingertips on Mora’s skin. “No, Trina, she’s fine. I have her.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt,” Trina murmured. Her lips curled the faintest bit.

  She was absolutely gorgeous. Her gaze was warm and dark, and when she looked at Mora, it was devoid of the hate that filled Ramiel’s gaze.

  “You have to excuse Ramiel,” Trina said.

  I do? Why?

  “He’s…had a lot of visions over the years. When you see so much pain and death, it can get to you. He wasn’t supposed to feel all those emotions—that isn’t an angel’s lot—but they always hit him when the visions come.” Then Trina’s eyes widened. “Though, I suppose, you would understand that more than anyone else, wouldn’t you? Just how painful it can be to see another’s fate?”

  “Yes,” she rasped. You see so much that it can drive you to the edge of sanity.

  “He’s told me that…he’s seen a lot of visions about you.” Trina’s gaze slid over Mora. “It’s odd, though, you don’t look as evil as he said.”

  A rough laugh broke from Mora. “Good to know.”

  Leo’s shoulder brushed against her. “Mora isn’t evil. She’s not dark.”

  “Light paranormals, dark paranormals…good and bad…” Trina shook her head. “After all these centuries, I’m not so sure that it’s one or the other.” Her focus was on Leo. “Are you?”

  For a moment, he didn’t speak. Then, he finally said
, “You should go help the others.”

  Trina nodded. Her hand had fallen back to her side. “Right.” She turned away, but then paused, glancing over her shoulder. “You saw Ram’s future, didn’t you, Mora? I don’t think…no one has ever seen an angel’s future before. Wasn’t sure anyone could. Ram can’t, he—”

  “I saw his fate.” Her words came out sounding rusty. Her voice was oddly weak.

  Trina’s face slackened with surprise. And… her hand lifted once more, as if she’d touch Mora.

  “No.” Leo was solidly in front of her. He’d moved instantly. “You saw what happened when she touched him. She isn’t going to be getting close to another angel anytime soon.”

  “Of…course.” Trina’s laugh was soft and musical. “Doesn’t matter. I know my fate. It’s to be an angel, to help others, and I have humans waiting on me right now.” Without another word, she flew into the sky.

  Mora was left alone with Leo.

  He turned to face her. He reached out to touch her…

  And Mora flinched back.

  Leo stilled. “You’re afraid of me?”

  “No.” Yes. “I didn’t realize exactly what would hit me when I touched Ramiel. I was angry and I wasn’t thinking clearly.” She raked a shaking hand through her hair. “I have to work so hard to see your future. I thought…I thought I might get a few blurry images from Ramiel, but not much more. I just wanted to stop him. And I never thought—” Her words broke off.

  Leo’s body was stiff. “What did you see?”

  If I tell him, will that change Ramiel’s fate? Make it better or worse? Could it get worse? She swallowed. “You’re changing, Leo.”


  “Do you feel it, on the inside?” She wanted to put her hand over his heart, but fear was holding her back.

  He took a step closer. “What I feel in me…I feel you, Mora. Beneath my skin. Like you’re a part of me.”

  A howl split the night. Deep and echoing. Angry.

  “Tell me what you saw,” he urged her. “And then I have to go kick the asses of some wolves.”

  “I saw death.” She saw it a lot. “I saw Ramiel dying.”

  His face hardened. “Someone killed an angel? Who would dare do something like that?”