Read Tempted By Fate Page 2

  But the desire hadn’t died. After everything that had happened—every terrible thing—it was still there. Their skin touched, and her body primed. His touch charged her, and every inch of her body seemed to yearn.

  “Let. Me. Go.” Her words were ice cold even though she was burning red hot. She might want him—her body was betraying her that way—but she was more than just a body. She was a mind and a broken heart.

  No, it’s not broken. I’m over him. Have been for centuries.

  His thumb smoothed along her inner wrist. “Your pulse is racing.”

  “Because you make me angry.”

  His thumb caressed her again. “Just anger?”

  “Lots of anger.” She licked her lips. Her whole mouth felt desert dry. “I figure you have about three minutes left. So tell me why you’re here, why you made a deal with Sabrina.” You are totally paying for that one, cousin! “And don’t waste any more time talking about dreams.” She snatched her wrist from him and took several reassuring steps away from Leo. “Because I don’t want to hear about those.”

  His lips thinned. “Do you want me to say I’m sorry?”

  Did she want—Her jaw dropped. I don’t want you to say that you’re sorry. I want you to scream it. I want you to bleed sorry, I want—

  “Because I am,” Leo rasped. “I lost you, and I fucking hate that. You know how humans have all those trite expressions they love so much? Like how you don’t really know what you’ve got—”

  “Until it’s gone.” The words slipped from her and she wanted to throw her hand over her own mouth.

  He nodded. “I didn’t know how much I wanted you until I couldn’t find you.” His hands fisted at his sides. “You cloaked yourself from me. I’ve searched this whole earth—again and again—and there was no trace of you. Not a scent, not a whisper. Nothing. It was as if you’d never been here at all.” Now there was anger in his voice, slipping through the cracks of his control. And he’d always prized that precious control of his.

  Do not weaken. “Yes, and right after the next two minutes are over, I’ll be doing my cloaking routine again.” She marched behind the bar. She needed a drink so she helped herself to a little bit of scotch and then slammed the empty glass onto the countertop. “Because, you know, I’m avoiding you for a reason.”

  “I need your help.”

  Mora rolled her eyes. Same old story. “Everyone wants Fate’s help.” She should have another drink. Or five.

  “I’m not everyone.”

  Her hand was gripping the glass. She was afraid it might shatter soon. “No.” She forced herself to stare at him. “You’re just the man who sent me to hell.”

  His hands flattened on the bar. “No one was supposed to hurt you.” His voice was hoarse. “I had claimed you, I had—”

  Now she laughed. “You’re the Lord of the Light. You can’t claim someone from the dark.”

  “You aren’t dark. You aren’t evil.”

  She smiled at him. “I am now.”

  Surprise flashed on his face. Real shock. Nice to know she could still stun him. She waved her hand, and a little burst of electricity shot from her fingers—and right into his chest. She didn’t hurt him—Mora had total control—but the power burst pushed him back a few feet. “Your time is up, Leo. So get your ass out of my bar.”

  But he…shook his head.

  Her eyes narrowed so much that she was sure they had become slits.

  “I need you,” he said.

  Those were almost the words she’d fantasized about so long ago. I’m sorry. I need you. You are the only woman I could ever love—

  Nope. Not happening. She slammed the door shut on that long-forgotten fantasy. He wasn’t really sorry. He could just lie very, very well. An unbecoming trait in someone who was supposed to be so good.

  He’s not nearly as good as he wants the world to believe. She knew that secret better than most.

  “I don’t need you.” Her voice was flat and her spine was ramrod straight. “And I don’t want you anywhere near me. So, for the last time, get out.” She felt the hum of her power beneath her skin. “I won’t tell you again.” She’d just hit him with every bit of magic that she possessed.

  “Mora—” But he broke off and his gaze jerked toward the front door. She saw his eyes widen. For an instant—one crazy instant—she could have sworn fear appeared in Leo’s gaze. But that was absolute madness. He feared nothing.

  No one.

  She shook her head, disgusted. “We are done—”

  “Never.” He flew toward her. His wings were out. Big, giant, scary wings. A dragon’s wings. He grabbed her in his arms and held her tight even as she roared her fury at him. Even as—

  Fire erupted. There was a deafening boom, and Resurrection shook all around her. Mora felt the rush of flames lance over her skin. Terror clawed at her.

  But his arms wrapped around her. Leo bounded into the air, holding her tight as he flew straight toward the ceiling. She looked up, terrified, because flames were up there, too, rolling across the ceiling. The fire was unnatural. No way should it have spread so fast. No way should those flames be so big. No—

  “I’ll keep you safe.”

  Like she was supposed to believe his guttural promise. Mora ducked her head and held him even tighter as they flew right through those flames. She held him tight, and she braced herself to feel the fire on her flesh.

  Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be the first time she’d burned for him.

  And I’m afraid it won’t be the last.

  Chapter Two

  “Let me go!”

  She was angry. Probably closer to enraged. But Leo still didn’t want to let her go. He wanted to keep right on holding her. She felt good against his body. She fit him, and it had been far too long since he’d been able to touch Fate. Correction…Mora.

  “My clothes are smoking. I think I’m on fire. Let. Me. Go.”

  His arms opened.

  She scrambled away from him, slapping at her shirt and that super sexy short skirt that she was wearing. Sure enough, she was smoking.

  She is damn hot.

  “You could help, you know, instead of just gaping at me.” She slapped her skirt again.

  He rolled his shoulders, feeling the burns and blisters on his back and his arms. He’d covered her when they’d gotten out of that bar, but the flames had certainly enjoyed attacking his flesh. He’d heal, though. He generally always did. And if Mora wanted him to help her…

  Leo stalked toward her. He pressed his hands to her slightly smoking skirt. There was no fire on her, no burns, so he took his time pressing down and loving the way her hips felt beneath his touch.

  “You are not helping.” She glared at him from the most incredible pair of eyes that he’d ever seen. Bright blue, but with flecks of gold buried inside. The gold gleamed when her power was amped.

  Or when she was aroused.

  “You’re not helping,” Mora snapped again. “You’re groping.”

  Guilty as charged.

  She shoved at his arms. “Just, stop, okay, just—” Shock flashed across her beautiful face. Still just as beautiful, all of these centuries later. “You’re hurt.” Her fingers fluttered over his arms. Over the blisters and burns. “Oh, Leo.” Her lower lip trembled. It was a full, sexy lower lip. Once upon a time, he’d loved to lick that lip. Loved to nip her. Loved to—

  She spun him around and gasped when she saw his back. “Leo! You should have said something!” Her fingers fluttered lightly over his skin. “How long will it take you to heal?”

  Leo glanced over his shoulder and, beneath the bright moonlight, he just had to drink her in. Her hair was shorter now than it had been so long ago. The heavy, jet black locks skimmed over her shoulders, framing her heart-shaped face. Her eyes were big and utterly spell binding. And her lips promised every sin imaginable.

  He could imagine plenty.

  She was petite, but curved in all the right places. He’d always enjoyed pickin
g her up, holding her tight while she wrapped her silken legs around him, and then plunging so deep into—

  Mora snapped her fingers in front of his eyes. “You’re already healing, so I’m going to stop worrying about you.”

  “You…worried for me?” If she worried, then that meant she still cared. He could work with caring.

  But Mora turned away. “I worry about everything and everyone. It’s kind of my deal, you know.” Her face was directed toward the blaze in the distance. He’d flown them fast and far, but it was still easy to see the burning remnants of Resurrection in the darkness. “Dammit, look what you did.”

  Now he stiffened. “I didn’t start that fire.” Did she seriously think he had? That he would have burned that place around her? “I heard someone shuffling around outside, I felt the stir of magic in the air—you know that wasn’t a normal fire. Paranormal powers were at work.” He edged closer to her. “I’m the one who saved you. I got you out of there, with only a bit of smoking clothing to show the danger you’d been in.”

  “Oh, thank you.” Her voice was breathy. Damn, but he loved it when she got breathy. But her hands had clenched into fists. Not the best sign. “Whatever would I have done if you hadn’t tracked me down, hunted me like prey, and found me here?” Now she spared him a withering glance. “Wait, I know. I would have continued with my life. Totally normal.” Her right fist lifted and opened—and she pointed at him. “You think it’s coincidence that you arrive and five minutes later, my bar gets torched? With you inside?”

  He tried not to wince.

  “That fire wasn’t meant for me. No one around here knew who I was! That fire—you brought danger to me. You didn’t save me. Your sorry ass is the one who put me in jeopardy!” Her breath heaved out. “So do me a favor? Stay away from me. Because like I said before, I don’t want you close.” Then she started marching away.

  They were in the middle of nowhere. On an old, dirt road in Nevada. And she was just walking angrily at a fast clip. Leaving him to stand there and, well, leaving him to hate what was to come. Leo could feel the pull of his skin as his flesh healed. He’d always healed so fast. But Mora hadn’t been so fortunate.

  She didn’t call herself Mora when I knew her before.

  He braced his legs and stared after her. “Fate!”

  She kept walking.


  She threw up her hand and flipped him the bird.

  His eyes narrowed. In the next breath, he was in front of her, and she barreled right into him. His hands flew up and grabbed her shoulders.

  “Don’t do that!” She glared at him. “I hate that super-fast move thing you do. It sucks!” She tried to break from his hold.

  Leo just tightened his hands. “I’m trying to be courteous. You aren’t giving me many options.”

  If looks could kill, Leo figured he’d be a dead man right then.

  “I am so sorry,” she announced dramatically, her body stiff in his hold. “Here I am, disrupting your life and—”

  “I’m not letting you go.” Enough games. “I won’t ever let you go again.”

  Her eyelids flickered. “Leo?”

  “You hid from me for centuries. I tore this world apart looking for you.” He shook his head. “But you weren’t there. The whole planet went dark, and I nearly lost my sanity…because you weren’t there.”

  She paled. “I meant nothing to you, remember? Just insignificant little Fate.”

  “There is nothing insignificant about Fate.” He knew that all too well. “You will not leave again. You will not vanish, not even if I have to chain you to my side.”

  Her slightly pointed chin shot into the air. “Don’t even think it.”

  If she only knew…“Love, I’ve fantasized about it.”

  He saw the surprise on her face.

  “But I am trying to give you a choice,” he continued doggedly. “I want you with me willingly.”

  She laughed, and it was a mocking sound. Once, he’d heard her real laughter. It had sounded like music. Sweet bells. Now her laughter held the ring of bitterness. “Bull,” Mora told him. “You don’t give choices. You take them away. You order your light paranormals about and you try to control the world.” She leaned closer to him, absolutely shocking Leo. “But I’ve got a newsflash for you. You don’t control me. And neither does your brother. I’m not a pawn in your war.”

  She’d always been more than a pawn.

  “You think you can use me.” Her mouth was inches from him. “Use me up and then walk away again? It’s not going to happen.”

  No, it wasn’t. Because he didn’t plan to walk away. Not this time. Never again. “The dark is closing in on me.”

  She blinked.

  “I’m being hunted. The past is catching up to me. The end will come, and when it does, do you want to just stand there and watch as the world is destroyed around you?”

  But she shook her head. “It’s…it’s not time yet.”

  Excitement burned inside of him. Mora had always known what the end would be. How could she not know? She was Fate. Only…

  He knew that she kept secrets. He knew that she could change the fates of humans and paranormals. For the right price, she would alter lives.

  “You need to look into the future again,” he told her grimly. “You need to look into my future. Because that big battle? The one you told everyone would come?”

  She shivered. “I told everyone…what I saw. You will fight your brother to the death. Light and Dark will battle, and only one will survive. Then the earth will fall to chaos.”

  “Right. Yes. Thanks for that bit of sunshine news.” His fingers were still wrapped around her shoulders. “My time is up. Unless you help me, everyone’s time is up.”

  “It can’t be. Not yet.” Then she bit her lower lip. Sweet, sweet hell. He wanted to be the one biting.

  “You aren’t sure about what’s happening now. That means you need to scry to see for certain.” Witches could scry to see the future. They stared into a dark mirror and saw glimpses of the past and the future. But when Fate looked into that stone…she can see everything. “Scry for me.”

  Her gaze cut away from him. “I want you to take your hands off me. I don’t like it when…when you touch me.”

  Those words stabbed right in his heart. “You used to love my touch. You’d beg for it, remember?”

  She didn’t glance back at him, but her delicate jaw hardened. “That is such an asshole thing to say. Especially when you are trying to get me to do a huge favor for your jerk self. You know, all the other paranormals talk about you. They have a nickname for you. Want to hear it?”


  “It’s bastard. They call you bastard. Cold-hearted bastard. Ice-cold bastard. Bloody bastard or—”

  “I get it,” he gritted out from between clenched teeth. “But you don’t need to be popular in order to have power in the paranormal world.”

  She finally looked at him again. “We both know you’ve never cared too much about making friends.”

  No, he hadn’t. Friendships created weaknesses. Any emotional connection was a weakness. He couldn’t afford to be weak.

  “You’re still touching me.”

  He was. “I want you to change my fate.”

  “Isn’t that what everyone wants?”

  His hold on her tightened. “I’ve seen you do it. I know you can. You’ve done it before, just with whispered words in a mortal’s ear. A small change that leads to a different ending. Hell, according to a story I heard, you once stopped the complete decimation of a city in the Old West just by moving a damn wagon ten feet.”

  She frowned. “I remember…the horses were going to break free. They would have run wild through town and the blaze that erupted from the ensuing chaos would have taken too many lives.”

  He nodded. “That’s what I’m talking about. You saw the fire coming. You changed what would be. You did it for those humans, and you can do it for me.”

“You don’t quite understand how it works.”

  “Then you can tell me. Everything.”

  “Because you aren’t letting me go?” Her voice was soft and sad and if he’d possessed a soul, it would have made him ache.

  Leo didn’t waver. “Because I’m not letting you escape me again.”

  She swallowed. He saw the small, delicate movement of her throat. “Then I guess I don’t have a choice.” Her lashes swept over her eyes.

  “No, there isn’t a choice.” His gaze fell to her mouth. That sweet, delectable mouth.

  Her tongue slipped across her lower lip. A nervous gesture, but one that made every muscle in his body tighten. “Mora…” Leo decided that he liked the new name she was using.

  No, he just liked her.

  Her lashes lifted. The gold in her eyes was brighter. He knew exactly what that brightness meant. Arousal. She felt the same forbidden attraction that he did.

  Fate wasn’t supposed to take a side in the war between light and dark. But Fate…she’d always been swayed by him.

  His mouth took hers. The kiss was deep and hungry because he’d been hungry for her—he’d been desperate for so very, very long. Her lips parted and his tongue thrust inside. Just like that—just like that—an avalanche of need hit him. Desire poured through his body. His cock jerked eagerly for her. His heart thundered in his chest and—

  She kneed him in the groin.

  Leo staggered back.

  “Yeah, asshole, I have a choice—and it’s not to be used by the jerk who left me with a broken heart centuries ago.” She’d ripped herself out of his hands. And he realized—too late—that the gold in her eyes was deepening not because she wanted him, but because Mora had called up her power. Her hair whipped around her face as she raised her arms. He could see the spark of magic near her fingertips and—

  Four winged men appeared from the night. One moment, Leo and Mora were alone on that old road. And in the next, the strangers were there. They grabbed Mora, holding her tight even as she screamed at them. Leo surged forward, ready to fight those bastards but when he swept out with his hands—

  One of the men shot him. A hit straight in the heart. Normal bullets would have no effect on Leo. He’d been shot plenty of times by human weapons. But this gun…